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The New Forums are here!


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14 minutes ago, LadyAdmiral said:

Signature test!

So the hide signature feature works lol.

But to unhide you actually have to take the "ignore user" off in user settings :D

So does this mean if i hide a sig then it will ignore the users posts too? seems a little counter productive imo. just a thought

Edited by ronin_chi_lao
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If you would like to limit my brand of chaos, this CSS addition would be a quick one to fix signature with font-size 72, if Invision doesn't allow you to automatically limit the FONT-SIZE of signatures:

div[data-role^="memberSignature"] span {
    font-size: 14px !important;

For mobile, it seems signature are already automatically hidden.


IMAGE EXAMPLE OF CHAOS: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fd3Q6SiVQAEEm4_?format=jpg&name=large 

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In addition, there is a known issue with Invision Forums in that users can circumvent the 4-line signature limit by copy+pasting in lines of text. 

A quick fix might be adding something like...

div[data-role^="memberSignature"] {
    max-height: 200px;
    overflow: hidden;

Sadly I don't think webkit-line-clamp works very well for limiting just to 4 "lines" yet :( 

IMAGE EXAMPLE OF READABLE CHAOS: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fd3UyK3UYAEKX0o?format=png&name=large

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36 minutes ago, LadyAdmiral said:

Signature test!

This is unbelievably on brand for you. 😂 But a good test.

2 hours ago, RuneJS said:

Hi @JackieKo
Thanks for the post.

Hi! Feedback received. We'll have some discussions about the points you raise. 

58 minutes ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

Hi Everyone.

The new forum looks great!

Just curious.

When I click the condensed button on the dev tracker everything disappears.

Is that working correctly?


The Dev Tracker isn't working properly right now. Should be good tomorrow! 

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Hello, I know the new devtracker is being worked on, is it possible to include the quotes in the feed/stream to give context?
Here's a picture of the differences.






I'm also trying to figure out if embeds are supposed to be working or not... somehow on an old post of mine they are, but not getting it to trigger properly in this post now.


Edited by LadyAdmiral
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Links that were meant to be text links to Youtube videos are just previewing the videos instead. Again as in my signature but also over in my GSF guide thread.

Edit: It also seems like the formatting in that thread has changed and it's not visually well-separated like it was before. 

Also do we only have the rich text editor? I'd really like to have fine tuned control over post formatting and I don't see a way to do it. 

Edit 2: I do know there's still some processing going on as per the original post but I want to make sure it's something to check after that's done. Will hold off on actually fixing it until we hear that the processing is done. 

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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@DakhathKilrathi the content embed setting was turned on when the conversion started so some posts and most signatures will have the big embedded videos. We've since turned that off so if you edit (remove the embed and re-add it) or create new content it should just be a link like before. You can edit your signature via this link: https://forums.swtor.com/settings/signature/.

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  • Dev Post
15 hours ago, ronin_chi_lao said:

So the hide signature feature works lol.

But to unhide you actually have to take the "ignore user" off in user settings :D

So does this mean if i hide a sig then it will ignore the users posts too? seems a little counter productive imo. just a thought

There are four things you can ignore:

  1. Posts
  2. Messages
  3. Mentions
  4. Signature

So if you just want to hide someone's signature you will still see their other content. Once you ignore someone you can either remove the ignore or edit it to include or exclude the other options. You can control all that on this page https://forums.swtor.com/ignore/.

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Phew, this will take some getting used to for sure. A little confusing compared to the old forum…

when I first logged in, all I saw was code jibberish, refreshing didn’t help but pressing the back button helped

those signatures are hilariously huge - as are the video links 😂🤪

overall the design/layout looks good though 👍🏼

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Signatures are now only visible when you're logged in. On the old forums, they were always visible. Can this please be changed? The signatures often contain important contact info (guild or social media), so they should be visible regardless of if you're logged in, and also on mobile IMO.

7 hours ago, LadyAdmiral said:

In addition, there is a known issue with Invision Forums in that users can circumvent the 4-line signature limit by copy+pasting in lines of text. 

A quick fix might be adding something like...

That CSS works but unfortunately it only crops the signature; the hidden text will show up in Ctrl+F or Google search, and any embedded images/videos will still be loaded. The only real solution is having the moderation team enforce the correct use of signatures, like on the old forums.

4 hours ago, DakhathKilrathi said:

Also do we only have the rich text editor? I'd really like to have fine tuned control over post formatting and I don't see a way to do it.

Totally agree. In the past, when writing longer guides I would backup the text offline and copy it over but this is no longer working. On the other hand, the new forums will apparently restore content, so if you accidentally close a tab, the text is not gone, this is a great feature.

Also, the new editor does not support spoiler tags even though this was possible in the old forums, can this please be restored?

Edited by Jerba
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11 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone! 

The new Forums are here! Please have a look around and get acquainted with the new look and features, and let us know what you think in this thread. 

Important notes: 

There is still some processing happening on the back end that impacts older posts not being formatted properly, your profile image not carrying over yet, and the dev tracker not being updated. We anticipate that this process will be completed tomorrow and everything to be in working order. 

We want to keep an eye on everything that is being updated right now and have the ability to troubleshoot and test as needed. Features such as using tags and uploading media are currently disabled. I will let you know when we enable these features.  

If you have swtor.com/community bookmarked, you should be directed to the new Forums. If you aren't let us know! 

You’ll notice that quite a few pinned posts were unpinned primarily because they were outdated or reiterated the same guidelines. Note that the Forum Guidelines are all encompassing and enforced for all sub-forums.  

I also want to reiterate that I want you all to feel a part of this space, so I’ll be keeping an eye on the feedback coming in. If there’s a sub-forum that might be better moved somewhere else or if a description needs to be added or clarified, please let me know. 

As I mentioned in the new Forums announcement, we are rolling out the Forums in phases. We are currently in Phase 1, and when we are ready to deploy Phase 2, you will see aesthetic updates to the Forums in terms of icons, and utilizing ranks and badges. So there is more to come!  

We appreciate your patience as we got everything migrated over, tested, and set up. This was certainly a large team effort and I look forward to seeing what you all think of the new Forums. 


Great job.

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4 hours ago, Menaur said:

The new forum is difficult to read - in the old you had everything more at a glance - i don't like it

Yeah, everything is SOOOOO spaced out across my entire screen in a way that makes it straining to read. 3 posts take up my entire screen because of how unnecessarily huge each box for each user is, and there is way too much empty space. Kind of annoyed.

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