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Planned Balance Changes for 7.1.1


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So those operative healer changes...


On one hand, kolto burst needed a nerf.

On the other, where is the single target?


Kolto cloud/nano tech's buff was a huge part of operative's single target ability, It going to 10% isn't itself bad, but it is a flat nerf to single target when we are also getting a nerf to AoE. Operatives have been meta due to kolto burst, the utility is just too large, and I get that. I wouldn't say it was free as positioning was still important, but it was very powerful. But maybe I am missing something here, what about all the single target abilities operative has?


Surgical probe doesn't heal. Sorry, it doesn't. It has one use, refreshing probes at a lower cost of energy. In 6.X it at least played into a fairly "fun" playstyle of letting your tank go sub 50% to get the auto crit. Now with the amount of health in health bars it takes multiple GcDs to refill a tank.


Infusion is good, one GcD cast, decent healing. It is a better surgical probe. But it has a cooldown on top of a TA cost.


Nano tech isn't a great AoE but it gives/gave buffs that made it deserve priority. Now that priority is still there but it isn't helping as much.


Kolto waves. Where the heals at? A channel AoE. With 6.x you could argue for the kolto waves tactical which made it hit hard, but with kolto burst mixing with the injection tactical so well, why would I take it?

--- I think kolto waves needs a rework, maybe have it tick your probes when it ticks or something. That way it could be used as decent tank upkeep and some DPS maintenance. Like Op IX or something where AoE isn't as big of an issue but still exists. ---


Diagnostic scan. Can this tick probes please? Totally not needed, but it would be a fun way to integrate it more into the class besides a basic energy triage.


Injection. Good heals. Literally your main way to single target. I like that the proposed idea is to have the single target choice play into anticipation of damage, but the main "fun" of injection is pre-casting since it is such a long cast w/o tactical. This makes injection a weird mesh of the other classes bubble mechanics. Not a huge fan of the proposed change, and kolto burst probably will be the default option unless the lingering heal is overpowered.


Do we count aggressive treatment? Probably should since locked and loaded won't have the heal option going forward (not that it ever did). An ability that outshines kolto waves by being damage + heal. In all honesty the nerf to kolto burst will probably just have operatives dropping the 5% more backstab/corrosive dart damage for aggressive treatment.


Oh and let us not forget a lack of DcDs for operative. While merc gets a reflect that heals, a shield that heals, the super buffed chaff flair that used to be dps only, and a heal to 35/65. There are some fights that if operative gets nerfed enough they will be a liability like the dps operatives. Except concealment has rolls for fights with cheese, and leth still has defensive... Can operatives get some DR on top of shield probe when it collapses or something? Or even just the 6% DR from probes on self. It wasn't really needed with revitalizes in 6.x, but at this point anything is desirable. It shouldn't feel like a requirement to have a tanking adrenal, a recommendation? Sure.


I do want to touch on the obvious bias of defending "my class". I used merc as an example not because I want merc nerfed, but rather to show that operative isn't without disadvantages. It is better to buff up other classes before you rip apart the over performing ones, and the fact that they did this a bit with 7.1 was good. I was legit worried that operatives were going to get a "quick fix" and make them completely unusable, but it doesn't appear to be that. Also I haven't played a lot of pvp in 7.x, so anything I say is really just from doing PvE Legacy NiM stuff. I mainly play operative, but I play enough of merc and sage to bring them in when it is needed.

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To be honest, I'm pretty surprised to see Merc heals get buffed. I am a little concerned about the Operative nerfs. As Ariel already described in better detail, this will hit Operatives hard in PvP. They really need a defensive buff to bring them in line with Sorcs and Mercs. I'll also be curious to see if the healing buffs to Sorcs make them more viable in harder content. Will be interesting to see their HPS compared to Mercs...


By the way, you forgot the Commando conversions in your post so here they are :)


  • Increased the healing done by Rapid Scan/Medical Probe, Emergency Scan/Bacta Infusion, Progressive Scan/Successive Treatment, Kolto Missile/Kolto Bomb and Kolto Pods by 2%.
  • Increased the critical healing bonus given by Warden/Potent Medicine from 5% to 10%.
  • Increased the healing bonus given by Integrated Scanning/integrated Probes mod from 3% to 5%.
  • Increased the critical chance bonus to Healing Scan from Critical Scanning/Critical Probes mod from 5% to 10%

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Powertech / Advanced Prototype

Advanced Prototype

  • Magnetic Blast / Tactical Surge damage reduced by 14%.
  • Power Burst / High Yield Explosives mod stacks damage bonus reduced to 4% per stack down from 5% per stack. (total of 16% damage bonus to thermal det down from 20%).
  • Serrated Blades damage reduced to 5% down from 15%. (combined into prototype rail)
  • Blood Tracker / Triumph damage increase to bleeding targets is reduced to 3% down from 5%.
  • Lingering Heat / Superheated Cells damage reduced by 50%.
  • New Tactical: Powered Detonator (Burst)

    Thermal Detonator remains dormant on the target for 12 seconds, and can be detonated by Magnetic Blast, Energy Burst or Rail Shot. Depending on which is used, a different effect is applied.

    Magnetic Blast: Slows the target by 50% for 10 seconds.

    Energy Burst: The cooldown of Thermal Detonator is reset. This can only happen once every 10 seconds.

    Rail Shot: Your next Shoulder Cannon missile deals 20% more damage.



We’re looking forward to your feedback! As Jackie mentioned, we’ll have more details to share about 7.1.1 in general soon!




Not really a nerf to AP dps I would argue it gives them even more BURST, especially their opening attack (as if they didnt have the best burst already lol). it still comes out on top. Because with this new tactical you would try to use only Thermal Detonator if you have Energy burst ready (especially in pvp) or almost ready to get that instant reset on Thermal detonator and throw it again immediatly. Which more then enough offsets the damage nerf on other AP abilities. Because you just effectively reduced the cooldown on Thermal detonator by a decent amount . = thermal detonator+ energy burst + thermal detonator you just given AP a new effective mini burst rotation. AND made their opening burst even more Insane.


Unless you mean by " remains dormant on the target for 12 seconds" You really CANNOT detonate it before 12seconds have gone by VS detonating it 1-2sec after you thrown thermal detonator?. If its the former then its ok if its the latter that just a straightup Big buff to AP burst.

Edited by assatrap
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Not really a nerf to AP dps I would argue it gives them even more BURST, especially their opening attack. it still comes out on top. Because with this new tactical you would try to use only Thermal Detonator if you have Energy burst ready (especially in pvp) or almost ready to get that instant reset on Thermal detonator and throw it again immediatly. Which more then enough offsets the damage nerf on other AP abilities. Because you just effectively reduced the cooldown on Thermal detonator by a decent amount . = thermal detonator+ energy burst + thermal detonator you just given AP a new effective mini burst rotation.


It's a significant dps loss, firstly the tactical powered detonator against overwhelming offense is just a burst vs sustained losing 12 % flat damage (10% from OO tact + 2 % blood tracker) as well as a 14% loss on your primary filler ability is massive sustained dps loss. Any new tactical had to outperform OO and I doubt in PVE especially it will.

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It's a significant dps loss, firstly the tactical powered detonator against overwhelming offense is just a burst vs sustained losing 12 % flat damage (10% from OO tact + 2 % blood tracker) as well as a 14% loss on your primary filler ability is massive sustained dps loss. Any new tactical had to outperform OO and I doubt in PVE especially it will.


Yes it is loss in terms of sustained DPS. But not in terms of Burst its indirectly a buff to AP Burst


This is where if you PVP AP you come out on Top but if you PVE then it might be a loss. GJ Bioware lol.

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Nothing for Assault Spec?

No Proc'ed Mag Bolts giving one charge of Supercells?

No DoT crits taking off 1 sec off Electro Net with a 1.5 sec cooldown?

No using Supercharged Cells reducing the cooldown of Recharge Cells by 5 seconds?

No multiple instances of Plasma Cells on the same target?

No Mag Bolts being effected by Boosted Bolts?

No Hyper Assault Rounds removing 15 or all 20 cell cost?




And what the hell is that Two Time Trouble thing?

Serenity Strike and Spinning Strike 100% chance

Double Strike 25% chance

50% chance from Whirling Blow and whatever that cone is called and rename the damn thing to Hexa Time Trouble

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If anything you need to increase damage for most classes since r4 is way to overtuned with the imbalances in rakata armor sets wich requires most DPS like sorc to put all augments to accuracy anyhow or u won't hit 110% bad stats tuning since 7.0 my 306 stats where way better in stats % had 40% + crit and accuracy 110% and a **** ton of aclarity also sorc lighthing DPS is underperorming compared to maurauder who easily hit 28 to 32 k DPS on starparse
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Aoe dr and the infusion spam nerf are good, cant speak about the concealment changes as i dont play that spec very much.



all this does is change the build from having laze target almost every ambush to probably every ambush. not a very big increase and a main issue of the class is lack of any defensives that has no been adressed.



oh boy. AP is underperforming in every aspect compared to pyro and already and this is a big nerf to sustained damage on a spec that already has some of the worst sustained damage in the game. This feels purely catered to pvp with that tactical as well. that tactical has zero use in pve as the det-EB-det-EB-det chain will kill players within seconds but completely destroy your heat and the spec already struggles with heat after the removal of the old 6.0 set. the other two options on that tactical might as well not exist, except to detonate the det in under 12 seconds so overwhelming offense remains best in slot. People complained about AP having an overpowered burst in pvp and underperforming sustained damage in pve and these changes enhance will enhance that burst and nerf the sustained to a point where the spec is completely unuseable in pve. The reduced damage to bleeding targets is unneccessary as 2% flat damage loss is quite significant in pve but who actually wastes a gcd to put that on in pvp if you can just delete the guy instead? lingering heat is dead after this because 4k damage over 12 seconds kekw, use power burst in pve instead. 10% nerf to bleed and 14% to the main filler are again not vey subtle while at least the bleed is barely used in pvp or at least not part of the specs gimmick while essential in pve.

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These are genuinely the worst changes I've ever seen. Everything you've written here shows your disconnect with pvp in this game. Instead of removing taunt stun from the game and nerfing AP's damage, you give them a new tactical that is probably the most broken tactical I've ever seen. Instead of nerfing leth ops, who have more survivability, utility, off-heals, and pure damage than any other spec, you give them a longer dodge. Instead of buffing jugg tanks and sin tanks by bringing their survivability up to the level of pt tank, you nerf a sin tank perk that is only ever used in pve. Instead of helping hatred sin with their horrible survivability, you remove their best damage tactical. Instead of nerfing pyrotech's 20 second carb cooldown, you give them miniscule damage nerfs.


The only changes that could be good are the one associated with the healing specs . Marksman still needs a survivability, buff but the damage increase could be worth something. You guys really need to hire someone that actually listens to pvpers. You have no idea what is meta right now in pvp, and it clearly shows.


You still fail to address the biggest issues in pvp like the fact that people still are missing buffs in their warzones. Way too often, we've been at disadvantages in ranked matches because one team is missing their 10% internal and elemental damage reduction buffs. The meta for granked right now is pyro leth, so if a team is missing that much damage mitigation, its almost a guaranteed loss. The second biggest issue in pvp is taunt stun. Unless this tactical is removed, it will continue to unbalance the entire class of powertech in pvp. No class should have that much burst and that much cc on such a low cooldown. An ap pt could have 4 stuns right now if it really wanted too, while you struggle to give a class like carnage a single one.


The third and personally the issue i hate the most is the tank inbalance. When you released 7.0, you utterly gutted jugg tanks worse than any other class. You turned the class into dps monkey spec and removed all the utility that made it viable as an actual tank spec. Just to list everything off, you removed forcebound, old grit teeth, saber throw root, freezing force, forced us to choose between between a lower cooldown on intercede and a dcd, forced us to choose sweeping slash (which is our main source of applying trauma) and ravage root, removed our lowered cooldowns on push and intimidating roar, and forced us to choose between saber reflect, madness, and intimidating roar (3 dcds that used to be baseline). You utterly massacred this class as a tank spec. It is useless in ranked pvp now, and is essentially only good if you want to meme around in regs as a tanky dps.


I'm planning on uninstalling if these changes go through, and I guarantee you will lose plenty more pvpers if you keep this up.

Edited by Llacertus
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Hello, i'm gonna explain my point of views


To be honnest u guys should just barely up all classes to make them equilly.

As being a main Powertech, I do not understand the nerf of Advanced Prototype. This specs basically one of the class who have less monotarget DPS (Talking about PVE), the only way u take one in a raid is for the armor debuff, but actual jugg do it better. That's where I wanted to go. U can't nerf Powertech Pyrotech and not nerfing Juggernault at all. Juggernault is one of the easiest class to play and this one is on top of the parse everywhere. And if we are comparing Juggernault who plays cut to pieces of fights, they are just 30k dps higher than all other classes.


For my point of view as a PVE player and my experience.

I do think ur changes about healer might be good, but need to be tested.

But in terms of DPS changes, I do think nerfing is not an idea and some up still wont be enough to be viable on PVE, especially SNIPER MARKSMAN changes, actually I haven't seen anything for Virulence Sniper or Engi???, Hatred changes have no sense the class should not be touched, and aoe dps is already insane), Madness changes wont be enough. If u nerf PT u have to Nerf Juggernault


I tried to be as fast/constructive in my ideas, thanks for reading

Edited by artxtrem
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Many people have stated this before but its worth adding support to.

The AP burst is just getting higher with the new tactical and its sustained DPS being lowered, its currenlly a good class but suffers in AOE. Removing its single target sustained DPS drops its effectiveness in an ops setting. Pyro does objectively better due to DOT spreads. This will just mean players are shoehorned into even less classes such as Vengeance and Annihilation for OPS.


Merc DPS still isnt on par with other classes and still needs additional buffs to be more viable. Reducing energy cell cost of hyper assault rounds and additional supercharge generation might help. Arsenal is still begging for a buff to even be considered completive. The more you nerf currently classes the smaller the "effective classes" group becomes.


TLDR Buff lower classes don't nerf current classes :wea_09:

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Why do you want to nerf PT and not Marauders and Juggs who are much better than PTs? From start of the 7.0 force classes outperformed tech classes and you want to balance that by nerfing tech classes even more? This will just force people to playstyle they dont like which will lead to another exodus...


From pve perspective - dont nerf any classes dmg, just buff those who are behind. If you nerf so many classes, noone will be able to complete R4 with 4 dps which I assume is still your preffered group composition for balancing.


From pvp perspective - you removed a lot of CC when 7.0 dropped and now you are adding long 50% slows? Why? That doesnt make any sence.


Also that new tactical for AP PT is very bad. It will increase short time burst dmg which is not needed and with all those changes it decrease sustain dps which is also not needed. And why nerfing pyro? It is not top 1 spec neither in pve nor pvp. Maybe because it is top 1 TECH spec in pve? This game will be better if you forget all changes presented here and just focus on current bugs not only in R4, but in QoL aspects too.

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So these changes looks like their nerfing DPS for some classes.


I beleive this is the wrong move since r4 HM 1st boss is only complete able with 6dps 2 healers or 5dps 3 healers if dps are very good.


This is not the norm since most raids are ran 4 dps 2 healer 2 tanks and this cannot be done with this set up.


Maybe the problem is w r4 balancing because it's imbalanced right now. But I wouldn't decrease the damage of classes right now.




Healing classes looks good overall, the problem we have is dps. Since the update dps was struck hard, and now a lot of classes underperform compared to some other classes. People outright stopped playing some classes - just because they will never be able to go into hard mode operations despite how well a person knows that class. For example, mercenary arsenals lost almost all value - there is no good point in bringing them into operation - before they had abilities that would have helped out the group in sticky situations with res or kolto (Mercenaries didn't lose kolto overload - they rather will choose to move - since we have instances where ops bosses drop aoes and you must move around or its a wipe).


Suggestions: As many have already stated in this thread - raise the dps for those classes that underperform. We also have a new operation R - 4. Lowering already high dps on some classes would mean underperformance in that operation in a lot of cases - this operation is new and has few bugs - plus it is hard dps check. So lowering dps even more to make it equal between classes is a bad idea. I don't say there shouldn't be a balance - but raise the dps for classes that underperform.


R-4 operation is bugged (I am on a rant now) - I and my team literally watched as the first boss in R-4 descended through the floors and proceeded to wipe us.


Good luck with fixes on balance (Time for PvP match) :rak_03:

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Here are my thoughts to some of these suggested changes:

(For context: I mostly play endgame PvE content)



In general Operative really needed the AoE DR, I like seeing this happen.

As for the healing output from Medicine, good change to bring the 3 healing specs on the same level.



Seems like these changes are aimed for PvP. Continuous dps gets nerfed and the new tactical is not making up for that.

For PvE this means AP would now be even more in the shadow of Pyro.



One of the strongest classes atm, a subtle nerf is fine to bring it on a similar level as other specs.



The core of Hatreds dps output is focused around having Maliciousness up at all time. That is +20%, so if you take a baseline of 30k dps, 6k of that is from Maliciousness. You only really get this if you have continuious uptime on a boss. While doing target swapping/boss mechanics it can easily happen that the stacks fall off and your dps goes down the drain.

With these changes you're messing with the core of this spec and risk us having Maliciousness fall off all the time during the roation, which would be a really big nerf to the class, so big it could fall all the way to the bottom.

A great player can have above avg dps output if they keep Maliciousness up at all time, but in my experience on most fights it falls off at some point during a fight, so in the end Hatred performs similiar to other specs and it balances itself out.

If you want to nerf this spec then I'd do it by reducing the dmg of some abilities and not changing core aspects.



Root does nothiong in PvE so idc?

As for the DR part, I'd argue that Darkness has the lowest mitigation from the 3 tank specs without looking dcds. So every active mitigation ability helps you out there. The DR from Severing Slash is only for 3s and is really only effective if you have a big pack of adds. I like having it as a small addition to the spec and don't really see a reason to remove it.

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Class Balances


Their more of Imbalances.


Let's take a look at HM r4 1st boss.


How many clears of it are there in relation to players in the community. Not very many.


How many clears are there of the 1st boss with a raid makeup of 2 tanks 4dps 2 healers. (Standard raid makeup)


There is 0 clears with that normal makeup. Some people only play tank and are very good at it. This negates their role entirely since 1st boss requires as was already said 5-6 dps and zero tanks.


When it's impossible to clear a boss with the normal raid setup something is wrong.


1 reduce the damage output of adds, bombs, lazers.

2 reduce the health of burn phase and lazers.


Make it clearable with the "standard raid set up"


Going back to class imbalances you want to add.


When a raid requires 6 dps and barely makes the check you really want to nerf classes dps?


Fix, take incremental updates each week for a month until you fine tune "EACH CLASS"

Go to the place where all combat logs are stored parsely.io and look at what each class is doing dps wise. You can figure out what each class is doing dps wise and adjust each class appropriately with weekly adjustments so that each class will eventually be equal in most respects.

Edited by codydmaan
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Sniper / Gunslinger

Marksmanship / Sharpshooter

  • Target Acquired / Illegal Mods now generates a charge of Laze Target / Smuggler’s Luck whenever it is activated.
  • Lazer Focus / Lucky Thoughts no longer relies on critically hitting the target to lower the cooldown on Laze Target / Smuggler’s Luck but instead has a 50% chance to do so whenever dealing damage.

This does nothing to solve Marksman's dps problem. So you have laze up every time instead of almost every time. Meh.


Mercenary / Commando

  • Bodyguard / Combat Medic
  • Increased the healing done by Rapid Scan, Emergency Scan, Progressive Scan, Kolto Missile and Kolto Pods by 2%.
  • Increased the critical healing bonus given by Warden from 5% to 10%.
  • Increased the healing bonus given by Integrated Scanning mod from 3% to 5%.
  • Increased the critical chance bonus to Healing Scan from Critical Scanning mod from 5% to 10%.


Sorcerer / Sage

Corruption / Seer

  • Increasing the healing given by Penetrating Darkness / Clairvoyance to Renewal and Resurgence / Rejuvenate from 10% to 15%.
  • Dark Heal / Benevolence now gains a 60% healing increase up from 50% from Dark Concentration / Altruism.
  • Each stack of Corrupted Bastion / Resurging Power increases the healing done by Dark Heal / Benevolence, Rally / Deliverance, Dark Infusion / Keeper of the Peace by 5% per stack up from 3% per stack.

Didn't quote it, but I think I'm mostly fine with the Op heal changes. Kolto burst nerf is deserved. Nanomark change is... well. The talent never worked for scoundrel to begin with.


Merc buff is huge. Sorc buff is... eh. The resurgence buff is nice, considering how much of our healing it is these days. I'm not sure about the rest of it. Pretty sure merc comes out ahead here. What I'd like to see is a better set bonus option for sorc.


Hatred / Serenity

  • Changed the Two Time Trouble tactical so that it can no longer tick from Saber Strike damage.
  • Fulguration / Rebounding Force now restores 5 Force when Lightning Charge / Force Technique deals damage, up from 3.
  • Increased the damage bonus given by Pervasive Death / Pervasive Balance to Death Field / Force in Balance from 10% to 15%.
  • Hungering Force / Longing Force now additionally grants a critical hit damage bonus of 5%.
  • Increased lifesteal amount from Severing Slash from 25% to 50%

I can understand you don't like people using saber strike, but breaking the spec by saying ttt can't be ticked by saber strike at all is not the way to fix it. DemonicNarwhal had some interesting alternative proposals for how to fix that problem.


As for the rest, even with the lifesteal buff, severing slash is still in competition with Shroud. There's almost no reason to take it.


Darkness / Kinetic Combat

  • Changed the Severing Slash effect for Darkness to root its target for 2 seconds, followed by a 3 second slow. Severing Slash no longer grants damage reduction.


Deception / Infiltration

  • Changed Severing Slash to additionally grant damage reduction per target hit.


This is bizarre. I don't understand why you'd want to take DR away from the tank spec and give it to a DPS. Even with these changes, deception won't usually take severing slash because it competes with shroud. So this nerfs the tank spec even further (which it doesn't need) without providing any benefit to the dps.


Even in a PvP context, changing severing slash from DR to a slow seems odd, because it means stealth tanks have an entire row dedicated to crowd control. They already had whirlwind and knockback with bindings. I just don't know what this is supposed to solve. It seems like a change for the sake of change, and not a good one.

Edited by Crystal_Mind
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Class Balances


Their more of Imbalances.


Let's take a look at HM r4 1st boss.


How many clears of it are there in relation to players in the community. Not very many.


How many clears are there of the 1st boss with a raid makeup of 2 tanks 4dps 2 healers. (Standard raid makeup)


There is 0 clears with that normal makeup. Some people only play tank and are very good at it. This negates their role entirely since 1st boss requires as was already said 5-6 dps and zero tanks.


When it's impossible to clear a boss with the normal raid setup something is wrong.


1 reduce the damage output of adds, bombs, lazers.

2 reduce the health of burn phase and lazers.


Make it clearable with the "standard raid set up"


Going back to class imbalances you want to add.


When a raid requires 6 dps and barely makes the check you really want to nerf classes dps?


Fix, take incremental updates each week for a month until you fine tune "EACH CLASS"

Go to the place where all combat logs are stored parsely.io and look at what each class is doing dps wise. You can figure out what each class is doing dps wise and adjust each class appropriately with weekly adjustments so that each class will eventually be equal in most respects.

If you nerf IP-CPT to "include" tanks, what those tanks gonna do there? The fight is 7 minutes long and the only tankable thing there are 4 droids which are alive roughly a minute(each group around 30 seconds). What are the tanks gonna do there? Stand and look pretty?


Tanks perform these roles:

1) control of the figths

You cannot control the IP-CPT. You can control the adds, but there's literally 0 tankable mechanics on the boss.

2) control of the damage taken

You cannot control the damage taken as bombs are random, purple beams are random. You can control the droids, but as we already said - that's 1 minute from a 7-minute fight.


As an example of similar boss - Stormcaller(the lightning tank in EC) - majority of the damage is I/E(avoids shield chance and armor) so technically tank is useless. A tank is used because the tank has more defensives and better threat management than any DWT. As such any tank can perform both roles - the tank controls the fight by aiming the boss outside of the group and is controlling the damage taken by making them the only target who gets hit by the boss while taking similar damage as a DWT.


Tanks are omitted on the IP-CPT for 2 reasons:

1) The DPS check on droids is big

2) Tanks are useless and have no reason to be there as the boss has 0 tanking mechanics


SO even with the changes people would run 6 dps setup as it would make the IP-CPT easier than having 2 tanks.

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Operative / Scoundrel


Medicine / Sawbones

  • Reduced the healing received bonus given by Nano Mark mod from 20% to 10%.


Operative heals insane AOE needs a nerf, we can all agree. But all the nerfs together will likely be overboard, nerfing op heals so much they will underperform to other healers.


One area that you can leave untouched is Nano Mark. Operative heals have always had bad single target healing and Nano Mark makes up for that. Again, you can learn operative AOE heals, but you should leave Nano Mark as is because operatives already have very bad single target healing.


Concealment / Scrapper

  • Increased the duration of the Tactical Critical / Upper Critical mod effect from 4 to 6 seconds.


This is not enough! Please buff this to 8 seconds. Considering how concealment needs to use GCDs to use its best defensive, exfiltrate, it is extremely difficult to maintain tactical critical buff.


Powertech / Advanced Prototype

Advanced Prototype

  • New Tactical: Powered Detonator (Burst)

    Thermal Detonator remains dormant on the target for 12 seconds, and can be detonated by Magnetic Blast, Energy Burst or Rail Shot. Depending on which is used, a different effect is applied.

    Magnetic Blast: Slows the target by 50% for 10 seconds.

    Energy Burst: The cooldown of Thermal Detonator is reset. This can only happen once every 10 seconds.

    Rail Shot: Your next Shoulder Cannon missile deals 20% more damage.


I like this tactical. Going to be very fun.


Madness / Balance

  • New Tactical: Killing Field (AOE)

    Death Field slows targets it affects by 50%. Force Storm deals 15% more damage to slowed targets.


Please don't implement this tactical. As someone who PvPs, we do not need more slows in the game, especially a AOE 50% slow that lasts 12 seconds. Madness needs a proper AOE tactical, but I would rather see no tactical than this tactical. I know these are PvE oriented changes, but this tactical will significantly decrease the quality of play in PvP.

Edited by septru
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Medicine / Sawbones

Reduced the Kolto Burst mod’s healing on secondary targets by 50%.

The Kolto Stim mod now additionally grants 10% increased healing to Kolto Injection.

Reduced the healing received bonus given by Nano Mark mod from 20% to 10%.

Redesigned “Defensive Injection” mod, which is now called “Reactive Substance”, and does the following:

Kolto Injection applies a reactive substance to the target for 10 seconds. If the target is dealt damage during this time, they are healed. Stacks up to 2 times.


So I just want to say that I agree with the kolto burst nerf. Spamming kolto injection and doing 40k hps just doesn't sound right.


However, operatives have the worst single target heal in the game, the most horrible energy management and the worst defenses. Taking away the thing that makes them strong while not addressing the many weaknesses it has is just going to put them in the trash.


Once again, the nerf to the AoE of kolto injection is 100% justified, but it was honestly all op healers had. Merc healers have much better defenses and single target burst. Sorc healers have better mobility, utility and escapes. Without the powerful AoE, op healers have?????? Exactly, nothing. They have no defenses, no utility, no single target healing, very weak mobility, no decent interrupt protection, no DR. Without addressing any of these problems this class will become worthless in PvP.


Now I see you are "trying" to fix the defenses and single target issues with “Reactive Substance”. It might work, but can you let us know how often you can refresh the stack and how much it actually heals for? I think this kind of information is pretty valuable if you want honest feedback.

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When you released 7.0, you utterly gutted jugg tanks worse than any other class.


I'm redoing TOS HM with a 330 Jugg and I can attest to this. I'm getting absolutely wrecked with 18k+ damage at Walkers and you took away any mobility buffs and made me give up mad dash in order to keep saber reflect. I don't mind rebalancing the op itself, but you hit jugg too hard with taking away some key DCDs.

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