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Itemization in 7.0


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Most raids (with some exceptions), have easier difficulty bosses in the beginning and harder last boss (Styrak, Brontes, Revan, Terror etc.). Which means, that you don't need to the gear to clear the first few bosses, but you most likely will for the last boss. Most prog teams in a system like this (like it is in ALL the top MMORPG), will farm the first few bosses to get the gear, that will be needed to clear the last 1-2 bosses. The gear from the last boss will not matter much. Instead the last boss usually has a vanity item like mounts, decos, titles etc. So yes, the raid provides gear that is required to make progress through the raid. After the first clear, it becomes easier and easier to do reclears with higher gear, so you can get the vanity item for everyone on the team. Check out games like FFXIV and WoW.


So I get it. People do easier content to get gear to do more difficult content. So, one reason to get better gear is to make content easier to clear, and that is the just as true for casual solo players as it is for elite raiders, even if they don't need the gear to clear the content.

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So I get it. People do easier content to get gear to do more difficult content. So, one reason to get better gear is to make content easier to clear, and that is the just as true for casual solo players as it is for elite raiders, even if they don't need the gear to clear the content.


Yes I'm winding my ay through Corellia on a max lvl Alt with the current gear and it is such a relief that I won't die as easily if my fingers miss multiple buttons. Cerebral Palsy can do that with me. I don't need it but it is less physical strain having the cushion.

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Yes I'm winding my ay through Corellia on a max lvl Alt with the current gear and it is such a relief that I won't die as easily if my fingers miss multiple buttons. Cerebral Palsy can do that with me. I don't need it but it is less physical strain having the cushion.


The cool thing is that you have a choice about what gear you want to use. You could use gear that drops for new level 50 players, or fully min maxed 306 gear, yet you chose your best gear, and you are not alone. As things stand today anyone, at any skill level, who has done any content in the game has that same choice. And that is a good thing.


Designing a gear system that is only there to allow the most skilled players to have the best gear is kind of silly in my opinion. It seems to me that this is being done to cater to players that feel that they deserve to be revered for their greatness in game, and that the best gear in their exclusive right to possess. I disagree with that, and think that if someone is willing to pay $15 per month to play the game, that they should not be required to be great to get what they are paying for.

Edited by Exly
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What happens to old (and by old I mean lvl 50+ gear that is still BOP) equipment that we still have in our banks when 7.0 hits, since all the gear nowdays is BoL? Like the old battlemaster belts etc? Will these items get bind on legacy too, or will there be a possibility to transmog these items account-wide like in WoW for example?


Any plans on that @Devs?

Edited by Jesseriah
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The cool thing is that you have a choice about what gear you want to use. You could use gear that drops for new level 50 players, or fully min maxed 306 gear, yet you chose your best gear, and you are not alone. As things stand today anyone, at any skill level, who has done any content in the game has that same choice. And that is a good thing.


Designing a gear system that is only there to allow the most skilled players to have the best gear is kind of silly in my opinion. It seems to me that this is being done to cater to players that feel that they deserve to be revered for their greatness in game, and that the best gear in their exclusive right to possess. I disagree with that, and think that if someone is willing to pay $15 per month to play the game, that they should not be required to be great to get what they are paying for.


Yep. More choices make players happy, less choices/limiting them/removing them, always always ALWAYS makes players mad. It still confounds me that game devs STILL do not grasp that very simple concept.


Well, narcissists protect each other so they can go after their targeted victims. So the devs catering their their fellow elite OPs only raiders, who share their same mindset, makes complete sense.


It is very sad to see that mindset change from what is currently. 6.0 fixed a large part of what Ben Irving screwed up with 5.0. And now its being destroyed for the sake of a small group of peoples egos. its very sad indeed. :(

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Oh the other feedback I wanted to post (since the devs said they are reading this forum thread) Is the inventory sorting.




When i went on the PTR is screwed up my sorting system into the 4 pre selected sort ways. Now, if this was optional and NOT default, its fine. But it OVER RIDES WHERE I PUT MY ITEMS. This is BEYOND angering. :mad:


Don't know if it is a bug or a flawed design, either way. Please fix, Thanks *thumbs up*

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Many of the items in my Renown Stashes are from 5.0. With the renown system being removed, you will be taking those items from me without my consent.


Yep. Pretty much. Same with daily and weekly missions.


Sadly, by agreeing to the EULA, you gave up that right. They got your money and now they don't have to care.


Is it morally wrong? Oh I 100% agree with you. But sadly we have no recourse. The ONLY way is for us to leave, which sucks because we are the ones on the losing deal of that. We don't get to have fun in the Star Wars universe, we don't get to have fun with the friends we play with, we don't get to have fun getting gear, items, achievements etc etc.


We just......lose. :(

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I'd argue that it's the less skilled players that benefit from gear more than the skilled players. If you're a little slower with your reflexes, or a little off with the rotation then having better gear helps you make up for that.


Here's the developer's conundrum, though:


  • Making the same gear available in two ways, one of those paths is always easier. Min/max players will nearly always take the easier route, if it means getting the same gear as the more difficult path. Those in guilds might be encouraged to run with the guild, or they might all disperse into solo content, begrudgingly, until everyone can chees the Ops. Guildless players would no longer seek out other players to group with, as everyone would just run solo instances for the same gear.

  • Making the max-level gear only available to the top endgame content makes players feel left out, if they don't participate in that content. This would mean that players who generally solo, or do the introductory endgame content, would then feel forced to run higher level content, get declined for groups, or just opt out of the gear that they want.


I'm sure that this is a highly debated issue with the Dev team, since it sometimes flips between the two options.


Many of the items in my Renown Stashes are from 5.0. With the renown system being removed, you will be taking those items from me without my consent.

Or, they mail them to you, and you can sell them.

Edited by WHTJunior
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Here's the developer's conundrum, though:


  • Making the same gear available in two ways, one of those paths is always easier. Min/max players will nearly always take the easier route, if it means getting the same gear as the more difficult path. Those in guilds might be encouraged to run with the guild, or they might all disperse into solo content, begrudgingly, until everyone can chees the Ops. Guildless players would no longer seek out other players to group with, as everyone would just run solo instances for the same gear.

  • Making the max-level gear only available to the top endgame content makes players feel left out, if they don't participate in that content. This would mean that players who generally solo, or do the introductory endgame content, would then feel forced to run higher level content, get declined for groups, or just opt out of the gear that they want.


I'm sure that this is a highly debated issue with the Dev team, since it sometimes flips between the two options.



Or, they mail them to you, and you can sell them.


The answer to the conundrum is to make group play more rewarding. Make it the best way to get the best gear or whatever (i.e. conquest points, vanity gear, etc.), but allow those that don't want to participate in group activities to get the same stuff with a reasonable amount of extra effort.

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The cool thing is that you have a choice about what gear you want to use. You could use gear that drops for new level 50 players, or fully min maxed 306 gear, yet you chose your best gear, and you are not alone. As things stand today anyone, at any skill level, who has done any content in the game has that same choice. And that is a good thing.


Designing a gear system that is only there to allow the most skilled players to have the best gear is kind of silly in my opinion. It seems to me that this is being done to cater to players that feel that they deserve to be revered for their greatness in game, and that the best gear in their exclusive right to possess. I disagree with that, and think that if someone is willing to pay $15 per month to play the game, that they should not be required to be great to get what they are paying for.


You can still upgrade your gear. The difference is, OPs will drop a higher BASE gear, compared to Solo play. You can still do your conquest and other stuff to slowly upgrade your gear. I think one of the misunderstanding is that the absolute max item level gear will never be available. You can still upgrade your gear, it will just take longer and may not be as optimized.


If you want the highest gear and optimized gear, you do the hardest content. However, not doing the hardest content doesn't mean you won't get there.

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I think one of the misunderstanding is that the absolute max item level gear will never be available. You can still upgrade your gear, it will just take longer and may not be as optimized.


If you want the highest gear and optimized gear, you do the hardest content. However, not doing the hardest content doesn't mean you won't get there.


The painful part about it is that I agree that people doing the hardest content should get their rewards faster. That's fair. If I wasn't a paying Sub, I'd even swallow not getting max gear. But as a paying sub I shouldn't have to be a tortoise, can't I at least be a house kitten?

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The painful part about it is that I agree that people doing the hardest content should get their rewards faster. That's fair. If I wasn't a paying Sub, I'd even swallow not getting max gear. But as a paying sub I shouldn't have to be a tortoise, can't I at least be a house kitten?


Perhaps you would prefer it if all the max level gear was available on a vendor for 1 credit? I mean, you are a paying sub. Why do you even have to put in any effort to get gear?


Perhaps you may enjoy some of the mobile games out there where you can pay real money to advance in game. Otherwise known as pay to win games.

Edited by Akushii
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Perhaps you would prefer it if all the max level gear was available on a vendor for 1 credit? I mean, you are a paying sub. Why do you even have to put in any effort to get gear?


Yep, because there's no nuance to that discussion at all, asking for solo players to have any access at all to the max gear is equivalent to asking for everything to be handed to them with no effort.

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Perhaps you would prefer it if all the max level gear was available on a vendor for 1 credit? I mean, you are a paying sub. Why do you even have to put in any effort to get gear?


Perhaps you may enjoy some of the mobile games out there where you can pay real money to advance in game. Otherwise known as pay to win games.


I loved it when 4.0 launched and I had enough PvP comms accumulated to buy my PvP gear on day 1. Yes, it did put in the work to get the comms, but it was still nice to be fully geared without all of the usual pain associated with the process.

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Perhaps you would prefer it if all the max level gear was available on a vendor for 1 credit? I mean, you are a paying sub. Why do you even have to put in any effort to get gear?


Perhaps you may enjoy some of the mobile games out there where you can pay real money to advance in game. Otherwise known as pay to win games.


I do enjoy some mobile games. I'm not against having to put effort into gearing, I am against being Tantalus.

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You can still upgrade your gear. The difference is, OPs will drop a higher BASE gear, compared to Solo play. You can still do your conquest and other stuff to slowly upgrade your gear. I think one of the misunderstanding is that the absolute max item level gear will never be available. You can still upgrade your gear, it will just take longer and may not be as optimized.


If you want the highest gear and optimized gear, you do the hardest content. However, not doing the hardest content doesn't mean you won't get there.


this is not accurate per the article posted on the front page and linked in the OP.


it lists FP gear as being upgradable to 324; PVP gear to 326, conquest to 326 and operations to a max 334.


Operations get a higher base gear and a higher maximum item rating than other content.

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You can still upgrade your gear. The difference is, OPs will drop a higher BASE gear, compared to Solo play. You can still do your conquest and other stuff to slowly upgrade your gear. I think one of the misunderstanding is that the absolute max item level gear will never be available. You can still upgrade your gear, it will just take longer and may not be as optimized.


If you want the highest gear and optimized gear, you do the hardest content. However, not doing the hardest content doesn't mean you won't get there.


From what I have seen on the pts, you can upgrade gear from only level to the next but their are different gear types, and you can't upgrade from the low end type to the high end type. You can only increase levels within the type of gear that you have either equipped, or is in your bag.


So you can't upgrade to Rakata gear from Decurion. You can only increase the level of your Decurion gear until you reach the max level for that type of gear.

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From what I have seen on the pts, you can upgrade gear from only level to the next but their are different gear types, and you can't upgrade from the low end type to the high end type. You can only increase levels within the type of gear that you have either equipped, or is in your bag.


So you can't upgrade to Rakata gear from Decurion. You can only increase the level of your Decurion gear until you reach the max level for that type of gear.


Correct, but from what I understand (unless they change it), the base level of your Decurion gear will change with each update. Meaning with each patch, you will be able to do additional upgrades. What that means is your gearing will not be stale, and you won't have to wait for next expansion for more gear. You reach a ceiling for now, but that ceiling will be raised with additional patch.


For example, when the expansion launches, the highest gear rating will be 330 because the new operation will not be included. Once the new Operation drops in January, then only will we have access to the 334 gear, and only from the new Operation.

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Correct, but from what I understand (unless they change it), the base level of your Decurion gear will change with each update. Meaning with each patch, you will be able to do additional upgrades. What that means is your gearing will not be stale, and you won't have to wait for next expansion for more gear. You reach a ceiling for now, but that ceiling will be raised with additional patch.


For example, when the expansion launches, the highest gear rating will be 330 because the new operation will not be included. Once the new Operation drops in January, then only will we have access to the 334 gear, and only from the new Operation.


Ok, but it will still be inferior to other gear sets that will also get an upgrade, so unless you do the content associated with other gear sets, you will always have inferior gear. It will be a little better, but that doesn't mean that it will be good.

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Ok, but it will still be inferior to other gear sets that will also get an upgrade, so unless you do the content associated with other gear sets, you will always have inferior gear. It will be a little better, but that doesn't mean that it will be good.


Better is better. Solo content isn't getting harder. But I am assuming the higher gear ceiling at the top end will also come with harder content whether that's flashpoint or OPs or something else. At the end of the day, it comes down to what content you are running and what you are trying to achieve. IF you want the gear, find a group and go get that gear. It's in the game, there is nothing stopping you from going after it.

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Ok, but it will still be inferior to other gear sets that will also get an upgrade, so unless you do the content associated with other gear sets, you will always have inferior gear. It will be a little better, but that doesn't mean that it will be good.


This! That's bad for people with disabilities. Having high rating gear gives a bit of wiggle-room in Story content in case of a bad day, and cuts down fatigue even with the caps and lvl sync.

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I think I didn't express myself very well, an item of yours becoming obsolete due to new ones appearing, you having to change them again to evolve is normal and expected. The problem is that with this new expansion my gears will lose their properties and I won't be able to improve their status. It's a step backwards.


That's also been the case. Set bonuses either stop working, become useless because the set was tied to the armouring rather than the shell, or still technically work but due to abilities changing/being removed/etc. they might as well no longer work.

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The extent to which raiding requires better gear is entirely dependent on design. You can adjust the same encounter to have identical player difficulty at various levels of gear. A requirement of better gear for raids is a choice.


So this "raiders need better gear", as far as I can tell, really boils down to a need to not just feel superior to others (in a video game), but to also actually be superior (due to unfair gear advantage).


Dear Raider,

I suspect you would not be ok with any other style of play offering higher quality rewards than the style you prefer. If the best gear came only from running laps around fleet, I'm confident you would complain that you have to do something other than raiding to get your gear.

Edited by Ulrah
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Reading through this and other threads...


I would just like to point out that this is the most overwhelmingly negative feedback I have ever seen. I'll repeat a question that has been asked many times over the last few days:

Who are these changes for?

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