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Itemization in 7.0


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maybe the majority was but there was always some1 that complained, after getting spoiled by 6.0 every gearing system will make some1 mad somewhere , before knowing what 6.0 was ppl didnt complain that the highest gear rating was only on ops, cause that was the norm on MMORPGs


People did complain. People have always complained about gear exclusion in MMOs that had it. You just didin't notice. There were other MMOs out at the time that had less restrictive gearing. MMOs are not, and never have been, all the same, and they are not. and never have, all been raidcentric.

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Yo again!

Just wanted to get some of my opinions out there, so here I go.


What is all this whining about? 4 itemlevels? And this is coming from the same people who have fleet chat discussions about how irrelevant golden augments are? Pick a side please, either you dont care about such minor upgrades, or you want to min-max you toon's power to the best of your abilities. Don't contradict yourselves here please, complainers.


Secondly, you will not need max gear for anything that has the words "solo", "story", "heroics", "dailies", "conquest" in it. You just won't. Not ever. It wasn't even once required to have good gear to complete any sort of story, and it never will be. You can join SM operations at lvl 70 now with 230 gear and your group will most likely never even notice it. That speaks for its difficulty. And any quest storyline is waaaay below even the SM requirements in terms of performance.

I do not like to compare thing with past examples, but this is one of the very few exceptions. Before 6.0 came out with its Communist-ish lootsystem where everybody gets the same regardless of the effort, people who only played the story content and/or only solo did exist and there were very few complaints about the loot. I understand that 6.0 showed many that the devs are capable of introducing a system that promotes mindless grinding, slow completion of the story, crafting, PVP and high-end PVE to the same level and got too used to it. The days of this system are passing (thank God), but people cant imagine playing without the best possible gear helping them slay a bantha cub that has 50 HP on their backs.

I have a solution for you – don't. Try it out when it releases, quit if you can't cope with it.


To all those who claim to not have the time to get into raiding because of their timezone/schedule. Thats the dumbest thing I have evet heard. There are people playing the game and raiding from all parts of the world. Any minute some people on some server are raiding, recruiting and looking for people.


And if you people have trouble with your pysical or mental health, although as a person I am truly sorry and I wish for you to get better fast, as a player and a consumer of a product I and others shouldn't have to care. The system should never be designed around its "weakest link" and shouldn't ever invalidate the efforts of those who put them into something (hi 6.X loot reward system). If you lack the physical/mental condition, do not have the time, the desire or for whatever reason can't/won't play the stuff that rewards you with higher lvl of gear, just play to the best of your abilities and enjoy what you can.



Please people, stop being this intellectually dishonest and understand, that it's a flawed human thing – to get the all best possible insert cathegory for the minimal effort. And is the mahor thing that is behind those complaints. Just stop.


If you care that much about getting that 330 armor, learn your class, get in a guild, get into raiding and put that armor to good use where it actually is needed or semi-needed.




P.S.: There is no such thing or genre as a "story-oriented MMO RPG" or "Singleplayer oriented MMO" :rak_03:

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The more I reflect on these non-official Discord chats with devs that have been linked here, the more they bother me. Can someone give more info on this?


Since it was closed/locked, we aren't allowed to link the prior massive thread about it , where so called "KappaChris" basically admitted that the unofficial "public" Discord channel would be his preferred safe-space going forward, as opposed to SWTOR.com official forums, which by implication must be a "hate-space" .


Personally, i don't see why it's so hard for him to simply copy/paste whatever he types over there back over into here (in Dev Tracker) but i'm not his boss.


Is our feedback here being considered at all? Or do we have to be in this special Discord channel for that?


As usual, BioWare asks for feedback here: https://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=308 ... However, it's a little bit like me asking you for feedback on my forum post i just already typed & hit send on lol. In other words, the crux of 7.0 "revamp" was already decided wayyyyy long ago, in a board room far far away (from the community) .


Of course, the umm so called special Discord channel admins like to flex & flaunt how they---and the rest of the supposed in-crowd "influencers" ---have an exclusive powerful whisper into the Developer's ears. IMHO though, it's just a simple case of: BioWare does what EA wants. (aka copy ESO )


Your best bet? Hope that the Legacy of the Sith STORY is good enough (and long enough) to warrant monthly $ubscription....and....recognize that BioEAware can change SWTOR however & whenever they feel like it.


Regardless of forum feelings. :cool:

Edited by Nee-Elder
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Yo again!

P.S.: There is no such thing or genre as a "story-oriented MMO RPG" or "Singleplayer oriented MMO" :rak_03:


Try Secret World.

Time will tell if the system will bring new subscribers, make the game lose old subscribers, or maybe the number won't change at all. I expect (and hope) it'll put the it slightly in the red - not enough to kill it, enough to encourage some adjustments to the system similar to changes introduced in 5.0.

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The word "Saga" invalidates the ardument. The story itself is the subject and the quote implies the ability to try the story of the game. I am not denying or demeaning the story in any way. The classstories are after all what made me fall in love with the game.


It's the main sales pitch for the game, it's the primary focus in all of their advertising. It's even the blurb you get for SWTOR.com when finding it in a Google search: "BioWare and LucasArts bring you the next evolution in MMO Gameplay: Story". They clearly think this is SWTOR's defining feature.


And even if BW calls SWTOR anything, it doesn't become a genre.

My point ia that the genre called "story-based MMO RPG" does not exist. The description does, not the genre


Whether or not it's a genre doesn't mean it's not a thing. The post I was quoted said it's not a thing or a genre, but it's most certainly a thing. It's the thing Bioware feels is the most important thing to show to prospective players looking to get an idea of what SWTOR is about. So whether or not it applies to other games doesn't matter, it applies to this one. SWTOR is a story-driven MMORPG.

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I invite you to look up the definition of "Saga". You're grasping for straws at this point.


I advise you to do the same, and to check what the current convo is about in detail before engaging in it.


(Little help: my point was about the context, buddy) :)



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To review 7.0 gearing system, We are introducing something new. We rate the itemization by reacting with emojis!!!


😀 If you think It is OK

😊 If you think it is GREAT!

😍 If you love getting better gear than solo players!!!

🤔 If you think BW was drunk while making it

😒 If you didn't see any good changes

😱 If you have no idea what they are doing

😤 If u are frustrated

😆 If you feel *****

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Every time this forum showed a massive disapproval of BW's plans in the past, and the tone became very dark, and pessimistic, a holy White Knight emerged, defending BW with strawman arguments, gaslighting, obstructing, projecting, insulting, trolling and spamming.


Every normal user would have been sanctioned for disobeying the forum rules. Not so those White Knights.


What these WK had and have in common is that they suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No new account, but mostly unknown here, and without noteworthy participation in the past.


The most known WK was Andryah. It was ridiculous how she commented on every single post, no matter how unnecessary a reply was. Very quickly first accusations of her getting paid for it emerged. And eventually it turned out to be true. Immediately after that she received a permanent ban for this forum. She was compromised.


I see the same pattern now in this thread which has 5 pages + 65 pages of the same person copy-pasting, repeating, derailing etc. Almost all their replies are against the ToS of this board. So, why aren't they sanctioned yet? Free pass like Andryah back in the days. I had quite some déjà vus today.


Nothing fruitful will come out of discussing with them. They will insult disabled people and then argue that they didn't do so, even though everyone can read for themselves. Report and put on ignore!


Regarding the topic itself: I never cared about gearing. I despise 7.0 for other reasons. And I cancelled my sub and by now made peace with transitioning to preferred after December.


This is the only way that they maybe get a sense of what they are causing (unless, as some assume, this is actually exactly what they intend to achieve). You don't have to quit the game. Just stop paying until they stop making decisions that you dislike. I'm really calm now that I decided to quit paying. They have two options: Keep me happy as a player and get my money. Make me an unhappy player and lose my money. I mean, at the end it's their loss more than mine, because I keep the game, but they lose my money. So be it then.


If you feel similar, just make sure you actually go through with it and hit that unsub button for real. Don't just threaten to do it as happened so often in the past.

Edited by JattaGin
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I never cared about gearing. I despise 7.0 for other reasons. And I cancelled my sub and by now made peace with transitioning to preferred after December.


This is the only way that they maybe get a sense of what they are causing (unless, as some assume, this is actually exactly what they intend to achieve). You don't have to quit the game. Just stop paying until they stop making decisions that you dislike. I'm really calm now that I decided to quit paying. They have two options: Keep me happy as a player and get my money. Make me an unhappy player and lose my money. I mean, at the end it's their loss more than mine, because I keep the game, but they lose my money. So be it then.


If you feel similar, just make sure you actually go through with it and hit that unsub button for real. Don't just threaten to do it as happened so often in the past.


Already done so.

Unfortunately my sub renewed an hour or so before I did it, so I’ve 85 odd days till it runs out. That gives me until end of January.

Sadly, I’ve no incentive to play at all after the multitude of bad announcements, so that money is going to waste :(



Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I hope this has been helpful!


Appreciate the clarification but holy Moses. This thread is a damned bin fire now.


The other bit is that is 326 is the highest you can get outside of an Op, then effectively for most players anything over that might as well not exist. You have shortened their gear chase. The content, which is what they are really here for, will dry up quickly and they will stop playing. Just like all the other times this happens. The majority of the player base doesn't touch Ops all together.


Giving casual players higher goals through casual play to achieve keeps them around longer. Less casual players means less people getting into raids and everything else. We go back to subscribe for a month for the new story and then stop playing the game. This helps no one.


But this ^ is the crux of it right here. Once I have a legacy bound, generic set of 326 gear and weapons as a solo player, what do I do? Find myself some legendary/set piece items? Then what?

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I do have one question Jackie: The unranked PVP mission [Weekly: Spoils of War] was changed in patch 6.1.2d to require 10 victories instead of 20 points. I don't think there has been any response to our feedback of this:

Daily and Weekly Mission Reset

First, we’re making some changes to how Daily and Weekly Missions reset. Currently, uncompleted Daily and Weekly Missions sit in that character’s logs until the Mission is completed. Once the Mission is completed, that character can no longer pick up the Weekly again for that week (or daily for that day).


In 7.0, uncompleted Daily and Weekly Missions will be removed from players once the Daily or Weekly reset time passes (currently Tuesday, 12:00am UTC). The primary reason for this change is that we are restructuring the way we present content each week. Weekly Missions will rotate in availability each week in 7.0, and we want to ensure that all players are on the same Weekly Missions each week in order keep those Mission areas feeling dynamic and filled with other people to group or share Mission credit with. This should result in content like Heroic Missions being completed more quickly and efficiently. You can still access Missions that aren’t a part of the rotation if you choose, they will just have reduced rewards.


As several of us have pointed out, this mission can now take several weeks for casual players who do not like to repeat hours of unranked losses with 1 win may every 10-20 matches to complete this quest (pre-made uber groups will profit; for many of us it will seem like a tedious job and another aspect of the game will be lost to us/avoided at all costs). Since the change to that mission's requirements, I only do unranked when I'm really in the mood and being able to complete that quest whenever is great. Will losses count towards this quest's completion again? Is the intent to "encourage" us to do more unranked? If it is, it will not work. I just won't bother with it.

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Every time this forum showed a massive disapproval of BW's plans in the past, and the tone became very dark, and pessimistic, a holy White Knight emerged, defending BW with strawman arguments, gaslighting, obstructing, projecting, insulting, trolling and spamming.


Every normal user would have been sanctioned for disobeying the forum rules. Not so those White Knights.


What these WK had and have in common is that they suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No new account, but mostly unknown here, and without noteworthy participation in the past.


The most known WK was Andryah. It was ridiculous how she commented on every single post, no matter how unnecessary a reply was. Very quickly first accusations of her getting paid for it emerged. And eventually it turned out to be true. Immediately after that she received a permanent ban for this forum. She was compromised.


I see the same pattern now in this thread which has 5 pages + 65 pages of the same person copy-pasting, repeating, derailing etc. Almost all their replies are against the ToS of this board. So, why aren't they sanctioned yet? Free pass like Andryah back in the days. I had quite some déjà vus today.


Nothing fruitful will come out of discussing with them. They will insult disabled people and then argue that they didn't do so, even though everyone can read for themselves. Report and put on ignore!


Regarding the topic itself: I never cared about gearing. I despise 7.0 for other reasons. And I cancelled my sub and by now made peace with transitioning to preferred after December.


This is the only way that they maybe get a sense of what they are causing (unless, as some assume, this is actually exactly what they intend to achieve). You don't have to quit the game. Just stop paying until they stop making decisions that you dislike. I'm really calm now that I decided to quit paying. They have two options: Keep me happy as a player and get my money. Make me an unhappy player and lose my money. I mean, at the end it's their loss more than mine, because I keep the game, but they lose my money. So be it then.


If you feel similar, just make sure you actually go through with it and hit that unsub button for real. Don't just threaten to do it as happened so often in the past.


Thank you for this information, I had no idea. And yeah, it is very sad that someone attacking/insulting/belittling someone with disabilities is allowed to continue and get away with it, and worse......was praised for it by a few people. And with it being allowed to continue, it gives the image of BioWare supporting that. And that........that is a horrible thing to support. I wonder if we can get EA to look at this enabling of harassment?


Also.....because of it being an online only MMO, that won't be the case. We DO LOSE. Because they will shut down after claiming "The players didn't like us anymore.", so they can claim innocence. (Just like what narcissistic people do.) And......I don't like it. :( It makes me very sad. :(

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I do have one question Jackie: The unranked PVP mission [Weekly: Spoils of War] was changed in patch 6.1.2d to require 10 victories instead of 20 points. I don't think there has been any response to our feedback of this:


As several of us have pointed out, this mission can now take several weeks for casual players who do not like to repeat hours of unranked losses with 1 win may every 10-20 matches to complete this quest (pre-made uber groups will profit; for many of us it will seem like a tedious job and another aspect of the game will be lost to us/avoided at all costs). Since the change to that mission's requirements, I only do unranked when I'm really in the mood and being able to complete that quest whenever is great. Will losses count towards this quest's completion again? Is the intent to "encourage" us to do more unranked? If it is, it will not work. I just won't bother with it.


^ This. The Galactic Season Weeklys being weekly locked, makes PERFECT SENSE. (Because of BioWare's own failing gambling mission system, is what drove people to complain about it.) But the regular weeklys? NO. Those should NEVER be removed/deleted each day/week. Seriously, what harm is it doing? The GS weeklys being different, yeah. That made it so people couldn't play together, THAT changing makes perfect sense. But the regualr weeklys? Really.......who is it debasing that some people continue for weeks to get it? REALLY!?!?!?! WHO IS IT HURTING SO MUCH THAT IT HAS TO BE REMOVED!?!?!? :mad:


Oh, also I will say one good thing. The weeklys being multiple runs now on the PTR is a good change. I like it.

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To the people who are defending these changes (too many too go through atm of 40+ pages that popped up in less then 36 hours, but I can go back to each one if needed.)


How and why does it hurt you that someone weaker or not as experienced as you can get the same level of gear? 6.0 is the best gearing system SWTOR has ever had. (The ONLY way to make it better is add the mods to the vendor so players can CHOOSE (remember choices are a GOOD THING for players) and OPs tokens for OPs players. If they would have added those 2 things, it would be the best gearing system SWTOR has ever had.) The only negative I see is people who are insecure "NEED" to have a higher number then other people lower then them for selfish reasons. Look up the definition of a narcissist, its based in selfishness at the expense of others.


Seriously, please explain how someone else getting gear that helps them is somehow RUINING and detrimental to your game you are paying for?


Also, if the reason for doing HMNIM content is not for titles, mounts, achievements and prestige, but for GEAR? Then maybe you need to rethink why your even playing this game, or actually any game to be honest, at all. The titles stay, the mounts stay, the achievements stay, the prestige of the sense of pride and accomplishment stays. Gear? As we see, it gets trashed every xpac. All that time and effort completely and utterly wasted. So if your sole focus is to do HM/NIM content JUST for gear.........you maybe need to rethink why your playing games.


Also if that is your sole reason for playing games, then I ask kindly, please go find another game that rewards that mindset and behavior. I like SWTOR because I can play solo most often, but can still group up for stuff with a few people my subconscious likes or maybe some randoms. (Its hit or miss with randoms lol :D ) Those of us who like this game really do not want to see it ruined by a selfish minority because then we lose. The selfish minority will just jump ship and find another game to devour, but those of us to stay and play because we like to play in the Star Wars universe, we like to play alone but also have the option of co-op with a parent, SO, sibling or friends, we like the storylines and characters. Yes yes yes, I get it. That isn't reason the "elite" people player for......so why make other people (and from the forums, youtube and discord it really does seem the majority. For every one player defending or liking these changes, there are 10-15 others who hate it. Including some Founders and I even found a NIM raider who hates these changes.) suffer just to please your own selfish ego? Why not leave this game that "doesn't reward my time playing so I can have a d*** measuring contest and lord it over plebs!", the game doesn't reward that, so why keep wasting time in it and ruining it for other people that do enjoy it?


Another sad thing is to see the community in a civil war because of these changes. If more and more people leave, it means the game will shut down, and then the "elite raiders who only want the BiS gear for people who run NIM ONLY" won't have a game either. Which I theorize will not bother them in the slightest, because they will go and find another game to consume. The only losers are us players who actually LIKE THIS GAME. (And the devs, sinc they either get fired, lose their job or lose income. Although they just might get moved to a different game, so they wouldnt be a shafted as us players who like the game.) Even the elite NIM raiders should WANT people to stay, because it means more people subbing/likely to sub, which is a GOOD THING. Some people sub for only OPs, but that is a minority, the majority of people who sub just do it for QoL and no credit cap. Trust me, it sucks being in a minority on things, but welcome to reality. Doesn't matter if you don't like it, you can't change that the majority of people don't like/do OPs, and definitely not NIM. That's even an even less minority.


BUT......like what was pointed out, letting "plebs" get higher gear, made them more likely to try it. Will everyone who tries it stay? NOPE. But isn't one more player starting to do OPs and then eventually get up to NIM a GOOD THING? Why crush and destroy that possibility for a perceived shiny number that is higher then someone elses? Or are people THAT short sighted? Way more then I thought. :(


Oh and Jackie? (I don't know how to do the link thingy, so maybe it gets lost in the muddle of the firestorm of this thread atm, but I hope not) I am sorry that you have to take the brunt of our disappointed/anger/betrayal/sadness and yet still seemly to be a kind person. So for that, I thank you exponentially and I do hope all or a lot of this negative feedback makes it to the devs knowledge, so they can either change it, tweek it or delay the 7.0 xpac to refine it more. Remember that Japanese dev (honestly forgot his name, and i'm kicking myself for it :( ) said "A delayed game that is made good is well remembered and loved, a rush game that is broken is reviled, hated and forgotten."


Please delay 7.0 and listen to more feedback, please don't end up like Cyberpunk 2077 :(


Thank you for reading and stay safe all.

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So the Social bar (the little one above the valor bar) is going away with 7.0, right?


Yep. They are removing character based social levels and making it legacy, so if you already have the achievement for social lv10, the only things that change when it goes live, is you can't get the character titles anymore, and you get 10 new legacy titles. That's it.


(Although their wording does seem to maybe imply some more social rewards on the vendors, so we shall see.)

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To review 7.0 gearing system, We are introducing something new. We rate the itemization by reacting with emojis!!!


😀 If you think It is OK

😊 If you think it is GREAT!

😍 If you love getting better gear than solo players!!!

🤔 If you think BW was drunk while making it

😒 If you didn't see any good changes

😱 If you have no idea what they are doing

😤 If u are frustrated

😆 If you feel *****


I honestly feel more depressed then anything. The silence form the devs, the community in a civil war destroying itself, only a few good changes and a lot more bad changes.......:(

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Once I have a legacy bound, generic set of 326 gear and weapons as a solo player, what do I do? Find myself some legendary/set piece items? Then what?

You... play whatever you like in the game? Complete story on another alt, work on tricky achievement, get creative with your stronghold?




Frankly, I've never could understand that drama around gear that starts and goes on every time yet another gearing system or some silly items (golden augments... cough) are introduced. Except for maybe 5.0 gearing.


As a person who isn't really into MMOs (but can probably be considered as part of that elitist ********** of narcisstic endgamers as my main day-to-day activity in SWTOR is raiding) I find it weird that raiders want some fancy stats as a reward for completing the hardest content (what's the point if you have already completed it? showing off? carrying a buddy?). I find it equally weird that players doing simple PvE content are so obsessed with it as well (as long as you can easily slice through opponents the game throws at you... why bother with item levels). I do understand PvPers whose main need is being equal in terms of gear so skill was a deciding factor. But others?


Gear is nothing but a tool. Not a reward, not a goal. It's certainly not content. If nothing else keeps you in the game, you'd better find something else to do. It won't benefit BW but it will benefit you. (Yeah, I'm ready to get yelled at, how I dare to tell people what to do with their time!).


This post will be buried and forgotten but damn, I needed to vent a bit.

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Yikes, gearing is looking kind of messy and confusing for 7.0. :( I'm not on the PTS, so I still don't understand how level sync will work. All I have to say is: in 7.0, if I am weaker in my "solo gear" when doing stuff like Yavin dailies or SM chapters than someone who has "raid gear" is, I will be quite unhappy. As a solo player I would be fine with not having the best gear for endgame group activities, but in old content where my power level is being downgraded via level sync (you know, a huge chunk of what "solo players" do?), I want to have the max power level possible.



So let me get this straight: in 7.x, DvL tokens will only be available via DvL bosses, which effectively makes all of the token rewards, that were previously available for solo players, require a group to earn? Meaning that Arcann customizations -- all two of them -- will be exclusive to group content (not to mention all the other goodies)?


I strongly dislike this change.


Yep. I agree greatly with you. BUT......I will add one piece of information your maybe missing, with the shared tagging being added in 7.0, world bosses have shared tagging for cross faction as well. So no more Imps stealing the WB on Hoth for the Festival event. I am assuming the same will be for the DvL bosses when they return. But even with that change, I still agree with you and dislike this change strongly.

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You... play whatever you like in the game? Complete story on another alt, work on tricky achievement, get creative with your stronghold?




Frankly, I've never could understand that drama around gear that starts and goes on every time yet another gearing system or some silly items (golden augments... cough) are introduced. Except for maybe 5.0 gearing.


As a person who isn't really into MMOs (but can probably be considered as part of that elitist ********** of narcisstic endgamers as my main day-to-day activity in SWTOR is raiding) I find it weird that raiders want some fancy stats as a reward for completing the hardest content (what's the point if you have already completed it? showing off? carrying a buddy?). I find it equally weird that players doing simple PvE content are so obsessed with it as well (as long as you can easily slice through opponents the game throws at you... why bother with item levels). I do understand PvPers whose main need is being equal in terms of gear so skill was a deciding factor. But others?


Gear is nothing but a tool. Not a reward, not a goal. It's certainly not content. If nothing else keeps you in the game, you'd better find something else to do. It won't benefit BW but it will benefit you. (Yeah, I'm ready to get yelled at, how I dare to tell people what to do with their time!).


This post will be buried and forgotten but damn, I needed to vent a bit.


I mean, your not wrong. I agree with you, really. Gear is NOT THE GOAL. It is a tool. A tool that makes things easier in the game for every type of player, NIM raiders down to plebs that cant even do solo storyline FPs without help. And why is it a GOOD thing to make sure only a small number of people have a tool and others do not?

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Thank you for the clarifications, JackieKo.


That said, unless the goal with this itemization system was to piss everyone off - it is a failure. It's overly complicated, biased, and restrictive. If it requires a short essay to explain to non-raiders why the higher rating gear that can be modified from raids isn't better than theirs (which I still in no way buy, btw), then it's a failure.


I maintain that any raider defending this system should be embarrassed. You are admitting you need unfair advantages. Post 7.0, every raider I see will be getting a /spit.


I am still excited to lvl a fresh character with the new combat styles (I have been for months), but I don't expect I will stick around after that.

Uh.....hate to break it too you, but you only have like 3-4 abilities till the earlier 20s. I am SO glad I leveled all of my characters during 2xp and don't have to level anymore with this trash new system.


Also with combat styles? You can ONLY have 1 secondary. Once you pick it, you can NEVER change EVER. Its permanent. You pick two, and that's it. Can never pick beyond those two. EVER. :mad::(


Its like the marketing of 7.0 was deceitful. :(

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Just so I’m clear about 7.0….


(1) five more levels in the game to level 80, approximately let’s just say 3 hours of story for estimations sake.

(2) the removal of iconic abilities, and passives that have been in the game since launch.

(3) the inability to obtain gear without individual armorings, mods, and enhancements. Outside of master mode operations.

(4) the addition of no new abilities

(5) having to complete the gearing process multiple times within one expansion


But…..I can level a new vanguard using a sniper rifle……


Sorry but the negatives out way the positives in this one for me. I’m out


Best wishes to those that stay



And not only that, if you pick sniper, you can NEVER change to anything else besides VG. VG and Sniper is ALL YOU CAN DO. You can only pick 2 combat styles and your locked into, permanently. Its on the PTR now.

Edited by Lakemine
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