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One more thing about Bots.

I was worried about Bot.

Bots and Space PVE got space PVE nerfed a long time ago.

BAD Bots.


They didn't go after the Bots

Not publicly anyway

They just nerfed it to the ground and made it not worth Botting for all the Botters.


I'm not a Botter.


Bots stealthily creep and steal slicing nodes on Yavin.

People complain about the bots.

Slicing nodes, at the time, were amped up on steroids, and made it worth botting.

Nerf the game, leave the bots. (needed to be nerfed IMO)

Bots never left.


There's a long history of dealing with bots by nerfing the game.


Wouldn't it just be easier to nerf the bots?


Every other game I play now has a public response to people cheating. They post how many people they ban per month and in some cases, what percentages of activities people were banned for. The transparency is refreshing to know they are going after said cheaters. So when they make other changes in the game to address cheating, the players grumble less.

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One more thing about Bots.

I was worried about Bot.

Bots and Space PVE got space PVE nerfed a long time ago.

BAD Bots.


They didn't go after the Bots

Not publicly anyway

They just nerfed it to the ground and made it not worth Botting for all the Botters.


I'm not a Botter.


Bots stealthily creep and steal slicing nodes on Yavin.

People complain about the bots.

Slicing nodes, at the time, were amped up on steroids, and made it worth botting.

Nerf the game, leave the bots. (needed to be nerfed IMO)

Bots never left.


There's a long history of dealing with bots by nerfing the game.


Wouldn't it just be easier to nerf the bots?


Clearly not - or they would nerf the bots - though I agree with the sentiment, they should deal with the exploiters and bots first, and only adjust the game when the game itself needs adjusting (such as early Yavin slicing nodes).

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At this point in time, you are obviously just trolling, and it's extremely sickening that the mods won't stop it.

You first claimed it was botting, then all crafting, now just Bio, you can't make your mind up. There was an issue where multiple pings happened, which were causing an issue, but that was dealt with, there was no need of a blanket nerf, it was wrong of the devs.


you claim it will encourage people to play more content, which is bull, as it encouraged people to unsub, stop playing, or cut back on what they played.


You've used false data to propagate the idea that all the woes on CQ are because of crafting & botting, where the reality is, nothing has changed, the same people are still beating the same people, nothing has changed. The guild that was accused of cheating and botting, is still there, still number 1.


The argument is going now where, the mods/cm's obviously don't care, so the best thing I can do is put you on ignore, at least that way your toxicity against crafters is hidden.

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One more thing about Bots.

I was worried about Bot.

Bots and Space PVE got space PVE nerfed a long time ago.

BAD Bots.


They didn't go after the Bots

Not publicly anyway

They just nerfed it to the ground and made it not worth Botting for all the Botters.


I'm not a Botter.


Bots stealthily creep and steal slicing nodes on Yavin.

People complain about the bots.

Slicing nodes, at the time, were amped up on steroids, and made it worth botting.

Nerf the game, leave the bots. (needed to be nerfed IMO)

Bots never left.


There's a long history of dealing with bots by nerfing the game.


Wouldn't it just be easier to nerf the bots?


Love this post !!


Whether bots (exploits / cheats) IMO unless the source is dealt with .. the only thing that is really being addressed are symptoms. The problems still remain ! (they just change locations). And the wall gets bigger and taller !

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Love this post !!


Whether bots (exploits / cheats) IMO unless the source is dealt with .. the only thing that is really being addressed are symptoms. The problems still remain ! (they just change locations). And the wall gets bigger and taller !


It's not the wall I'm worried about, it's the grave they are digging, we've already buried crafting, what's next. Worse is the people dancing on the grave celebrating, not realising that, as parts of the game die, it'll drag down others.

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It's not the wall I'm worried about, it's the grave they are digging, we've already buried crafting, what's next. Worse is the people dancing on the grave celebrating, not realising that, as parts of the game die, it'll drag down others.


the modern day equivalent is called "union busting", and the method is much the same. find a weak point of the onion, chip at it until that layer is gone, give it a little time, them rinse and repeat. each layer removed makes the group that much smaller and weaker, until you literally have nothing worthwhile left and you can just bury it without any concern to the now minimal consequences.

Edited by Kaveat
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the modern day equivalent is called "union busting", and the method is much the same. find a weak point of the onion, chip at it until that layer is gone, give it a little time, them rinse and repeat. each layer removed makes the group that much smaller and weaker, until you literally have nothing worthwhile left and you can just bury it without any concern to the now minimal consequences.


Are you suggesting Bioware are purposely de-ringing the game so there will be less uproar when they stop support for it (like Anthem).

Or are you suggesting a particular group is purposely trying to destroy parts of the game?

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I didn't receive my 90 guild commendation for last invading. I didn't get them when I hit 5 mil conquest points and I didn't get them after weekly reset, even with nearly 8 mil points.

My rep guild got them, but my Imp guild don't and I can't see a reason.

Anyone else notice a problem with commendations?

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I didn't receive my 90 guild commendation for last invading. I didn't get them when I hit 5 mil conquest points and I didn't get them after weekly reset, even with nearly 8 mil points.

My rep guild got them, but my Imp guild don't and I can't see a reason.

Anyone else notice a problem with commendations?




This is in the bug section, same issue, post in there too. And also use /bug in game to let them know :)

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Hi all,


I wanted to take a moment and address a few points we are seeing in this thread.


With regard to the changes we made recently to Crafting based Conquest Objectives, these changes were made because there was proof of exploitative behavior, both provided by the community as well as within our own data.


While this was largely related to the Crafting: Inventor Conquest Objective, we also saw indication that this same behavior was also affecting and was possible with the Crew Skills: Harvesting Conquest Objective and had the potential to reach further into all other avenues of Crafting based Objectives. As Chris mentioned, many of these activities were found to be repetitive in nature such that they could be automated in ways which violate our Terms of Service. Because many of the Crafting based Conquest objectives were open-ended (aka Infinitely Repeatable), this combination had the potential to cascade. We needed to close these systems off, hence changing them from Infinite to Weekly/Daily.


While addressing the issue above, we took into consideration players who enjoy Crafting and wish for it to remain a viable means for earning Conquest. By increasing the number of required crafts for the Weekly, we were able to appropriately balance the Objective to provide more points than if we had done a 1:1 conversion (for instance, if we had simply changed the previous Craft 50 to a Weekly). We then created Crafting: Inventor 2 as a means for players to earn additional Conquest points through the Crafting system. This was in an effort to alleviate the change in repeatability, while still providing means for Crafting to be used for Conquest contribution. You can now earn more Conquest for crafting less items than before the update, as exampled below

  • 1 Weekly Objective = 6,400 Points for 100 Crafts
  • 7 Daily Objectives = 7,700 Points for 350 Crafts
    • For a total of 14,100 Points for 450 Crafts.

Previously in order to earn 14,100 Conquest Points through Crafting, players would have needed to have crafted ~950 items.


This has not been the first time we addressed Infinite repeat objectives. In the past, we made a change to the formerly Infinite Repeatable Chapters: Defeat Skytroopers 2 to a Daily Repeat to also address exploitative behavior we were seeing. Crafting was not and has not been explicitly singled out. We are always assessing Infinite Repeat Objectives offered and their potential for negative behavior, while also considering their benefit, or lack thereof, in the greater game.


I also want to come back to the points I made in my original Guilds and Conquest post.


Guilds are a large factor in not only our game, but in any game with a social backdrop to it. We took into consideration the negative impact the behavior we were seeing had on new players whether they be new to the game or new to Guilds. Changes were made to ensure that players were joining the right Guild for the right reasons including the departure from said Guild.


I would like to note a few takeaways based off of feedback we received;

1) Players use(d) crafting (and specifically the lower point Crafting: Inventor) to tip a character nearing their 50k Personal Conquest just enough over the goal without taking up other potential objectives for your remaining characters.

2) There is a desire for a healthy number of lesser point “filler” objectives which can be used multiple times over larger point objectives to help ensure that the first point is covered.

3) There is a wish for Crafting to remain (and be more of) an integral part of the Conquest experience.

4) Players want to see change in how Conquests work, specifically with Leaderboards.


This feedback does not fall on deaf ears. We actively discuss ways we can address both the viability and importance of crafting in Conquest, address the notion of not wanting to tip far over the 50k Personal goal to ensure you have room for alternate characters, and how we can make Conquest a competitive yet fair system for Guilds of all sizes. We will continue to take your suggestions into consideration while also taking a look into the larger picture of Conquest and how we can continue to improve it.


As always we appreciate your feedback, and ask that you continue to be civil and respectful in your discussions, and keep the threads on topic.

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Thx for the summary and explanation. But talking about numbers. No matter the number of toons I (or anyone else) have, current craft means 60.300 CQ point for craft per week and per player (alts can't count since the daily/weekly completed on 1 toon disables this possibility on all other toons.... and that's it. These are not viable CQ points compared to total points average guild does during the Conquest (10's and 100's of milions). Conclusion: crafting for conquest was made absolutely insignificant by these changes. When you want to craft now for CQ it is like spit into the sea - literally.


There were few ideas how to make crafting again viable for CQ. Not for CQ points but for the sysem as a whole. Please go through the threads and consider. Although - this would mean quite lot of work (or rather rework) of whole CQ system. Not just changing parameters (weekly/daily/infinite and CQ points to be earned) of particular CQ tasks.


I will give tou an example (and question for real life). Imagine you are mayor in a small town. There is 1 main road crossing your city that is intended just for cars, trucks are not allowed (because they are damaging the roadn and houses nearby, polluting the city, causing traffic jams and generally... simply they shouldn't be there). You as a mayor already tried to solve this problem in a good way and you warned all drivers tha this road is not for trucks and they are not allowed to enter the town. You installed road signs on both edges of the town. And it didn't help. Trucks are still here. So your next step will be:


a) buy few camera's, hire few more policemen and punish all those truck drivers who do not follow the rules?

b) you dig up the road. When there is no road, there can be no truck. Of course no car, but the main thing is to get the trucks out of my town.


My (and I'm not alone in this) feeling is that you are choosing b) too often. Because of simplicity.


Back to crafting, bots, terms of service etc.: Be clear. Let all the players know that any use of 3rd party SW violates rules. Any automation will be punished by a permaban. And then find and implement such measures that players who violate rules will be punished.



Edited by ImladrisCZ
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Ill give u that Crafting Inventor was able to be "automated" like u mentioned somewhere before, but i completely disagree with everything else. you gutted - no neutered the crafting cq objectives so much its not even fun to do those few "crumbs" u left there.

If you have to make them daily, at least give us a few more tiers to do. I mean i used Crafting: Inventor each time i was close to 50k points - it was the best filler ever and i miss it. Same goes for Harvesting objective - no idea how that can be automated as u claim given the nature of the harvesting activity and placement of the resource nodes all over planets, but this objective was awesome as one could do cq steadily at their leisure while leveling toon or maybe even while doing other cq objectives.


Id suggest returning all the cq objectives u ruined - keep them daily if u have to - but give them multiple tiers. Each more difficult(more items to craft etc.) than previous tier. Up to 5 tiers for each of the crafting objectives would make it less depressing to do since it would be more rewarding(and worth doing) than what we now get from that one measly tick of neutered crafting inventor 2 objective for example.

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Happy to see that once again Bioware are confirming that crafting abuse was the key reason for these objectives to be removed, hopefully, people read the dev post more carefully this time and stop trying to promote abusive behavior.


The argument was not and is not that crafting inventor could be abused using the multi-item craft recipes (virtually everyone agreed on this point and that a change was needed there). The issue was that the nerfs went too far. There was no need to nerf collecting resources (which are limited by node respawwn times) or craft war suppies/invason forces which were limited by very expensive materials (Grade 10 and 11 mats and lots of them).


Criticism of the nerfs is not promoting abusive behavior any more than supporting Spammer Station 24/7 for full conquest points each time.

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My biggest problem with your changes isn't taking away the infinitely repeatable crafting objective -- it's only giving credit for 1 War Supplies per day.


So if you make an Invasion Force, it covers the War Supplies objective too and your alts can't make make war supplies for points.


I used to reach my personal goal on alts with just war supplies. I've done that for literally the last year. And now that's not an option. And why? Because of bots?


Maybe you should do something about bots and botters instead of punishing the rest of us who like crafting. You've taken a bazooka to kill a fly on an elephant by completely neutering crafting conquest.

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Thank you for the very good response, and I especially agree with points 1 and 2. Something is desperately needed that is infinitely repeatable, and the consistent changing of once infinite repeatables to daily ones per legacy makes it seem like you don't particularly care. As you noted yourself, this was hardly hardly first time that had been done.


I'm glad the feedback on that point has been noted. I am also still peeved about the change to guild cq for new characters, but I haven't made a new character since the change, so I have no feedback to provide that I didn't before

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I wanted to take a moment and address a few points we are seeing in this thread.


With regard to the changes we made recently to Crafting based Conquest Objectives, these changes were made because there was proof of exploitative behavior, both provided by the community as well as within our own data.



This has not been the first time we addressed Infinite repeat objectives. In the past, we made a change to the formerly Infinite Repeatable Chapters: Defeat Skytroopers 2 to a Daily Repeat to also address exploitative behavior we were seeing. Crafting was not and has not been explicitly singled out. We are always assessing Infinite Repeat Objectives offered and their potential for negative behavior, while also considering their benefit, or lack thereof, in the greater game.


I also want to come back to the points I made in my original Guilds and Conquest post.


This feedback does not fall on deaf ears. We actively discuss ways we can address both the viability and importance of crafting in Conquest,


As always we appreciate your feedback, and ask that you continue to be civil and respectful in your discussions, and keep the threads on topic.


Excellent post imo , and exactly the type of transparency i (and others) have been pleading for more of in another recent thread. :cool:


Anyways, THANKS DavidStaats for posting such a detailed reply here in our OFFICIAL forums. Obviously, it still won't be enough to satisfy everyone (aka the insatiable vocal-minority) but it def. goes a long way in restoring better BioWare *balance* to the FORCE----err i mean---Forums. :ph_thank_you:


p.s. Although i do also agree with the requests to somehow de-nerf the 'war supplies' changes you made please.

Edited by Nee-Elder
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My biggest problem with your changes isn't taking away the infinitely repeatable crafting objective; But it would be nice if you added a multiply daily limit, like 5 per day...Or Per Alt limit crafting war supplies. For example, you can complete "Crafting War Supplies" CQ Mission 5 times per Legacy a day; or you can complete "Crafting War Supplies 1 time Per Character


It would also be nice if you separated "Crafting Invasion Force" from "Crafting War Supplies".

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Hi all,


I wanted to take a moment and address a few points we are seeing in this thread.


With regard to the changes we made recently to Crafting based Conquest Objectives, these changes were made because there was proof of exploitative behavior, both provided by the community as well as within our own data.


While this was largely related to the Crafting: Inventor Conquest Objective, we also saw indication that this same behavior was also affecting and was possible with the Crew Skills: Harvesting Conquest Objective and had the potential to reach further into all other avenues of Crafting based Objectives. As Chris mentioned, many of these activities were found to be repetitive in nature such that they could be automated in ways which violate our Terms of Service. Because many of the Crafting based Conquest objectives were open-ended (aka Infinitely Repeatable), this combination had the potential to cascade. We needed to close these systems off, hence changing them from Infinite to Weekly/Daily.


While addressing the issue above, we took into consideration players who enjoy Crafting and wish for it to remain a viable means for earning Conquest. By increasing the number of required crafts for the Weekly, we were able to appropriately balance the Objective to provide more points than if we had done a 1:1 conversion (for instance, if we had simply changed the previous Craft 50 to a Weekly). We then created Crafting: Inventor 2 as a means for players to earn additional Conquest points through the Crafting system. This was in an effort to alleviate the change in repeatability, while still providing means for Crafting to be used for Conquest contribution. You can now earn more Conquest for crafting less items than before the update, as exampled below

  • 1 Weekly Objective = 6,400 Points for 100 Crafts
  • 7 Daily Objectives = 7,700 Points for 350 Crafts
    • For a total of 14,100 Points for 450 Crafts.

Previously in order to earn 14,100 Conquest Points through Crafting, players would have needed to have crafted ~950 items.


This has not been the first time we addressed Infinite repeat objectives. In the past, we made a change to the formerly Infinite Repeatable Chapters: Defeat Skytroopers 2 to a Daily Repeat to also address exploitative behavior we were seeing. Crafting was not and has not been explicitly singled out. We are always assessing Infinite Repeat Objectives offered and their potential for negative behavior, while also considering their benefit, or lack thereof, in the greater game.


I also want to come back to the points I made in my original Guilds and Conquest post.


Guilds are a large factor in not only our game, but in any game with a social backdrop to it. We took into consideration the negative impact the behavior we were seeing had on new players whether they be new to the game or new to Guilds. Changes were made to ensure that players were joining the right Guild for the right reasons including the departure from said Guild.


I would like to note a few takeaways based off of feedback we received;

1) Players use(d) crafting (and specifically the lower point Crafting: Inventor) to tip a character nearing their 50k Personal Conquest just enough over the goal without taking up other potential objectives for your remaining characters.

2) There is a desire for a healthy number of lesser point “filler” objectives which can be used multiple times over larger point objectives to help ensure that the first point is covered.

3) There is a wish for Crafting to remain (and be more of) an integral part of the Conquest experience.

4) Players want to see change in how Conquests work, specifically with Leaderboards.


This feedback does not fall on deaf ears. We actively discuss ways we can address both the viability and importance of crafting in Conquest, address the notion of not wanting to tip far over the 50k Personal goal to ensure you have room for alternate characters, and how we can make Conquest a competitive yet fair system for Guilds of all sizes. We will continue to take your suggestions into consideration while also taking a look into the larger picture of Conquest and how we can continue to improve it.


As always we appreciate your feedback, and ask that you continue to be civil and respectful in your discussions, and keep the threads on topic.


Thank you for following up your original post with this one.


I’m glad you guys are reading our feed back and seem to get some of the key points some of us have been trying to get across in our posts.


But I do think you guys are missing one big piece of what we are saying. Crafting as you’ve changed it is a shell of its previous iterations. Crafting is now only able to be done on one Alt per day or in some instances, per week. It completely negates crafting as an activity in conquest if you have more than a handful for characters.


And while you have boosted some of the activities in points that you nerfed from being repeatable, you also locked them to the legacy so only one character can get them once per day or in some cases, once per legacy per week, like the conquest crafting 2 option on the guild fleet ship. That is now a complete and utter rip-off for 2 million credits I get 34,000 points once per legacy, per week. As a comparison, I can go do 5 GSF bomber missions every day and get 85.000 points every day. Why can’t the conquest crafting 2 guild ship option provide 34,000 to everyone one my characters or why can’t it also be once per day. (You guys want more credit sinks, but then make the cost vs value of using them so stupidly high that it’s not worth even bothering).


Nobody likes cheats and I doubt you’ll get anyone publicly saying you shouldn’t act to prevent cheating. But there are so many other ways to automate activities in CQ or get quick points for no effort or skill other than just doing “x” activity. You also went too far in your nerfing of crafting. As others have pointed out, the repeatable crafting of war supplies is super expensive to do and the repeatable dark projects and invasions forces that got nerfed are only available during the “crafting week” of conquest. So why would you Nerf the crafting week activities when they weren’t an issue?


Conquest activities are not balanced and we all know it, but many of us small or medium guild players didn’t care because there were so many options for all of us to participate, not matter what we were into playing. First you make it so Pvpers get the short end of the stick in CQ and then you hit crafters. But at the same time you’ve boosted things like GSF where we don’t need to win, we only need to join in. It’s actually faster to spam an hour’s worth of GSF matches to get CQ than it ever was to craft for CQ or play pvp.


You’ve also overly boosted certain rewards for some activities and then Nerf others. Why do activities reward more than what the personal targets are for character CQ? Why are any of the rewards higher than 50k when you only need 50k for that character to get personal conquest?


Before you guys started down this Nerf / changes path (to reg pvp) mid last year and the crafting Nerfs this year, CQ was in a good spot for small-medium guild or casual players who didn’t belong to super guilds. Many of the issues complained about by the handful of super guilds revolve around unsavoury practices so they can win top spot to control commanders or get planet vanity plates. They are a small percentage of the total player base, but you pander to them and encourage the aweful behaviour that often goes along with it instead of addressing those issues, you make changes that affect everyone but them. None of the crafting changes have had any impact on the larger guilds competing. The same guilds are still in front and the ones that complained still aren’t.


As for the cheaters and botters you mention. Was any action taken against them and their guilds? Were they banned for said behaviour because it feels like we all got punished with these Nerfs, but they didn’t get punished at all. And how many were involved.

Another MMO game I’ve been playing has a monthly report that tells the players how many accounts have been banned and even goes into the percentages of what activities those players were doing that got them banded. It’s as close to full transparency as I’ve ever seen and installs confidence that cheats are dealt with harshly and acts as a reminder and deterrent that cheating isn’t tolerated. Then if changes are also needed, players have less resentment towards said changes.


Also, one thing, so that this is clear and people don’t think I’m attacking their way to play. I don’t want you to Nerf anything else. I don’t want you to Nerf GSF and I want to you to reduce the points you are currently giving out to all activities. My point was to show how unbalanced your approach has been and that you seem to be knit picking what to Nerf based on specific guilds are whining about and running bullying campaigns on the forums for their own selfish circumstances and you are not looking at how this affects the rest of the player base.


I would personally like to see you apply the same rules to regular pvp that you apply to GSF. I would like to see CQ activities decoupled from being once per legacy, especially the once per legacy per week ones and everything converted to per character. If that means you need to rebalance some of the points, then so be it, but I don’t think you need to reduce any points to decouple CQ activities from legacy because guilds are already topping 100 million or more a week. Just leave the points as they are and make it per character so we don’t have to pick and choose which Alts can do what activities without wasting them. It would also allow us to play the Alts we want when we want and what content we want without having to stop and swap to other Alts half way through.


As for Reg pvp. Some suggestions to bring it inline with GSF.

GSF have activities to play 5 missions as a bomber or gunshot or scout (etc). All you need to do is play those 5 missions and you get 85,000 points. You don’t need to win or anything. So can we get something like that for regular pvp.

1. How about play 5 matches as a warrior or inquisitor or bounty hunter or agent and get 85,000 points from just participating

2. Reverse the silly win requirement to advance your Reg pvp daily and weekly missions. Revert it back to a points system where there is a ratio of points for winning or losing to finish the missions. It use to be 2:1 ratio, which obviously wasn’t enough to make people care about winning. So why not try other ratios instead, like 3:1 or 4:1 till you find balance.

** (The next one is a little harder and maybe unrealistic given the dwindling pvp population, but here goes)

3. Add a reg arena queue that is seperate from objective pvp queue. Then you can add CQ and missions rewards for playing both types. As an example only, play 5 arenas and get 50,000 CQ or play 5 objective pvp missions and get 50,000 CQ. Then have weeklies for each one that also have a CQ goal like completing the arena and objective pvp weekly will give you 100,000 CQ points (of course these points are just examples and in no way reflect any balancing or thought to how much they should actually be).


It’s obvious your changes to GSF is really helping to reinvigorate that content. It was nearly dead 12 months ago, now it pops faster than regular pvp (which is dying). If you can reinvigorate GSF this way, certainly reg pvp has a chance if you are willing to listen to player feedback.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Thank you for following up your original post with this one.


I’m glad you guys are reading our feed back and seem to get some of the key points some of us have been trying to get across in our posts.


But I do think you guys are missing one big piece of what we are saying. Crafting as you’ve changed it is a shell of its previous iterations. Crafting is now only able to be done on one Alt per day or in some instances, per week. It completely negates crafting as an activity in conquest if you have more than a handful for characters.

I clipped away the rest of this because I'm really answering *all* of it, but I just wanted it to be clear which post I'm answering without quoting a whole big piece of text.


Quite frankly, I think the most important problem with Conquest is not the balance of points, nor the various questions of repeatability, nor the botting or cheating.


Everyone keeps talking about and debating how BioWare can *fix* Conquest, and I've come to the conclusion that they cannot. Nobody can. Conquest has "eaten" SWTOR - it seems like people are talking about how this or that feature of SWTOR relates to Conquest (but never the other way around), and it worries me. We have this big huge game full of things to do, and what concerns us? Just one little corner of it - Conquest - is important, and all those other things are just ways to play Conquest.


Is this healthy for the game? I don't think so, and aside from just removing Conquest totally from the game, I don't see how, in the end, it can be fixed *at*all* before it takes the game down with it.


Will someone *please* tell me why I'm wrong?

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