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In Praise of the 6.1.1 Conquest Overhaul


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So what? Conquest is not the aim of the game. It's a bonus, a sideshow, not the main attraction.


He doesn't understand, he's got his fingers in his ear and shouting what he wants. Just ignore him. As you can see from this thread, and the others, nearly all of the community agree with the conquest changes.


I agree it's a side thing, not a main thing. And it's even better now, as more people can participate, more people benefit.

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It could be that since most have stopped responding to that thread, he has no one to argue with. I agree with you my guild (and no it is not a one-person guild) are enjoying the new conquest. We are actually able to get encryptions so we can unlock the rest of our guild ships (we have two guilds one on each side)


With the lockdown still active, I'm spending more time on the game, so this CQ change was a blessing, not only have I managed to get lots of toons through CQ, while actually enjoying the game, I've managed to get 4 of my own, small guilds through, so we'll have some FS plans, and might even be able to buy some more, if the price drops. Plus I help out some other small guilds cross the threshold, while still getting the big rewards from the large guilds I'm in. It's a win win to me, nearly everyone is happy.

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It could be that since most have stopped responding to that thread, he has no one to argue with. I agree with you my guild (and no it is not a one-person guild) are enjoying the new conquest. We are actually able to get encryptions so we can unlock the rest of our guild ships (we have two guilds one on each side)


Yes! Exactly!! my guild doesn't have to spend MONTHS upon MONTHS grinding out for encryptions at all just to unlock a deck. It's great now!! That's a HUGEE bonus

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Part of the game you like gives great conquest. Perhaps you recognize portions of it might be either broken or at least in need of tweaking. However, since parts of the game you like are in great shape you actively campaign to --prevent- devs from improving other aspects of the game for others. Because you fear there is a small change it would somehow bother or hurt you. For a time, I kept wondering why people have huge issue with the notion " let all content be great conquest then." But here. Here is the reason I guess.


You know, I want to point out, I'm noticing now how contradictory your points are.


When I asked you in your thread what specifically you wanted changed to address your concerns for the current system, you responded that you wanted them to give group content and PVP better Conquest rewards. That's what this post suggests and, while we had our disagreement there on how far that should go for group content specifically, I generally agree that those pieces of content should be more rewarding than they are for Conquest. I'm sure a lot of people would be fine with that (not saying all, of course, but more than enough to make it worth doing).


However, then you make a post like this:


Yeah, if you play one or very few characters within a week( like somebody who wants to focus on a class story or perhaps a brand new player), then conquest basically works like a legacy xp bar for you. - You don't have to pay any attention to it, you don't have to go out of your way to do anything specific to earn it. It is not a pursuit. You'll get there and get rewarded. Like button of butter on a gigantic toast, It is spread so fully it covers all you do..but layer has grown quite thin. Becoming difficult to taste.


Buffing Group content and PVP would make this far worse. Mind you, I don't mind that, but you clearly do based on the posts you've made like this. Conquest becoming quicker and easier clearly bothers you and is something you don't agree with, as evidenced by this post, so it would stand to reason that you don't actually want group content and PVP buffed up to the same level as other content, you want the other content nerfed to bring Conquest back down.


Now, that's where I can see the "we don't want them tweaking it, as chances are, they'd break it" sentiment coming into play. Not from buffing other rewards, but nerfing what's there currently. I happen to agree that the janitorial stuff probably needs toned down, for the record, but even I can admit there's a lot of truth in this sentiment. Great example is the Contraband Slot Machine. Bioware released it, got negative feedback from some people about the mat rewards it was dropping despite heaps of praise for it overall, and proceeded to nuke it from orbit to the point of basically just making it a rep machine. More recently, see their rebalance of the Revitalized Mystic set bonus for Sage healers which has completely killed the set. Bioware has shown, in the past, that they have a tendency to be extremely heavy handed on nerfs, to the point of making things outright useless.


With enough people actually enjoying this current Conquest system, so much so that it's revitalized guilds and got people more active in the game (I'm seeing and experiencing this personally, in addition to all voices echoing it here in this thread and yours), I'm sure you can see why that suggestion would get pushback. If Bioware nerfs something here, which they've even done to Conquest in the past and ruined it in the eyes of a lot of people, there's a high likelihood that all of the fun they just added with this new Conquest system goes away.


So, after explaining all of that, let me ask you again so we can all be clear here: What do you actually want Bioware to do here? Do you want Group Content and PVP buffed, exacerbating the perceived issue you raised in that second post I quoted? Or do you actually want other content and Conquest in general nerfed so it goes back to being a "goal" for bigger guilds?


If you're not clear on what you want and keep sending mixed messages like this, nobody can effectively discuss things with you.

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..or you want the other content nerfed to bring Conquest back down.


This cat is out of the bag now..BW can't nerf mission runners and do stuff like remove the newly given 50++ objectives from them, people would go absolutely furious. If they adjust stuff, it'll be another 6.0. (you get same amount of conq from everything, but personal/guild targets go way, way up) If something like that happens, it'd be super important to have a bit wider selection of activities be more relevant to conquest again by then. Which is what I've been arguing. Even if they don't adjust a thing, it'd be important to have that wider selection of feasible stuff available. It might still be twisted and kinda ridiculous, buit being able to add " balanced" to the mix goes a long way.


Buffing Group content and PVP would make this far worse. -you don't actually want group content and PVP buffed up to the same level as other content, . Mind you, I don't mind that, but you clearly do based on the posts you've made like this. Conquest becoming quicker and easier clearly bothers you and is something you don't agree with,


Yeah it is what it is. I really don't like how irrelevant a goal it is now for an individual character. It igot turned from a valid daily pursuit into something you do in 5-15 mins. But as mentioned, cat is out of the bag now. If there is one major venue within game that gives this 30 chars/week rapid fire, rest of the activities should at least offer the same path. -Personally- I indeed hate it but that is kinda irrelevant. From my pov, Its about forgetting all that was lost and got twisted and finding new pursuits within the new weird conq system,.. Which becomes a thing if they at least make rest of the content bit more relevant source for conq again.



So, after explaining all of that, let me ask you again so we can all be clear here: What do you actually want Bioware to do here? Do you want Group Content and PVP buffed, exacerbating the perceived issue you raised in that second post I quoted? Or do you actually want other content and Conquest in general nerfed so it goes back to being a "goal" for bigger guilds?


Second post you quoted was a discussion between me and somebody who, at least on that given week, has mostly played one single character and hasn't cared about conquest at all. Generally speaking, its a great patch for people who have never really cared for conquest as a system and only wanted the rewards. Stuff you quoted was a look at how this new conquest system appears if you play only a few characters/week and mostly focus on a class story for example. - Conquest stopped being tricky side-adventure to all that and instead, turned into yet another xp bar - it don't really matter, it fills all by itself just fine. No goals need pursuing. Heck, new players get the reward popup somewhere around DK/Coruscant and are like " eh wth is this thing then!?" However, ofc it remains different to people who do like helping themselves and/or their guilds by farming tons of conquest. For people who wanna bring 30 characters to target/week, it does remain a " pursuit" and the relevant objectives - do- matter. Its just that most all of those objectives are about fleet janitor stuff. Or mission running , Or orbit mission running. All of that stuff character to target within a blink of an eye. And instead of " nice, my character reached his conq target today:)" its more like " ok, i guess that was my 5th or 7th alt today..yay?"



What do you actually want Bioware to do here? Do you want Group Content and PVP buffed, exacerbating the perceived issue you raised in that second post I quoted?


What I want is a 200 million dollar class story about Starfighter pilots, massive space sandbox and mandatory GSF matches for everybody. :D

...When it comes to bit more realistic and attainable stuff, it is about cutting losses really - I want to find a way to adjust and enjoy the new conq system. Parts I greatly dislike about it prolly aren't going anywhere. Regardless of wether they adjust personal or planetary targets or not, they should at least make it more fair and balanced for all content.Then findng some way to make it feel like something that is fun to chase maybe becomes a thing.

Edited by Stradlin
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Well, it's the end of week two, and apart from one dissenting voice, I think we can agree it's been a huge success. Lots of people are having fun with it, much more then ever before. Looking forward to the week ahead, and waiting eagerly for the new race event :) Edited by DarkTergon
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Well, it's the end of week two, and apart from one dissenting voice, I think we can agree it's been a huge success. Lots of people are having fun with it, much more then ever before. Looking forward to the week ahead, and waiting eagerly for the new race event :)


Just because people don't post here doesn't mean you are correct. After watching the attacks I was not going to but I will just to bring context. Whatever the OP wrote in that other thread and whatever misdirections and strawhats were posted in response, I will give a bit of context.


I'm in what many here would call a Mega Guild and just wanted to post a couple numbers. We have one person who has one toon close to 3 mil conquest and when you add their alts to the tally, they ended with 4140008 points. They do not craft nor do they run around gathering. One person almost had the points needed to secure a Large Yield planet all by themselves. They said they stopped because it was boring so I have no idea what they could have achieved all by themselves. Yes, I think the system is broken and definitely lost something. Some people like to be spoon fed but not me. I like challenges and imo one more has been squashed by the Dev's overreaction to player requests.

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Just because people don't post here doesn't mean you are correct. After watching the attacks I was not going to but I will just to bring context. Whatever the OP wrote in that other thread and whatever misdirections and strawhats were posted in response, I will give a bit of context.


I'm in what many here would call a Mega Guild and just wanted to post a couple numbers. We have one person who has one toon close to 3 mil conquest and when you add their alts to the tally, they ended with 4140008 points. They do not craft nor do they run around gathering. One person almost had the points needed to secure a Large Yield planet all by themselves. They said they stopped because it was boring so I have no idea what they could have achieved all by themselves. Yes, I think the system is broken and definitely lost something. Some people like to be spoon fed but not me. I like challenges and imo one more has been squashed by the Dev's overreaction to player requests.


I think it is a huge success.

Granted, it's built on a couple of other things.

Double XP

A world wide pandemic forcing people to stay home and find ways to amuse themselves.


Look, I did 55 toons (between two accounts) this week. I chose the Large invasion due to the 20% conquest point bonus that my guild newly qualified for. With those 55 toons I think I got at least 4 million of the points. I COULD have done more, I did take most of two days "off" from conquest. The guild still hit 6 million. If I had chosen the small invasion goal I would have been on the top 10 leader board...first time since the POT5 server existed.

I even managed to do 8 toons on the DM server in the Pub Guild I'm in there. Why? I was running low on the Heroic / kill count objectives on SF.


My guild is a leveling guild. All the members that join know it's a solo guild and no one really organizes group activities. Everyone always laughs at the name too when I "recruit" asking where the Dead Wookiees are actually stored.


My point is that this conquest change served to keep some people online. It served to make LOTS of players happy about conquest again. The 1 or 2 or 3 people posting who seem overly bent out of shape about it...that can't be helped. Statistically speaking, there HAD to be someone who was unhappy. It's just their turn now.

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I think it is a huge success.

Granted, it's built on a couple of other things.

Double XP

A world wide pandemic forcing people to stay home and find ways to amuse themselves.


Look, I did 55 toons (between two accounts) this week. I chose the Large invasion due to the 20% conquest point bonus that my guild newly qualified for. With those 55 toons I think I got at least 4 million of the points. I COULD have done more, I did take most of two days "off" from conquest. The guild still hit 6 million. If I had chosen the small invasion goal I would have been on the top 10 leader board...first time since the POT5 server existed.

I even managed to do 8 toons on the DM server in the Pub Guild I'm in there. Why? I was running low on the Heroic / kill count objectives on SF.


My guild is a leveling guild. All the members that join know it's a solo guild and no one really organizes group activities. Everyone always laughs at the name too when I "recruit" asking where the Dead Wookiees are actually stored.


My point is that this conquest change served to keep some people online. It served to make LOTS of players happy about conquest again. The 1 or 2 or 3 people posting who seem overly bent out of shape about it...that can't be helped. Statistically speaking, there HAD to be someone who was unhappy. It's just their turn now.


my guild is a leveling guild too! and this is GREAT FOR US!! we already DID all this stuff anyway. everybody I talk to in game LOVVESSS it and has NO issue. it's only a handful of people on the forum. But that doesn't represent the community. Majority of people love this. cause it's awesome. finally makes conquest part of the game, instead of some boring afterthought!

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So, I may be late to this party, but as someone who grnerally doesn't give a rats *** about conquest, I have to say this:


The way the developers have overhauled Conquest genuinely has me interested.


Even with double XP, and quite a few characters to level, I just didn't have the drive to come back to the game as I thought I would, but I finally got bored enough, fired up a low level bounty hunter I always meant to level, and found I could just level, and still earn conquest. It got me curious as to what else I could do to earn conquest points, and lo and behold, I decided to do a heroic I normally would have skipped for the CQ.


I think this system opens up conquest for more people.


I do have 2 suggestions though:


  1. The size of the conquest notification window - I haven't checked in the UI customizations yet, but is there a way to make it smaller? With the dings going off a lot, it can get distracting. I still want to be notified and see it, just not so much of it. a 33% size reduction would likely do it.
  2. This new system does leave the conquest grinders in a cold a bit. There needs to be something for them - Frankly uprisings need a lot of love in the vein of I see no reason or purpose to do them. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone and make Uprisings max level content and hard difficulty for double the conquest points for guilds?

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Just because people don't post here doesn't mean you are correct. After watching the attacks I was not going to but I will just to bring context. Whatever the OP wrote in that other thread and whatever misdirections and strawhats were posted in response, I will give a bit of context.


I'm in what many here would call a Mega Guild and just wanted to post a couple numbers. We have one person who has one toon close to 3 mil conquest and when you add their alts to the tally, they ended with 4140008 points. They do not craft nor do they run around gathering. One person almost had the points needed to secure a Large Yield planet all by themselves. They said they stopped because it was boring so I have no idea what they could have achieved all by themselves. Yes, I think the system is broken and definitely lost something. Some people like to be spoon fed but not me. I like challenges and imo one more has been squashed by the Dev's overreaction to player requests.


No, he's pretty much correct and you're wrong. :rak_03:

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With the lockdown still active, I'm spending more time on the game, so this CQ change was a blessing, not only have I managed to get lots of toons through CQ, while actually enjoying the game, I've managed to get 4 of my own, small guilds through, so we'll have some FS plans, and might even be able to buy some more, if the price drops. Plus I help out some other small guilds cross the threshold, while still getting the big rewards from the large guilds I'm in. It's a win win to me, nearly everyone is happy.


As someone who has played this game since Beta II, and has seen and done just about all there is to see and do (aside from the new ops, which I don't have time for unfortunately), I was avoiding this game, other than to jump in for the unlock sale, because I was thoroughly bored with it. I burned out completely.


But I caught a night of boredom, and still have about 18 characters that need levelling, and decided to level a BH, just last night.


The conquest just was a damn smart idea, and now I am actually looking forward to jumping onto a character today and playing the game again.


This game sorely lacked something accessible that also allowed for repeat content. This did it.

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Didn't have much time to play last week due to work related issues.


And I nonetheless managed to bring all my 8 1st gen chars to 50k.


Without any stress, calculation of points and activities, planning and pressure to log in at night after a long day just so that I wouldn't miss a certain daily.


I repeat my praises to the devs for the new conquest system! :)

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Just because people don't post here doesn't mean you are correct. After watching the attacks I was not going to but I will just to bring context. Whatever the OP wrote in that other thread and whatever misdirections and strawhats were posted in response, I will give a bit of context.


I'm in what many here would call a Mega Guild and just wanted to post a couple numbers. We have one person who has one toon close to 3 mil conquest and when you add their alts to the tally, they ended with 4140008 points. They do not craft nor do they run around gathering. One person almost had the points needed to secure a Large Yield planet all by themselves. They said they stopped because it was boring so I have no idea what they could have achieved all by themselves. Yes, I think the system is broken and definitely lost something. Some people like to be spoon fed but not me. I like challenges and imo one more has been squashed by the Dev's overreaction to player requests.


if you've read the thread like you said you did, you would have noticed I said most of the people like this, a few times, not all. And there's has only been one dissenting voice. My comment was about what was going on here, ie, what people here were talking about. On this forum, there has been only one dissenting voice.


As for attacks. People used the word troll. A troll has many meanings. One is someone who argues for the sake of it, someone who does it for reactions, someone who changes what they say, etc. If anyone on this thread has been called out, you can see why. The only person who is misdirecting things is the person you are trying to white knight, everyone here has stayed on target, that person is the one that's all over the place.

Edited by DarkTergon
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No, he's pretty much correct and you're wrong. :rak_03:


That is your opinion. I stated my opinion. I love how you can say your opinion is more valid than mine. Also, I don't require your validation so save you judgements for those that may.


if you've read the thread like you said you did, you would have noticed I said most of the people like this, a few times, not all. And there's has only been one dissenting voice. My comment was about what was going on here, ie, what people here were talking about. On this forum, there has been only one dissenting voice.


As for attacks. People used the word troll. A troll has many meanings. One is someone who argues for the sake of it, someone who does it for reactions, someone who changes what they say, etc. If anyone on this thread has been called out, you can see why. The only person who is misdirecting things is the person you are trying to white knight, everyone here has stayed on target, that person is the one that's all over the place.


I'm not white knighting anyone. I am saying that not everyone agrees that this change was a good thing. That people can see attacks based off the mob mentality in these forums and refuse to post.

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I'm not white knighting anyone. I am saying that not everyone agrees that this change was a good thing. That people can see attacks based off the mob mentality in these forums and refuse to post.


Your argument seems to at least be consistent and doesn't meander like a different poster. Philosophically, you think rewards should be more exclusionary b/c that gives them more meaning / satisfaction in your mind. Nothing wrong with that. You do you.


The problem the other person has, as several have noted (including brilliantly by yours truly) is that his posts in the other thread contradict themselves. I didn't see any "misdirection" or "strawman" arguments. Many of us (including brilliantly by yours truly) analyzed his arguments and pointed out the contradictions and shifts. It's difficult to take your original post in this thread seriously when you hide behind generic broadsides. I have often been in the minority in forum disputes and could not care less. Your first post in this thread smacks of...I could totally refute you, but I'm not going to.


In any case, my primary audience is Keith and his team (who I actually believe read the forums). Presumably, you care more about what he thinks than me. But, we can't really have much a debate with you on this subject. That's not a criticism per se. I don't think there is anything wrong with your perspective and I don't consider 'elitism' necessarily a derogatory term.


But here's my perspective...


In 17 days, we will hit the 7 month anniversary of Onslaught. For reasons completely justified, the new content scheduled for 6.0 is going to be delayed. The new system gives us something to do, particularly with alts.


What reinforces my view is that there is no gameplay impact on you and Stradlin with the exception of GTN prices for SRMs. After 7 months, you seem to care that I can expand and decorate my Guild Flagship more quickly. FYI, something you will never, ever see. It's not like specialized mounts from NiM Ops or MM FPs.


I guess I'm gearing up my alts more quickly too. But that makes for a more vibrant world, one that I see much more active, though no doubt that is also a function (as Darev correctly notes) about people being home.


But Conquest is not the fastest way to gear. It is much improved, but you're talking 400 tech fragments per character / week - and that assumes max SH bonus. Hence the one main argument I have made that has yet to be refuted...


You can do silly things for Conquest, but that applies to every player. Gearing through Conquest, while improved, is still inefficient vis a vis other activities. The silly things Stradlin keeps talking about (e.g., Treek treats) happens for 1 player / per day. If you are fanatical, you can even do it twice on Tuesday.


Why you care about me decorating Strongholds and Flagships, getting gear slightly faster seven months after the release of an expansion, escapes me.


But your feelings are your own,



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You are entitled to your own opinion, believe it or not, i respect that , if it was just a matter of different opinions, this thread would have ended after a couple of pages.


I'm not white knighting anyone. I am saying that not everyone agrees that this change was a good thing. That people can see attacks based off the mob mentality in these forums and refuse to post.


This is what I have the problem with, there is no mob, it's a one man vendetta against the changes. Others have said it could use tweaking, but over all it's good. It has brought new life, etc in to CQ. Many people here have pointed out the flaws in his argument, and his constant changes. I'm a normal average humaan being, with a higher than average intelligence, but there are others here, with a higher intelligence, and better eloquencey who have put forward extremely well laid out posts, that he has chosen to ignore. Dasty is a perfect example, his/her/it's (sorry, not sure of a hutts gender) , they've put some great posts together which rip apart his argument, but he still keeps going, and dasty isn't the only one.

Is it perfect, No, can it be improved, possibly, BUT an it be fixed as he wants it to be, without *********** it up for everyone else, i doubt it.

Edited by DarkTergon
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Your argument seems to at least be consistent and doesn't meander like a different poster. Philosophically, you think rewards should be more exclusionary b/c that gives them more meaning / satisfaction in your mind. Nothing wrong with that. You do you.




I don't believe they are exclusionary. I believe the purpose of Conquest was to get a guild to work together and accomplish something. Now one person can do so at the hardest levels (Large Conquest) thus bypassing the (what I believe) original intent of Conquest in the first place. My opinion has nothing to do with decos or conquest mats. I just feel Conquest is now a non factor in the game. One less thing to strive for.

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I don't believe they are exclusionary. I believe the purpose of Conquest was to get a guild to work together and accomplish something. Now one person can do so at the hardest levels (Large Conquest) thus bypassing the (what I believe) original intent of Conquest in the first place. My opinion has nothing to do with decos or conquest mats. I just feel Conquest is now a non factor in the game. One less thing to strive for.


Fair enough, but the devs are balancing the ephemeral, esoteric feel good karma you experience achieving a previous goal vs. those of us in smaller guilds who can now do something tangible like decorating a Guild Flagship more easily. If you are in a mega-guild (which I believe), you can still compete for ranks on the planet. That hasn't changed at all.


For me, the choice is clear b/c you can still get your ephemeral, esoteric, sense of satisfaction rush by ranks. This must logically be true, of course, since you don't seem to care about the in-game tangible, material rewards.



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Fair enough, but the devs are balancing the ephemeral, esoteric feel good karma you experience achieving a previous goal vs. those of us in smaller guilds who can now do something tangible like decorating a Guild Flagship more easily. If you are in a mega-guild (which I believe), you can still compete for ranks on the planet. That hasn't changed at all.


For me, the choice is clear b/c you can still get your ephemeral, esoteric rush by ranks.




In point of fact I am in two guilds. One is a small 6 person that has not had a problem reaching the medium yield and fully opening our ship prior to these changes to conquest. The other what people like to call a Mega, as you assumed, because I also like to raid and like the people there. I will reach target on the latter just by doing one raid. I accumulated over 80k on my first toon in the small guild shortly after Conquest reset today. That guild hit the target for small yield already. Six people with over 500k just playing and not really trying. It wasn't about a rush with an elitist attitude. Some people take pride in accomplishing things while others only look for rewards all the while missing that there is a difference between being given something and earning it.


If having a good feeling about earning something is elitist (from your earlier post) in your book then so be it. Our 6 man guild is elitist for sharing a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie all the while having fun.


P.S. The true Mega is about to hit 20 mil 3.5 hours after reset and that's not counting their second guild. Broken is not defined by what people say or want.

P.P.S. The only thing I see if they keep it this way is Keith revamping objective requirements later.

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The changes to this conquest are so much the conquest points it having people come back to play. I know my guild is not the only one. There been people coming back and enjoying playing now. The changes a few people want (going back to the old way), let me ask you this, is it really worth it if we start losing people again and even more because of the changes some of you are wanting.


I know I have played more in the last two weeks. This is not because of the virus. I still have a full-time schedule at college, a part-time job, an invalid mother to take care and other responsibilities. I just find a reason to actually log in more than I did before, and that is getting to play my alts. But that's just me, my playstyle doesn't really matter to some people as long as they keep things locked up for the way they want things.


If there are others doing the same and then people coming back wouldn't that be what is really important unless of course you rather keep losing people. I think it is more important to have things that people enjoy and logging in to play but then again I probably the minority that thinks it is better to have people on the game.

Edited by casirabit
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In point of fact I am in two guilds. One is a small 6 person that has not had a problem reaching the medium yield and fully opening our ship prior to these changes to conquest. The other what people like to call a Mega, as you assumed, because I also like to raid and like the people there. I will reach target on the latter just by doing one raid. I accumulated over 80k on my first toon in the small guild shortly after Conquest reset today. That guild hit the target for small yield already. Six people with over 500k just playing and not really trying. It wasn't about a rush with an elitist attitude. Some people take pride in accomplishing things while others only look for rewards all the while missing that there is a difference between being given something and earning it.


If having a good feeling about earning something is elitist (from your earlier post) in your book then so be it. Our 6 man guild is elitist for sharing a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie all the while having fun.


P.S. The true Mega is about to hit 20 mil 3.5 hours after reset and that's not counting their second guild. Broken is not defined by what people say or want.

P.P.S. The only thing I see if they keep it this way is Keith revamping objective requirements later.


This post just reinforced my point:


1) Grats to your smaller guild! They have everything opened but now you seem to care that even smaller guilds can get a chance to open up those rooms after seven months (which impacts you zilcho, nada, bupkiss). Moreover, your alts even get some benefit with some bonus 400 Tech Fragments!


2) Your Mega-Guild was never interested in Planetary Yields since they were going to achieve those regardless. I do not believe for one Death Star of a laser second that your Mega-Guild cares about achieving Planetary Yields (those were a given). It cared (and cares) about rank. The new system does NOTHING to change that equation.


You are wrapping yourself in the same contradictions and conundrums as Stradlin. You want not just the mantle of exclusivity, but the cosmetic benefits as well.


Just wear and own it.



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This post just reinforced my point:


1) Grats to your smaller guild! They have everything opened but now you seem to care that even smaller guilds can get a chance to open up those rooms after seven months (which impacts you zilcho, nada, bupkiss). Moreover, your alts even get some benefit with some bonus 400 Tech Fragments!


2) Your Mega-Guild was never interested in Planetary Yields since they were going to achieve those regardless. I do not believe for one Death Star of a laser second that your Mega-Guild cares about achieving Planetary Yields (those were a given). It cared (and cares) about rank. The new system does NOTHING to change that equation.


You are wrapping yourself in the same contradictions and conundrums as Stradlin. You want not just the mantle of exclusivity, but the cosmetic benefits as well.


Just wear and own it.




Read that post again. I said my smaller guild had no problems achieving a fully opened guildship prior to these conquest changes. In no way does it reinforce your point.

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Read that post again. I said my smaller guild had no problems achieving a fully opened guildship prior to these conquest changes. In no way does it reinforce your point.


As a Hutt, I assure you my reading comprehension is off the charts.


TL;DR: Size matters. :rak_03:


I'm going to trust that forum denizens and, more importantly, Bioware, are smart enough to get my point. The good news is -- I imagine they have the data analytics.



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I just find a reason to actually log in more than I did before, and that is getting to play my alts. But that's just me, my playstyle doesn't really matter to some people as long as they keep things locked up for the way they want things.


I'm part of this club too! Care to dance? :rak_03:



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