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In Praise of the 6.1.1 Conquest Overhaul


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Give few gifts to your companion. Sell vendor trash. Take a taxi. Recalibrate a mod on your gear. Do a few crew missions. Place 5 deco in your SH. Grats, you've now made more conquest doing some of the most straightforward, low effort and air headed things possible than you'd get by spending 35-45 mins in content requiring groups, group finders and queue pools. Do you truly consider that as good game design?


Lemme reiterate. We don't have a situation where selling vendor trash-tier of stuff and doing group content were somehow equal. Stuff that requires other people, queue pools or some effort is by far LESS REWARDING than giving gifts to your companion. Does this feel right?


Do the hamster wheel of irrelevant busy work from fleet and go to your SH and place five deco. Spend two mins doing any of the several face roll heroic missions. Grats, you've reached your conq target. You've also earned far more conquest than somebody doing PvP or GSF manages in an hour or two. Sell vendor trash-tier of idiocy is not an "equal" way of earning conq when compared to grp stuff. Vendor trash way is far superior and more fficient.


All those things you mentioned are only available once per day per legacy. So if you have multiple toons you want for conquest, you have to do the other, traditional activities.

Edited by Shirvington
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AS I stated on another forum:


I did make a comment about the harder flashpoints and operations that they should give more conquest points. That I will say needs to be done but without reducing the other conquest points. I believe the hard mode/veteran flashpoints and operations should be increased and maybe even PVP (I don't PVP so I can't comment on that actually) because it requires more of an effort for the harder ones.


But as far as the other conquest just leave them alone so those that don't those activities listed above can contribute or complete their personal conquest goal. I have heard more praise on the server I play on for the conquest now and it seems a lot of people are doing the bonus series now.

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AS I stated on another forum:


I did make a comment about the harder flashpoints and operations that they should give more conquest points. That I will say needs to be done but without reducing the other conquest points. I believe the hard mode/veteran flashpoints and operations should be increased and maybe even PVP (I don't PVP so I can't comment on that actually) because it requires more of an effort for the harder ones.


But as far as the other conquest just leave them alone so those that don't those activities listed above can contribute or complete their personal conquest goal. I have heard more praise on the server I play on for the conquest now and it seems a lot of people are doing the bonus series now.


Must you ALWAYS be the mature voice of calm, sound, logical reason?


Aren't you EVER naughty?





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I was thinking you taught me a new word, so i had to look up "sluice." Sluice means:


1. A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.


2. An act of rinsing or showering with water. "A sluice with cold water."


verb: sluice; 3rd person present: sluices; past tense: sluiced; past participle: sluiced; gerund or present participle: sluicing. Wash or rinse freely with a stream or shower of water. "she sluiced her face in cold water."



Where did you get the use of this word from? I never heard the word before so I was surprised it existed lol. Kudos for using it, but I think it's not what you mean. But i still got what you meant, even though you used this alien word. :p


In addition to controlling the flow of water, it controls the flow of ... cattle.

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2. Make the new objectives reward points based on the time effort it requires to complete that objective.


As I've mentioned previously, the goal not only was to broaden conquest in general, but make it available to lower-level players.


Level 10's don't have a lot they can do, so to help them contribute significantly (or, if not significantly, why are we bothering to include them at all, would be a fair question), there are tasks which are not time consuming but which reward a fair amount. This means both a level 10 and a level 75 can complete personal conquest goals.


Your suggestion, since nothing the level 10 does for conquest takes a lot of time, would put them right back to square one -- useless for them to bother with conquest.


Things that don't take a lot of time also help out casual players without a lot of time to begin with. This new system is better all the way around for that.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I was thinking you taught me a new word, so i had to look up "sluice." Sluice means:


1. A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.


2. An act of rinsing or showering with water. "A sluice with cold water."


verb: sluice; 3rd person present: sluices; past tense: sluiced; past participle: sluiced; gerund or present participle: sluicing. Wash or rinse freely with a stream or shower of water. "she sluiced her face in cold water."



Where did you get the use of this word from? I never heard the word before so I was surprised it existed lol. Kudos for using it, but I think it's not what you mean. But i still got what you meant, even though you used this alien word. :p



A sluice (/slus/ SLOOS; from the Dutch sluis) is a water channel controlled at its head by a gate. ... Sluice gates commonly control water levels and flow rates in rivers and canals. They are also used in wastewater treatment plants and to recover minerals in mining operations, and in watermills.


Maybe he was trying to say that it was a pre determined channel of only a few options to achieve conquest?

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Your suggestion, since nothing the level 10 does for conquest takes a lot of time, would put them right back to square one -- useless for them to bother with conquest.

Not at all, it would make them just as effective as everyone else. If a group finder op that take 1 hour rewards 10k CP, then make Esseles that takes 30 minutes for lv20 characters reward 5k, heroic dailies that take 20-40 minutes for a planet reward 3-7k, and taking a taxi that takes about a minute reward 500, to use some example numbers. Feel free to double or triple rewards that are not repeatable, but you get the idea.


I don't want low-level players to be disadvantaged any more than you do, but I also don't want it to be advantageous to guilds for players to roll new characters every week because the low-level one-time boni are so much better than doing high-level content. Making it based on the amount of time it takes for an average player of that content to complete it is fair for everyone.

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Not at all, it would make them just as effective as everyone else. If a group finder op that take 1 hour rewards 10k CP, then make Esseles that takes 30 minutes for lv20 characters reward 5k, heroic dailies that take 20-40 minutes for a planet reward 3-7k,



You rattle off numbers as if possessing some prescient notion of how EA would nerf points.

EA does not nerf. It over-nerfs. Into the ground, more often than not.


I don't want low-level players to be disadvantaged any more than you do, but I also don't want it to be advantageous to guilds for players to roll new characters every week

I have over 160 characters across five accounts. I don't care how many characters you think I should or should not create, I'm going to create them.


We would seem to disagree on fundamentals.

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You rattle off numbers as if possessing some prescient notion of how EA would nerf points.

EA does not nerf. It over-nerfs. Into the ground, more often than not.



I have over 160 characters across five accounts. I don't care how many characters you think I should or should not create, I'm going to create them.

I specifically stated that those numbers were a rough example of how CP should be rewarded for time investment. Don't get too hung up on the exact numbers of what amounts to educated but ultimated half-baked guesses. BioWare has the statistics on hand and should use them to reward time investment roughly evenly, the numbers were just an example of how they could do that for various levels of content.


I don't want to keep you from creating characters at all. You seem to misunderstand: I oppose the notion that creating dozens of new characters should be more effective than playing the one you already have. If they're equally effective, I see no problem, but guilds should not be forced to reroll masses of new characters to be competitive in conquest. Playing your main shouldn't put you at a disadvantage.

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EA does not nerf. It over-nerfs. Into the ground, more often than not.


Xor is, of course, 100% correct.


Anyway, on topic ... I support the notion of conquest being something you can achieve while "Playing Your Way ". I also support the notion of specific objectives that are thematic ... for example, killing Xenoanalyst II during the gree event awards a nice chunk of points. Although I disliked that I had no benefit to killing Xeno multiple times.


Its day two of the week and I'm at 3 characters done and half-way completed on a fourth. I have to admit I think some of the objectives are odd, like sending your companion to sell junk, though there is a tradeoff associated with that (the companion gone for x number of seconds, X being modifiable with legacy perks) and it is only once per day. I gotta be completely honest though ... I'd rather make up a 5k point deficit on a character close to personal goal by defeating and looting some random mobs , than burn 20 Invasion Forces for the 5k points donating those Forces to the war effort gave pre 6.1.1. With crafting resources in such limited supply these days, every invasion force I decide to make or consume is a big decision. To me, the time to kill defeat some enemies and send my companion to sell junk is worth not having to consume invasion forces, and I'm glad I have that choice.


I can imagine some people stockpiling junk loot now, in their legacy bank, just to pull out on a character to sell each day. Its not the end of the world that these trivial objectives exist, considering the devs removed our ability to actually do bounty contracts during Bounty Contract week.

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I want to praise these changes as well.


Finally I can log in and get conquest done and not feel like i have to grind stuff I don't enjoy to get my points. I can get it on one character or as many as I choose and it's not a second job. I can play the game again without having to always "work." It's accessible to all types of players and that is a *GOOD* thing. I don't know why people can't get that through their heads. Stuff does not always need to be *hard.*


It's a game, have FUN. Let others enjoy it too. Their enjoyment is not damaging to your enjoyment.


Thank you Bioware <3

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I'm loving the conquest update. Previously I'd only been able to make my goal on toons I crafted with. Last night I was able to reach and pass my goal playing story on my lvl 30. My guild which usually barely reaches low lvl yield planets, got our first large yield. And the weeks just getting started!
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I was thinking you taught me a new word, so i had to look up "sluice." Sluice means:


1. A sliding gate or other device for controlling the flow of water, especially one in a lock gate.


2. An act of rinsing or showering with water. "A sluice with cold water."


verb: sluice; 3rd person present: sluices; past tense: sluiced; past participle: sluiced; gerund or present participle: sluicing. Wash or rinse freely with a stream or shower of water. "she sluiced her face in cold water."



Where did you get the use of this word from? I never heard the word before so I was surprised it existed lol. Kudos for using it, but I think it's not what you mean. But i still got what you meant, even though you used this alien word. :p


It's not THAT unusual of a word.

Can't think of the first time I came across it, but it was either a movie or a book.

As for his usage...(sorry it made sense to me) it may not be 100% in line with the definition, but #1 (that you presented) works in that it's a defined path for controlling the "flow" of actions to get to the destination.


It's a little bit of a stretch...but not huge

at least IMO


like I said, it made sense to me.

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I specifically stated that those numbers were a rough example of how CP should be rewarded for time investment. Don't get too hung up on the exact numbers of what amounts to educated but ultimated half-baked guesses. BioWare has the statistics on hand and should use them to reward time investment roughly evenly, the numbers were just an example of how they could do that for various levels of content.


I don't want to keep you from creating characters at all. You seem to misunderstand: I oppose the notion that creating dozens of new characters should be more effective than playing the one you already have. If they're equally effective, I see no problem, but guilds should not be forced to reroll masses of new characters to be competitive in conquest. Playing your main shouldn't put you at a disadvantage.


It would be easier and simpler just to increase the hard/veteran flashpoints/operations and pvp instead of touching the other conquest points. Simple and easy and therefore the harders items get more conquest points and then they won't have to mess up the other points.

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I like this new conquest system because i feel me free again (in this time of covid19, its perhaps more important).

I can play now really what i want without thinking twice and get enough conquest points to make it at the same time.

It s exactly what we were looking for, so thanks devs for this huge improvement.


But, i have a little question for you:

Mostly each time you tune the conquest system we get a kind of little "error" in the system the first week and we lost the weakly reward of the conquest quest. Have you verify this will not occur this week ?

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+1 and many more from my guild in praise of this conquest overhaul. Love it.


Devs, please ignore the elitist snob complainers and keep any adjustments very, very small.


"Play your way" while helping your team in Conquest took a giant leap forward with this update.


Thank you.

Edited by Tryban
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+1 and many more from my guild in praise of this conquest overhaul. Love it.


Devs, please ignore the elitist snob complainers and keep any adjustments very, very small.


"Play your way" while helping your team in Conquest took a giant leap forward with this update.


Thank you.


I agree entirely.


All The Best

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I have expressed my fondness of the new conquest system before and I will do so again. Truly, the new changes are a vast improvement of what was. It's really fun to be able to properly engage lower level toons that I am still leveling in Conquests as well, with objectives geared towards those. In terms of crafting it also finally doesn't take as long as it used to, to get the mats. It makes finishing conquests on various alts a lot easier, so in my books Conquests got a lot more alt-friendly.


I would urge Bioware to listen to the majority of the playerbase expressing positive feedback, rather than to those who criticize the new system, who are in a minority from what I have seen so far. The latter group simply wants to impose their personal playstyle on everyone else, which is not how this all works. Everyone has their own way of playing and no one has any business telling anyone else how they should be playing the game.


Phenomenal work on the Conquest changes, Bioware! Keep up the good work :D

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I have expressed my fondness of the new conquest system before and I will do so again. Truly, the new changes are a vast improvement of what was. It's really fun to be able to properly engage lower level toons that I am still leveling in Conquests as well, with objectives geared towards those. In terms of crafting it also finally doesn't take as long as it used to, to get the mats. It makes finishing conquests on various alts a lot easier, so in my books Conquests got a lot more alt-friendly.


I would urge Bioware to listen to the majority of the playerbase expressing positive feedback, rather than to those who criticize the new system, who are in a minority from what I have seen so far. The latter group simply wants to impose their personal playstyle on everyone else, which is not how this all works. Everyone has their own way of playing and no one has any business telling anyone else how they should be playing the game.


Phenomenal work on the Conquest changes, Bioware! Keep up the good work :D




The last few tinkerings with Conquest unfortunately achieved the exact opposite of their stated and intended goal.


This time around they have more than made up for that.

Now, I really like being able to assist my guild without being corralled into which toon to play, what content to play:- for the first time in a very long time Conquest is genuinely now "play your way" and I love it.


Now, if they need to look at the overall level and speed of Conquest point gains in a month or two after gathering data so be it; but I don't think there's any real need to jump in and do anything right away.


As well as the Conquest changes we have to remember that for many, many player their playing patterns are very different right now to how they would normally be, and basing changes on this non-normal behaviour could be entirely the wrong move.


All The Best

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The last few tinkerings with Conquest unfortunately achieved the exact opposite of their stated and intended goal.


This time around they have more than made up for that.

Now, I really like being able to assist my guild without being corralled into which toon to play, what content to play:- for the first time in a very long time Conquest is genuinely now "play your way" and I love it.


Now, if they need to look at the overall level and speed of Conquest point gains in a month or two after gathering data so be it; but I don't think there's any real need to jump in and do anything right away.


As well as the Conquest changes we have to remember that for many, many player their playing patterns are very different right now to how they would normally be, and basing changes on this non-normal behaviour could be entirely the wrong move.


All The Best


Yes, I absolutely agree. It would be better for Bioware to gather data for a while to get a proper image of how the new Conquest changes settle in over the long term and then see if some need tweaking. If they come to the conclusion a few objectives need to have their conquest points lowered, I wouldn't mind it at all. As long as they keep the new element of "truly play the way you want" I'll sing praises of the new Conquest system every day :)


As I said in another thread on this subject, I love that the dailies became a larger feature of the new content system. I always loved doing the dailies but lately I have felt there wasn't a lot of incentive for doing them. It was easier to keep running Hammer Station ot Red Reaper to gear up, which in a sense shaped my player behaviour that I didn't play the way I wanted to play.


While dailies are still not the quickest way of gearing up, now there is incentive again to do the dailies, especially across several alts. What I love even more is that they included the planetary bonus mission as daily repeatables, that's just phenomenal! A lot of those planets I never bothered to visit after having finished all missions there, except for the odd alliance crates grind when doing heroics. But now there's a reason - a fun reason I might add - to go back and do those missions.


The new Conquest system has become a lot more alt-friendly and that makes me very happy!

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For me, I was getting ready to unsubscribe until they made this change and now I've been playing again this week so it seems like a success from here. They made such a big deal out of "play your way" and this change feels like they meant it. Kudos to the devs and I hope the haters don't screw it up for me again :)


Also, if you're curious, I believe the reason they don't give crazy conquest points for operations, etc. is that you get tons of conquest points as you run them. I'm a casual player, but I jumped into a PUG gods of the machine story mode run one time and went from 0 conquest points to meeting my personal goal by the time we hit the halfway mark.

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Adding my voice to the praises.


I've been working on expanding my small guilds flagships for a while now and I feel like I've made more progress towards that in a couple days than in the past couple months and I'm having a ton of fun doing it while up until last week it often felt like a second job.


I'm an altaholic and I spend most of my time playing story and dailies and the rest in group PvE activities (mostly one or two ops a week and flashpoints, either with friends or pug) and the only things this update has changed in the way I play is that I play most of my alts a little every week instead of focusing on a few and ignoring the rest.


I never was one to force my guildies into activities they were not interested in for the sake of conquest so the fact they can now indirectly help with conquest is a huge plus.


I haven't had that much fun working towards completing conquest in months and more importantly I've seen a few guildies logging in for the first time in months!


So yeah, thank you to the devs for making it more fun, more rewarding and helping bring people back into the game!


ETA: a couple things I'd like to see tweaked would be:

- Give us a way to turn off and/or move and resize the conquest pop-up.

- Make the yield planets less static: for example, keep 3 planets a week but rotate which yield they are tied to.

- Keep the flagship encryption plans out of the crafting materials inventory; people who don't craft never look in there and have plans gathering dust when we could use them!

Edited by CelynthePhoenix
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Today was the first time since I started playing three months ago, that I was able to meet my conquest goal. I love this conquest update and how its made it easier for me to contribute to my guild. Love it! Good job Bioware; I'm going to show you some appreciation and spend some cash your way.
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