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BRB, Eric is AFK Round 2


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Hey everyone,

round 2...

In a few short weeks, my wife and I are expecting our first child!

Between paternity leave and some paid time off that's burning a hole in my pocket, I am going to be in and out of the office quite a bit over the next few months.



This is the way.


Now if only baby carriers worked like this...



Congratulations to you both!

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better pic to share
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Hi there,


I will be the Padawan of the forums but don’t worry although I am new here on the forums I’m not so new to SWTOR. I have worked as a member of the SWTOR support team for years.


Here are a few facts about me: People call me Natha, I'm French but I have lived in Ireland since 2015, I love food and hiking (do not hesitate to send me suggestions on both). Last but not least, my favorite class in SWTOR is Sith Inquisitor.


I will be an additional helping hand alongside Dan during Eric’s parental leave and even beyond. Expect me to be not only on the forums discussing with you and escalating bug reports but also responding to you on social media.


I’m looking forward to having great conversations with you.


Congratulations, Eric! Warm wishes to you and your growing family. Fingers crossed on the sleep front. ;)


Natha, I am in Ireland too - hope you are having a nice time here. :)


Wow! TWO other people in Ireland who play!? I'm kinda shocked xD Was starting to think I was alone lol :p

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Hello everyone!


It’s been about a year since my debut here on the forums, but for anyone unsure of what aspects of Community I help run, here’s a quick list of things that I handle on the back end of things.


  • Website publishing and management. I’m the main driving force behind a majority of the articles and various website updates that happen.
  • Creating assets used for Community/Marketing. The Alderaan trailer for Game Update 6.1 and the images used for the recent Cartel Market article are some good examples of this.
  • Running the Content Creator program and working with everyone in that group.
  • Social media posting on all the different platforms.


With Musco’s upcoming journey into fatherhood, expect to see more of me here on the forums! The next few weeks will be a transitionary period, so thank you for your patience as we get properly adjusted to dividing everything Musco managed both here and behind the scenes.


Hi Dan,


Does that mean we can bring important issues to your attention that you can pass on to the development team and Keith. Then have some two way communication back to let us know what’s happening, even if it’s to say they know and will look into it?


There are still some outstanding issues / bugs / problems since 6.0 launch that we’ve had no replies or two way communication to let us know if they have even been seen or if they are being worked on. This is very frustrating to the parts of the community these affect and I dare say you are losing players from lack of communication more than the actual problems themselves. The lack of communication on important issues is doing you more harm than good. It seems a simple and cheap solution to just open up some channels of communication.


Anyway, I look forward to seeing how this goes, and congrats (or maybe not) on the extra responsibility of dealing with us :D

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Dear Eric, that's wonderful news, congratulations and all the best for the upcoming months/years to you and your family!!!


You're in for the second best thing after SWTOR, as far as I can tell: My daughter is two and a half years old and yesterday she kept begging to "play" the game with me, i.e. she wanted to watch my Sent on the Hutt Cantina Skiff and kept asking for him to eat more grapes. So it's actually possible to combine fatherhood and SWTOR, even though it'll be a slightly different experience ;-)


Again all the best of times!!!

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Last but not least, my favorite class in SWTOR is Sith Inquisitor.


Great, sorc/sage healers need better tacticals. They should be viable and change our play style. The current ones are neither. And the mystic 6 piece set bonus needs a buff.


Also a tactical that complety nullifies our force managment would be appropriate. Just like Rocket Fuel Vapors.

And if that would happen soon that would be great - I´m done waiting.

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Hey everyone,


A couple of years ago I made a post just like this one where I let you know I was getting married and would be out of office for a few weeks. (Round 1, if you missed it). Well, I am back for round 2...


In a few short weeks, my wife and I are expecting our first child!


Between paternity leave and some paid time off that's burning a hole in my pocket, I am going to be in and out of the office quite a bit over the next few months. To keep things consistent, even during the time I am in office, I will be focusing most of my efforts behind the scenes. I would expect it will be a few months before you see me start popping back up more regularly. My goal is to have this time be as minimally impactful to all of you as possible. This is going to be accomplished in two ways.


First, most of you already know Dan Steed who has been on the community team for a year or so now. A lot of his role is typically behind the scenes, but, he is gonna step out from behind the curtain to start communicating with you more. Second, we have a couple of people that are going to be helping us out, some on a temporary basis. They will be posting under a new account aptly called "CommunityTeam".


Like last time, this likely won't be my last message to you all before I go on leave (given the unpredictability of babies though, who knows). But I will start receding back a bit so the other team members can start interacting with all of you. Thanks everyone, be nice while I'm gone :rak_03:.


Enough from me, over to them!



Good luck to you and yours, Eric!


Dan: welcome to the madhouse!


Natha: do you prefer French or English, if we have questions?

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Thank you for your warm welcome.


Welcome Natha, it's good to see someone of power (you) being a supporter of the Sith Inquisitor class! Perhaps you can use your position of leverage to put pressure on the devs to improve upon the healing spec of the Sith Inquisitor. It's quite awful right now, tbh.


Great, sorc/sage healers need better tacticals. They should be viable and change our play style. The current ones are neither. And the mystic 6 piece set bonus needs a buff.


Also a tactical that complety nullifies our force managment would be appropriate. Just like Rocket Fuel Vapors.


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll pass it on.


Just a couple of rules of course... and remember you can always trust the "Ol' Buzzard" …


I’ll keep that in mind. 🙂


Natha, I am in Ireland too - hope you are having a nice time here.


Wow! TWO other people in Ireland who play!? I'm kinda shocked xD Was starting to think I was alone lol


What’s the craic?


Natha: do you prefer French or English, if we have questions?


I’ll be on both sections of the forums. If you want to send me PM, you can do that in French but if you post here, it should be in English. 😉

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Ah, classic Eric Musco: Make controversial changes to NIM raids without bothering to inform the community ahead of time. Then, when it blows up in his face and there's arguing and controversy all around you on the forums, just go hide in the corner for several months a let someone else deal with it.


You stay classy, Eric.

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Ah, classic Eric Musco: Make controversial changes to NIM raids without bothering to inform the community ahead of time. Then, when it blows up in his face and there's arguing and controversy all around you on the forums, just go hide in the corner for several months a let someone else deal with it.


You stay classy, Eric.


Are you saying the baby thing is just an excuse to take a break from us? Well. If it's that bad, then I don't fault him he probably needs a break.


P.S. Nobody raids on this game anymore. :o

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Hey everyone,


A couple of years ago I made a post just like this one where I let you know I was getting married and would be out of office for a few weeks. (Round 1, if you missed it). Well, I am back for round 2...


In a few short weeks, my wife and I are expecting our first child!


Between paternity leave and some paid time off that's burning a hole in my pocket, I am going to be in and out of the office quite a bit over the next few months. To keep things consistent, even during the time I am in office, I will be focusing most of my efforts behind the scenes. I would expect it will be a few months before you see me start popping back up more regularly. My goal is to have this time be as minimally impactful to all of you as possible. This is going to be accomplished in two ways.


First, most of you already know Dan Steed who has been on the community team for a year or so now. A lot of his role is typically behind the scenes, but, he is gonna step out from behind the curtain to start communicating with you more. Second, we have a couple of people that are going to be helping us out, some on a temporary basis. They will be posting under a new account aptly called "CommunityTeam".


Like last time, this likely won't be my last message to you all before I go on leave (given the unpredictability of babies though, who knows). But I will start receding back a bit so the other team members can start interacting with all of you. Thanks everyone, be nice while I'm gone :rak_03:.


Enough from me, over to them!




A huge congratulations to you and your wife, Eric! But the question on everyone's mind is, will the baby be named Kephess?


Enjoy your time off.

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Are you saying the baby thing is just an excuse to take a break from us? Well. If it's that bad, then I don't fault him he probably needs a break.


P.S. Nobody raids on this game anymore. :o


Of course, he clearly invented this story of having a life outside swtor to avoid us. As you well know, Eric is a very active participant on these forums, and if he were to leave suddenly, his absence would be noted. Assuredly.

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A huge congratulations to you and your wife, Eric! But the question on everyone's mind is, will the baby be named Kephess?


Enjoy your time off.


The baby's name with be Joel. But every time his toddler jumps in the air or has "corrupted nanites" (you'd be surprised when kids start going to school, lol) Eric will think of Kephess.

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