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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You Can't Change Your Advanced Class!?!?!


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I had no Idea that you had six different talent trees in WoW (yes the shared trees are different for each AC in swtor).... Maybe I should check again but I'm pretty sure each class had 3


lets see here












see where I am going? Trying to use WoW as an argument point is laughable, a game that this MMO was basically cloned from.

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I clicked Mercenary, because it sounded interesting, and the abilities / role was neat. When I hit level 40, I realized all I do as a Mercenary is use Tracer Missile, HS Missile, and Railshot. The class was really boring. I'm now Level 50 with this character, and it's still really boring. Why should I have to level up another bounty hunter to level 50, just to enjoy the game, when only 14 of my abilities would actually change? My story line won't change, my armour won't change (Aside from one stat, and MAYBE the colour), the majority of my abilities won't change, and one of my talent trees doesn't even change. The way I see it, ACs are specializations, and there's absolutely no reason I should have to spend 50+ hours on the same class to use it's other spec. That's just ridiculous.


You have two other specs to play with, how about trying one of them?


You're going to have the same complaint going Ptech, so it's really pretty pointless.

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How do you misclick something that important? Maybe work on paying better attention and not just clicking "willy nilly". It also takes no time at all to reach level 10. Do it again.


Also had it on my SI. Wanted click inspect on sorcerer spec, but i clicked confirm.

Happened yesterday on my JK also:P

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How do you misclick something that important? Maybe work on paying better attention and not just clicking "willy nilly". It also takes no time at all to reach level 10. Do it again.


Sorry for double post, but the point is, i dont like to level a new char to 10. Its so boring that proces what u knowed u had that done etc, it will force me to play my scoundrel wich i dont like

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60/70% of abilities are not EXACTLY similar. Take the Sorcerer and Assassin for example: As an inquisitor you start off with a small Force pool and your range is limited to 10 m. When you become an Assassin your Force abilities remain 10 m but you get way more melee abilities. If you become a Sorcerer, even though nominally you share a lot of the Force abilities as the Assassin, your range has been boosted to 30 m and your Force pool expanded to 5x that of the Assassin (as well as getting a more frequent Revive ability).


Thus, nominally the same abilities (i.e. name and looks), but different ranges and different ability to "spam" them (because of Sorc's expanded pool), this leads to entirely different playstyle and tactical consideration. The same can be said for Operative and Sniper (where Operative's shared abilities are limited to 10 m and Sniper get boosted to 30 m).


Other MMOs had the exact same differences between abilities, even between classes, except they gave them different names when one thing (like Range of the spell) differs.


Notwithstanding the storyline, Operative and Sniper are different classes altogether and play entirely differently. One is more of a rogue figure the other more of a ranged "hunter."

Edited by efylinx
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I find it rather dumb to have to go back and level up another char just to do the alternate to your class.


Do you find it dumb to have to level up a warrior, after you have leveled up a paladin or hunter?


Because that is what you are asking for here, the ability to switch your warrior into a hunter.

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What if you missclicked like me?


BTW About the first page ppl complaining u cant go from hunter to warlock it has both pets why not?




Using this analogy, it's like going from a Heal spec Merc to a DPS Merc which we all know you can't... oh wait, you can do that. Huh, so just like that other game, we can can change specs within our selected advanced class to play a different role/playstyle.

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I disagree. Bioware has given not once, not even twice, but multiple warnings that the decision is permanent. From the in-game codex entry, the tutorial tip, the initial quest giver for your AC and the actual AC trainer dialogue to the e-mail congratulating you on level 10 for your class, it's been stated time and time again. Really now, how many more notifications that it's permanent do we need?


I don't mean to play devil's advocate, but it's called an Advanced Class. Once you choose your AC, there's even a tutorial tip telling you you can only Respec your talent tree.


The only thing I'd agree that would need to change is having confirmation boxes. Honestly, one might not even be enough. Adding "Are you sure you want to be a [Jedi Sage] (Damage, Heal)? Confirm/Deny" followed by "This decision is permanent and cannot be changed! [Jedi Sage] (Damage, Heal) Confirm/Deny" after which you should ever more clearly be aware, for about the 8th(?) warning at this point that the choice is binding, and it's a point of no return for your character.


One thing that could possibly help is also putting Battle Positions (Ranged, Melee) into AC descriptions. For example [Jedi Sage] (Ranged Damage, Ranged Heal) / [Jedi Shadow] (Melee Damage, Melee Tank] and maybe a preview of the abilities they can learn at level 10 (such as a Heal for Sage or Dual Wield for Shadow). That could alleviate some issues and prevent a few accidents.


I understand, accidents do happen and maybe someone just wasn't looking or paying attention close enough. My partner accidentally chose Sage thinking that was the Dual Wield tree and he was pretty disappointed after finding out he chose the improper one. However, it wasn't a big issue. We were only level 10. We rerolled together, blazed through Typhon in 3 hours and now he's a Shadow.


I know it's a terrible example, but the only other game I've personally played with an AC-like option was Aion. You started as a Warrior and chose Gladiator (2-H) or Templar (1-H+Shield). Even in Aion, they stated the choice was permanent. There was no turning back from becoming a Gladiator and choosing Templar at a later date. Yeah-yeah, terrible game, blah-blah-blah. But in WoW (oh, no!) you couldn't go from Warrior and change your class to Paladin or suddenly become a Priest from a Mage. Think of our talent trees like WoW's. Priest has a ranged damage tree and a healing tree as does the Sage. That Priest can't decide to all of a sudden become a Rogue and change their class to a Rogue whenever they wanted to. It doesn't make sense. They can, however, reroll just like we can. I don't want everyone to be "WoW Druids." What would be the uniqueness in a character if you can go from Tank, Heal, Melee Damage, and Ranged Damage on a whim? Paladins are just as bad, except they lack Ranged Damage.


TL;DR Same as the first line in my response, I disagree.

Edited by RegulineGorgon
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I will put my vote in for AC switching.


It is what would make me like the game more and probably play longer. That is all that matters to me. :)


I vote for AC change and I give it a 90% chance that it will be implemented in the next 6 months.


All arguments to the contrary, that Ive read, are the same weak repetitive pedanitc QQ that started on page one. No good argument against that Ive seen.

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I vote for AC change and I give it a 90% chance that it will be implemented in the next 6 months.


All arguments to the contrary, that Ive read, are the same weak repetitive pedanitc QQ that started on page one. No good argument against that Ive seen.


History points to companies actually instead making you choose your AC at creation, removing any thought of it not being a class (see EQ and AoC), or not doing anything at all (see all the rest that use a tiered class system).

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I vote for AC change and I give it a 90% chance that it will be implemented in the next 6 months.


All arguments to the contrary, that Ive read, are the same weak repetitive pedanitc QQ that started on page one. No good argument against that Ive seen.

Exactly, I agree. I just hope it's much much quicker than 6 months.

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I vote against AC switching, and here's why.


I'm currently playing a healer class as a "main" and a tank class as an "alt", which is what I tend to do in most MMOs.


It just so happens that my healer is a BH (merc), and my tank is a BH (Powertech). I tried all the healers/tanks and these happened to be the 2 I enjoyed most. I made this choice of ACs after reading all the information presented in game which very clearly said that they are separate classes and you can never switch between them.


If this changes it will mean that effectively I've completely wasted all the time I've spent on my alt character, which I'll be very unhappy about. If I'd known there was a chance that all the information presented in game about the class choice being permanent wasn't actually true, I would probably have chosen a different class for my tank alt.


I don't see why I should be penalised for playing the game as it's currently designed.

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No good argument against that Ive seen.


Then either you're not reading them, or are choosing to ignore them because you know you can't refute them.


There's lots of good arguments against AC switching, and I won't bother repeating them.

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I would like to point out to the OP that the Operative, is in fact, the most powerful burst-damage dealer currently in this game. I'd say learn some more tricks, perhaps plan out a tree for you to spec, and you will find that you'll actually become over-powered. Being able to kill people almost instantly in WZs, and then being able to heal yourself and survive while being attacked by 4 players simultaneously. As a matter of fact, there is a large nerf coming for the Operative due to the aforementioned.
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I would like to point out to the OP that the Operative, is in fact, the most powerful burst-damage dealer currently in this game. I'd say learn some more tricks, perhaps plan out a tree for you to spec, and you will find that you'll actually become over-powered. Being able to kill people almost instantly in WZs, and then being able to heal yourself and survive while being attacked by 4 players simultaneously. As a matter of fact, there is a large nerf coming for the Operative due to the aforementioned.


The damage output from the OPerative should be tuned down a bit. Something like 20-30% down as they can basically kill anything (not bosses) and any player within a matter of seconds.


They also have the disappearance act, wich they should have, that also cleans out ANY debuff and DoT they have on. The panic button kinda makes them unbeatable as they can simply run around a corner and heal up, go stealth and pop into view behind their target and kill you off in 2-3 seconds.


Can you go stealth, then NO HEALS should be in your skills. I would also like to point out that their Dodge seems a bit brutal as they can even dodge lightning and 100's of projectiles hurled non-stop at them in a Matrix kinda way. Sure it's 3 seconds, but that's enough to pop their stealth and they basically run out of sight, heal up and return for that 3 second killer combo.


The Operative is Overpowered and so is the Scorcerer. If you aren't building towards mainly healer, then no heals but the very first one should be available and it would take 20 seconds or more to heal a player to full health. Could give a longer cooldown on other heals to nerf the PvP players who abuse the healing system as it is.

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The AC system is useless. You want to be a sniper? Start as a sniper. Bio should introduce a system to change the AC, maybe with a long cooldown (a month?).


Also, AC is a glorified spec. WoW druids can do what both the inquisitor and assassin do: tank, stealthed melee dps, ranged caster, healer. Shamans can be melee dps, ranged dps and healer, basically a bounty hunter without a tanking spec. Yes, there are more limited classes, like hunters and rogues, but some of the pure dps classes can be very different: the arcane mage has nothing to share with a fire mage, the destruction warlock is not like the affliction.


So AC are totally unneeded, they simply had to mess things up.

Edited by AlfiereDBC
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The only problem I have with the current system is that there should be an epic quest chain to acquire your choice, rather than BOOM you're done.


...like- "To be come a sorcerer, head to the shrine of bullpiss on planet whatchamapiss, and get the ancient piss tablet of the sith. Use the tablet at the alter of urine to channel the wisdom of the ancestral sith sorcerers. "



or something like that^ with an epic cutscene


Again, that is what EQ2 did more or less... They made you do class quests that highlighted the skills and gameplay of the various class options before you made your choice. But ultimately they had to abandon it and dumb it down.

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probly has to do with people getting anoyed when you do end game raiding and you think you have yourself a tank only to find out that after the first raid some nice item drops and he ninja's it cause he now wants to be a dps caster instead and is gona respec. Without being able to change your class it avoids a lot of loot headaches later. IE double bladed light saber vs single. power gear vs crit. But really i just feel like fueling this thread :D
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I've been playing the Imperial Agent for a few days now. At level 10, after much consideration, I decided to go operative over sniper because it seemed like a cool class that snuck around and then stabbed people. However, after awhile I decided that operative was much too slow and had pitiful damage output, so I just thought to myself "well I tried out operative and didn't like it, I should probably go sniper". That's when I found out that YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE YOUR ADVANCED CLASS. Why wouldn't Bioware let players change their advanced class. At this point I was level 18 and if I wanted to go sniper I would have to repeat about 3 days of work. I have loved this game so far, but this is the first major issue that I have run into. I hate myself for saying this, but WoW did it better.


There is a big warning box that pops up before you click OK. It tells you that you cannot change your AC.

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There is a big warning box that pops up before you click OK. It tells you that you cannot change your AC.



The real fun thing is how tons of people are just to friggin dumb (sorry, there are no "nicer" words for this) to see the diffrence between a dual speccs (which will probably come) and ac-class changeing (which hoepfully never will even be considered).




"Hi, i rolled Priest now i want to be a Rogue".. /whinewhinewhine...

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