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Everything posted by AlfiereDBC

  1. We have to roll a non-human non-pureblood toon to check it
  2. He still make a racist comment if you're a pureblood (he says that at least he'll be killed by someone with a pure blood). However, just one Sith in the whole empire? I also thought about the Darth of Taris, however he accepts your light side choices cause they give empire tactical advantage. You played the warrior, so you know about Jaesa crusade against light side sith. I still insist that talking about good sith is a contradiction in terms.. Still the rabbit is "strong": the fact that a wolf can easily kill it doesn't prove anything. Nothing prove that the Pureblood are better than other races (its quite the opposite considering that they're exinct), they are simply in command and pretend to be the best. Also, "survival of the fittest" from wikipedia: "An interpretation of the phrase "survival of the fittest" to mean "only the fittest organisms will prevail" (a view sometimes derided as "Social Darwinism") is not consistent with the actual theory of evolution. Any individual organism which succeeds in reproducing itself is "fit" and will contribute to survival of its species, not just the "physically fittest" ones, though some of the population will be better adapted to the circumstances than others. A more accurate characterization of evolution would be "survival of the fit enough". And ""Fitness" does not refer to whether an individual is "physically fit" – bigger, faster or stronger – or "better" in any subjective sense. It refers to a difference in reproductive rate from one generation to the next".
  3. Thank you, however I'm on nightmare lands! Hope the dual spec will come really soon, it will be a massive improvement.
  4. Really disappointing . The ui interface change was very good, but the most important things are still not ready. Maybe you people are in a good guild, but I'm not, I'm a casual in a casual (non-helping) guild. 1. I cannot see game content (flashpoints) because I can't find a FOUR men party in one of the most populated server (republic side). [=need LFG between all servers] 2. I cannot see endgame content because I don't have time to join a guild. [=need LFraid] 3. Dual spec is still not present, so it's even more difficult to make a party. [=need dual spec] Oh, WoW did not have those things at the beginning! Of course we use a seven (7) years old game to make a comparison. Nice. We all do that when we buy things. Thinking about Vanilla it also reminds me why I stopped playing WoW before coming back for Cata when LFRaid was announced. I know, I know. I'm a casual and I don't deserve to live. I should not be playing a MMO. Still weird that WoW got its player at a maximum when easy-mode started, right? I hope you hardcore will be happy by creating relationship between your toons, I'll surely have a lot of fun by making three brothers out of my sith pureblood jugg, zabrak trooper and twi'lek smuggler.
  5. The survival of the fittest as you are describing it is simply a suprematist theory. As wikipedia can tell you, the word "darwinism" can mean a lot of things; however, in darwinism being "fit" has nothing to do with being stronger. It is fit the species that survive. A wolf and a rabbit are both fit because they survived through the centuries. A rabbit is more fit than a caspian tiger, simply because the latter is gone since 1970s. My main is a dark side sith jugg. It is clear, and I fail to understand why nobody wants to say it, that the sith empire is basically a fascist dictatorship. Slavery, racial supremacy, genocide, non-conventional warfare. Darth Vader himself blew up a planet killing billions. What I do understand is the major damage the expanded universe made to the SW lore. In the movies, the only thing that matters to me, the Sith are one-dimensional evil. When Anaking redeemed himself he "stopped" being a sith ("return of the jedi", eh). The only Sith that seem "normal" are the revanites. But "imperial" Sith are monsters, and you can tell that from every single sith-involving quest in the game. Yes, you can have a "light side sith" (rotfl), but then it's better to defect like Elara Dorne did. If you still want to support an organization involved in slavery, genocide, go on, but don't go around telling that you're good. Anakin was manipuled into his transformation, and his motivations lost when he killed the children (why he did it? Because he became evil, simply).
  6. Darwinism is not about any survival of the fittest. Also, you can be the "fittest" and reach power without killing for boredom, support slavery or being xenophobic. The Sith are one-dimensional evil, I can't really understand who says otherwise.
  7. Aric wasn't a member of Havoc Squad, so he wasn't in their unit. He was helping havoc doing their business on Ord Mantell, so he really wasn't inside the squad mechanic. Yes, and after two days they call him back to his old place . Imo Bioware screwed up with that choice. Ok, but from a role-play pov it can matter. I totally agree on this. Didn't know about this, I'm lvl 35. If I knew I would have probably promoted Elara . However those who roleplay should not care about spoilers.
  8. If you let Garza choose who to promote she goes for Aric. And he is the better choice imo, as he has experience and his demotion was purely for scapegoting purpose; note that in one of the first conversations you have with him he says that the general who demoted him called him back to Ord Mantell and offered a promotion as liutenant, but Aric decided to stay with you (a newbie who suddenly become his superior). From a military point of view wikipedia says that a marine and USA Army XO "is typically responsible for the management of day-to-day activities, such as maintenance and logistics, freeing the unit commander to concentrate on tactical planning and execution". This makes Elara better for the role. However, if you bring her with you she can't do the XO. So if you roleplay it's better to promote the one you leave behind and not the companion you usually stick with
  9. Ok, so I have to cc strong ones in a strong-normal situation? Do I need to take the tranquilizer talent in the sawbone spec? Last question: should I go for a hybrid or just go straight sawbones, considering that I want to heal flashpoints? Thank you.
  10. Aim. The first time I got her I saw just cunning on the weapon and went buying a complete set of cunning stuff from the gtm . You simply have to change mod/barrell from the gun.
  11. I guess that different species can't have children. I think that the zabrak smuggler companion tell you that while you romance her. However Aric is a fine character, but I still have to understand why he's a catman.
  12. I don't think this is necessary, quest rewards can be enough and mods can be greens even few levels below you (or at least this was true for my jugg). Fact is that a lot of players don't put Medwatch up. For istance I levelled a merc up to lvl 36 without it (didn't know about medwatch), and while it can be possibile, it can lead you to death against (certain) elites, or in wrong pulls. Back in topic, I promoted Aric because, storyline wise, he has more experience and his demotion was really a bad joke (poor story writing, as the same moron who demoted him would later call him back and promote him). However I like Elara more.
  13. I started having trouble with my sawbones on Tatooine, where I was constantly forced to stop and healing Corso after (almost) every fight with a strong involved. And killing elites was a pain, as Corso took too much damage forcing me to constantly healing him, while he wasn't able to bring the enemy down by himself. I'm playing my commando now (and it's shameful how I can lvl up with no problem at all as combat medic), but I'd like to go back on my scoundrel. Things will get better once I take Risha? And do I really need to get in cover? I think that's a waste of time and I stopped learning gunslinger's abilties... can this be my problem?
  14. I had the same problem, however I decided to go commando, as they can do everything the gunslinger can (minus the interrupt) without going into cover. Also assault specialist is a very fine build, funnier than gunnery, imo. Another point for commando is that the rotations make sense, while the marksman rotation seems to me just a pointless sequence of shooting. The engineering spec seems more interisting however, and maybe better for levelling given its aoe focus. Final point for commandos: they can heal, so they can offer more gameplay choices when dual wield will be ingame, and they can pop out massive damage (for levelling) even in the healing spec. Imo in a game where all classes are hybrid it doesn't have any sense going gunslinger or sentinel, exspecially when other classes have similar dps mechanics.
  15. Really useful, thank you. Just one noob question: what kind of gear I need to tank HM flashpoints (and how I gain access to hm)? Also I have a decent tanking experience in WoW and I tanked all swtor normal flashpoints on my first run on the game without any problem (got a juggie)... can I do the same for hms or I need some dps practice? Thank you in advance.
  16. Well, it's not always like that. Voljinn basically threatened Garrosh becase they don't share the same political view, Garrosh had forbidden Sylvanas the use of the plague but she's using it anyway, Thrall is not so bad and his Earthen Ring receives support from the Alliance. Remember also that orcs never were truly evil, as they were enslaved and corrupted by the legion. I mean, the horde is complex in its mechanic, just like the republic. I agree.
  17. Fact is that the Empire is racist, pro-slavery and "evil" in most of its aspects, basically one-dimensional. But the Republic is not "good" as the Alliance is, as playing rep you can see a lot of corruption and different ways of thinking (you can find a pro-imp senator, for example). The Alliance also is more one-dimensional than the horde. The horde had the forsaken (generally evil, look at the chemical warfare in cata), the honorable taurens and the obsessed sith-like blood elves. So basically Rep = Horde, Imp = Alliance.
  18. Tbh i think the BH story is pretty lame: just an excuse to collect bounties with some (nice) comic relief moments. Also Mako is really bad as a starting companion, if you go dark side she kills all the fun. I deleted my merc at level 36 (needed the name) and started a jugg. Now I'm 47 with the jugg, I'm going for an alt and I made the first ten level with the trooper and it was fine, as the quests you do seems more connected to the main storyline than the BH one. So it seems more organic to me (but the first two planets with the BH seemed nice too). I'm just waiting they fix Mortar Volley to start playing it. I just can't choose between the male or the female trooper. After my frigid female jugg (no flirts or romance at all, Quinn is horrible) I want to nail someone, but the catman... he seems nice but as a romance option... Elara seems nice on youtube, but she seems too much like Quinn, all rule and no emotions.
  19. Imo the BH story is really lame, it's just a silly reason to collect bounties and it's poorly written (the Taris part is awful). The SW story is just like you imagine it; last part of each chapter is really good.
  20. I don't agree. Choices somehow are more complex. If you make all dark side choice as a sith you are classic dumb bad guy. On Tarsis, for example, the reigning Darth congratulates you if you make light side choices which help the Empire in their mission. Being evil doesn't mean kill everything in sight.
  21. I've been told that it depends if you're light or dark side when you pick her. So I guess I had to be light to get her, but then I didn't know that evil Jaesa is too evil for me I like that too, and I like kiling Sith too to rule alone I simply dislike that she punishes me hard (-300) when I make my (very) few light side choices. However, nothing that a Quinn switch can't solve.
  22. Dark Jaesa sucks imo, she's far too cruel for a girl who was light side until a moment ago. I generally choose dark side options except when civilians or innocents are involved, and once I lost almost 300 points with her, forcing me to do the choice again with another companion. I also have to tolerate her "le't kill al the light side sith"/inquisitor behavior, wich is prompting me to go back to Vette.
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