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What is your opinion about Dantooine?


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My Opinion is, not very positive.


I played KOTOR 1, I played there Dantooine.


The first Thing about Dantooine who i discovered is that the Dantooine Music is not present!

Here is the Dantooine Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c93wPsdCJ2c.

This is the classic Dantooine Music from Kotor 1. Why this is not present?

This is the second classic Dantooine Music:


Dantooine is for me a Little bit soulless and liveless. The ambience is not very good. There is no Information about the Happenings in KOTOR 1 or Sidequests that have something to do about KOTOR 1.

Do you remember the Cristal Cave in KOTOR 1? No similar quest like in KOTOR 1.

We see in SWTOR Dantooine the destroyed Jedi Temple. But why dont we have the possibility to explore this Jedi Temple or some quests in the Jedi Temple. This is so much lost potential in SWTOR Dantooine. Here, you Bioware had such a big Chance to bring Players back and to make the current playerbase happy about SWTOR.


The planet is a Little bit small. A bigger plante woud be nice.

The Story is for my opinion so small.


Someone remember the Dantooine Matale and Sandral Quest? Why not a similar Quest?


Someone remember the Rakata ruins? Why not the possbility to quest in this mystical Cave/Area? This woud be so nice........


Yes i know that this is a new Event/Daily Quest Area Update. It is not bad. But you had a Chance to make it so much better. I think Dantooine deserves much more than this copy an Paste "Rakgoul" Dhorn Quests! ;)


My english is not very good to write more of my opinion to Dantooine. :o


I played on Republican Side the Event/Quests. Possible that i dont see all. And there are some similar quests who i mentioned in this Thread. If this is so, please tell me this. ;)


Thank you!

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I do not want to say that I knew it, but I knew it. :p The planet is too small and the story too short.

When the achievements are completed, hardly anyone will go there. So standard. But the planet looks nice. ;)

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Uhh, the Dantooine music absolutely plays? The first track literally plays as you load in.


I suspect we will be revisiting the Jedi Temple.


I'm fairly certain it's also implied that the Imperial Base is, in fact, the crystal caves. At least, it's a clear visual allusion to them.


Edit: The Empire also has a Heroic 4 where they go into crystal caves to rescue a hostage.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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The food was great, and I liked the photography possibilities. One thing I will say though, waiting in line for an hour to get through baggage checks was a pretty big turn off.


You should have paid for the pre-authorization pass to bypass customs.

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Uhh, the Dantooine music absolutely plays? The first track literally plays as you load in.


I suspect we will be revisiting the Jedi Temple.


I'm fairly certain it's also implied that the Imperial Base is, in fact, the crystal caves. At least, it's a clear visual allusion to them.


Hi, i never heard the Dantooine Music from Kotor 1. Not on Repubican Side and not on Imperial Side. :confused:

What i hear is this:

This Music is from Rakata Prime Kotor 1.

When i was doing quests in the open area i never heard the Dantooine Music. And no Dantooine Music in the Loading Screen.


Just i watched i Youtube Video about Dantooine on the PTS. There is the Dantooine Music. Possible this is a Bug? Im playing with German Client.

This is the Video:

I never heard the Music. I make a restart, no Music. I waited after the Server Restart and dont hear this Music.


Yes the imperial Start Point is in an Cristal Cave. Ok Nice.

But why not a Quest in an Crystal Cave? Where you Recive something exciting like a new Color Crystal or somthing similar..............


I dont think that we will ever visit the Jedi Temple on Dantooine. This was a huge possbility for good Story/Quests.


Another Question is where are the famous Kath Hounds. I dont find them. I searchd the complete area, but no Kath Hounds. There is a quest about them. But how to finish the quest without Kath Hounds?


And where are the famous flying manta rays? :cool:



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They have stated before that after the event is done with for that period of time, they will have a few (2 or 3 I am guessing) missions to do during the down time for those that want to explore and I am hoping those will be like exploring the dantooine ruins, etc where it is a more peaceful setting without so many pirate shooting you
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To be honest, I find it to be quite a grind, and pretty stingy on the rewards. I find the heroics to be a little ridiculous, but I suspect part of that is because I'm beyond exhausted today. I'm going to give them another go tomorrow, when I'm not functioning on three hours of sleep. I'm also sick to death of all these different currencies, and the ridiculously slow rate to collect them. I realize this is nothing new, but ugh, it's such a grind.
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It's okay. As the Jedi Masters said in KOTOR 2 when they returned to the Enclave, "It is not as it was; But perhaps that is for the best."


The little glimpses into the state of the Alliance and the Empire were nice touches. They seemed to move the story forward more than the planet itself. I don't mind a "side-quest" plot line in between major story updates, like the Czerka stuff on CZ-198 or the Dread Master conclusion on Oricon. It just has to be compelling, or at least entertaining enough to stand on its own.

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I've got a mixed reaction. There are things I like about this patch, and things I hate.


I liked the little story snippet for my Theronmancer, even though Lana still talked too much. She just can't shut up can she? It was nice hearing from most of the Alliance, including long lost Koth. I was hoping there'd be a second scene, but one was better than none!


-Dantooine is small but easy to get around, Republic side at least. Reminded me a lot of Ord Mantel.

-I was disappointed that mobs drop next to no loot. I was hoping they'd have the same loot profile as Ossus for lvl 70s. I'm trying to finish up amplified sets, but I'm just so sick of Ossus I doubt I ever will.

-The story bit was decent. Loved the Jedi's voice, too bad he was a green marshmallow and not as sexy as his voice.

-I'm never going to get anywhere with the reputation or buying rewards. I'm feeling pretty done with pugging and everyone I know has quit the game. The rewards for solo missions are pitiful. Not even 1 event currency per mission. The heroics are significantly harder than any other set of heroics in the game, so that is out, plus the weeklies takes 5 so I'd have to suffer through pugs 2 days for just one weekly! That feels overdone to me. I know they want people to group, but jeez, enough is enough.


-I'm thrilled they put the bathing suit in game and it's not gender restricted.

-The changes to stronghold layouts are great and long overdue. I really need to work on redecorating everything! -Yay for fixing some of the deco bugs too!

-I still can't get my missing Quinn and Dorne back and that is really grating on me. Where did our QA_ Droid go? He's been very shy lately.

-'m loving the conquest changes and I hope the exp/conquest point thing gets fixed soon. I was really looking forward to that.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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I've got a mixed reaction. There are things I like about this patch, and things I hate.


I liked the little story snippet for my Theronmancer, even though Lana still talked too much. She just can't shut up can she? It was nice hearing from most of the Alliance, including long lost Koth. I was hoping there'd be a second scene, but one was better than none!


-Dantooine is small but easy to get around, Republic side at least. Reminded me a lot of Ord Mantel.

-I was disappointed that mobs drop next to no loot. I was hoping they'd have the same loot profile as Ossus for lvl 70s. I'm trying to finish up amplified sets, but I'm just so sick of Ossus I doubt I ever will.

-The story bit was decent. Loved the Jedi's voice, too bad he was a green marshmallow and not as sexy as his voice.

-I'm never going to get anywhere with the reputation or buying rewards. I'm feeling pretty done with pugging and everyone I know has quit the game. The rewards for solo missions are pitiful. Not even 1 event currency per mission. The heroics are significantly harder than any other set of heroics in the game, so that is out, plus the weeklies takes 5 so I'd have to suffer through pugs 2 days for just one weekly! That feels overdone to me. I know they want people to group, but jeez, enough is enough.


-I'm thrilled they put the bathing suit in game and it's not gender restricted.

-The changes to stronghold layouts are great and long overdue. I really need to work on redecorating everything! -Yay for fixing some of the deco bugs too!

-I still can't get my missing Quinn and Dorne back and that is really grating on me. Where did our QA_ Droid go? He's been very shy lately. I

-'m loving the conquest changes and I hope the exp/conquest point thing gets fixed soon. I was really looking forward to that.


I'm with you on all of that. Well, I'm still running Ossus, but I almost never do the H4 there. I just go back the next day to get my third heroic for the weekly. Not sure how much time I'll be spending on Dantooine with the way it's setup now. They really need to up the rewards for the dailies. Too little reward for the work. I really loved that meeting, and especially the end with Theron.

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II don't mind a "side-quest" plot line in between major story updates, like the Czerka stuff on CZ-198 or the Dread Master conclusion on Oricon. It just has to be compelling, or at least entertaining enough to stand on its own.


IMHO we met the DMs on Belsavis (imperial) and they caused the KP operation, and the Dread Seed storyline, and EC, and TFB, and SV, and DF/DP. I'd say they've been one of the primary enemies of 1.0 and 2.0. So I wouldn't call them a side storyline. But other than that, yeah full agreement.

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I played bit of Dantooine yesterday before going to bed. The planet is gorgeous, but what really irritated me was the lack of Dantooine-theme we hear in Knights of the Old Republic.:(

I've only played it on Empire-side (along with the story snippet), and I liked it. It was nice to see Krovos and Koth again, to hear Admiral Ranken sending her regards.

And Admiral Ay'go leaving the Alliance to retire left me heartbroken, my Agent had grown to respect and like him. At least they parted as friends. :(


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Well to tell the truth, I am underwhelmed.

I’ve only played Pub side so far. I was pleased to see the Alliance has downsized somewhat, some defections, but we do still have at least a small fleet. I was surprised to see Koth with dialog, about Zakuul, and no mention of Arcann or Senya. It left me wondering where Havok, and the other various groups are.


So I did the interview, ending the hearts and mind quest. Then nothing. Did I miss something here? I was expecting something, simular to the Ossus intro. Perhaps I did miss it. A brief scan of fleet and saw no quest chain. I didn’t ck on Odessan. I just loaded the map, found Dantooine and traveled there the old fashion way.


Dantooine is a small planet. It is well rendered. Now obviously it’s busy right now. That said, except for the 3 heroics, the only danger was going to the fridge or a bio break, not knowing you was in a respawn.


I have done it once on my Pub, I’ll prolly do it once more Imp side, then this planet is definitely back burner on the priority list. As an event, truthfully I didn’t know nor even sure I was in the event. I can see deco fans have a nice grind here, I however have one fully functional Stronghold and 5 fully opened empty strongholds.


The only way I am ever gonna complete a weekly on Dantooine is if guildies ask, several times, for help with the heroics. At this time, it hasn’t supplanted Ossus’ 258s yet, as some of my legacy is not fully 6.0 ready.


I will say, I almost completed My main’s personal conquest goal, so I ain’t sure there isn’t some hot fix coming.

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I loved the post JUS meeting with the mains. I also appreciated the fact that Koth was there as well. I wanted to keep him in the story ... so I'm glad that he was there. Seeing unexpected cut sceens like this that last more than just a minute or so gives me hope for other details that might becoming in other areas of the game as well.


As for Dantooine. Some good stuff .... some not so good. I haven't tried any of the heroics yet. I'm going to give a try. Although I must agree that PUGS are not always fun.


I'm sure I wont be having anything to do with a farm life style SH ... soooo I'm almost sure that there will be VERY FEW (if any) of the decorations that I saw with the Rep. Vendor that I will be interested in. I'm sorry... but Green Acres is not where it's at for me when it comes to a SH.


The story has some possibilities... but some of it is ... well .. a little dry. Perhaps when it's fleshed out with more characters envolved things will pick up. The over all area seems a bit small. But that could easily be a simple matter of opening up the rest of the map. So for me the map is not that big of a deal right now.


The SETTING: I did like the country side as far as the setting is concerned. I nice big lake with a cool camp site for the weekend (if it were peaceful) .. would be nice. Really that part I did like.


Just my thoughts for now !


Edited for clarity.

Edited by OlBuzzard
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I actually wouldn’t mind a stronghold on Dantooine, farm themed, but holy moly only the heroics rewards the currency, it would take forever just to build a fence.


For me, this is the worst kind of a grind, because it’s gated. I have been known to just bear down, and grind, for days, to achieve a purpose, but the Devs won’t let me. This is play for an hour and come back tomorrow.

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I love the general atmosphere though the music is.. lacking? I don't hear anything beyond the odd music flairing up for 15 seconds and then vanishing for another 20 minutes xD


The characters for Pub side have been great, especially WANT the Cathar and green boi as potential companions eventually or just a Cathar female romance at the very least. Still not feeling General Daerunn though, he can't fill the shoes of long time established characters in a handful of cutscenes and makes for a disturbing flirt choice but then again, I support most suggestions so eh.


The dailies were pretty enjoyable but probably because I'm taking my time and set to non-grind mode when this is all we have for a little while. Cooldown on the bombardments for Pub daily is slightly too long imo. Just tired of time wasters.


Heroic 4's are.. eh. I once liked the idea of them and these MAY be doable solo (have yet to try them) but mandatory to fulfill the heroic weekly requirement? No.


Rewards are terrible. If anything, this place could be another supplemental expansion for Ossus gearing since we're a few months off. Come on BioWare, make these things at least enjoyable past a handful of go-arounds :(


Overall as of now until I touch Imp side, 5/10. The grind for weak rewards and no foreseeable followup to this right now kill what buzz I had for it. But I am happy some items are stackable now in legacy storage I guess..

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It was fine.


No Ossus, but alright for an event. The decorations are cool, but the armor sets a bit disappointing.


Soloing the heroics was a nice challenge. Very entertaining.

The Performance though, was very bad. Was getting aggressive FPS drops i don't get anywhere else. It needs better optimization.


The new story developments were short but very exciting though.

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went to the event on an alt, tried a couple.... ended up with.... NEVER..




That sums it up for me.




Went back on the main char, what a disaster......

Tried 1 H2. left half way in, did half of the "daily" ones.

Going back.... NEVER.


Ossus, ANY day of the WEEK,

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I went to the Interview, did the News thing then on to Dantooine. Did one Daily, looked out towards the old Jedi building remembering when I was there in KOTOR then Logged out and went to Ossus with my S.I.. I was Really hoping this would rekindle my old KOTOR enthusiasm, its a very small area.

I wonder if BW is gonna Add More to This as time goes on (Hopefully). This Really Really Could've brought a lot of people in.


Edited by MikeCobalt
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