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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

It’s time to make HK-55 and Chapter 10 available for subs??

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If the hk chapter is available scattershot to everyone for the cost of their accrued cartel coin or what have you without putting their time in during the promotion like the rest of us, no future "gotta play now or miss out" enticement will ever be taken seriously again in this game, because enough kavetching and pissing and moaning = oh sorry here it is for all of you a day late and a dollar short. Edited by xordevoreaux
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If the hk chapter is available scattershot to everyone for the cost of their accrued cartel coin or what have you without putting their time in during the promotion like the rest of us, no future "gotta play now or miss out" enticement will ever be taken seriously again in this game, because enough kavetching and pissing and moaning = oh sorry here it is for all of you a day late and a dollar short.


Except it's not a 'day late' -- it's been years.


The exact same arguments were made about Shae and Niko and, as far as I can see, Alderaan is still around (well, for the time being).


I just don't see how denying newer players interesting content is healthy for the game or impacts you negatively. Frankly, I don't think it will move the needle one way or the other in terms of subscriptions, but I don't give a rat's behind if someone gets a companion which largely impacts only solo play.


Unique titles, flairs, mounts and skins? Sure -- limit those. But, as LD Little Dragon pointed out in response to Grim...Where do you draw the line? Easy -- on content. I would have much preferred the HK chapter because it was something new to do. The only reason a lot of people were interested in Shae is because she is disgustingly overpowered as a companion by about 12-15%.



Edited by Jdast
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If the hk chapter is available scattershot to everyone for the cost of their accrued cartel coin or what have you without putting their time in during the promotion like the rest of us, no future "gotta play now or miss out" enticement will ever be taken seriously again in this game, because enough kavetching and pissing and moaning = oh sorry here it is for all of you a day late and a dollar short.


There's tons of other promotional content that hasn't been made available again and probably never will be. Generally that would include cosmetic items like armor sets, pets, titles, and so on.


However, I think a line should be drawn when it comes to story content such as this. Exclusive for a time perhaps, but not forever. After a while anyway, it's just not a big deal anymore and might as well get some financial support out of it while making a lot of players happy.


But things like flairs, titles, or equipment; that should be the stuff that remains exclusive.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.




I really think sub rewards in general should be revamped. Make them cumulative time based not "be subbed from specific date to specific date". So, if someone is subbed for 6 months cumulatively (or whatever) then they have access to this chapter. Maybe not make it retroactive but starting from the date you revamp sub rewards? Although personally I wouldn't care if it was made retroactive or not.


Also, I have this chapter so I'm not speaking from the perspective of someone who wants it.


Edit to add: I'd also think a cumulative based time reward system would encourage more persistent subs than being subscribed only on certain dates. You could even work in a specific date if that's some sort of weird requirement, for example: starting May 9th, 2019 be subscribed for x months and receive y reward. This is a reward that would never expire so as long as someone is subscribed for x months after the beginning date they would get the reward. Also, I'm just throwing out ideas so anyone please feel free to point out any flaws or drawbacks.

Edited by Elessara
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I don't really hang out here now, but I wanted to offer my support for bringing back the HK-55 content. One, because we're so starved for story this year. Two because I miss HK.


My suggestions would be:


1. Offer it for the same terms as the original offer; ie, being subscribed for the exact same length of time. Let people know this is coming (as you did with the Paxton promotion) so they can jump in. OR price it like the HK-51 quest chain in the Cartel Market.


2. For those who already have HK-55 content, offer some sort of substantial reward instead so there aren't so many hurt feelings. I think with the Shae and Nico promotion, older subs were upset because they didn't get anything. This needs to be something that is more than a speeder or pet that people will actually use. Obviously not story content, or we'll be right back here in a few years. Maybe one or more of the following:


- A 'gift certificate' for a premium weapon, creature companion or set of armor of their choice


- A generous Cartel Coin grant


- A special title indicating they were here first. :)


I like it. We do need to say that while this game does give you another companion like any other compation quest, there is an actual story with this. So if it is going to be charged for like a normal compation, it should be little more.


As for people who already have it, like me, a special title, and a vendor that has various legacy bound plat items like they have in the bazzar. Each item costs one "Certificate" and players only get one! Simple!

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IMHO HK-55 is a special case because he was a main story companion that everyone had for many chapters. He was NOT introduced as a "subscriber reward" like Nico or a game reward like Ranos. EVERYONE who had access to KOTFE had him as a main story companion and then had him taken away.


He is the only main story companion (as opposed to a temporary one like Marr or Acina) involuntarily taken away that cannot be recovered via the terminal. If I can recover Elara Dorne from the terminal when my character exchanged three lines with her on Iokath, or can retrieve almost every companion I've killed off or lost (like Torian and SCORPIO) it makes no sense to me that HK-55 is somehow off limits.


I don't need ZO-0M, I don't need another deco, but it would be nice if HK-55 could be returned to us like the other 50 companions in the game. Perhaps the compromise would be just that; let everyone play those chapters but only restore HK-55 as opposed to the other perks.


well said... and I agree. I also agree that it may very well be that a part having access to the HK-55 as a companion could also be tied to subscriptions for a particular length of time. This IMO is something that the final word would be up to the dev team and those connected to the final decision making process.


It IS one that should be looked at carefully. From all indication Eric has tried to convey that part of the process to us here !

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I have it and I'm fine with it being offered again. I think you should have to sub for a certain amount of time for it though. I don't care how long but for some reason the idea of story content being put on the CM bothers me so just requiring a sub seems like the better way to do it to me.
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I also have HK and enjoyed the bit of story that granted his company. I'm all for letting people have access to it! It was a fun little chapter, and it would be a pity for it to go to waste. Personally, it wouldn't bother me in the least if it was just made available to all--other people's enjoyment doesn't dent mine. After all, early access is often given as a reward in this game, and it's been one hell of a long period of early access! But making it a reward for six months or even a year as a subscriber would seem to please those who feel a bit cheated, so by all means do that!


Just don't let it go to waste. No one is served by that.

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I did sub for the months to get it and yea it is a touchy subject for some but it could be done a way that would not make others feel like they are being ignored. I know some say well you got it for xx amount of time there is no reason you should feel slighted but that isn't always the case.


I would suggest one of two things


(1) Those that don't have it would need to be subbed for an xx amount of time to be eligible for it and give the ones that have it a choice of an item (an I mean any item not a select few) from the cartel shop or something equal in value to this and keep this as a continuous item or


(2) Add vet rewards to the game where items are offered based on a number of sub days and have more than one item to choose from for a set amount of days. Do this every 3 months and always include something new due to the fact that there will always be some that have most everything you have given out.


An idea how that can work (this is from SWG) https://www.swgemu.com/archive/scrapbookv51/data/20071216101851/index.html


These are good ideas.

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This conversation is certainly timely as it is a topic we have been revisiting internally as well. We have been actively talking about how, when, and if it would be possible to get make the HK chapter available again in some form. Whether that is a sub reward, sold on the market, etc.


Here is the thing we are trying to be sensitive to. Individuals who have it right now subbed for a number of months to get it and so if/when we bring it back, we need to make sure that we do it in a way that is fair to what they went through to get it. Ex: if it was a sub reward it would likely require multiple months of sub, or, if it was in the market it would be sold for a premium.


There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


As a note I won't likely have an update on this in the short-tem, but as soon as I have any details I will pass them on.




Hi Eric, thanks for chiming in and it’s great you guys were already revisiting this internally. :D


1. I would suggest it should require the same amount of consecutive sub time, but should be made retroactive for current subs because once 6.0 is released, a lot of people will probably bypass the the last two expansions.


2. Another way is to sell it on the GTN, maybe for 1500CC, which is 3 months worth of “free CCs” for subbing + 3 months of subscription costs.


I personally think number 1. is the way to go because it fits most of the criteria that was required to get it in the first place. Especially for those subscribers who’ve been loyally subscribed for the last 12-24 months straight.

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If it were made available again it should require the same 7 month continuous subscription that was needed to obtain it before (and that should not be retroactive, as the previous offering did not take into account prior subscription time).


So you’re saying people who are clamouring for more content should wait another 7 months?

By then, 6.0 will be released with new content and partially negates the reason for releasing it to subscribers now to give them something to do.

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I have it and I wouldn't mind it being given out whether as CM thing or new sub reward. I enjoyed it very much the first time I played it but now since I completely skip KOTFE/KOTET on alts I never even play the chapter any more so as far as I'm concerned give it out again and let others enjoy it.
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So you’re saying people who are clamouring for more content should wait another 7 months?

By then, 6.0 will be released with new content and partially negates the reason for releasing it to subscribers now to give them something to do.


This made me wonder if it's a good idea to package the deal in together with buying a subscription. Like if you buy a 3 month sub for $45, the chapter is included and you get immediate access to the content, while already being committed to several months of subbing, thus fulfilling the sub requirement.


3 months would also put us right before the next expansion launching. But only if this deal were offered in May(this month).

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Which one of the following would you like?


A) Blue Mini-Droid Pet; B) Gold Mini-Droid Pet? or C) Red Mini-Droid Pet?




Dasty the Snot :rak_03:


Now how come there is no Purple Mini-Droid Pet?


(I know smart mouth)

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These are good ideas.


Thanks. I honesty think Vet rewards would be a good idea due to all the companions and other rewards that keep popping up, this way they can give them out and have something new for people that have all the rewards .

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The best way I think to do this would be to have a pool of rare, expensive and otherwise awesome rewards made available that you get to choose from for every 6 months of sub time.


SoM could be one of them.


This way people who already have it can choose from other awesome things. Same with those who don't actually want it.


Otherwise, the only way I can see this being done is with the same sub requirements as before.

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There is a lot of sensitivity on both sides. We agree that we would love to have a way for players who don't have it to get it (since it is story content, afterall). But it has to be done in a way that is fair to those who already have it. Let us know your thoughts (for, or against) and I can make sure all of your feedback is captured in our on-going discussion.


Same amount of sub time should be the best. Make it 'avaliable after X months of continous sub' without any other time restrictions to avoid the same issue in the future. Or add it as a bonus item to everybody who buys 6 months of prepaid subscription (my 6 months sub renews in September, wink, wink).

As I said somewhere else, I don't care that much about HK but the chapter concludes one of the best questlines in the game and I feel terrible for missing it by two months (discovered the game when KotFE was ongoing).

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I already have HK-55, and wouldn't complain if he were made obtainable again.


Regarding Chapter 10: Considering my reason for not subbing during that time, which revolved around a certain Lead Producer that I'd just as soon forget, I'd be glad to have another chance to get Chapter 10. I, however, am not saying that I have to have Chapter 10, nor would I be upset if it was never made available again.


Edit: And it should be atleast 3 or more months of required sub time to get these rewards, IMO.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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This made me wonder if it's a good idea to package the deal in together with buying a subscription. Like if you buy a 3 month sub for $45, the chapter is included and you get immediate access to the content, while already being committed to several months of subbing, thus fulfilling the sub requirement.


Also, A good idea :D


But I think the May thing is a bit to far.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I have the chapter, and I'm fine with making it available again. I feel like I've been rewarded enough with three years of exclusivity, though I certainly wouldn't say no to something like a title for the people who received the original reward. I'd personally be fine with making the chapter available without a prerequisite, but there are obviously a lot of people who don't feel that way. For what it's worth, my own preference would be for some kind of sub requirement rather than putting it on the CM, but I don't care much either way.
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Honestly, who is it hurting to make it accessible to every other sub at this point? I don't get it, then again, I'm for giving everyone who is willing to meet specific requirements that aren't too demanding their set of xp armor as well. We've had it to ourselves for years now and people are still feeling like BioWare's going to ransack their home and steal their Malgus figures? :rolleyes:


And why put any amount of time and effort with voice acting, coding and what not to keep it obtainable to only an extreme minority of the playerbase forever? The CE stuff is totally understandable but a chapter for a companion they made so much hype about and ZOOM? I'd prefer everyone get to enjoy every bit of content they can.

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As someone who has the chapter (but has played through it only 2-3 times :o), I think the fairest option for all would be that people should subscribe for the chapter an x-amount of time, like we did to qualify for the Shroud of Memory.

But if its made available on other way, like some kind of purchase on CM or so, I don't mind. :)

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Here is an idea...


Make it a yearly event to celebrate HK-55's anniversary. That way other people that did not make it "This Time" would get a chance to try again "Next Year"


How it works....


You must be a continuous subscriber from the original dates which I believe were January or February to August if I remember correctly.


You Must log in on the start date as a "Premium Player" (subscriber), complete a simple mission ie.. Talk to Oggrobb about trying to rebuild HK-55, you will need to help Oggrobb with this task. You will pickup a HK-51 style hunt and find mission where you find the necessary "Special Parts" Oggrobb needs to rebuild HK-55. The last thing you must do is also maintain your subscription "UN-Interrupted" for the Whole Duration of the Event. (No Exceptions).


If you do that, then you can qualify for HK-55 as your permanent companion at the end of the event in September.


That would be a fair way to make HK-55 available to players that missed him or where not a part of SWToR when he went live the first time.


Hows that for a compromise where Everybody, including BW, WINS...


Or if that way is too hard....


I've made this suggestion before and I think it still applies.


Make it an annual even to celebrate the anniversary of HK-55. Make the event have the same requirements as the original. You must be subscribed by the start date and stay subscribed without interruption for the same amount of time as the original duration.


Only then can you get HK-55 on the anniversary...


It has to be for the same duration and time that the original HK-55 mission had and ONLY that way.


No quick buys No short cuts.


Then next year you can try again on HK-55's Anniversary...


This way everybody wins. New players get a chance at HK-55. Players that missed HK get a chance, and BW gets months of subscriptions.


Either way No Short Cuts. The whole thing is that amount of TIME we had to endure before we could get HK-55 is the issue. So PLEASE no CC purchase no matter how premium you make it.


Ok how this.... let them buy it for the equivalent of 7 months of Subscriptions for $104.93 US or 16,500CC then you have to wait for 7 months before you can collect HK-55 and The Shroud of Memory.


Either way your gonna have to wait 7 months that is the ONLY way....

Edited by denavin
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