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I want a swappable purple crystal badly enough to quit if it's raid drop only


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I agree, why make ANY color hard to get? I can kind of understand the weirder colors, like black-red and black-blue, but all the solid colors at least should be craftable from artifice if not easy to get.



Maybe solid white or black should be a challenge too.

But normal colors that are seen all over the series not being craftable is BAD.

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I personally don't care if all colours are avail but it really makes it worth the achievement to have something different and show that you were able to obtain something that is rare.


As far as casual players being able to obtain the rare end game equipment, all games have their cycles. You may not be able to obtain it at this point in time but once you're into the expansion cycle you're likely going to start obtaining those items as content becomes easier. If you're playing casual you shouldn't require end game items to enjoy the game. Its just the way it is, the content is designed in the majority of games for the items again to be used for the content avail with end game items being there to aid in end game content. So arguing that you can't enjoy the game because its too hard to obtain end game items is rediculous.

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There is only one purple crystal wielder that I have ever read about, and it is Mace Windu. His was a very rare hurikkane crystal he got as a gift. Sith can use every color, but red is the primary color because they are synthetic crystals. Any color can be synthesized with the right material it is just very hard to do anything other than red. Synth Crystals are stronger than normal and has a chance to break a non synth crystal blade. I don't see that happening either in game though.
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but purple and cyan and magenta colors were rare in the star wars universe.


you only have very few select jedi/sith getting "exotic colors"


This should continue the same into the virtual universe IMO.



Personally it would be annoying as hell to have every 13 year old running around with a white saber... that just defeats the purpose.


Actually, I'd probably turn it on it's head, and make the "canon" saber colours, like red, blue and green the ones which are difficult to get. Being allowed to wield a red saber should be something you earn, not something you're given straight out of the Sith academy.

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I personally don't care if all colours are avail but it really makes it worth the achievement to have something different and show that you were able to obtain something that is rare.


As far as casual players being able to obtain the rare end game equipment, all games have their cycles. You may not be able to obtain it at this point in time but once you're into the expansion cycle you're likely going to start obtaining those items as content becomes easier. If you're playing casual you shouldn't require end game items to enjoy the game. Its just the way it is, the content is designed in the majority of games for the items again to be used for the content avail with end game items being there to aid in end game content. So arguing that you can't enjoy the game because its too hard to obtain end game items is rediculous.


is rediculous a new word?

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I'm unsure if the developer who replied to this post was being a tad facetious or not, but heres my 2 cents on the issue.


A lightsaber's color is a matter of preference, and affordability. It really shouldn't be used as a status symbol (which the current implemention almost implies).


I'd much rather see a KOTOR style implementation of lightsaber crystals where the color crystal you use is simply for color, and you'd use a power crystal or two to determine the stat boosts in your saber and possibly augment your standard color (I.E. maybe a special power crystal causes your yellow crystal to appear black/yellow instead of plain yellow)


Right now I'm simply forced to pick the color crystal's that I can either make or afford to buy for stats. It feels more like a choice that I need to make to continue playing the game and leveling than it feels like a personal item.


For example if I were to go get a magenta crystal for my saber I wouldn't be equiping the item because I like the color, I'd be equiping it because it's got better stats than it's blue, green, yellow or orange equivilents.


Now I'm not suggesting that you remove all the status symbol stuff from the game (The 1.5 million cred speeder, special drops) I just don't think lightsaber color should be one of them.

Edited by josfe
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So there's a color that apparently everyone wants as there are multiple threads made about it every day. So, the developers make it hard to obtain. Sounds about right to me.


The most desirable stuff is always the hardest to obtain. Welcome to MMOs.

Manufactured demand.

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To the OP... Maybe a bit overboard but you got the right idea. The reason 'the other game' caved to raiders so often was because raiders were a very squeaky wheel.... very, very, very squeaky. To the point their squeaks don't like competing with other squeaks.


I got carried away with the metaphor. Point is: You want something changed within reason you gotta keep at it until it gets changed. And despite how much the 30-day trolls want you to think so... it is not unreasonable to desire a certain asthetic for your character.

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I very much want a purple saber, it's kind of my thing. I got a Force FX Anakin saber and then paid another big chunk to get a mod for a high intensity beam, purple filter and upgraded tube.



I do not mind that purple is rarer, but it needs to be more obtainable than non-movie colors like yellow and orange.


I would gladly decapitate a lot of mandolirans if it meant I had my violet death again.




@Devs: Thank you for acknowledging that there's a player desire for this. We get that there's a lot on the docket right night, but thank you for noticing us

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Not quite chief. This may come as a shock, I could care less if you have a purple crystal or a brown one. If having a pretend purple crystal in your pretend lightsaber makes you happy, bottoms up buddy. What would happen to diamonds if everyone could dig one up in their backyard? What if you pulled up to a stoplight and everyone was in a Ferrari? They lose their luster.



I would also debate the fact that adults rule the world.


What happened when diamonds became more available is that the DeBeers corporation nad various national goverments declare most of those diamonds illegal.

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It's pink... Not purple, we want true purple like empire gets... And it's understandable that pink is rare.. The only character to have a pink lightsaber was pink five, and she isn't even canon lol.




Per Lucas


Per Canon


Lightside = Blue/Green

Darkside = Red


Mace Windu was the only one to have a Purple Lightsabre.


You haven't read anyone's posts in this thread have you? :rolleyes:

Edited by MasterZionosis
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Per Lucas


Per Canon


Lightside = Blue/Green

Darkside = Red


Mace Windu was the only one to have a Purple Lightsabre.


Yes... some thousand years in the future..


From your point:

Modern Armed forces are canon breakers because they continue to refuse the use of kopesh's, spears, bows and war chariots.

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i agree. there are a bunch of things that are making me contemplate quitting and this is definately 1 of them. seeing black core yellow shelled lightsabers every few minutes but never seeing purple 1s is driving me nuts. i have a few minutes so i guess ill list a few others grievances of mine.

-ghetto booty jedis, gj BW

-no patch this week, my patience was spent when u guys were on vacation the first few weeks

-sith corruption for non force sensitives, i thought this was a story driven game, r u aware this is lore breaking?

-way too heavily instanced, the world does feel empty more so than not, is it ur servers or ur game engine? or both?

-shallow character customization, too late to rectify this

-pvp/pve specific stats, why is this a good idea? pvp should be based on talented gameplay not 'expertise'

-pvp/pve specific skills, my sorc cant headkick other players...why?

-jedi knight droid only cc, thx guys

-fps issues, i have a high end rig, the game looks bad AND plays bad, winning combination

-no ship customization

-rather than fix this games lack of high rez textures they have chosen to mask its abscence

-space content is solo only, its also painfully unimpressive

-world of warcraft style shoulder pads

-moddable gear system is only up until lvl 49

-skill clutter, how fun is trying to find certain short duration buffs to empower a certain move while engaged in melee combat?

-pvp minimap and player list blocks skill bars, gj guys

-no chat bubbles

lastly it was a ***** move forcing players to subscribe b4 taking advantage of their complimentary month. ive been a bioware fan since neverwinter nights. the first time my confidence in this company was shaken was da2. i want this game to succeed; so b4 u spout some mindless defensive rhetoric reread my list.


I just went "yes, yes, yes." while reading this post. Fine post mister, great job! :cool:

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Per Lucas


Per Canon


Lightside = Blue/Green

Darkside = Red


Mace Windu was the only one to have a Purple Lightsabre.


No, i've already said this in this thread, as well as several others. Windu was NOT the only one to have a purple lightsaber, just the only one in the movies.

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Yup, I used commendations to get a blaster (I think it was a blaster) that had an orange crystal, and put that crystal in my Sage's lightsaber. Got a yellow crystal the same way.



way to waste your commendations.



Yellow and Orange are CRAFTABLE!!!


Infact the recipes dont even need to be RE'd the vendor sells those recipes in blue quality, you would have to RE for the upgraded variet which is purple quality(not color)

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Per Lucas


Per Canon


Lightside = Blue/Green

Darkside = Red


Mace Windu was the only one to have a Purple Lightsabre.


Per canon:


Jedi vs. Sith, Page 97, column 2, paragraph 4, line 1:


Prior to the Battle of Ruusan, the Jedi used crystals from many different sources, and ignited lightsabers in every known hue, including purple, orange, and gold.





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