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Game Update 5.10 Developer Livestream Notes


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As for the gearing, they've all but confirmed that people who are not interested in that one MM Op will be locked out of it or will find it too hard to get, and that is disappointing. I've already accepted that none of my characters will even be trying for this gear.


Except that isn't what they said or confirmed at all. Here is a direct quote of the power point slide displayed as they discussed the new gear tier:


You will be able to craft bind on Equip gear if you are a crafter. Schematics will be on the trainer. Materials will be available in Crew Skills, Ossus, PvP, Conquest, and Gods from the Machine Bosses.


You will be able to aquire Bind on Pickup versions of the gear via purchase from a Reputation Vendor with Masterwork Shards, which is a new currency earned from "Special" Weekly Mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembled Components, and Command Crates.


252 Gear (the Artifact level) will be a rare drop from Command Crates at Rank 300 and from the Ossus World Boss Weekly.


So, as you can see, the gear will not in any way be limited to strictly the Master Mode of the raid, although it will be available there as well from what I understood from the discussion.


Information taken from the following screen shot of the Livestream: https://imgur.com/ZDwXXXx



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I have an honest question to you all:


Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game? During the last year, romancing companions has become the no. 1 topic here (aside from the conquest issues in the Spring). I couldn't care less about romances, whether hetero, gay, with aliens or not. It's really completely out of my gaming scope.


It's OK for me that it is a big topic for others. I'm just curious if I'm alone with my view?


That said:


Master Gnost-Dural


What a surprise to hear he is back. That is nice.


But will he be romancable or not? I ask for my Twi'lek male Sith Inquisitor.


Its the core reason why I never stay subbed very long anymore. After the removal of pvp gear I didn't play for nearly 2 years, and that was after being a consistent subscriber from day 1.


Oho. Raansu is back. Memories of the good ol' forum days come to mind. A long time ago.


TL;DR: Mildly positive mindset about this upcoming patch. At least it really looks like they thought it through properly.

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It may just be me, but I think Doc has already been established as such an avid skirt chaser, it would go against who he is and the previous writing about him. In short, I think Doc is too far gone as a womanizer

This is exactly my thinking; the Doc of the class story is too established as a hot-blooded heterosexual male (and an avid womaniser). Love him or hate him, to change him now would not make sense.


I thought kira and scourge were co firmed for 5.10?? Why no word on this?

They were never confirmed as returning by anyone from BW; it was rumoured. I think the confusion came as through non-sanctioned sources people saw dialogue for them (as well as Zenith) & the rumour came from there. I like to think the missing companions (Scourge, Kira, Zenith) are being re-worked for inclusion as main characters in the 6.0 expansion when it eventually arrives. However I'm suspicious that they dodged the avid spam (of Scourge/Kira/Zenith/Malgus) questions in the livestream chat :rolleyes:


I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters

I think it's more about the imbalance with romance options. It's great that there are equally strong male and female characters, however when it comes to romances, any players who prefer to play straight female characters are a bit shafted, having half the options that their male counterparts do. I don't have any interest in close female companions/romances and would welcome more male options from all the humanoid races (especially Chiss and Sith Pureblood) for romance. As for the new NPCs, there was a male on Empire side that they didn't introduce (Dulfy's note refer to him as "unrevealed sixth character". Could be someone very interesting for us there.


We get a droid. <.< That freaking lousy robot from the Black Talon FP the murderous one that worked for Kilran...NR-02.


Woohoo. We being as awesome Empire side as we are get bossed around by a droid. :mad:

I was really disappointed by the return of this droid. Jonas Balker for Republic is excellent; I was hoping Empire side would get Lord Medechas


Except that isn't what they said or confirmed at all. Here is a direct quote of the power point slide displayed as they discussed the new gear tier:


You will be able to craft bind on Equip gear if you are a crafter. Schematics will be on the trainer. Materials will be available in Crew Skills, Ossus, PvP, Conquest, and Gods from the Machine Bosses.

BUT at 30mins 17secs into the stream Eric (I think it was him) mentioned he saw a question that asked "does that crafting component ONLY drop from Gods in the Machine bosses"? Eric replied: "the answer is YES". This means that to craft the gear players will need different components that drop from a number of sources including that Op. If the mat that drops from the MM Op only is BoP then the rest of us will be forced to buy the gear from those elite few who do MM GFTM. How is this fair on the economy or on PvPers? Soloers (like me) have always been gear shafted in all games when it comes to having the highest tier of gear so I'm not too bothered; I'm more worried that I will need 252 gear (especially on my DPS deficient lightning sorcerer) due to the level difficulty that comes with new areas.


You will be able to aquire Bind on Pickup versions of the gear via purchase from a Reputation Vendor with Masterwork Shards, which is a new currency earned from "Special" Weekly Mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembled Components, and Command Crates.


252 Gear (the Artifact level) will be a rare drop from Command Crates at Rank 300 and from the Ossus World Boss Weekly.

The other ways of getting 252 gear are through a source that will be an extremely rare drop and options that exclude solo players. You might argue that solo players don't need the gear - we will when we do PvP as there was no mention of bolstering to compensate.

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Except that isn't what they said or confirmed at all. Here is a direct quote of the power point slide displayed as they discussed the new gear tier:


You will be able to craft bind on Equip gear if you are a crafter. Schematics will be on the trainer. Materials will be available in Crew Skills, Ossus, PvP, Conquest, and Gods from the Machine Bosses.


You will be able to aquire Bind on Pickup versions of the gear via purchase from a Reputation Vendor with Masterwork Shards, which is a new currency earned from "Special" Weekly Mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembled Components, and Command Crates.


252 Gear (the Artifact level) will be a rare drop from Command Crates at Rank 300 and from the Ossus World Boss Weekly.


So, as you can see, the gear will not in any way be limited to strictly the Master Mode of the raid, although it will be available there as well from what I understood from the discussion.


Information taken from the following screen shot of the Livestream: https://imgur.com/ZDwXXXx





Okay, thank you, I've been coming to the same conclusion and talking about it in other threads, and I can't figure out why people are saying that you can only get it in NiM Ops, it's clearly stating that's not the case, I'm just gonna link my post from another thread about it. I'm glad it's not just me because I've been wracking my brain about what I'm missing here heh


I'm a little confused here. Doesn't it say that you can get the new gear using UC's you convert to Masterwork shards? http://dulfy.net/2018/10/11/swtor-patch-5-10-developer-livestream-notes-coverage/.


Now in the write up of what was covered in the stream someone added "(limited time per character per week and gets more expensive the more you do it)".


But when you look at what was listed by BW themselves directly - http://dulfy.net/2018/10/11/swtor-patch-5-10-developer-livestream-notes-coverage/ it doesn't say that. It doesn't say anything about "limited time per character per week and get's more expensive the more you do". It just says


"Masterwork shared can be earned from a "special" new Weekly mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembeled components, and command crates". It's saying you can use UCs to buy masterwork shards directly. So, if that's the case, how is that "limited per week" and how does it get "more expansive the more you do it"? What am I missing here?


If you can get Masterwork Shards using UCs, that would seem to me to indicate than that you can get the new gear solely doing PVP because you can get UCs by solely PVPing and you can get UCs easier in PVP than in PVE. The only thing I can think of that might be a cause for such confusion is that you can only do the new Weely once per week to earn masterwork shards, but that is just one way you can get masterwork shards. But even that I don't see where the confusion could be coming from regarding the " it gets more expansive the more you do it" add on.


How does it get more expensive, and in what way does it get more expensive?


Crafting it and than auging it, okay, sure, the more augments you have to get the more expensive it will be but that will be the case even if you don't craft the new gear and you just get it via Masterwork Shards which you can get by using UCs.


The more characters you have, the more gear you are going to have to augment, but that's the case already no matter how you get gear. If it is suggesting that with regard to buying the gear that other people have crafted, sure, that would be expensive, but you don't have to buy it, you can earn it yourself.


If someone is just lazy and doesn't want to earn it themselves and merely elects to buy it, that's their fault, and is no way a mitigating factor against the system of getting the new gear because you have an option to get it for yourself. If you want to just buy the gear, sure, that's expensive, but that's you're decision and is not the only option. It should be expensive to buy it, in fact, in my opinion, you shouldn't be able to buy it at all with credits, that shouldn't even be an option.


Commentary added by people reporting what was covered in the stream is second hand and could be wrong. I simply don't see what the basis for this comment is when you look at what BW is saying first hand - http://dulfy.net/2018/10/11/swtor-patch-5-10-developer-livestream-notes-coverage/.


So thoughts? Am I missing something here?

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P.S. - I'm thrilled about the new gear. I love gearing, it brings new life into doing the same ole content you've done a gazillion times and gives you something to work for and strive for. I've been full BISED geared for so long now that I'm sitting 50k in UCs as I've had nothing to use them on for so long.


As far as I am concerned, they should release new gear more often than they do. I'm sorry, I don't see as a viable argument against that that it takes someone 15x as long to BIS gear 15 alts as it takes someone to BIS one character. It should take someone 15x times as long to BIS gear 15 alts, simply math and common sense I would think.


Not everyone plays 90000 alts, and those that play less characters shouldn't be side lined in such considerations just because they have to wait for other people to catch up on all their other alts.


Gearing times should be based in terms of an individual character, and honestly I have had no issue with gearing times since 5.2 when they introduced UCs and than later increased the amount of UCs you get from activities.


It's end game BIS gear, if a person is only gearing by crates, that's on them, that's a supplimental gearing option that is not intended as a main form of gearing. Quite honestly, I don't think BIS gear should be untainable in command crate drops at all, it's end game gear, it should be obtainable only by end-game group content because that is the only content you even remotely need BIS gear for. People who only do vanilla and heroics and the like are not going to ever need BIS gear, most of them can't even use it to it's potential anyways. You shouldn't be able to get BIS gear doing content you can clear using only basic attack. Before 5.0 it would have been impossible for them to get it at all. I am happy to see that in 5.10 only the lesser new tier rated gear with be in command crate drops so that kind of validates my opinion [not that other peoples differing opinions are "wrong" persay, they are certainly entitled to have a different opinion'.].


The crafting option, I'm not sure where that came from, but I think maybe it's just a response to peoples unhappiness in the only methods to acquire it previously. Now, someone who isn't interested at all in end game group content can still get BIS gear from crafting or even buying it on the GtN [which I think is silly personally], although, the costs of the BIS gear on the GtN are going to be astronomically high Considering the prices for 240 augs that have like virtually no impact on stats should be evidence of that.

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Okay, thank you, I've been coming to the same conclusion and talking about it in other threads, and I can't figure out why people are saying that you can only get it in NiM Ops, it's clearly stating that's not the case, I'm just gonna link my post from another thread about it. I'm glad it's not just me because I've been wracking my brain about what I'm missing here heh

The new gear will require mats that will drop from different activities. Master mode gods will drop a specific mat that will only drop there, so yeah, you need to do MM gods to get it.

Or.....you can buy it on GTN (like all mats), surprise surpise. Bottom line with this new gear method is that if you dont run MM gods and you are not a crafter yourself the fastest way to gear up is with credits via GTN.

Using UC to buy the shards will become very expensive the more pieces you buy, it will have a rare limit per character per week and it will require reputation status on top of it.

So yeah, buy a hypercrate, sell it on the GTN, gear up, easy af.

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Hi everyone, for those who are not able to watch the developer livestream for Patch 5.10, I have noted down all the important details. The patch is coming in December (no specific date given), features master mode GFTM, iL 252/258 gear new planet w/ daily area & datacrons, new storyline, new characters and returning companions.




Thank you very much!

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Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game?.

No, they've always been pretty bad. On the level of visual novels made for ***** virgins. One of my favorite things about Chris Avellone's writing when he was part of Obsidian was how he'd make fun of them and other RPG romances. I've had a special distaste for them ever since picking a flirt option ONCE with Kaliyo on my agent way back in 2012 flagged her as his wife for KotFE.

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i wasn't far off from my predicted release date for 5.10. i put it between: 27 Nov - 4 Dec originally. So it is likely to be 4 Dec in order to give time for patching before fall ends and bioware go on holiday from 19 Dec. My guess is now 4th December as i can't see any other dates they could work with that would make sense, and Eric slipped up during the feed saying that it will be a month and a half away from launch, this points to the start of December.


Aside from my guess on release day, now to the storyline?


huh, well i was hoping it would be more involved during the mission, but from the way it was said, you are going to be playing your seperate faction storylines no matter your previous choice but you get to make choices that could help your preferred faction. if you are an imperial operative and want in on the republic, you can do certain things that benefits them and hinders your original faction and it is the same for the republic operative if you want the help the empire.


I honestly thought Khem Val was done when it came to the Nathaman Conspiracy. well at least i get to have my Morose monster back! :D:D

Edited by Celise
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So new 252 gear to craft needs components from MM Gods. MM Gods is levelled for the new gear 252+


Thats a conundrum, you have to defeat it in lower gear to then be able to make it easier and get the better gear. But surely by defeating it in your lower gear you have already accomplished the task at hand.


Anyway, good to see those archaic MMO ways of gaining gear are still going strong.


Bottom line - Gear should not be limited to a minute few. It alienates the majority of players, solo, non-elitest pve & pvp players alike.


One day they'll get it.... maybe....

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They want people to play all parts of the game that they work to develop. Makes sense to me.




I don't believe in forcing people to play parts of a game they don't like. They need to give us pvp gear back or normalize stats in pvp. I don't care which, just don't force me to do pve to gear up for pvp. That is beyond dumb.

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PVPers getting left out of the gear rotation is still beyond stupid. Gear shouldn't matter in PVP, but BVErs who PVP get the high ground now. The rest better hope they're rich enough to buy crafts.


I have an honest question to you all:


Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game? During the last year, romancing companions has become the no. 1 topic here (aside from the conquest issues in the Spring). I couldn't care less about romances, whether hetero, gay, with aliens or not. It's really completely out of my gaming scope.

I know what you mean. A lot of the time the discussion makes the game look like a dating-sim forum, not a story-heavy game. It's a nice side feature, not the main feature of the game. But sex and fanservice sells, and it is way easier to make short smoochy stories than a long and compelling story arch. Which... I guess is pretty telling of the current quality of writing when all people care about it their 2min smooches.


I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters.


If you include too little female characters, it's patriarchy. If you include too many women, nobody cares about women feelings. There is no pleasing this crowd.

Edited by Kiesu
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I have an honest question to you all:


Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game? During the last year, romancing companions has become the no. 1 topic here (aside from the conquest issues in the Spring). I couldn't care less about romances, whether hetero, gay, with aliens or not. It's really completely out of my gaming scope.


I thought the romances with comps for vanilla were generally all right. It wasn't a big part of the story, but it's one I tend to do. The new romances post-vanilla have all been pretty dreadful imo, though some of the continuations are all right [i like Vector's and Jorgan's].


The problem is, they don't have money to make the kind of story romances they did in vanilla, so we're basically talking about flirt options in convos and one or two cutscenes. In that case, what difference does it make if they're romanceable or not? I'll pass.


I've had a special distaste for them ever since picking a flirt option ONCE with Kaliyo on my agent way back in 2012 flagged her as his wife for KotFE.


That's pretty bad. I'm glad I won't be taking any male IAs through the kotfe/et storyline.


I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters. Not every main character has to be a LI or be aesthetically pleasing. They weren't in the class stories. If someone only sees value in including characters they personally can ogle or see as LIs, that's the person's issue, and it's not the game's job to accommodate it. As much as I love romance stories in the game, not everything is centered on that.


As someone else mentioned, Jonas, Paxton Rall, IIRC Zenith and Scourge are all supposed to be part of new content, too.


As for Jaesa and Nadia being available for SGR, for the love of God, there's been one F/F LTR in the entire game. They're giving two more who are class-specific and probably will never be seen or heard from again in the main story, and we're going to have people crying "What about the mennnnnn?" with this too?


Well, I think you're talking at crosspurposes. They want male characters to romance, you want equal representation of the sexes. They're clearly not interested in the sexual politics in videogames.

Edited by Ardrossan
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I have an honest question to you all:


Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game? During the last year, romancing companions has become the no. 1 topic here (aside from the conquest issues in the Spring). I couldn't care less about romances, whether hetero, gay, with aliens or not. It's really completely out of my gaming scope.


It's OK for me that it is a big topic for others. I'm just curious if I'm alone with my view?





You may not be the only one, but you are probably in the great minority of players who feels that way. Not questioning your right to feel that way, but I totally don't get it. It's one of the best storyline features I have ever seen in MMOs and I enjoy it immensely and feel it adds great depeth and realism to the storyline and it's just plain ole fun.


But, no right or wrong to it. You're certainly not wrong for having no interest in it. It's a choice, nothing more, nothing is effected otherwise by not engaging in the romance options. It's there for those who like it and has no downside for those who don't and choose not to engage in it.


Takes all kinds =]


I do have one question though....


Have you seen Jaesa's rack? Her a#$ is like the second coming...

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Scourge wasn't mentioned, we guess he might be around later in 6.0 but nothing was really said about him no matter how many times I spammed my question. Maybe the romances aren't the end all be all for you (though the way you cleave to and defend Lana, that amazes me), but the romances for ME are a huge deal as is getting a good number of male NPCs and story characters as well. I'm not big on aliens, so anytime I see an alien, it's like another droid to me. :eek::rolleyes: I don't care about them (maybe this is why I play Empire lol).


You say it's not the game's job to accomodate the people that play it? Well it is, if I'm not happy with what I see, I can spend my money elsewhere.


We clearly have vastly different interests and I want to see more men in the story that are not aliens, I like humans, cyborgs and Sith. And I bloody well will speak up when I think there is a shortage of said demographic.


For what it's worth I don't give two craps about Jaesa light or dark or Nadia, so you can have it and have all the fun in the world with them if Lana allows it. Me, I'm going to keep asking for what pleases me, and that's men in my story. I find it greatly unbalanced that in the Light/Dark event the prizes were two female comps, no males. Now again the main characters in the story are two females AGAIN and barely any males, though I'm happy that Jonas Balkar was chosen to be included even if my leanings towards the Empire won't have me in contact with him much if at all. All I'm asking for is a bit of balance here. If Light/Dark had two women leads/prizes than the story should have two men, or at very least a man and a woman. That would be fair.


This and thank you Luna. You stated this better than I could have. It's good to have a balance.

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Except that isn't what they said or confirmed at all. Here is a direct quote of the power point slide displayed as they discussed the new gear tier:


You will be able to craft bind on Equip gear if you are a crafter. Schematics will be on the trainer. Materials will be available in Crew Skills, Ossus, PvP, Conquest, and Gods from the Machine Bosses.


You will be able to aquire Bind on Pickup versions of the gear via purchase from a Reputation Vendor with Masterwork Shards, which is a new currency earned from "Special" Weekly Mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembled Components, and Command Crates.


252 Gear (the Artifact level) will be a rare drop from Command Crates at Rank 300 and from the Ossus World Boss Weekly.


So, as you can see, the gear will not in any way be limited to strictly the Master Mode of the raid, although it will be available there as well from what I understood from the discussion.


Information taken from the following screen shot of the Livestream: https://imgur.com/ZDwXXXx




Thanks Penny. that was my impression as well and since I am a crafter.....

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My problem with the gear is this: I like to play ranked PvP. Having BiS gear does make a difference in ranked PvP so it's absolutely something I want to go for. Currently all I have to do to get BiS gear is play PvP to get unassembled components and level GC (so I can spend less unassembled components every piece). I also have to make 248 augs but the bottleneck mats for those come from ranked PvP and some PvE. But the PvE one also drops in command crates and isn't limited to nightmare mode ops so they're plentiful and not too expensive when I need to buy them. That mat is the ONLY thing right now that is PvE only to get BiS gear.


For the new gear, if you want the crafted gear there is a mat required that drops only from nightmare mode PvE. This will be the bottleneck mat. I don't have time to do nightmare mode ops even if I wanted to. I could buy them on GTN but those are going to be prohibitively expensive since so few people do nightmare ops and they will be high in demand. The other way with the shards sounds like it'll force me to grind out Ossus dailies. For what time I have to play this game I mainly want to be PvPing. I like to log on a couple characters and do their PvP dailies. That's what I do in the game. I used to be able to get BiS gear this way. Now if I want BiS gear I either have to become rich, or spend time grinding PvE dailies instead.


They did mention unassembled components which gave me hope at first, but the way they were talking about it on stream they made it sound like that was mainly to throw people who have hoarded unassembled components a bone. It did not sound like a main way to gear up. They said it was a very expensive amount of components. Unless they were overly exaggerating, I'm gonna believe that's not going to be a reasonable way to get all the pieces.


I don't like this system at all compared to how it is now. Or even how it was back with separate PvP gear. If the Ossus dailies are fun, or if the shards drop often from command crates (lol), maybe it won't be super awful but I don't have high hopes. I have no idea why they've suddenly decided to screw PvPers.

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Except that isn't what they said or confirmed at all. Here is a direct quote of the power point slide displayed as they discussed the new gear tier:


You will be able to craft bind on Equip gear if you are a crafter. Schematics will be on the trainer. Materials will be available in Crew Skills, Ossus, PvP, Conquest, and Gods from the Machine Bosses.


You will be able to aquire Bind on Pickup versions of the gear via purchase from a Reputation Vendor with Masterwork Shards, which is a new currency earned from "Special" Weekly Mission, Ossus Weekly, Unassembled Components, and Command Crates.


252 Gear (the Artifact level) will be a rare drop from Command Crates at Rank 300 and from the Ossus World Boss Weekly.


So, as you can see, the gear will not in any way be limited to strictly the Master Mode of the raid, although it will be available there as well from what I understood from the discussion.


Information taken from the following screen shot of the Livestream: https://imgur.com/ZDwXXXx




As others have pointed out, though, Eric also said very specifically that there is one component that will only drop from MM Gods from the Machine. You WILL have to play that or spend a lot on the GTN to get the component for the gear.


He did mention the rare command crate drops too, but considering that 248 gear drops from those crates once in a blue moon as it is, I'm guessing that will almost never happen.

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As others have pointed out, though, Eric also said very specifically that there is one component that will only drop from MM Gods from the Machine. You WILL have to play that or spend a lot on the GTN to get the component for the gear.


He did mention the rare command crate drops too, but considering that 248 gear drops from those crates once in a blue moon as it is, I'm guessing that will almost never happen.


Guess it depends on your luck. I got 3 248 for my sentinel this week. I have 4 characters in 248 gear and I do story, fp, and heroics. Of course 2 of them have been geared through pulling mods from the other 2 that I play with (mirror classes of my sith characters) and send it that way except for the relics, implants and earpieces and now I am working on my sentinel and any repeats will be sent to my warrior.

Edited by casirabit
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I think it's more about the imbalance with romance options. It's great that there are equally strong male and female characters, however when it comes to romances, any players who prefer to play straight female characters are a bit shafted, having half the options that their male counterparts do. I don't have any interest in close female companions/romances and would welcome more male options from all the humanoid races (especially Chiss and Sith Pureblood) for romance. As for the new NPCs, there was a male on Empire side that they didn't introduce (Dulfy's note refer to him as "unrevealed sixth character". Could be someone very interesting for us there.


I get it, but there aren't half the romances. In the class story there are 8 romance options for women interested in opposite-gender romances, vs. 11 for opposite-gender romances for male PCs. You also get access to a few one night stands across the various classes (Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, Smuggler, and I can't think of more) and a few ongoing flirtations like Damarus in the Smuggler story. In the KOTFE/ET expansions, you get three more romances, bringing you to exactly the same ratio, 11:11.


Female players wishing to romance a female character have 0 romances, 0 flirts and 0 one night stands in the class stories. They get 1 romance option in KOTFE/ET.


So yeah, I'm going to be salty when people actually have the gall to complain about things being "uneven" when they introduce two class-specific F/F romances and have to complain because there's nothing there for them.


Especially when it's the same people who constantly complain about how sexist the game is and how it ignores women. They're doing something for women now. Even if it's not specifically for you. Maybe, just maybe, you could be happy that those of us who aren't straight are actually getting something instead of whining that there's nothing in it for you.


Well, I think you're talking at crosspurposes. They want male characters to romance, you want equal representation of the sexes. They're clearly not interested in the sexual politics in videogames.


Oh, I know. But what makes me shake my head is that these are generally the same people who continually complain that the game's devs don't cater to female players and are sexist. They say that at the same time they constantly rag on every female character and want them dead, and the minute the devs do something for FEMALE PLAYERS who aren't straight apparently they have to whine about it.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Guess it depends on your luck. I got 3 248 for my sentinel this week. I have 4 characters in 248 gear and I do story, fp, and heroics. Of course 2 of them have been geared through pulling mods from the other 2 that I play with (mirror classes of my sith characters) and send it that way except for the relics, implants and earpieces and now I am working on my sentinel and any repeats will be sent to my warrior.


How exactly do you pull the mods? Every time I've tried to put them into other armor to send it I've been told that it's bound.


The RNG gods do not like me. Last year I was able to bring two characters to 247 just using the boxes but this year, not so much. I've been trying to level up a few of my 70s and between them I've probably opened close to 100 boxes since Tuesday. Not one of them has pulled a gold armor piece. :(

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I get it, but there aren't half the romances. In the class story there are 8 romance options for women interested in opposite-gender romances, vs. 11 for opposite-gender romances for male PCs. You also get access to a few one night stands across the various classes (Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, Smuggler, and I can't think of more) and a few ongoing flirtations like Damarus in the Smuggler story. In the KOTFE/ET expansions, you get three more romances, bringing you to exactly the same ratio, 11:11.


Female players wishing to romance a female character have 0 romances, 0 flirts and 0 one night stands in the class stories. They get 1 romance option in KOTFE/ET.


So yeah, I'm going to be salty when people actually have the gall to complain about things being "uneven" when they introduce two class-specific F/F romances and have to complain because there's nothing there for them.


Especially when it's the same people who constantly complain about how sexist the game is and how it ignores women. They're doing something for women now. Even if it's not specifically for you. Maybe, just maybe, you could be happy that those of us who aren't straight are actually getting something instead of whining that there's nothing in it for you.




Oh, I know. But what makes me shake my head is that these are generally the same people who continually complain that the game's devs don't cater to female players and are sexist. They say that at the same time they constantly rag on every female character and want them dead, and the minute the devs do something for FEMALE PLAYERS who aren't straight apparently they have to whine about it.


First and foremost I want to say that I am happy they are including more options for female players that want female romance options. I'm very happy for those players.


Now, for a teeny tiny nitpick about this post in particular. There were no f/f romance options in the vanilla game but there was a flirtation with Lemda (available to both male and female characters) on Makeb. Now, I thought she was a terrible option but that might have just been because I was so mad at the time she got twice the screentime Cytharat did as the first m/m flirtation.


Honestly, though, I would be happy if both of those characters were brought back in some capacity (My poor Cytharat could be dead... so I won't hold my breath.)

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How exactly do you pull the mods? Every time I've tried to put them into other armor to send it I've been told that it's bound.


The RNG gods do not like me. Last year I was able to bring two characters to 247 just using the boxes but this year, not so much. I've been trying to level up a few of my 70s and between them I've probably opened close to 100 boxes since Tuesday. Not one of them has pulled a gold armor piece. :(


I have legacy armor that I put the mods into, then send them to my alt and then pull it from the gear and put in that one. Yea I know expensive but it works for me. Just remember it has to be chest to chest, gloves to gloves. Now the weapons can be the same if you have legacy weapons (gun, lightsaber, shield). You can get some legacy gear from the dark/light vendor and I believe that armor there is also legacy based so just leave in your legacy bank and pull the mods from the gear and put in there and then pull from that and put on your alt. Some just use the legacy gear and switch off but I rather do it my way. Either way is good but mine will be expensive but it gives you 248 on both characters (mirror). Now do remember if you are pulling gear from a Sage (healer) it has to go to a Sorceress (healer). Smuggler (healer) to Agent (healer) or Sage (dps) to Sorceress (dps)

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First and foremost I want to say that I am happy they are including more options for female players that want female romance options. I'm very happy for those players.


Now, for a teeny tiny nitpick about this post in particular. There were no f/f romance options in the vanilla game but there was a flirtation with Lemda (available to both male and female characters) on Makeb. Now, I thought she was a terrible option but that might have just been because I was so mad at the time she got twice the screentime Cytharat did as the first m/m flirtation.


Honestly, though, I would be happy if both of those characters were brought back in some capacity (My poor Cytharat could be dead... so I won't hold my breath.)


Thank you. :) That's true, there is Lemda. Totally forgot her, LOL. There are a couple one night stand/flirtish things after vanilla, but Lana's the only game in town for anyone who actually wants a F/F LTR with a companion.


I do agree that Lemda was an awful fling, though. I only played through that once because IMHO it's scripted with the PC coming on really strong and Lemda acting as though she can't stand them and is barely tolerating things. I felt like I was Doc, and that just made me really uncomfortable.


I liked Cytharat a lot more, even though I had no interest in having a character romance him.

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