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Planned Warzone Changes


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Not every spec in the game needs to be NiM Ops viable.


A stealth could de-select Odessen, if they decide to implement that feature. Go for gas-cloud wins in arenas.


So your solution is to intentionally make certain classes unviable for some content of the game?? Whenever BioWare even remotely harms the viability of a single spec in any area of the game (PVP or PVE) it is a bad thing which raises a lot of anger. Look what the tank nerf has done to the hardcore community who might have relied on the damage that their tank deals to pass some tight DPS checks. The aim is to make all specs viable for all game modes, but not necessarily fit for every role in the game mode. There is NO "stealth role" in PVE, so BioWare can't ruin their job with the role they are playing. However, in PVP, aside from the trinity, there is the "objective role": guard, side-capper and the main massacare for example. If you guard a node with your jugg while the stealther is in the mid massacre then you are both playing your weakness rather than your strengths, so switch!


I do agree that the incoming matchmaking will do good if 2nd priority after matching role-wise it will match stealth-wise, because having 3 stealthers on one node game versus none IS a problem, but from that to nerfing classes and making them inviable in some very major contents of the game is too far a step.


And on a side note, I am disappointed that the gas cloud is not changed to deal no damage. It was never intended for matches to be won like that. Gas was supposed to be a solution against stealth groups, not a way for them to win...

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It was explained to me some time ago that this was not an exploit, but a resourceful use of class abilities.


By whom ?


No, I don't want names, I just want to point out that not everyone is telling things well-meant. I mean, if a criminal tells you how to get money illegaly, and he would tell yozu "that's no crime, it's just a resourceful use of human brans", would you follow that person ?


In these times, where Egoism is such a big thing, people are very likely to wash away ethical reasoning, because it helps to boost their ego to use things without having any kinds of ethincs in the mind.


In these times, where Trolling is such a big thing now, trolls will very much want to train others to become trolls as well, because they believe that "trolling is - in lack of a better word - good". (After Gordon Gekko)


Unfair play destroys the fun for people who want "fair play". But those who want to destroy it rather reason with "there is no 'feair play'. There has never been." Okay, where does Humanity go to if everyone acts like that ?


And - when you are old, and have kids, would you like to see your kids' fun get destroyed by the same kind of belief-system ?

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You mean the team that uses its brain power to win over number farmers has an advantage in team based objective play?


Oh the horror of it all!


If it wasn't obvious /sarcasm


Capping first then dying a 100 times cuz of synced spawn cycles takes no brain power. I have no idea why bad players brain wash themselves to believe this is a form of skill.


Everyone talks about objective oriented players and “kill farmers” like they are oil and water. Majority of the players are actually in the middle. Games are won by killing players and doing the objective. Not one or the other.

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By whom ?


No, I don't want names, ...


Actually, Eric did. Oops, that was names. :p


Admittedly, it was in reply to the very same post you quoted, so Mourn probably did not hear it from Eric before. But this seem pretty clear to me that "you can still get across the gap to get in position" means it's perfectly OK to leap/port across.


... There will now be a forcefield in front of that door until the bridge is lowered. Once the bridge is lowered you can begin planting on the door. You can still get across the gap to get in position to plant the bomb faster, but you can no longer bypass lowering the bridge.



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Hey folks,


As Keith mentioned in the roadmap we are looking to make some Warzone changes this year, starting in July. It is our plan to try to get these on PTS as well, but before we get to that point we wanted to get your opinion on our plans. Below you will find the changes along with our goal for these changes. Let us know your thoughts.


The goals of these changes are:

  • To shorten the average time of our Warzones to be around 12 minutes. We have a few WZs that are taking quite a bit longer than that currently.
  • We have some WZs that are exploitable due to environment hacking, we want to fix that.

Voidstar changes - We want to give the offense a much better chance of completing the objectives. We want to make Voidstar more about a race to complete the objectives as opposed to a map which often ends in a stalemate. Less stalemates will shorten the overall time of the map.

  • Door now take 6 seconds to arm (down from 8)
  • Defenders now have 15 seconds to disarm door bombs (down from 20)
  • Extending the bridges and lowering the shields now takes 6 seconds to channel (down from 8)
  • Forcefields are now blocking the reactor room doors until the bridges are extended
  • Characters who hack their way into the last two rooms of the Warzone before the bridge has been extended or the forcefield is down will be killed

Ancient Hypergates - We want running orbs to be more impactful to the WZs gameplay, with the goal of shortening each map.

  • Orbs now score more points (up from 6, review below)
  • Orbs scores ramp up each round of the game:
    • Round 1 = 12 points per orb delivered
    • Round 2 = 15 points per orb delivered
    • Round 3 = 18 points per orb delivered
    • Round 4 = 21 points per orb delivered
    • Round 5 = 24 points per orb delivered
    • Round 6+ = 27 points per orb delivered

    [*]Player corral forcefields have had their up-time reduced, the forcefield is now down for 10 seconds and up for 15 seconds (previously 30 seconds)

Alderaan - Shortening the match time.

  • Turrets now damage ships for 12 damage per tick (up from 10)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so

Yavin - Further differentiate the map from Alderaan Civil War along with shortening the match time.

  • Teams now start with 500 points (down from 600)
  • When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so




I dont see any need in this changes... why you are doing it? To reduce rewards from pvp in future by saying that it takes much less time to finish a warzone than operation? Pvp players are already out of conquest and barely can get the minimum 15k. I dont see any reason to make warzones faster.


The real reason you do so is that you want to solve slow pops problems. The faster players will finish warzones - the faster those who are waiting in queue will get a pop. In this case can you rethink about the need in cross-faction warzones? Your new fast warzones will partially solve the problem with slow pops so we dont need cross faction now. Otherwise, i dont see any reasons for such changes.


Oh and i dont see any changes about speed hackers and wall runners, where are they?

Edited by omaan
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I respectfully disagree with this. I think the people trying to cap have plenty of abilities at their disposal... slows, roots, etc, to keep the other side from getting back to the node in time to stop the cap. If the "stronger" team is too intent on "raw" DPS and can't mezz someone and wait a few seconds for their team mate to finish a cap... how is that the fault of the "tactical dying"? What I would call "smart" teams, for example, have stopped me many times to preventing a bomb plant in VS, by slowing me to a crawl as I try to swap sides in time. While other teams just continue to do "normal" dps - breaking mezzes on me and such, and I get there and stop the plant and I might die, but I stopped the plant.


I am often the last one at the node defending, especially in VS. I'll sit in stealth, in "reserve" if my team is getting wiped out fast, and then I'll be the last one holding off the door plant, and sometimes just enough for the spawn window to open and my team to get back there. Rinse repeat. Isn't this what you are talking about?


Why is that bad play? In my view it's knowing my team's weakness and trying to play around it completely within the context of how the game works. If we remove some of that, then where do we stop? If we take it to the extreme and remove any ability for the weaker team to overcome the raw-numbers strength of the other side though less-than-conventional play, then what's the point of doing anything other than parsing some numbers on a dummy and whoever puts out the best wins?


Maybe I'm misunderstanding... but I see "rushing in to stop a cap, even though I know I'm going to die" as a good thing if it looks like we can do that fast enough to keep the node (i.e. the other side can't actually kill us off fast enough - even though they are going to kill us off). Or, I'll jump off the cliff in OPG sometimes, to stop the other side from getting the power up I have, because I'm about to die and pass it over to them. Is that also bad tactical dying?


I'm not arguing that adding the 2-point death penalty is bad. It's just adding another factor to consider in the game play (just, as someone else pointed out, it is in AHG). But I don't get why adjusting my tactics to account for the fact that I'm on the weaker team is bad?




My thoughts too. The earlier insinuation by Hottie that getting farmed while trying to stop cap lacks skill is short-sighted for a few different reasons:


-It doesn't consider team inequalities created by the current matchmaking system (e.g. healer heavy, tank heavy or 8 dps and no healer etc)

-It assumes that all players must be on an equal footing in terms of skill, which in practical reality cannot and will never be the case (e.g. the player that casually plays pvp for an hour in the evening or newbies vs. those that commit their entire recreational free time to the game)

-Faction disparity such as the one that exists on Malgus (lets face it, Reps kinda suck on this server, sadly)

-Sometimes if the skill level is disparate, this is the only line of defense in order to protect the objective and the opposition should use the many tools in their ability sets to slow, stun/CC, knock back etc to impede my attempt


Final thought, I do feel that players should be encouraged to develop their skill set to make the games more competitive however punishing them for call-outs such as this is not the way to do. This may simply discourage new or lower-skilled players from trying to have fun in PvP and we're then left with the elitist dinosaurs.

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I dont see any need in this changes... why you are doing it? To reduce rewards from pvp in future by saying that it takes much less time to finish a warzone than operation? Pvp players are already out of conquest and barely can get the minimum 15k. I dont see any reason to make warzones faster.


If warzones grant the same CQ pts and happen faster you gain more. So I don't quite understand what do you not understand...


One more thing about PVPers being out of conquest: If you have 150% SH bonus (which is far easier to get than it used to), complete the weekly and farm 150 mobs in the destination planet while waiting between pops on a daily basis u will complete the whole conquest in 2-3 days per toon. Multiple toons are more problematic but that is not exclusive to PVPer, and specifically this week one toon can get 7500 pts for merely completing a weekly mission of PVP (ranked or unranked).


The real reason you do so is that you want to solve slow pops problems. The faster players will finish warzones - the faster those who are waiting in queue will get a pop. In this case can you rethink about the need in cross-faction warzones? Your new fast warzones will partially solve the problem with slow pops so we dont need cross faction now. Otherwise, i dont see any reasons for such changes.


Cross faction is not only to solve slow pops, it is to enable the incoming matchmaking. Matchmaking is impossible if there are 4 imp healers and 0 rep healers and there is no cross faction.


Oh and i dont see any changes about speed hackers and wall runners, where are they?


All the "players who hack their way into... will be killed" is a big step in that direction, though everyone agrees we want them gone completely..

Edited by Rafiknoll
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happy that you guys are thinking about pvp, greatest feature of this game :)

I like the idea with kills.

Dont like that orbs should count for more, prefere to play pvp and not run around the map glowing with thing. I dare say that biggest reason that OPG is a bust is coz of little time engaged in doing stuff ( fighting, capping nodes, getting mods), too much running is just boring.


Same with 6 sec cap. I get that you wanna stop the stalemates but worst thing in this game is guarding objective. One may spend entire wz doing nothing (boring). Guarding on non stealth can be hard since sap caps are possible ( especailly by 2 players ) not even call is gonna help much with 6 sec. Cant always expect stealth to guard either. Then poor fellow is the one to get blamed/told off and stuff. And truth is that its vital to be guarding objective and there is no incentive from anyone ( game or community) to do it.


Wondering if short cap wouldnt be better option ( 3 sec lets say ) that way recapping would be fairly ez and maybe we wouldnt have to have a guard at all ?




100% Agree with the guarding comment and shortening the cap time would help with this. The reality is that most people simply do not want to guard and for those that do, if they mess up somehow get nothing but grief from the rest of the team. If peeps are so concerned with keeping the objective, they should be there supporting the person and ensuring the win instead of crying when a node gets capped while they're farming DPS at mid.


Providing incentives or changing the gameplay around this would be an genius way to address this problem. Plus slower cap time would make for fast and furious gameplay. :)

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Capping first then dying a 100 times cuz of synced spawn cycles takes no brain power. I have no idea why bad players brain wash themselves to believe this is a form of skill.


This can be argued about. I and the others who are "against" you here probably view the ability to cap first as some manner of brain. I can see the logic in your point of view too, but there is logic in ours.


Everyone talks about objective oriented players and “kill farmers” like they are oil and water. Majority of the players are actually in the middle. Games are won by killing players and doing the objective. Not one or the other.


Depends, in huttball a very good group can control the mid and carry the ball via stuns and push/pulls only. There is no neccesity for a single man to die and sometimes people actually don't die. [Killing in the fire doesn't count as "death" to the target, and is done with stuns and pulls. I literally won games in which all my "kills" would happen regardless of my number output, I could deal 0 damage in total and still kill those 12 people with successful fire pulls and stuns]


Same goes for node games. Sap-capping is a valid method, which is very likely not to result in any death. I think the team with the skilled sap-cappers and guards deserve to win even if their enemies have 3 healed maras in sync who farm your people one after the other but not fast enough to cap mid.

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Capping first then dying a 100 times cuz of synced spawn cycles takes no brain power. I have no idea why bad players brain wash themselves to believe this is a form of skill.


Everyone talks about objective oriented players and “kill farmers” like they are oil and water. Majority of the players are actually in the middle. Games are won by killing players and doing the objective. Not one or the other.


As i said maybe its different for you, and i think we are on different servers. The overwhelming majority of the time i have had people claiming they farmed but couldn't win, it was because of something alomg the lines of:

We send 2 people, 1 to each side. The guy at theirs effectively slows them down, and our guy caps ours, thus giving us the early advantage

Their 8 go back mid, and my other guy manages to cap theirs.

Mid is now an 8 v 6 in their favor, often with the better dps off node guarding.

Proceeds to win with many deaths thanks to the aforementioned numerical disadvantage, but the "farmers" cant effectively kill all 6 of my team fast enough to cap the node over us.

Proceed enemy trash talk at the end because they "farmed" while we won 600-0 because they couldnt be bothered to make a play other than zerg mid.


Im with Snave here - playing around the "farmers" while keeping just enough at "their" node (aka mid) to keep them from capping is a perfectly effective tactic - and far more "tactical" than zerging because you can't be bothered with objectives.


You want to "farm", to to arenas. Its literally what they are about. Meanwhile, the team that successfully obtains more objectives, however they do so should in fact continue to win in team based objective play.

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As i said maybe its different for you, and i think we are on different servers. The overwhelming majority of the time i have had people claiming they farmed but couldn't win, it was because of something alomg the lines of:

We send 2 people, 1 to each side. The guy at theirs effectively slows them down, and our guy caps ours, thus giving us the early advantage

Their 8 go back mid, and my other guy manages to cap theirs.

Mid is now an 8 v 6 in their favor, often with the better dps off node guarding.

Proceeds to win with many deaths thanks to the aforementioned numerical disadvantage, but the "farmers" cant effectively kill all 6 of my team fast enough to cap the node over us.

Proceed enemy trash talk at the end because they "farmed" while we won 600-0 because they couldnt be bothered to make a play other than zerg mid.


Im with Snave here - playing around the "farmers" while keeping just enough at "their" node (aka mid) to keep them from capping is a perfectly effective tactic - and far more "tactical" than zerging because you can't be bothered with objectives.


You want to "farm", to to arenas. Its literally what they are about. Meanwhile, the team that successfully obtains more objectives, however they do so should in fact continue to win in team based objective play.


I think you are clearly missing the point. Mindless zerging is just as bad as mindless players getting farmed on a node to keep it from being capped. ????????? What are you even arguing. That objectives are relevant when pvping? I never said they weren’t. All I am saying is being farmed on a node should result in form of score punishment because it’s not tactical, it’s being farmed.


Out heal, out dps and out survive the other team while doing objectives is what good pvp warzones should be about.

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This can be argued about. I and the others who are "against" you here probably view the ability to cap first as some manner of brain. I can see the logic in your point of view too, but there is logic in ours.




Depends, in huttball a very good group can control the mid and carry the ball via stuns and push/pulls only. There is no neccesity for a single man to die and sometimes people actually don't die. [Killing in the fire doesn't count as "death" to the target, and is done with stuns and pulls. I literally won games in which all my "kills" would happen regardless of my number output, I could deal 0 damage in total and still kill those 12 people with successful fire pulls and stuns]


Same goes for node games. Sap-capping is a valid method, which is very likely not to result in any death. I think the team with the skilled sap-cappers and guards deserve to win even if their enemies have 3 healed maras in sync who farm your people one after the other but not fast enough to cap mid.


This quoted post was to a reply discussing node maps, not huttball. And I would say it’s very hard to win any node map without killing players when attacking an enemy node or defending one.

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I think you are clearly missing the point. Mindless zerging is just as bad as mindless players getting farmed on a node to keep it from being capped. ????????? What are you even arguing. That objectives are relevant when pvping? I never said they weren’t. All I am saying is being farmed on a node should result in form of score punishment because it’s not tactical, it’s being farmed.


Out heal, out dps and out survive the other team while doing objectives is what good pvp warzones should be about.


My point is: zerg faster or run objectives. Otherwise, I'll gladly continue distracting 4-8 "farmers" at mid with my healer while the rest of my team is off winning the match for us.


Attempting to win via greater teamwork is what good warzones are about. Think smarter - not harder.

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My point is: zerg faster or run objectives. Otherwise, I'll gladly continue distracting 4-8 "farmers" at mid with my healer while the rest of my team is off winning the match for us.


Attempting to win via greater teamwork is what good warzones are about. Think smarter - not harder.


So we are in agreement then. Playing well and not getting farmed should result in good games. Being farmed means your team is struggling in every aspect of pvp in that match. From picking winnable battles, from CC’ing, surviving, capping at the right time, and team work etc. If a team does not have these in a match there should not be a reward in the pvp match.

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Out heal, out dps and out survive the other team while doing objectives is what good pvp warzones should be about.


That's an opinion, and is simply not the way these WZ's are implemented (except for arenas and AHG). I guess if all you are saying is accurately and completely summed up by what I quoted above... that it is your opinion that the WZ *should* be that way, well my opinion differs. I like the fact that it's possible to win a WZ even if your team is worse at DPS and healing.


If we currently own the node, I *like* the fact that I can make that last second zoom into the node to stop you from capping. I also like that it can be done against me when we are trying to take the node. I *like* trying to stop the enemy as they come rushing out of the spawn, trying to get back to the node in time to stop the cap, and us trying to kill off the last survivor quickly enough so that the spawn door doesn't open again. I call those the "bring 'em down Legolas!" moments. I hate PvP mechanics where it's "the team with the most standing players in the vicinity of the node gets it". (Actually, I like a mix - because AHG is also one of my fav maps.)


And in any event, I don't think the 2-points-per kill is meant to change that part of the game for Yavin anyway. Eric has already posted that they do not expect kills to end up being any significant factor in most matches. Also, the stated goal for the change was not to make it harder to win if your team had worse dps/heals/tanking, but instead to speed up the overall match.

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So we are in agreement then. Playing well and not getting farmed should result in good games. Being farmed means your team is struggling in every aspect of pvp in that match. From picking winnable battles, from CC’ing, surviving, capping at the right time, and team work etc. If a team does not have these in a match there should not be a reward in the pvp match.


I can't speak for Kendra, but I think he was talking specifically about teams who farm kills to the exclusion of the objectives. And in case I'm off on that, I'll just add that farming undergeared, inexperienced, and uncoordinated PUGs with your Ranked team is absolutely no indication of skill. And if they managed to out play a premade that is farming them, they deserve the win, not the Epeeners who are trying to turn an objective based PvP match into a death match.


You mean the team that uses its brain power to win over number farmers has an advantage in team based objective play?


Oh the horror of it all!


If it wasn't obvious /sarcasm


This pretty much sums it up.

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What about Novare Coast hacks? :confused:

- Some hackers can capture all nodes before the game starts. :confused: (And you refuse to ban them...)

- Or Sorcs that can use Phase Walk to capture nodes from the backside (or it was fixed already?).


Also why no changes for snipers Entrench/disable node ability combo in Odessen Proving Grounds. :(



When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0)

Terrible changes that favors premades or just team with good dps/healers vs bads. Please reconsider that decision.

Edited by Glower
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So we are in agreement then. Playing well and not getting farmed should result in good games. Being farmed means your team is struggling in every aspect of pvp in that match. From picking winnable battles, from CC’ing, surviving, capping at the right time, and team work etc. If a team does not have these in a match there should not be a reward in the pvp match.


Then what was that about farmers should win matches?

I don't consider an 8 on 4 a farm. Its a failure to kill fast enough. If both teams are at a node in equal numbers, then generally speaking whoever caps the other node first will win, so long as no one caps mid, however many people die.


That's hardly problematic

Edited by KendraP
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"Reactor room" is the second room right? So you can not leap on players on the ledge anymore? :(


This was answered back on page 8.




Can you please clarify the item I quoted above? On my Operative, I am able to Holotraverse (while cloaked) across the chasm before the bridge is down to an enemy player (who had been killed, respawned on the other side, and is foolish enough to stand on the center edge where there is no force field). I could then plant the bomb on the door before the bridge was down. It was explained to me some time ago that this was not an exploit, but a resourceful use of class abilities.


With the outlined changes to Voidstar, is this still going to be possible, or not?


This will not be possible. There will now be a forcefield in front of that door until the bridge is lowered. Once the bridge is lowered you can begin planting on the door. You can still get across the gap to get in position to plant the bomb faster, but you can no longer bypass lowering the bridge.



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It never dawned on me nor became a complaint to anyone that the war zones were too lengthy. Most pvpers will do one after the other after the other, so they plan to stick around for a while.


But I feel the entertainment value will not be enhanced by making it shorter because it just means more wait time for queues which is annoying over time. However, I think class balancing in the interest of making things skill based rather than flavor of the month and rendering a class useless would be a better investment of your development time. Games with long lasting PvP tend to be skill based rather than simply remaking a character because one class has been enhanced and the old class is no longer meta.


Also the effort it takes to gear does not mean it will keep players around. It just means everyone is annoyed. Large scale PvP communities are not built on simply grinding classes and items. Look at Overwatch and League, for example. They keep playing because of the strategy element and a player's personal skill can dictate their skill in game and challenge themselves on a personal level rather than game mechanics favoring them and then a few months later making their time completely pointless.


Game duration has nothing to do with that, nor will it make it better or worse because no one actually cares about game length.

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Hey folks,


As Keith mentioned in the roadmap we are looking to make some Warzone changes this year, starting in July. It is our plan to try to get these on PTS as well, but before we get to that point we wanted to get your opinion on our plans. Below you will find the changes along with our goal for these changes. Let us know your thoughts.


The goals of these changes are:

  • To shorten the average time of our Warzones to be around 12 minutes. We have a few WZs that are taking quite a bit longer than that currently.
  • We have some WZs that are exploitable due to environment hacking, we want to fix that.

Voidstar changes - We want to give the offense a much better chance of completing the objectives. We want to make Voidstar more about a race to complete the objectives as opposed to a map which often ends in a stalemate. Less stalemates will shorten the overall time of the map.

  • Door now take 6 seconds to arm (down from 8)
  • Defenders now have 15 seconds to disarm door bombs (down from 20)
  • Extending the bridges and lowering the shields now takes 6 seconds to channel (down from 8)
  • Forcefields are now blocking the reactor room doors until the bridges are extended
  • Characters who hack their way into the last two rooms of the Warzone before the bridge has been extended or the forcefield is down will be killed

Ancient Hypergates - We want running orbs to be more impactful to the WZs gameplay, with the goal of shortening each map.

  • Orbs now score more points (up from 6, review below)
  • Orbs scores ramp up each round of the game:
    • Round 1 = 12 points per orb delivered
    • Round 2 = 15 points per orb delivered
    • Round 3 = 18 points per orb delivered
    • Round 4 = 21 points per orb delivered
    • Round 5 = 24 points per orb delivered
    • Round 6+ = 27 points per orb delivered

    [*]Player corral forcefields have had their up-time reduced, the forcefield is now down for 10 seconds and up for 15 seconds (previously 30 seconds)

Alderaan - Shortening the match time.

  • Turrets now damage ships for 12 damage per tick (up from 10)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so

Yavin - Further differentiate the map from Alderaan Civil War along with shortening the match time.

  • Teams now start with 500 points (down from 600)
  • When players die they reduce their teams score by 2 (up from 0)
  • Characters exploiting by hacking inside of the capture terminals will now die when they do so




I haven't read any of the other poster's comments at the time of this reply and thus may raise issue with things that other posters may have addresssed. I'll try and keep in brief and just bullet points.


* I don't see why WZ time lengths should change, that isn't something I've heard players complain about before and I think it may open unforseeable can's of worms as it may force changes to accepted strategy and limit veterans from more accurately showing those new to PVP "the ropes". - It would also effect performance measures based on time in play. I could be wrong, but I fear somewhat for opening Pandora's box unnecessarily.

Where the need for shorting WZ times to 12 minutes comes from confuses me and I am not sure why that is felt to be an issue.


* Changing the rules/point systems/time effects again may have the same unforseeable effects as listed above and throws variables into the equation that seemingly have no real reason to be introduced.


* I think some of these changes might upset veteran PVPers who don't want to have "relearn" things they have already learned and employeed for long periods of time and make them unsure of themselves and "what's best".


* I like the ideas of shorting force field times and especially in the case of Voidstar, the changes to Forcefields that are now blocking the reactor room doors until the bridges are extended would be very welcome. There is nothing more annoying than getting stuck behind it and not being able to do a thing for potentially many minutes and how that than effects a players "numbers". Nobody knows how long someone was cought behind those fields while being alive and thus have no way of knowing that a players were effected by those downtimes. - I absolutely hate when that happens and it pisses me the hell off and is just play stupid design and unfair to players who get trapped behind them with no recourse to do anything about it. Essentially being at the mercy of what others are doing. I love this idea and I hope it gets employed so I can stop bashing the table, walls, and my harddrives in furstraition.


* I couldn't possibly be less interested in running orbs and I don't intend to start doing that. Speaking only for myself [although I would be surprised to learn there weren't many other players who felt similarly] I play Warzones for the "war" part. I want to be fighting as much as possible. Making fighting an inherently "bad thing" and harmful to the success of the out come like on Odessen is not going to sit well with players of a militant outlook. If fighting becomes a harmful effecting element to the teams needs you are going to see a lot of players chosing said Warzones as maps they are not interested in and do not want to quece for. I'm not saying fighting should be always the first priority, of course objectives are important, but currently both are needed to be done for sucess, making combat essentially harmful will not be fun. I'm not there to play basketball I'm there because I enjoy ripping peoples entire' heads off completely from thier shoulders and than using said head to than try and score with. That sometimes it's my head that is being used to score with by the enemy in no way, shape or form lessons my enjoyment of said practice. They can't all be winners =]


*Making player's deaths reduce thier teams score by 2 is going to cause tons of friction and infighting between players and just make the toxicity factor that much worse. There is no possibility that won't happen if this measure is introduced.


It's a Warzome and I don't intend to stop fighting. That's what Warzones are for. If there is no ball involved, than it's War and in war a soldiers job is to kill the enemy. As a Marauder I am not going to start "playing it safe". If that means my team will lose two points because I die, than the team is going to lose those two points and probably a few times at that. Let the toxicity begin. I'm a Darklord of the Sith, not a baller. Death is my trade. There is no way I'm going to start playing it safe.


There are some ideas here which are welcome, but a lot that aren't as well. While I very much appreciate the attention being given to PVP and I know there are a lot of others who are grateful for that as well, I must caution the devs to not start to "fix" things that aren't broken, you guys suck *** at that. When you try and fix things that aren't broken, that's a great way to brake stuff.


I will not going to start playing it safe or start to avoid fighting more than presently because of unnecessary changes. I don't care what the ramifications of that are. That will decrease enjoyment greatly and unnecessarily for players similarly minded.


The words 'careful' and 'war' should never be in the same sentence.


It's bad enough you want to try and prevent me from killing pubs in Warzones, now you want to try to prevent me from killing at all in them?


No chance. I don't care what happens. Let it burn, because that's not fun. The second people start telling me to stop risking my life and stop fighting as much because they don't want to loose two points, someones gonna be upset and it isn't going to be me =]


War is hell for Jedi, for Sith, it's heaven. Yoda can kiss my blue ***.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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This is a favor to roll class, scoperatives. U need to adress roll ASAP, make the animation to perform twice slower, remove dodge pop from them and make them castable only if there is ground beneath, otherwise they should simply fall down. It is the only way to stop air rolls. And u must do it NOW, it is allrdy too late, this class give bigest bugs/issues in the game right now. And doing it, u have to face of their cries. Is hard for fotm class to be put in pair with the rest but this must be done. Same goes for snipers/mercs. U do it now or u will lose subers even more. Is now or never, your choice. Just take a look to your subers numbers, the real number not the number of played characters (for example i have over 10 chars to play, 1 account). What decisions u make now will efect my status with the game in the future and perhaps even other players: remain or leave it for good, since it is the third time i quit.

Have fun.

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Then what was that about farmers should win matches?

I don't consider an 8 on 4 a farm. Its a failure to kill fast enough. If both teams are at a node in equal numbers, then generally speaking whoever caps the other node first will win, so long as no one caps mid, however many people die.


That's hardly problematic




When did I ever say that. My point was if you are being farmed by running one by one into a node to stop a cap, you should be punished for this. This is, a bad play. Good plays would be going to fight with your team or ninja capping nodes. Being slaughtered at a node over and over again should not be a viable tactic. Make deaths matter would force players to play as a team, out think the enemy and actually learn how to use their cds. That is what makes good pvp matches, not being farmed 100 deaths to 0. That would be like you said, “using your brain” not making a warzone a dying simulator.

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