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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Planned Warzone Changes


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IBut you left out the part, you only considered the part you did not like being, "take some of their DCDs away." I also added add more punch to their DPS.


I aint saying gimp them to the way they used to be, I played them when they were basically like PTs are now, glass cannon punch but zero DCDs. That's not fun when you get focused, it's frustrating.


Right, but you've been playing the game long enough now I think that you know all too well what a slippery slope nerfs tend to be, and it wouldn't take much to make Mercs like PTs are right now. The bigger picture here is that there is always going to be a FotM. This has been true in every single MMO I've ever played (I've played 10 MMOs, including this one). It took me a while to come to terms with it, but I've come to accept that and just roll with the balance changes, such as they are. In end, it's about what's fun for ME that guided my decision to roll a FotM class, and eventually, that will change to something else. As long as Sorcs/Sages don't be become demi-gods again like they were the first 6 months or so of this game, I've got everything else covered.


<--- Guilty, I just get chatty when I am nervous, or free casting, or running for my life, or tired, or bored, or I like your outfit, or I've seen you around before (I think I may just be chatty TBH)... but I play a combat medic so it usually takes 5 people to focus me down, anything less and I feel bad lol.


Also, Hi Mourne!


Hi Vision!


In your defense, you're not toxic. Yes, you do heckle sometimes, but other times you are just being social. I've told you in the past that it never bothers me, I just lack the ability to multi-task and say hello back (especially when I was playing one-handed for a few months).

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You're not overestimating, people are making vacuum comparisons and aren't looking at the real game implications.


If you have a "losing" team and they cap 1-0-1 (with your team having one and the enemy the other) you always lose because the body count needed to stall them will more than make up any stall duration, this is different to before where you could stall the 0 or neutral node to win the game. If you're 1-0-1 in your favour, as in you control the two nodes, then you still win in exactly the same way. So basically this removes the only win condition when you're vs a "stronger" team while keeping the rest the same. It also encourages brain dead zerging because kills win games now amirite!


Contrary to some of the people posting here, 1 or 2 players stalling a superior number of players with superior dps / comp and actually playing the map is far more skilled than just spurting your dps advantage everywhere.


They bioware'd it.


Is that your premade vs enemy pugs? because that's not skill, that's farming objectives from noobs.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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I disagree with the fact that shorter warzones is a small change. Look at the big picture, shorter warzones I’ll result in a larger pool to pick from when creating matches. That means player diversity in matches will be a lot better, you won’t be playing against the same premade over and over again. Then add cross faction on to that. Pops could happen instantly, even more player diversity, it could be enough of a player pool then to implement soft match making (which to me could be the intent). Shorter warzone is a great step into the right direction which will result in a healthier pvp population.


This is a great change I don’t understand why players are butt hurt about it.


yeah but thats predicated on the fact that you have a diverse pool to pull form when 95% of the pop is playing I win classes the odds of pulling diverse classes in don't necessarily go up. So basically if you have a high population of players playing the typical defacto I win classes Merc|Sniper|Jug| Sorc heals the odds of pulling those class from the pool are high.

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


There have been a lot of great comments in this thread about the currently planned changes. Based on that feedback here are a few additional changes:

  • Novare Coast
    • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.
    • Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk)

    [*]Void Star

    • Characters who attempt to hack through the hangar doors to place a charge from inside the hallway, will die.


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Hey folks,


There have been a lot of great comments in this thread about the currently planned changes. Based on that feedback here are a few additional changes:

  • Novare Coast
    • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.
    • Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk)

    [*]Void Star

    • Characters who attempt to hack through the hangar doors to place a charge from inside the hallway, will die.



I wonder how many times this happens. I don't want to jinx myself, but I have never seen this happen lol.


Anyway, sounds like a lot of death for hackers in the game. GG.


Hey Eric, Snave wrote a nice post, in case you missed it, it is here:




Perhaps you and the devs might find some nice ideas in his thread too.

Edited by Lhancelot
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I wonder how many times this happens. I don't want to jinx myself, but I have never seen this happen lol. .


I have seen this happen, but as a bug. As we killed off the enemy team, they respawned on the wrong side. THE ENTIRE ENEMY team ended up on the other side of the door. They would plant, we disarm, they plant, we disarm... over and over. Sad and funny at the same time. :D


Come to think of it, I hope they fix/fixed the bug too. Otherwise, all those people would have just been killed over and over and over.

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I have seen this happen, but as a bug. As we killed off the enemy team, they respawned on the wrong side. THE ENTIRE ENEMY team ended up on the other side of the door. They would plant, we disarm, they plant, we disarm... over and over. Sad and funny at the same time. :D


Come to think of it, I hope they fix/fixed the bug too. Otherwise, all those people would have just been killed over and over and over.


You know what that reminds me of something ages ago that happened in VS, I forgot all about it. I think I might have been a really new player at that time. How long ago did you see that?

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You know what that reminds me of something ages ago that happened in VS, I forgot all about it. I think I might have been a really new player at that time. How long ago did you see that?


Yeah, it was quite a while ago. Couple years is easily possible.


[Edit: You know, now that I think on it... it's possible that one person hacked and triggered it for the rest. It's a little known (I think) thing in VS, if you are the attacker and you die JUST as the door is blown, if you respawn quickly you'll end up at the "before the doors" spawn point. But if you wait there dead until at least one of your team mates has reached the bridge area and THEN respawn, you'll respawn at the bridge. (Similar for the 2nd doors and the final force field area). So I guess it's possible that if someone hacked to the bridge area to get behind the doors, maybe that triggered everyone on their team to then spawn at the bridge? ]

Edited by Banderal
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Ya know I often wonder about that,like "What fun is there in just standing there waiting to be attacked?" heh.


Node Guards are one of those other "Unsung hero" types. You're probably one of the most important players on the team, and you just gotta sit there while everyone else is duking it out and than no one votes for the Node guard. Talk about not getting any respect!!


You might not get the respect you are due, but you are without question performing one of the, if not thee most important job on the team and your importance is incalculable.


I always vote for the highest objective holder in an unranked match.

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I have seen this happen, but as a bug. As we killed off the enemy team, they respawned on the wrong side. THE ENTIRE ENEMY team ended up on the other side of the door. They would plant, we disarm, they plant, we disarm... over and over. Sad and funny at the same time. :D


Come to think of it, I hope they fix/fixed the bug too. Otherwise, all those people would have just been killed over and over and over.


That’s a new one for me too. In 6 years this is first time I’m even hearing about it,

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Hey folks,


There have been a lot of great comments in this thread about the currently planned changes. Based on that feedback here are a few additional changes:

  • Novare Coast
    • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.
    • Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk)

    [*]Void Star

    • Characters who attempt to hack through the hangar doors to place a charge from inside the hallway, will die.



What about people who “sink” into the ground or walls in “any” map so you can hit them? 90% of them are hacks and should be an instant kill as well.


The other 10% are bugs and should also be an instant kill because you can’t get out of it if its a bug. ie, I got stuck under the steps at the Jungle node in Yavin after I leapt to someone. I had to /stuck to get out. It would have made more sense for it to instantly kill me when it detected I was under the stairs.


Basically in any map, if someone goes out of bounds per the maps design, ie, into walls, the ground, flying around, etc... then the game should instantly kill you.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Basically in any map, if someone goes out of bounds per the maps design, ie, into walls, the ground, flying around, etc... then the game should instantly kill you.


Very often my character stutters while being stuck in the obstacles for 2-5 sec, if in these cases he will be killed by the game... Not sure if this is related tho.


  • Novare Coast
    • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.


Otherwise they should kill players outside of the starting area before the match begins on any map.


And also disconnect players with abnormal speed (speed-hack detection? is it even possible in SWTOR with all these glitched abilities?).

Edited by Glower
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Very often my character stutters while being stuck in the obstacles for 2-5 sec, if in these cases he will be killed by the game... Not sure if this is related tho.


Otherwise they should kill players outside of the starting area before the match begins on any map.


And also disconnect players with abnormal speed (speed-hack detection? is it even possible in SWTOR with all these glitched abilities?).


I was actually stuck under the stairs.


Here’s a pic. https://m.imgur.com/gallery/usQczKr

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around 02:18:00 a player with a name similar to "Trixxie Triss" hacks into a pylon in the tunnel below mid in this new yavin wz.

around 02:19:00 same player caps middle pylon from standing inside the pylon (did this all the time in this wz).


LoL, looks I’ve got my own personal troll on DM trying to besmirch my name because I’m a anti-hack activist.


But in the first part I can’t see the player doing anything because the video is such poor quality.


The second one really stands out. I hope you reported and sent a copy to Musco to look at. The problem is I can’t see names anywhere, so I’m not sure if he can do anything.


You really should get a better video capture setup and we could have all had a laugh at the hacker getting banned.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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It's not my video, but you can adjust the quality to 720 (source quality). When that Tardatt guy follows Trixxie into the tunnel he has him targetted, so you can see the name and portrait very well. Already sent it to Eric Musco.
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It's not my video, but you can adjust the quality to 720 (source quality). When that Tardatt guy follows Trixxie into the tunnel he has him targetted, so you can see the name and portrait very well. Already sent it to Eric Musco.



I reported him 3 weeks ago and also PMed Keith (or it was Musco...). He is still online. Make your own conclusions, especially if you remember



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LoL, looks I’ve got my own personal troll on DM trying to besmirch my name because I’m a anti-hack activist.


But in the first part I can’t see the player doing anything because the video is such poor quality.


The second one really stands out. I hope you reported and sent a copy to Musco to look at. The problem is I can’t see names anywhere, so I’m not sure if he can do anything.


You really should get a better video capture setup and we could have all had a laugh at the hacker getting banned.


I actually reported him twice but the posts were probably removed before you read them, apparently. Well, this thread won't disappear because it is Eric's. He even might just click the link this time :D

This guild "lolololol..." with wierd "o"s is a hacker cancer in midbies on DM for a while...


I friended the 2 members I could find on one of my alts. Still around...

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Hey folks,


There have been a lot of great comments in this thread about the currently planned changes. Based on that feedback here are a few additional changes:

  • Novare Coast
    • Any characters who leave the starting area prior to the match starting will die.
    • Players will no longer be able to cap a point outside of the intended 20m range (we’re looking at you, Phase Walk)

    [*]Void Star

    • Characters who attempt to hack through the hangar doors to place a charge from inside the hallway, will die.



Very nice additions. Any chance that every time a hacker is killed by the new mechanics it will be logged somewhere and sent as an invisible ticket for CSR to investigate? Proactive defense is nice but eventually punishing or banning the hackers would be a nice bonus.

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Nothing like a good hacker murder-fest but what about those hacking to arm the bombs from inside the doors? Are you killing them?

Hey folks,


There have been a lot of great comments in this thread about the currently planned changes. Based on that feedback here are a few additional changes:

  • Void Star
    • Characters who attempt to hack through the hangar doors to place a charge from inside the hallway, will die.


WOW! Something I fed back got listened too & acted on :eek: I may resub. I am so sick of those door hackers.

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Can we please have a minor modification added to both GSF and warzone queues such that a war start countdown will not go below 5 seconds from start until 8 players are on each side. VERY often the war starts with something like 8 versus 5 because people haven't joined fast enough. This gives the other team an early head start, which is very frustrating for wartypes in which the start is the most important.


It should simply do a check each tick at 5 seconds and below if there is less than 8 on either side to reset to 5 seconds.

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LoL, looks I’ve got my own personal troll on DM trying to besmirch my name because I’m a anti-hack activist.


But in the first part I can’t see the player doing anything because the video is such poor quality.


The second one really stands out. I hope you reported and sent a copy to Musco to look at. The problem is I can’t see names anywhere, so I’m not sure if he can do anything.


You really should get a better video capture setup and we could have all had a laugh at the hacker getting banned.


Well I told you about this long time ago, but you didnt react to it.

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around 02:18:00 a player with a name similar to "Trixxie Triss" hacks into a pylon in the tunnel below mid in this new yavin wz.

around 02:19:00 same player caps middle pylon from standing inside the pylon (did this all the time in this wz).

If that's on the DM, that's a troll toon.

Edited by Elusive_Thing
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