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Legacy System (aka Dont alt or your screwed)


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AFAIR, one of the very few things that was known/communicated about the system, before release, was that you would unlock it by getting to the end of Act 1 and then from that moment all of your other characters would contribute to Legacy XP. So I don't understand this thread



Not everyone follows the interviews/pre-release information when it comes to buying a game.


And it's not a crazy idea to assume a game will explain its features within the game.

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Unless you stop earning legacy points once you hit level 50 with your alts, whats the problem?


Do you only gain the points from levelling?


No you get it from a ton of sources...the OP just had to make another thread on these forums complaining about a non-issue.


Also, I took five seconds to read about the Legacy system a couple MONTHS before the game dropped and decided to make one toon level to get it first. Researching things is super hard.

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i understand exactly what the term means. It is the implementation in this game that worries me.Really, of all the things that need fixing in the game... This is what you worry about the most?...


if it was as simple as "your highest level leaves a legacy to those after them", then fine. That's pretty much what they said yea, and you could have just figured that out on your own if you understood what it means to have a legacy left to you.


But when i log in a level 1 character and see +50 legacy xp, then i go to character select and realise how many levels i have played on alts without getting that....

That is a lot of +50s i have been cheated of, because of a system that has never been satisfactorily explained.I think that from now on in all the xp i get across every toon should stack onto one character, that way its not all dispersed across different characters and effectively i am leveling one character to 50 regardless of what character i play. <---- makes as much sense as your argument.


example, this morning i have played a new character from level 1 to level 10.


That earned me 9% of a legacy level.


I have 6 other characters who have already passed level 10, so that is at least 45% of a legacy level i have missed out on (subtracting the fact that my main is one of the 6, and would not have gotten it i accept).


That means that the player who knows about this, and powers 1 character straight up, instead of exploring the game, is going to be a lot better off.Duh, why do you think everyone is getting to 50 so fast... Any vet MMO player will tell you its beneficial to have at least one capped char before rolling an alt, if for nothing other than sending money and killing people who may try to camp your low level alt. Derp!



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AFAIR, one of the very few things that was known/communicated about the system, before release, was that you would unlock it by getting to the end of Act 1 and then from that moment all of your other characters would contribute to Legacy XP. So I don't understand this thread


I suppose it is worth noting that on some level, I do remember reading something to that affect.


I think what I was trying to convey in my original post was that it wasnt until I had unlocked the legacy, then seen the gain on an alt, then realised, as I said, I have nearly 90 levels of lost xp...


thats when the scale of it hit me. The 45% of a level is the small amount I have confirmed. Plotting it out, I should actually be nearly Legacy level 3 instead of 25% into level 1.


To all those who say I am whining, Im not whining, I am venting. There is a difference. I am not asking for the xp to be granted.... I am warning others that if they dont want to end up in the same place, they should finish act 1 on thier main FIRST.


Will the xp be easy enough to make up? I assume so. That still doesnt account for it simply being lost.


And to address the comment that I am fearmongering with the use of the word "screwed", it isnt fearmongering, it is an expression of a feeling.


"Screwed" could have been "cheated" or "robbed" or "deprived of".


It is an expression.


I have lost out on this because of a poor understanding of a little understood system.


If you dont want to fall into the same trap, level your main.


If you arnt bothered or concerned, read another thread.

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Actually, "yet" is a very small word. A bigger word would be "nothing", aka the nothing that leveling legacy currently does.


All xp at 50 is legacy exp. Which you gain from doing dailies, killing mobs out in the world, and running instances. That means there is an infinite supply of legacy experience.


Did you lose out on a little? Yep.


Will that loss negatively impact you (aside from the psychological distress you seem to be experiencing)? Probably not even a little.


Even combining all those levels together, it's a very small amount of xp relative to the whole, considering - again - that the "whole" of legacy xp is infinite.

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Not everyone follows the interviews/pre-release information when it comes to buying a game.


And it's not a crazy idea to assume a game will explain its features within the game.


And how would they do that? When you start your first character? It's explained on the main site, various interviews and newsletters.

Still, I understand some people buy things without looking into it before, but I really don't see the issue here. AND I have a main at 20and 2 alts in the mid tens, so I am affected. Just don't care that much

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I think that from now on in all the xp i get across every toon should stack onto one character, that way its not all dispersed across different characters and effectively i am leveling one character to 50 regardless of what character i play. <---- makes as much sense as your argument.


Nice strawman.

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And how would they do that? When you start your first character? It's explained on the main site, various interviews and newsletters.

Still, I understand some people buy things without looking into it before, but I really don't see the issue here. AND I have a main at 20and 2 alts in the mid tens, so I am affected. Just don't care that much


They could put a tutorial prompt that lets you know they have a legacy feature and the benefits of unlocking it before making an alt or a codex entry under the "Game Rules" tab.


My point is, a game system should be explained in the game. If people don't want to pay attention to in-game explanations that's one thing, but 'they would know if they read interviews' is a silly counter-argument to the OP's complaint.

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They could put a tutorial prompt that lets you know they have a legacy feature and the benefits of unlocking it before making an alt or a codex entry under the "Game Rules" tab.


No offense, but why target just legacy then? There should be comments when you start about all the choices you might have to make. And frankly, I don't want them to force a book on me when I start a character - that is information overload.


MMOG's (at least well designed ones) should slowly lead the person into the game, not slam them with every tidbit of knowledge that will likely not affect the average person for 30 or more levels.

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They could put a tutorial prompt that lets you know they have a legacy feature and the benefits of unlocking it before making an alt or a codex entry under the "Game Rules" tab.


My point is, a game system should be explained in the game. If people don't want to pay attention to in-game explanations that's one thing, but 'they would know if they read interviews' is a silly counter-argument to the OP's complaint.


Actually OP just recognised that he had read something now that I mentioned it....

Anyway, still don't see the huge problem here

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


Since you're not complaining about sharing a lastname across a server, your complaint is invalid.

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I'd like to make this pretty clear. I have 6 total toons. One of them was leveled to 12 and the other to level 6. Another is level 3. I made Legacy last night after much dragging of the feet. Today, I see that not only has my Legacy XP bar started to fill, I haven't logged on to any of my alts, and I already have XP. So, I don't know if it took what I previously did and contributed the points or if I got some just by getting Legacy. Point is, I have those points and I haven't touched my alts in days.
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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


Guess what. Build a bridge and get over it. If you went and played during the time you spent complaining, I bet you would have atleast 1 more Legacy level.

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You got some by getting legacy, and the legacy bar is shared between all characters.


The point I was making is that those other 5 characters you have, if levels AFTER your first unlocked legacy, would have contributed a lot MORE xp towards that.

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I seriously don't know why you're complaining. I mean, it's not like you stop earning legacy XP outright when you hit 50. More than likely, if you're planning on leveling all of those characters to 50, you're probably gonna get done with half of them and notice that you've hit the max legacy level. Sure, you lost some experience but there's worse situations.


I've had to reset nearly ALL of my alts because I noticed that you can't romance same sex companions and that your alignment weighs HEAVILY on the ones that you can. The only two who escaped that fate were the trooper and bounty hunter, which I must say have the worst female companion romances ever, lol. Not that I'm complaining, I rather like my Geordi La Forge Jedi Consular.


So yeah, I think you're kinda pulling at strings here with this one, since it's not a fatal mistake where you've literally lost time. You still have all the hard work you put into your alts, all their gear, funds and crew skills. All you've lost is maybe a single level or two of Legacy Exp that you would probably be able to get from a single raid in end game.

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So my first character got to 32 last night, finished Act 1, and unlocked the legacy system.


I thought "cool" and chose a last name and went about my business.


Then I logged over to one of my alts and did a bit of killing.... thats when I noticed the Legacy XP bar ticking up.


It wasnt until then it hit me...


I have alts at 22, 20, 19, 17, and 11.


NONE of them have been contributing to my Legacy.


That is 89 Levels of questing, discoveries, kills, etc and NONE of it has contributed to my legacy AT ALL.


So basically BW is telling us all "You must get 1 character to the end of Act 1 before you make ANY alts, or you get boned".


First world problems.


U missed out. I thought people rolled Alts to have fun, not to maximize a system. Looks like I'm wrong again

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There is nothing available from legacy yet, level any alts you want.


Its not like Xp is hard to come by. I got to level 2 just by getting an alt to 16 and my main from 32-35. (and im pretty sure you can get legacy xp at 50 so stop freaking out.)

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I, personally, cannot see getting bent out of shape regarding the Legacy system.


I was curious about what it did, and finally looked it up, and came across this thread. True, I have lost out on some xp because I was unaware of it, but I've had fun running my alts regardless.


The other day, I finally discovered that the number of companion you have does not affect how many crew skills you can have. I discovered this after accidentally deleting my Cybertech skill which was at 100.


Did I have to lose 100 levels of it? No, I could have read the rules, should have read the rules, and chose to jump right in. My mistake, my river, so I sent my companions out for an hour straight to get back to where I was.


Point is: It is a game. Why get mad and argue over something so trivial? Lessons learned, money spent, fun times still ahead. We have bigger enemies to face.


Like Ewoks. Come on Imperials, metagaming isn't always cool, but we know how this is gonna end, so lets go to Endor and finish this thing before it starts!

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