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Expansion all but confirmed?


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Discussing of Plans is not the same as confirmation of an expansion.


The discussion may well state: "We have no plans for a full expansion in the foreseeable future".


All The Best


Please let us have hope :( isn't star wars built on hope? :o

Edited by SaerethDL
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I think we've had enough of Theron. Maybe they could introduce someone new or use a character that people actually like. :t_tongue:


Quite a few people like Theron, despite his fan base being eroded by the "traitor" plot. Who would you propose? I can't think of anyone that is universally liked. Blizz comes close, though some people can't move past the whole "doesn't speak basic" thing.

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Quite a few people like Theron, despite his fan base being eroded by the "traitor" plot. Who would you propose? I can't think of anyone that is universally liked. Blizz comes close, though some people can't move past the whole "doesn't speak basic" thing.


I think most people liked HK! But yeah....:p

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Please let us have hope :(


The fact that Keith even bothers to tease us in any way about 6.0 pretty well confirms it is coming.


As to what it will, or will not be, ...... nobody knows at this point in time... and frankly nobody actually "needs" to know. I get that people "want" to know... but that is a different emotion entirely. Some people are so anxious about the state of the game personally that they want information to ease their anxiety (which won't work). Some people really just want any information they can get... so they can rail on it regardless of what is disclosed.


These sorts of threads do nothing really except feed nourishment to those that are prone to come by and give us the 9-millionth rendition of their negative narrative about the game.

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As much as I like Theron, and will be very disappointed if there is a kill option and he's retired from story entirely, I hope any new content is not centered around any specific companion. I like companion stories a lot, but as their own thing and not as the main focus of new content. There is no one companion that will please everyone. Well, in reality there isn't any content they can put out that will please everyone. That's not a comment on the community simply a fact, different people like different things.


I just hope that any new content is something that doesn't force people to play with companions they don't like, or take companions they do like. A story with a real villain, real urgency, and an engaging plot, missions that are fun and unique and open to all play styles would be my vote. I think the intention to continue with content drips will make it difficult to hit that criteria though, or any satisfying criteria. It's difficult to engage an audience with a quarter of a story, mission, etc. I understand wanting to try gradual releases but the result of snippets is that it doesn't hold people's attention very well.


I would prefer a full expac, but I'd settle for something in-between that and what we've been getting.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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New expansion does not equals "a ton of new content to play" anymore. Remember that post where Keith said how he prefers small updates? That's the sign of the things to come.


So yea, we are getting new expack. But if you expect it to be the size of SOR or Makeb, you are expecting way too much. It will probably be a size of Iokath or a first few chapters of KOTFE. If we lucky.

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With Drew Karpyshyn gone (http://drewkarpyshyn.com/c/?p=1068) I don't see how they'll do much without their best writer. Or any after him. Everything in the future now rests with how many other B/W emps are heading for the lifeboats that aren't being pulled away from SWTOR to other projects.


I think thats going to be a problem with their story going forward thats for sure.


What we have now hasn't really hit home when it comes to story so losing Drew Karpyshyn is a downturn for swtor in the story department. It's not great now.

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Yes! Just not an untimely tragic demise, or Theron going ULTIMATE EVIL on us.


So I'm not a huge Theron fan, but if he went evil, somehow managed to develop a force sensitivity (perhaps with the help of Zildrog) and became a dark lord, well then I would like Theron very much. That sounds like a very fun story arc to me.

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I didn't think Drew's writing had been that big a part of the stuff we've gotten in the past 2-3 years, even if he is credited as a writer. I know much of the more recent stuff has been done by some nobody chick and Timothy Zahn.


I have a thought that the May addition may wrap up Theron's traitor arc (forgive, spare, kill, banish, etc.) and he will explain his actions but the rest of it may end up with a cliffhanger of sorts. This Order could be the focus of the expansion, with Theron's arc leading into it, and I do hope that'll mean he will actually still have a significant role. He shouldn't be the sole focus but selfishly speaking, I'd like him around and I'm just tired of all these killable LI's.

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Drew was working on Anthem at the time of his latest departure from Bioware. We may already be seeing the effects of his departure.


I don’t know when Drew left the swtor team, but that could be why we are seeing the flow on affect of him leaving and a drop in real story content.

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I didn't think Drew's writing had been that big a part of the stuff we've gotten in the past 2-3 years, even if he is credited as a writer. I know much of the more recent stuff has been done by some nobody chick and Timothy Zahn.


I have a thought that the May addition may wrap up Theron's traitor arc (forgive, spare, kill, banish, etc.) and he will explain his actions but the rest of it may end up with a cliffhanger of sorts. This Order could be the focus of the expansion, with Theron's arc leading into it, and I do hope that'll mean he will actually still have a significant role. He shouldn't be the sole focus but selfishly speaking, I'd like him around and I'm just tired of all these killable LI's.


I'm very much against a kill or banish option. I'd be fine with it if they could do actual content reflecting either choice, but as soon as a Kill option comes into play that pretty much removes the character for everyone. I like Theron, and I love Troy Baker's VA work. I'd hate to see his contribution to the game end.

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What if we, as players, offered to Bioware a chance for us to crowd source a fan-based story? Think there'd be interest?


Here, I'll start us off:


Once upon a time, in a far away place, a young force user named Damuus Blaggert, renown for his cuisine, sabacc skills, and ways with the ladies, flipped one too many cards in a card game using the force and had to run for his life while six blaster-happy players burned holes in the floor and walls while shooting at him.


There. Next.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I don’t know when Drew left the swtor team, but that could be why we are seeing the flow on affect of him leaving and a drop in real story content.


I think he did some writing on a kotfe chapter or two, but nothing since the end of kotfe that I've heard. most of it seems to be Charle's guidance, and current story arc was Charles.

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What if we, as players, offered to Bioware a chance for us to crowd source a fan-based story? Think there'd be interest?


Here, I'll start us off:


Once upon a time, in a far away place, a young force user named Damuus Blaggert, renown for his cuisine, sabacc skills, and ways with the ladies, flipped one too many cards in a card game using the force and had to run for his life while six blaster-happy players burned holes in the floor and walls while shooting at him.


There. Next.


And then Greedo’s way back ancestor followed him to the next dive bar and shot him first. ;)



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What do you guys think. Was he talking about a real expansion content or the general "expansion" of the game? Maybe we will find out soon in april? Or maybe he will surprise us in this thread or give us a little tease? :D


"All but confirmed?" - No. I mean, Master Mode of the Gods from the Machine raid WAS confirmed, and that's not happening either. Confirmed or not, we're all going to have to wait to see what happens... or doesn't happen, as the case may be.


Speculating just lobbies for interpretation of Keith's words and causes expectations to rise higher than they should be over nothing. Then when nothing comes of all the chatter, people are incensed/angry/disappointed, and vent at the developers that "Keith promised a 6.0" when he never said any such thing, but someone said it was "all but confirmed" meaning - guaranteed. That's just not the case.

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Quite a few people like Theron, despite his fan base being eroded by the "traitor" plot. Who would you propose? I can't think of anyone that is universally liked. Blizz comes close, though some people can't move past the whole "doesn't speak basic" thing.


Universally liked? We need a new enemy focus... I don't think that should be someone who is universally liked. :t_eek:


Maybe it's time for the Gree to put all their research to use and invade the planets. Maybe it's time for a powerful Jedi to become disillusioned and go bad. Maybe the Voss have finally had enough of the Rebublic and Empire messing things up.


However, to answer your question about a (near) universally like character: Holiday.

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What do you guys think. Was he talking about a real expansion content or the general "expansion" of the game? Maybe we will find out soon in april? Or maybe he will surprise us in this thread or give us a little tease? :D

Keith has mentioned 6.0 before as well. I think this is more than a hint tbh...imo, 6.0 has been all but confirmed. I think it's clear, to me at least, that Keith is planning for a 6.0 release.

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Keith has mentioned 6.0 before as well. I think this is more than a hint tbh...imo, 6.0 has been all but confirmed. I think it's clear, to me at least, that Keith is planning for a 6.0 release.


You know, whether he plans it or not, whether it happens or not, I just want to believe, lol. Sure, I might face some minor disappointment if it doesn't happen, but I'd rather be an optimist.

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