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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes Coming in 5.8


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Exactly, and that is what I have said already. So in addition to you being unmatched irrational and unlogic you also lack reading comprehension right? Ok, can't say I'm surprised given your senseless posts so far.


you seem to be big on personal attacks. hopefully you will seek help with this, and hopefully the moderators will remove you and give you time to settle down. bye, you arent worth talking too.



unlogic??? really? making things up as you go along?

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Its way too late at night for me to come up with a coherent post, so I'm going to just copy and paste what I've typed into my guild Discord to express my concerns. Please, correct me if I'm wrong in how I'm thinking about this.


But my thoughts are why would a guild go for a lower reward unless its a planet that is rare? So most of the large guilds on the server will have the same motivations and will want to go for the same planets. Either go for the high reward one or go for a lower reward one if its a planet that doesnt pop up as often.

What I'm saying is that the old system incentivized large guilds working together and splitting the planets between them. Changing this removes that incentive because now if we were to coordinate with REDACTED and REDACTED, 2 guilds are getting hosed on rewards. It creates a more competitive arena as opposed to a cooperative one. For better or worse.

I'm not so much worried about our standing, but I'm afraid it will create a more toxic kind of environment. Also incentivizing consolidation at the top end. This overall benefits us, but i think is bad for the game in general. Big guilds get bigger and small guilds will kind of peter out.

I'd have to see how it works but i feel as though there will be a great many unintended consequences to this, and my fear is it will be a net negative to the game as a whole.

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Well thanks for nothing with the strongholds. I own all 7 and have them fully unlocked and decorated and still only get 150%? (No they are not full of chairs as I have over 80k in personal prestige). What was the point of adding the Umbara stronghold and allowing us the ability to own all 7 but not allowing us 175% in stronghold bonus for owning all 7? I mean we don’t even get any rewards in legacy for the achievements for entering all 7 strongholds (would have been nice to at least get a legacy title for it.) Talk about a waste of a stronghold. Not buying anymore if you make new ones and the stronghold bonus isn’t going to go up. Waste of credits if you ask me. Edited by DarthEnrique
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You have just increased the difficulty for guild administrators who handle event scheduling significantly while already spitting in the face of every guild leader and officer who you have inflicted


Seeing as these people get nothing for their time and effort in game, I agree it's a real kick in the teeth. The guild leaders and officers etc who bother to organise any event in game are doing much more to keep players happy than the DEVs with their changes.


I can understand the need to involve the smaller guilds in cq and give everyone a chance to win something. But why penalise the larger and more organised guilds by abandoning a regular cq schedule?

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Well thanks for nothing with the strongholds. I own all 7 and have them fully unlocked and decorated and still only get 150%? (No they are not full of chairs as I have over 80k in personal prestige). What was the point of adding the Umbara stronghold and allowing us the ability to own all 7 but not allowing us 175% in stronghold bonus for owning all 7? I mean we don’t even get any rewards in legacy for the achievements for entering all 7 strongholds (would have been nice to at least get a legacy title for it.) Talk about a waste of a stronghold. Not buying anymore if you make new ones and the stronghold bonus isn’t going to go up. Waste of credits if you ask me.


The point of being able to have 7 strongholds is that you can have 7 strongholds to enjoy the scenery in, decorate, have RP parties, whatever. If you enjoy that aspect of strongholds, there you have it. If you don't enjoy it, then there was no point in buying the last and you're just here to complain about buying something you were clearly told you will not get any benefit from.


The entitlement.

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The Stronghold bonus still applies but has been changed. Each owned Stronghold counts for a 25% bonus, up to a max of 150%. Sorry to all you “Stronghold full of chairs” owners out there.

That’s what I was hoping for, thank you.


In my opinion, strongholds and conquest shouldn’t be connected at all but I can understand why it’s still a thing. There are chances that a guy who’s never been interested in player housing decides to get a conquest bonus, purchases a stronghold, opens a balcony and realizes that it looks so amazing that it can’t be left empty. Hey, new decorating addict here who’s willing to buy some packs and bundles.


I enjoy decorating, but I also want to help my guild during conquest, I want my efforts were as effective as anyone else’s, and I don’t want to spend twice as much time on objectives to get the personal reward. Based on my experience, 100% completion and aesthetics are mutually exclusive, at least for me (if we’re not talking about guild ships). So I always had to decide between easy points and creating a stronghold I enjoy spending time in. I am very happy that I don’t have to make this decision anymore.


Everyone plays the way they want but strongholds are meant to be decorated and be nice looking in the first place while conquest bonus is just their additional function. When additional function interferes with the primary one, something has to be done.


I don’t get why people are so upset about these changes. Everyone who wanted and needed this bonus badly already has it. Many of us benefited from it for several years and we’re still going to benefit from it. The amount of rewards we earned doing conquest on different toons again and again using this bonus most likely exceeds the amount of credits, time and probably cartel coins we spent opening strongholds. Was it really that exhaustive to put the chairs and trophies everywhere? Or did you decide to decorate properly because you wanted more points and didn’t want to stare at piles of garbage while checking cargo holds? Do you think that decorating was just a chore and nothing more? In that case you’d better put chairs and didn’t torture yourself.


Unlocking strongholds with credits so you could get a bonus is time consuming, of course, but the bonus itself allows you to spend less time on conquest objectives and get a better score. Besides it’s not hard work, it’s just another boring farm of resources which hardly requires any skill unless you are a big Hutt playing the GTN or earn your creds organizing sale runs. In my opinion, it’s always good to get rid of stuff like this.

Edited by Ollmich
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I believe he meant the bonus on the objective quests you have to do to obtain points. For example: war supplies this week have a x2 for Belsavis, because my guild is invading Belsavis, we get 1000 per general war supply instead of the 500. After 5.8, it will remain 500 no matter which planet you choose.


If this is what they mean, it still makes having a freaking guild flagship totally worthless!!!

Their communication sucks and so does their development!

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If conquest is going to remain tied to strongholds, I'm of the opinion that it should require fully unlocking said strongholds to get the bonus. If you're a subscriber, it really isn't that hard to make money at all if you're using your CC grant to buy loot boxes. I've sold enough mounts and rare armor pieces over the years to unlock it all and still have plenty of credits in reserve. I don't think fully unlocking 6 strongholds is nearly the grind that some make it out to be.


As for the decorations, I think having a nicely decorated stronghold that you can enjoy and/or show off to others should be its own reward. The idea that you had to cram every last item you could find into a SH just to get a bonus was a terrible idea from the start. I've resisted the urge to go the "max chairs" route. But even trying to avoid that while still maxing out the bonus has led to strongholds that feel needlessly cluttered. I think anything that detracted from the fun of decorating your stronghold should have been a non-starter. I'm glad they are removing that requirement.

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whip out the old plastic card. use cartel coins to unlock...no problem...lots of hard work there


And that would still be more effort and costly than what bioware seems to be changing this too.


IF someone wants to do that I have no problem with it and bioware would love the money I'm sure. Unlocking the first room only after all this time of having to unlock the entire SH for the same bonus is a joke. Thats some amazingly garbage design at this point in the game.

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Yea having strongholds filled with chairs was stupid and I am happy that was removed, hopefully, getting the full 25% conquest bonus requires a fully unlocked stronghold.


If this is what they mean, it still makes having a freaking guild flagship totally worthless!!!

Their communication sucks and so does their development!


On the contrary, I think your understanding of guildship usage is quite lacking, most likely the summons, trading and meeting spots are creating the value of the guildship, the "invasion" part is more or less irrelevant.

Edited by RikuvonDrake
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On the contrary, I think your understanding of guildship usage is quite lacking, most likely the summons, trading and meeting spots are creating the value of the guildship, the "invasion" part is more or less irrelevant.


You are kidding, right?

Guild flagships are worthless without the guild invasion part!

You can met anywhere in the Galaxy.

You can trade on the fleet in the Stronghold's or on every freaking planet.



Flagship summon - is a paid transport, you pay 10K for each group member.

Plus the cost of buying a flagship in the first place around 50million credits, god forbid that you also want to unlock every room and decorate it, will cost you 10times that amount!


Vs. free in-game transportation methods;

Walk/run/mounts/speeder hub transports/shuttle transports/quick travel/fleet pass/Legacy travel/heroic travel/etc.

Or you pay a few credits to travel in the Galaxy map or in your personal starship.


By removing the guild invasion bonus, guild flagships are now worthless.

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It's evident that you cannot even understand the advantages that guildships provide, where the "invasion" part isn't even amongst they key ones, so I will just leave this discussion here, hopefully you will play more of the group content in this game and maybe then understand the advantages, for a solo player like yourself I guess those advantages are all new to you.
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You are kidding, right?

Guild flagships are worthless without the guild invasion part!

You can met anywhere in the Galaxy.

You can trade on the fleet in the Stronghold's or on every freaking planet.



Flagship summon - is a paid transport, you pay 10K for each group member.

Plus the cost of buying a flagship in the first place around 50million credits, god forbid that you also want to unlock every room and decorate it, will cost you 10times that amount!


Vs. free in-game transportation methods;

Walk/run/mounts/speeder hub transports/shuttle transports/quick travel/fleet pass/Legacy travel/heroic travel/etc.

Or you pay a few credits to travel in the Galaxy map or in your personal starship.


By removing the guild invasion bonus, guild flagships are now worthless.


What guild invasion bonus are you talking about? Beyond the change to how personal stronghold bonuses work, the only thing I saw being removed was the bonuses for certain objectives based on the planet being invaded. What does that have to do with the guild flagship?


What does unlocking the entire flagship have to do with any of it? Unless I completely missed something, there is no requirement that your flagship be unlocked past the initial purchase. Hell, my small guild used Conquests to pick up the encryptions and frameworks necessary to unlock the rest along with grinding out the credits.


Whether or not you consider flagship summons valuable is a question of how much your time is worth to you. If you're fine with hanging out and waiting for everyone to arrive, especially in a PUG, you're absolutely correct. But, if you prefer not to spend time waiting, 10K per person being summoned is a trivial price to pay for getting group content started sooner rather than later.


I also think having the flagship's orbital support and ability to be parked at a planet is great when new content comes out. We've used it often and our guild members are always the happier for it.


TL/DR - Just because something isn't of value to you doesn't mean others won't find it valuable.

Edited by PhantomNJ
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Let me try to let it out with an example and see if I can make more sense of it. Let's say a Conquest has 3 planets that you can invade...


Planet 1

Low point requirement to complete

Low reward for completing that conquest


Planet 2

Medium point requirement to complete

Medium reward for completing that conquest


Planet 3

High point requirement to complete

High reward for completing that conquest


If you look at planet 1, since there is a lower point requirement to complete the Conquest, it is loosely targeted at smaller guilds. However, since it is easier to complete, it means less rewards. If a large Guild still wanted to go for it, they still can. It will obviously be easier for them with larger player contribution, but they would be sacrificing conquest rewards to do so (since planet 2 and 3 would reward more).


TLDR - Small planets mean small rewards, big planets mean big rewards.

This is still extremely vague...


I like a few of the changes that you've given details on, but I still have no idea what the hell to expect Eric...can you give the actual tool tips that you guys are writing? I have no idea what any of this actually means...

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What guild invasion bonus are you talking about? Beyond the change to how personal stronghold bonuses work, the only thing I saw being removed was the bonuses for certain objectives based on the planet being invaded. What does that have to do with the guild flagship?


What does unlocking the entire flagship have to do with any of it? Unless I completely missed something, there is no requirement that your flagship be unlocked past the initial purchase. Hell, my small guild used Conquests to pick up the encryptions and frameworks necessary to unlock the rest along with grinding out the credits.


Whether or not you consider flagship summons valuable is a question of how much your time is worth to you. If you're fine with hanging out and waiting for everyone to arrive, especially in a PUG, you're absolutely correct. But, if you prefer not to spend time waiting, 10K per person being summoned is a trivial price to pay for getting group content started sooner rather than later.


I also think having the flagship's orbital support and ability to be parked at a planet is great when new content comes out. We've used it often and our guild members are always the happier for it.


TL/DR - Just because something isn't of value to you doesn't mean others won't find it valuable.


I was just trying to make a point of the cost of having a guild flagship and that you can do not need to have a guild flagship anymore.

You don't get any special benefits from having one, if they remove the guild invasion bonus - you know the bonus you get for moving the guild flagship to a new planet each week and invade that planet with invasion force to earn more conquest points.

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No, it isn't an exploit when an individual player leaves a guild and join another, but when several guilds collude together to pool their resources/members to win a planet, it is an exploit. Scenario: The allied guilds decide that for a given week they will help Guild A win Planet X. Members from the allied guilds take turns joining Guild A, run Conquest events (lockouts, WZs, etc.) and then leave Guild A. Then other players from the allied guilds join Guild A and do the same thing. The next day the same scenario is repeated, and so on for the duration of Conquest week. It is cheating and most certainly is an exploit.


This ^

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Guilds are limited to 1000 characters. That is a rule.


Guild alliances that run more than 1000 characters through conquest in a week by multiple guilds running their characters through the chosen guild that week are getting around the 1000 character limit.


Therefore it is an exploit. It is a planned, strategic behavior.


Only let characters get conquest points on the guild they are a member of at the start of the week. Don't let guilds count points of new members who join after the start of a conquest week.


Only way to fix that exploit.

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The guild summons alone is worth a guildship. For the record the cost of the summons isn't 10k per person being summoned it's 10k for clicking on the summon button once. Meaning if i'm in a group of 8, I summon the rest of the 7 people to my spot for 10k.
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It's evident that you cannot even understand the advantages that guildships provide, where the "invasion" part isn't even amongst they key ones, so I will just leave this discussion here, hopefully you will play more of the group content in this game and maybe then understand the advantages, for a solo player like yourself I guess those advantages are all new to you.


What are you talking about?

If you read my posts a few pages back, you would know, that I run a full 1K member guild - one that is currently in 2th place in this week's conquest, so we must be doing something right. We have a fully unlocked and decorated flagship.

We do group content all the time, so I think you are the real solo player here.

You do not know what you are talking about.

Let's leave it at that.

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I was just trying to make a point of the cost of having a guild flagship and that you can do not need to have a guild flagship anymore.

You don't get any special benefits from having one, if they remove the guild invasion bonus - you know the bonus you get for moving the guild flagship to a new planet each week and invade that planet with invasion force to earn more conquest points.


There's no conquest point bonus for "physically" moving the guild ship.

The conquest point bonus is for choosing a specific planet that gives you a bonus % to the base conquest points.


If doing a single warzone match gives you 500 conquest points, and there is a planet bonus bumping it up to 1000 (shown in green text in the conquest menu in game), THAT is the bonus they're removing. You don't have to actually move your guild ship to that planet to get that bonus, it's automatic, at least right now.

Edited by Darevsool
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