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Winter/Spring 2018 Roadmap Update


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Agreed, the next LI should definitely be a female!


And available for both genders given Lana is the only f/f avail romance where as Koth and Theron are both m/m as will Arcann be to my knowledge.


Even making existing romance chars available as a new romance for all classes works for me. (Especially Aric and Kira! I know a few of my chars who would be happy to have a chance at them!)

Edited by Suzsi
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First, Keith, thank you for this update/roadmap. Personally, I have no doubt you are genuinely trying to improve the game. So, despite some things that occurred while you were in charge that I did not approve of, I sincerely thank you for your efforts.


This is an honest question, and it would be easy to assume I am asking this with bad intentions or something like that and really, I am not asking this with bad intentions, but could you please help me understand why you are

still reticent about communicating details beyond 90 days

For comparison, World of Warcraft posted a trailer on YouTube about their next big update (Battle for Azeroth), and that expansion has a targeted release date of September of this year. WoW can release information about their expansions many months (almost a year) in advance, but SWTOR doesn't want to comment on things happening in 91, 92, or 93 days?

Can you understand why I would have this question?


On a somewhat related note, why has it taken what seems to at least some of the players a long time to release roadmaps since you became the lead producer and announced that you would be releasing roadmaps, especially when they intend to cover about 90 days worth of game content/updates? Are you able to comment on this, please?

Again, I'm not trying to start an argument or look for an excuse to eat you alive, so to speak. I am genuinely wondering about this.


The updates to the conquest system sounds modestly encouraging from what you have said. I am looking forward to reading the full details about it.


Regarding companions, will each of the returning companions return only to their respective classes (Ex: ONLY the inquisitor gets Ashara), or will they be available to everyone? If it's mixed, as in some companions will be available for all classes but some only for their respective class (Ex: Vector is available to everyone but only the bounty hunter gets Mako)?

Could we please receive some clarification?


The Arcann romance personally doesn't appeal to me, but for those who are looking forward to it, will Arcann's romance scenes/options be from conversation choices that happen in KOTET, or will the Arcann romance take place "in the present", so to speak? I hope my question makes sense.


I am looking forward to hearing about subscriber rewards. I myself am only able to subscribe when budget permits, as in, if I deem something else a higher budget priority, I may not pay for a subscription for a certain month and reevaluate the subscription cost the next month.

Please release information about the new subscriber rewards well before it's too late to receive them, so I (and others) have plenty of time to prioritize our budget. That would be much appreciated.


Have a great day, Kieth and SWTOR team.

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I have more of a lore question about it. Will we ever get more information about the Iokath creators? I find them really fascinating and going through VOGM it's amazing the things they've managed to create. Although it's a very informative roadmap, much thanks for posting and hopefully this will help calm down the forums and the community. I also have a question about 6.0, will it be an expansion pack or a game patch?
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well that was... disappointing... just like my love life :). I don't see myself sticking around much longer. Basically what you said is 2018 will be another 2017, and 2017 was pathetic. No expansions to be announced this year, just small incremental updates. this game is FUBAR, and it should be sinking into you guys right about now. They aren't investing hardly any money or resources back into swtor and its apparent. Only thing good/smart about this roadmap was the subscriber rewards announcement, but for me that is too little too late. Some people will stick around I'm sure, they always do. :cool:
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  • Companion Return: Vector – Imperial Agents will see the return of Vector Hyllus! Easily the best member of the Killik hivemind.
  • Companion Return: Ashara Zavros will return to the Sith Inquisitor’s side. How will things go with her former master?



  • Companion Return: Felix Iresso – The Jedi Consular’s loyal soldier has had a rough time these last few years – can the Consular help him?
  • Companion Return: Mako and Akaavi - Bounty Hunters and Smugglers are reunited with this duo, who’ve been working together during the players’ absence.

Can you tell us more about their return format? Will they be via Alliance alerts once more akin to Corso/Risha/Andronikos and will they be limited to their original class only? The text would make it seem so but a confirmation would be nice.


Also, did the team hear our feedback concerning the brevity of recent returns (Corso, Risha, Andronikos, Quinn, Dorne) and how lackluster they were, will we see an improvement in this department for the returns listed above?


April – Game Update 5.9 - The Nathema Conspiracy


  • This year’s story has shown the final ramifications of the path that Valkorion first chose when he devastated Nathema, so it’s only natural that we go there to bring that story to its exciting conclusion.

Is it safe to assume that this Flashpoint will also conclude Theron's Traitor Arc then?



Beyond April – Discussion Topic!

As we look back to 2017 and now beyond the conclusion of the traitor storyline, we are planning to continue delivering content in the same manner throughout 2018. When you look at the total year, you received a wide variety of both multi-player and solo activities including a new story, Strongholds, Starfighter updates, a new Warzone, two new Flashpoints, and a new Operation, along with many Quality of Life improvements.


We heard feedback from some of you indicating you missed having a more “traditional” expansion and you’d rather wait so it all comes at once. I like having updates released regularly versus waiting long periods of time in-between patches. Although this remains our current plan, we are also laying out what we’ll include in a 6.0 Game Update. We’ll keep you informed of our summer, fall and winter plans throughout the coming months.


We look forward to expanding more on what you can expect in 5.8, 5.9, and beyond! As often as we can, we will be around in the thread to answer your many questions about those updates. Looking forward to having some good discussions.


--- Keith

Personally, I like continuous game updates vs. waiting a year for one big chunk. The monthly chapters had my preference--is there a reason the team moved away from monthly updates to provide content only every 3-4 months? Can a balance be found between monthly vs. 3-6 months?


There have been a lot of changes to the format since KOTFE's release. Initially a big chunk, 9 full chapters followed by a wait. Then came monthly releases until KOTET which was released in full, followed by another drought and then 'quarterly' (closer to 4 months in between) updates instead. I understand no one's a miracle worker and sometimes plans need adjusting but I would personally like to know what to expect when. Going by the roadmap, both March and April offer 2 consecutive updates but after? Another 4-month drought where no one knows what to expect? It becomes a little frustrating, for me as a player.


And finally, thank you for providing the roadmap. Is it safe to understand that from here on out, the team will be posting more regular updates rather than work on roadmap releases or do you still intend to also provide a summer roadmap?

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Can you tell us more about their return format? Will they be via Alliance alerts once more akin to Corso/Risha/Andronikos and will they be limited to their original class only? The text would make it seem so but a confirmation would be nice.


Also, did the team hear our feedback concerning the brevity of recent returns (Corso, Risha, Andronikos, Quinn, Dorne) and how lackluster they were, will we see an improvement in this department for the returns listed above?



Is it safe to assume that this Flashpoint will also conclude Theron's Traitor Arc then?




Personally, I like continuous game updates vs. waiting a year for one big chunk. The monthly chapters had my preference--is there a reason the team moved away from monthly updates to provide content only every 3-4 months? Can a balance be found between monthly vs. 3-6 months?


There have been a lot of changes to the format since KOTFE's release. Initially a big chunk, 9 full chapters followed by a wait. Then came monthly releases until KOTET which was released in full, followed by another drought and then 'quarterly' (closer to 4 months in between) updates instead. I understand no one's a miracle worker and sometimes plans need adjusting but I would personally like to know what to expect when. Going by the roadmap, both March and April offer 2 consecutive updates but after? Another 4-month drought where no one knows what to expect? It becomes a little frustrating, for me as a player.


And finally, thank you for providing the roadmap. Is it safe to understand that from here on out, the team will be posting more regular updates rather than work on roadmap releases or do you still intend to also provide a summer roadmap?


jenny to quote your last paragraph,


they moved away because almost everyone hated the monthly format.

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we are planning to continue delivering content in the same manner throughout 2018. When you look at the total year, you received a wide variety of both multi-player and solo activities including a new story, Strongholds, Starfighter updates, a new Warzone, two new Flashpoints, and a new Operation, along with many Quality of Life improvements.




Ridiculous. So you think 2017 was a total success in regarding to the content you released???? Have you seen your server populations......Quite disappointing and disheartening for me. But at least its straightforward enough towards the players.

I needed that bit of info to reaffirm my current decision to not waste anymore time with the minute amount of content per coupe of months/negligible for the whole year.

I take it not to wait for anymore expansion for this game ever...

Edited by ExarSun
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empress acina would be a perfect romance for both genders


Id prefer one thats actually alive for all as the second f/f romance first, given Acina always dies in my stories and the sheer lack of f/f choices currently.

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Are the special rewards for killing Izax the same for story and master? Specifically the legacy one whatever that is?


Also as far as feedback while I like having more frequent, smaller updates for things like adding a new warzone, a new ops boss, companion returns, etc. I'm not sure I like the way the traitor arc story content has been dealt out. It's similar to the pre-SoR story flashpoints I guess but I like that a lot better when you're able to play through it all and not have to wait. Similarly with the traitor arc it feels like too long between the story bits and since they're in a flashpoint there's like 5 minutes worth of story in each one, if that, and no clear idea of when we'll get an actual resolution. It also doesn't help that it deals with a character a lot of people are attached to and leaving his fate up in the air.


So unless it's a fairly self-contained story like the HK-55 bonus chapter or some of the later KOTFE chapters that were about recruiting a companion I don't know if I like it being spread out so much versus waiting for a big story update. I mean I like the traitor arc so far as a whole but it gets frustrating having to wait and then when an update comes you can't help but be disappointed because it's not enough.


So yeah I like smaller frequent updates for some things but I think other times bigger but slower updates might be better.


I agree with this 100%. I get wanting to spread things out, to be able to give people something to do, but not with the main story line. I'm having a hard time getting excited about any of what you laid out, knowing it's another two months before I see any more of the story that is keeping me here, when I've already been waiting for 3 months since the last bit. Which, honestly, didn't really add much of anything anyway. I hope the wait is because you need the time to make it great, but even then, at this moment, I just feel burned out by it.

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Pro tip, when letting down your raiding community don't cite a lack of resources as the reason. Especially when you indicate increased resources to conquest. Conquest > operations. This is why raiders leave.


A matter of difficulty - Raids are the hardest type of content to balance and troubleshoot; conquest is about the easiest (since it uses already existing content).


They still haven't managed to get the difficulty spike for the SoR multiplayer content sanded down.

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So you are basically scrapping 5 MM bosses and simply 'call' the last supposed VM boss a MM boss? At the cost of what? - "Group Content"


Were you not recently talking about full MM mode after releasing some of the new bosses?


In your post, I do not see any group content apart from another FP. As a raider and long time sub I fail to see any good news here, unless you can specify what kind of "upcoming group content" you are referring to. Without getting into details of course.


In my book, vendors, rewards, companion, and titles are irrelevant without the hope of new (and challenging) content.

Edited by SaeGio
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well then arcann is in the same boat as acina...


Yes but Koth is also an option as well as Theron and now Arcann for m/m.

F/f only have Lana as an option and that is all.


Some can also kill Koth but at least between the two (Koth and Arcann) theres more choices and Koth at least doesn't force you to side with a specific faction to keep him alive, nor does Arcann for that matter. Its a pretty big deal being gated behind a choice like that especially.

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Did we read different roadmaps? They basically said there will not be a traditional expansion anymore, at least not this year.. they are going to put out the content as it comes out.


That's what I read as well, as they like it the way it is now.:confused: Ideally, it would be, large chunk, continued updates throughout the year, but I guess that wont really happen.

It's hard to see what the majority wants as one side screams , big expansions and the other side screams regular small updates. Yet when the small updates come, nobody seems to be that happy. and we get the "this is it?" threads.



Edited by Eshvara
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Quote: Originally Posted by Racit View Post

Pro tip, when letting down your raiding community don't cite a lack of resources as the reason. Especially when you indicate increased resources to conquest. Conquest > operations. This is why raiders leave.

This sort of attitude is why other players are down on raiders. Everyone deserves a turn!


This sort of attitude is why other players are down on raiders. Everyone deserves a turn!



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Yes but Koth is also an option as well as Theron and now Arcann for m/m.

F/f only have Lana as an option and that is all.


Some can also kill Koth but at least between the two (Koth and Arcann) theres more choices and Koth at least doesn't force you to side with a specific faction to keep him alive, nor does Arcann for that matter. Its a pretty big deal being gated behind a choice like that especially.


I wish m/m included Corso, Kai Zyken, about 30 others....

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That's what I read as well, as they like it the way it is now.:confused: Ideally, it would be, large chunk, continued updates throughout the year, but I guess that wont really happen.

It's hard to see what the majority wants as one side screams , big expansions and the other side screams regular small updates. Yet when the small updates come, nobody seems to be that happy. and we get the "this is it?" threads.




I'm really disappointed eshvara :( But i'm happy you got your arcann romance :D

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Arcann = "everyone's favorite villain?" No. I am completely disgusted by him and how this game has made him sympathetic in the writing.


And I'm disappointed that he's coming in as a romance before the original companions are all back or another F/F option is added.


Will there even be any interaction with the existing romances during the next four months, or can we expect them to continue being paperweights?

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