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Everything posted by SaeGio

  1. First of all thanks for the input so far. I apologize for the misnomer in the OP. When I say main profession ofc I mean the crew crafting skill. Based on what has been said I will also extend the suggestion to not only include the "main" one but all three crew skills. If there is no skill then none would be shown obviously, and if there are only gathering skills then those would be shown.
  2. Would there be a way to add the respective main profession for each character on character selection screen? Or maybe a tooltip that pops up when hovering mouse over character? With so many toons it is hard to keep track of what each toon can craft (short of making an Excel table or alike) Just a thought....
  3. Honestly, not at all. I was simply pointing out that Revan has become too easy if you can 4man it like this. I have done this boss many times for a long time and it seems to become easier with every patch. To clarify, this does not mean that we didnt have a hell of fun progging this with 4 ppl.
  4. ...because this is kinda getting ridiculous, currently. And here is an example: Why not scale everything to the same level? Make it easier to manage, balance and gear for. As it is now, the "old" content is a joke.
  5. So you are basically scrapping 5 MM bosses and simply 'call' the last supposed VM boss a MM boss? At the cost of what? - "Group Content" Were you not recently talking about full MM mode after releasing some of the new bosses? In your post, I do not see any group content apart from another FP. As a raider and long time sub I fail to see any good news here, unless you can specify what kind of "upcoming group content" you are referring to. Without getting into details of course. In my book, vendors, rewards, companion, and titles are irrelevant without the hope of new (and challenging) content.
  6. yup the nerf was needed but it ended up being over the top. Top parse went down from 10.3k to 10k, so only a loss of 300dps However that 10k was an exception. Usually I parsed around 9.8k so it's more like loss of 500dps Given that deception is extremely random you might as well and up doing 9.2k doing the exact same thing.
  7. to say its useless is certainly exaggerated. brontes and tfb nim can still be cleared with 2 sins in the group and those are the hardest dps checks in the game. so yea not useless but the magnitude of the nerf is most definitely retarded. same as arsenal nerf like for real...1k dps...who comes up with this nonsense?
  8. yes I m angry because I throw money at them for years and they don't even understand their own game. And like you said target dps is fine if done in a logical manner which they don't. Heck even looking at parsely boards at the end of a "parsing season" would allow for better balancing. Sure it's not representative but definitely gives an idea. why would a class that already has great utility do 1k more dps than another class with less utility unless you want everyone to go meta.
  9. I would just like to add that IMHO the guy who came up with so called target dps should be fired immediately and be sent to a rehab to get off whatever drugs he/she is on. what good is target dps if it does not balance classes between each other??? Total no brainer. You have created a situation in which you have metas and fotm classes for both pve and pvp at a much higher magnitude than ever. Just as an example, whats the point of nerfing arsenal 1k dps while not doing the same to other ranged specs? what is the point of nerfing Deception by 900 dps while all other melee specs still parse easily above 10k and Maras even beyond 10.5k. this makes no sense whatsoever from a balance point of view. It seems someone at bioware is either being completely arbitrary or personally involved when deciding which spec should perform how. Really hoping that BW comes off this retardness....
  10. Man, your complex rotation sucks. less damage than easy one
  11. Holy cow....lol xD Guys, I agree Sorcs needed some nerfing but this seems rather excessive
  12. How? Isn't that 733? or is that 242 enhancement? btw great job OP
  13. Soooo???? How are people supposed to do the Loremaster Achievement today?? Even a year later this is beyond stupid!!
  14. Soooo???? How are people supposed to do the Loremaster Achievement today?? Even a year later this is beyond stupid!!
  15. lol typical US of A, we don't care about anything or anyone but ourselves answer. FYI Brasil is also America, you know that right? And btw, before you start celebrating Hitler's birthday, the guy is already dead!
  16. yup I can agree with you guys. It comes down to pure luck really (except gear and understanding of the class). I usually kept parsing around 6-6.2k after the 'nerf (around 6.4k pre nerf with worse gear)', but in this particular parse I had more luck than brains. That was like +5% crit compared to my previous parse, it's like playing the lottery at some point. Nonetheless, I m quite happy with it But then again, it only matters what you parse on bosses.
  17. Are you saying it's not legit? BTW good advice. I do delay FP usually to wait for SS to come off cd, but probably not during this particular opener I admit, but I ll keep it in mind thanks. But I doubt the parse is bad enough to make you cry
  18. Well don't listen to those, they don't know what they talk about. I do HM ops with my Infi Shadow all the time and according to star-parse I usually hold up with Sentinels just fine, although Sentinels/Marauders are currently uploading the highest DPS parses on the dummies. The question is what do you enjoy and not what is the best class. As with any melee class up-time and mobility is the key, and the shadow is doing great in this regard whilst the burst in unbeatable. But also sustained DPS is doable if you know what you are doing. (here my latest parse on the 1.5mil dummy ) Also you got maybe the best defensive cool-down in this game which is Resilience. On top of that phase walk, shadow stride, force cloak (which does wonders for dps if used rotational and which is also the best aggro drop), and deflection, and the ability to combat rez!! Some very capable utilities for both pve and pvp as well All things considered Infiltration is probably my favorite spec
  19. yup I am aware that there are few tanks and heals on all servers, but it might improve things a little?
  20. Hello fellow pew pewers First off, I am new to this forum (although not new to the game). I apologize if this has been suggested before or if I am not in the correct forum section. Let me start by saying I truly love this game. One might say I am totally addicted to it, especially the pvp One thing that always bothers me though, is the fact that it is very hard to match with a group for flashpoint/ops via the group-finder. This is especially the case if you are a DPS, but I also have sometimes a hard time as a healer. I am just leveling up a DPS (Jedi Shadow) and I am basically queuing up since level 10. The amount of times I actually matched with a group was maybe 2-3 times up until now (lvl 55). I find this very sad because the flashpoints are really fun. Therefore, I would like to ask/suggest if it is possible to add cross server group-finders to the game? I know this has been done in other MMOs for the very reason mentioned above. I think this would greatly increase the experience for all classes and players. What do you think? Thank you for your time. Regards Saegio
  21. oh man what a waste of time. Grinded three hours to get all the data packs only to find out later that I can`t click the rocks. That sucks!! The least I would expect from them is to refund those data packs so we can use them again in case they ever fix this bug edit: btw the beam was active, but when I went to the datacron spot there was nothing there At least on my other toons I could just pick em up this way
  22. I am assuming this works the same for all crafted items? like implants, earpieces, etc.?
  23. SaeGio

    Corusca Gems?

    yes I can confirm, they are just not found by companions anymore, since patch! (at 400)
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