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In-game Items you Want to Return


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I may be mistaken, but I thought the wings and the Crest still dropped, albeit with very low drop rates, and only in NiM.


Once again, not easily obtained does not equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".


They have a 100% drop rate for killing Brontes NiM and the secret boss in SnV NiM. it's just tough to do, but they'll drop every time (4 drop of the crest if I remember correctly)

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None of your rant matters anyway because


^That's exactly my point. If you bothered to read (*gasp, oh no) you'd see I've been making that exact point THIS WHOLE THREAD and I'm not the one crying pretty please with funfetti on top to bring back removed armor and weapons (and everything else they can think of). GJ.

Edited by Willjb
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I keep seeing suggestions followed by someone saying its currently available via vendor or CM, or whatever. Obviously there is a lot of uncertainty about the status of many items that were believed to be removed. Some clarification would be ideal in order to cut down on the unnecessary suggestions.


The bad thing is that nobody really remembers anymore what was actually removed - because it was so long ago.


I only remember that vehicle removed because it was "too big". That was so much like "WHAT ???" in my mind that I remembered this reasoning.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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If those currencies truly cannot be obtained, then I would tend to agree.


However, currencies with low, or very low, drop rates, such as Cartel Certificates, are not unobtainable.


Once again, not easily obtained does not equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".


There's no way for a player to get a cartel certificate unless they have a specific item that is no longer in the game. I would therefore include it. There's really no need to have 20 decos that are gated behind those certificates.

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Hey folks,


Over time, we have received quite a few reports from players of items that used be available in-game, that no longer are. We don't mean Cartel Market items, but items that used to be available on vendors or from drops, etc. We are doing planning around some Mission rewards coming up and we thought this might be a good opportunity to try to get some forgotten items back in.


Here is what we are looking for. What are some in-game items that are no longer available that you would like to see come back, for the following categories:

  • Mounts
  • Mini-pets
  • Stronghold Decorations
  • etc.

For this feedback thread we are currently not looking for weapon or armor set suggestions.


Let us know your thoughts!




Master Mode Flashpoints decorations drops. They should be 100% for bonus boss.

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There's no way for a player to get a cartel certificate unless they have a specific item that is no longer in the game.

This isn't true. The certs drop from the gatekeeper cartel packs which were re-released recently. I got plenty of certs from buying those packs on the GTN. I appreciate that the cartel cert situation is not ideal, but I think Bioware's apparent policy of re-releasing the old packs every now and then at least helps somewhat.


I also got a few certs from the slot machine deco which is in a few public strongholds, but of course this is somewhat dependent on whether people with this decoration make their strongholds public on your server, I guess. I'm imagining this is your "specific item that is no longer in the game"? But as long as it's in someone's stronghold and that's public, it's there for everyone of the same faction.

Edited by Estelindis
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This isn't true. The certs drop from the gatekeeper cartel packs which were re-released recently. I got plenty of certs from buying those packs on the GTN. I appreciate that the cartel cert situation is not ideal, but I think Bioware's apparent policy of re-releasing the old packs every now and then at least helps somewhat.


I also got a few certs from the slot machine deco which is in a few public strongholds, but of course this is somewhat dependent on whether people with this decoration make their strongholds public on your server, I guess. I'm imagining this is your "specific item that is no longer in the game"? But as long as it's in someone's stronghold and that's public, it's there for everyone of the same faction.


But the gatekeeper packs aren't on the CM anymore. If something's on the GTN, it's only out on the secondary market. I don't count that as still being available. Technically any bit of armor, pet, crystal, etc. could be considered "still available" if we're counting the GTN.


As for the strongholds with the slot machines, that's true, but that's still secondary market - your chance of getting the certificates depends solely on other players' actions and choices in making it available to you. It's not the same as it being directly available through a player's achivements/completing a game activity/direct sale.


The "specific items that aren't in the game" that I'd like returned are the decos at that vendor which are only available with those certificates. There's no reason not to convert them to sale in credits.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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If something's on the GTN, it's only out on the secondary market. I don't count that as still being available.

With all possible respect, I disagree with your definition of "available." I took a three-year break from the game and I've been able to acquire lots of things that were released when I was away, so from my point of view they are absolutely available! Obviously it is your right to disagree and keep to your own definition. We all have the right to our own point of view.


In any case, I suspect that cartel cert decorations fall under the category of "cartel market items," which appear to be off the table in terms of what Bioware's asking us about.

Edited by Estelindis
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I too would like to see the Makeb Gabezo returned as well as the drop rate in the sm and master mode flashpoints increased. It used to be worthwhile to run the flashpoints for decos but they are so rare now it becomes a grind to get the decos you want.


The other thing I would like to see considered is the fact that many things in the collections category can only be obtained by things like "buying peripheral gear" which means that someone not willing to purchase items they will never use can not complete those categories for the titles. Or the ones that require something obtained on public test server which now it seems that the test servers are never public but by invite only. I think those items should be removed from the requirements to complete the categories involved. If an item is unobtainable for new players, it should not be part of the requirement for the titles in the achievements.

Edited by Nlightened
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1) Guaranteed drops from silvers, golds and whites. Its a bit annoying to fight a long battle with a white, only to have nothing drop.

2) Armor vendors that have been removed. I think if the armor exists in the database, we should have access to it.

3) Heroics on Makeb and Illum that were removed/converted to one time missions, and the rewards that dropped from them.

4) Decorations that would drop in flashpoints.

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With all possible respect, I disagree with your definition of "available." I took a three-year break from the game and I've been able to acquire lots of things that were released when I was away, so from my point of view they are absolutely available! Obviously it is your right to disagree and keep to your own definition. We all have the right to our own point of view.


In any case, I suspect that cartel cert decorations fall under the category of "cartel market items," which appear to be off the table in terms of what Bioware's asking us about.


We can disagree, most definitely. There's room for everyone to have their own opinion, and the devs did seem to want feedback.


FWIW, the cartel cert vendor I'm talking about is actually on the fleet, though, not in the CM. You've got the one selling Rakata decor, the one selling basic decorations, and then a third dude selling products that can't be bought with anything other than the certificates.


My definition of "unavailable" is something a player is currently unable to earn or buy directly through the game itself. I count things as 'available' if you can:


- buy it from a vendor with *credits* or *currently* obtainable currency and reputation points (ie, earning reputation on Oricon or Makeb; the Iokath shards or Manaan currency that always drops)

- pick it up from a drop after defeating an enemy (that could be at completion of an Op or flashpoint, or a boss; or it could be something like a random datacron drop on a planet)

- Find it in a command or Alliance crate

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There's no way for a player to get a cartel certificate unless they have a specific item that is no longer in the game. I would therefore include it. There's really no need to have 20 decos that are gated behind those certificates.


There are ways for players to get the certificates without actually having a slot machine.


I would be extremely surprised if there were not plenty of public strongholds with slot machines.


IMO, not easily obtained does NOT equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".


IMO, if Johnny wants those Cartel Certificates, then he should be willing to do what is necessary to obtain them. It really is that simple.

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We can disagree, most definitely. There's room for everyone to have their own opinion, and the devs did seem to want feedback.


FWIW, the cartel cert vendor I'm talking about is actually on the fleet, though, not in the CM. You've got the one selling Rakata decor, the one selling basic decorations, and then a third dude selling products that can't be bought with anything other than the certificates.


My definition of "unavailable" is something a player is currently unable to earn or buy directly through the game itself. I count things as 'available' if you can:


- buy it from a vendor with *credits* or *currently* obtainable currency and reputation points (ie, earning reputation on Oricon or Makeb; the Iokath shards or Manaan currency that always drops)

- pick it up from a drop after defeating an enemy (that could be at completion of an Op or flashpoint, or a boss; or it could be something like a random datacron drop on a planet)

- Find it in a command or Alliance crate


Funny thing is even if Cartel Certificates were actually unavailable, the first word in Cartel Certificates is "Cartel" and they were originally found in Cartel packs.


I would consider Cartel Certificates to be CM items.


Does BW consider them to be CM items? We have no way of knowing the answer to that question right now.

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Eric & Co,

Need schematics for crafting spaceship parts. The fleet vendor has very limited options. I have two toons with enough spaceship gear to farm reputation. I am unable to complete the rest of the high-end space missions because of lack of gear. At this rate, I will never reach Legendary rep. I'm stuck at Champion.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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How about an NPC that shows up daily/weekly/monthly in your strongholds that sends you on a mission (quest line) to obtain decorations... In addition to that how about some crafting missions that your companions could do for specific decorations.... And Finally how about some random drops in the open world that would drop decorations :) Thanks for you time.
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There are ways for players to get the certificates without actually having a slot machine.


I would be extremely surprised if there were not plenty of public strongholds with slot machines.


IMO, not easily obtained does NOT equate to "removed" or "unobtainable".


IMO, if Johnny wants those Cartel Certificates, then he should be willing to do what is necessary to obtain them. It really is that simple.


One more time, if it cannot be obtained *from the game* it's unavailable. Getting something from another player (ie, a stronghold machine) by creeping around in their stronghold doesn't count. Technically *anything* in the game could be 'available' if another player chose to sell or give it to you.

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One more time, if it cannot be obtained *from the game* it's unavailable. Getting something from another player (ie, a stronghold machine) by creeping around in their stronghold doesn't count. Technically *anything* in the game could be 'available' if another player chose to sell or give it to you.


We can agree to disagree, but the fact remains that anyone who is willing to put forth the effort to obtain those certificates can do so.


They could always make the slot machine available again which would allow players to have their own slot machine and not have to "creep around" another player's stronghold.


Both the slot machine and the certificates are likely considered CM items, so it is very possible that neither would qualify given the terms Eric set, though.

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I think what I would like to see most is some old decorations that used to drop quite often start dropping quite often again. Oh... and maybe the drop rate of the Cartel Certs put back the qay they were before going to like 0.0001% chance of dropping.


Some of the old PvP armor would be nice to see again.


Some of the old Armor NPC's from before the time everything was adaptive would be nice too. There are some old models that would be nice to see again.

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