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Maintenance: October 24th, 2017


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It means they wanted us to test the servers without bias and see if there was any problem before raising the alarm.

This was a spectacular failure of course.


Well, think of it this way: if they announced that the datacenter would move, then the outcry that is happening would have happened way before the actual move took place. People would go into the changes with incredible bias and with every single connection issue complain it was due to the datacenter move. With this way they at least got the information that the connection issues players and especially APAC players face are indeed due to the datacenter move without bias... but how much of a gain that is I do wonder...


It will be when they drop the ball and the game goes offline for an "extended extended period".


It's not going to go smoothly.


Aka the patient will die during surgery due to unexpected complications?

Edited by Ylliarus
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It won't die but it'll be a longer than projected recovery time.


They can't even roll a patch out without something going wrong.


I think I will be performing rituals here at home to have everything run smoothly... prayers, candles, weather dances... I think nothing would be too much!


All jokes aside I just hope everything will go semi-smooth. It doesn't have to go entirely smooth, as long as they don't mess up the game severely all will be fine.

Edited by Ylliarus
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I'll be conducting sacrifices for the week leading up to the event.


Some more sacrifices will be required to stop my laptop spamming me with "turn on sticky keys" messages (while trying to play SWTOR) too, that's a separate issue though.


HP lappies are cursed.

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It's not only the Australian/APAC, Brazilian, and West Coast players who are impacted. Even for a US Central Time Zone player on various US servers, there is noticeable lag in: WZ, GSF, and the Umbara flashpoint.


Most recently, I found it very difficult to complete the objective of the Hydian Way (Republic) / Polith Minefield (Empire) space mission, because the missiles do not reload quickly enough to take out the minelayer engines at the very end of the mission.

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I fully suspect that some of them are employed by EAware to mitigate social outrage and divide us. In fact I would be shocked if EA didn't have media trolls to act subversively.


I know thats happening. When a poster suddenly tries to make an excuse for this outright lie it stands out pretty bad. Even if you are one of the gamers it doesn't immediately affect, there is no excuse for how bioware handled it and what they did to fellow gamers in some acceptable loss business move.


Everyone should be ticked off at bioware for this move and when someone suddenly shows up without a care as if bioware did nothing wrong well there is your media troll.


The very last thing they want, is for the players to unite and boycott their products until they give in to very specific demands (e.g. a West Coast server).


Very true. The only real way bioware can help those gamers affected and especially so in APAC region is to have a server physically located on the west coast again. I do not get the impression that was ever a possibility no matter how bioware spun that original server merge post.

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While this has all be handled incredibly badly it seems that it is almost being treated as an isolated incident as if moving the servers back to the West Coast would magically solve everything.


The West Coast was shut down after perhaps the worst year that tor has had, a year in which the development was moved away from the story focus to more group play. I can't recall the spin that was put on it but i think traditional MMO elements. So moving away from what made tor stand out to copy what other MMO's are doing better.


This wasn't just EA or Bioware or Bob the Janitor waking up one morning and making this poor decision and then handling equally poorly. This was a year of group content in the form of uprising, single operation bosses, flashpoints and pvp balances (both ground and gsf) while paying lip service to story. Seriously its a year to find out who the traitor was and more than a year to find out why.


So with the current direction the game is taking, restoring the west coast data center is not going to change the fortunes of the game. All the bad decisions that have lead to this point have contributed as have the people that have supported them. Some of the very people that are most adamant that this is the end and EAware are the devil were the ones pushing for the decisions that led to this point and then claim White Knights are scum.


While this has all be done badly the issue didn't just on the 24th of October 2017 it has been many bad decisions throughout 2017 catering to the group play will save this game over all other content crowd.

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Well this is a right mess.


It's like watching an old friend die from self-inflicted wounds.

Sad isn't it? These were good customers...loyal customers. They aren't quitting because of some perceived injustice or a lack of updated content for their 'thing', they're being forced out.


I'm in shock still...utter disbelief and shock. :(

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Sad isn't it? These were good customers...loyal customers. They aren't quitting because of some perceived injustice or a lack of updated content for their 'thing', they're being forced out.


I'm in shock still...utter disbelief and shock. :(


I'm not surprised. It boils down to the one thing EA/Bioware will never give up: MONEY - Plain and simple greed. They will save more money than they make moving West Coast servers to an East Coast location.


They never pre-announce bad news and that trend seems to continue nearly every change they make. Yet another bait and switch type arrangement here. I know they are cut throat money pinchers, but this takes the cake. My Auzzie friend in guild was always having issues doing content with latency before - now it's just outright waste of sub time for our APAC friends.


I was looking forward to a West Coast region server upgrade after years of HARBY hamsters dying, but moving them to East Coast just hosed my game play and just another "Thanks, but no thanks BW" moment.

Edited by dscount
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Funny thing is LOTRO even in maintenance mode has been able to produce more content than this game for the last year with way smaller team and resources than BW.....this is incredible. I would be laughing my *** off about such incompetence if wasn't so sad about what those people have done to my favourite IP. So think about it people....a game such as LOTRO in maintenance mode for a long time is able to put out expansions and more content than SWTOR...Refocusing on group content...LOL....they ruined this game with the pathetic amount of content, no quality story, GC, server merges and etc...all bad decisions.


Also yeah non of us unaffected players by those server merges would jump to defend such horrid and cruel decision to abandon your APAC players and outright lie about those questionable server merges. I was never a fan of server merges, but the way handled them is something no self-respecting studio would do.

You've gone and ruined some of my favourite franchises in the face of ME, no you are ruining SW...nobody is going to get fooled by this Anthem project i tell you....I for one will never go and buy it....also I will seriously consider dropping my longyear sub and all the money i gave you for CC. Instead of giving us a new expansion you have wasted this year with stupid decisions. Nobody would stick around for that...


I would actually argue that LOTRO is not in maintenance mode anymore, not since Turbine sold it to the original devs and their new studio. The latest expansion (Mordor) was on par with the Mines of Moria expansion, in my humble opinion.

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Sad isn't it? These were good customers...loyal customers. They aren't quitting because of some perceived injustice or a lack of updated content for their 'thing', they're being forced out.


I'm in shock still...utter disbelief and shock. :(


Still trying to figure out why my connect went haywonky. It shouldn't really matter much. Been on EastCoast servers forever but as soon as this came along I went from approx. 180 to approx 280 with hellacious spikes (packet loss when hitting Level3 in VA). Gotta be a coincidence but, well, end result is the same. I can't function with those numbers.


Sad indeed.

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I draw only 2 conclusions from all of this:


1) They omitted this information because they knew many people (including me) would re-sub to keep their names, but far fewer would do so if they knew their latency would increase. The population feels small to us, but it's serious $$ when you multiply by $14.99, or $29.99, etc.


2) BW did not make this call. EA did. This isn't a development decision, it's a $$/legal decision. The parent company typically makes those calls. For what it's worth, I don't blame Keith or Eric, and have no harsh words for them over this. But that doesn't change the fact that it is highly unlikely I will re-sub after the consolidation. (And for once I'm happy that I'm too penny-wise/pound-foolish to pay for more than 1 month at a time.)

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Why not communicate this ahead of time?

We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question). However, we have seen posts from players who made specific decisions based on location (such as character transfers) and we will be in touch with them to discuss. To ensure there is no confusion about this update in-game, we adjusted the server selection screen to reflect that all NA servers are on the east coast.




I sort of understand this. I'm not sure it was a wise but it did cut down on folks reporting problems because they 'thought' they were having issues instead of actually having them. So it cut out the hysterics which we see a good deal of already. It also leads me to believe the game is healthier than some would like considering some games have a single server without issues but we're expected to believe the game is healthy. I do think for entire regions of the world need and should have their own dedicated servers but if they already function without them then obviously they aren't that healthy in that region to support them. That's sad for those that want to play the game in those areas but I understand the business. If it was anyone but EA I'd expect them to bite the bullet and take a cut in income to provide that for those players and try to increase the players in those areas. But this is EA we're talking about so that's sort of that.

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Based on some of the performance I've seen the last few days, I'm inclined to agree. But, they are moving to "new" servers soon enough, so that may only be a temporary issue.


They moved to the new physical hardware already. Now it's just the consolidation into two that is left for the 8th.

Edited by DanNV
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I live on the east coast and I've been playing on a west coast server since day one. I know for a fact that there are quite a lot of us playing on west coast servers.

I've never had a single problem with lag issues. Usually it ranges in the 60's and I've had it in the 100's but I never had an issue. Give them a chance to investigate the issue and fix the bug.

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I live on the east coast and I've been playing on a west coast server since day one. I know for a fact that there are quite a lot of us playing on west coast servers.

I've never had a single problem with lag issues. Usually it ranges in the 60's and I've had it in the 100's but I never had an issue. Give them a chance to investigate the issue and fix the bug.

I know for a fact there's nobody playing on west coast servers.


And there's no patch that can be installed or configuration that can be tweaked to change the fact that the servers have moved 3,000 miles. Geographic distance is not a bug. They MIGHT be able to eliminate a hop or two, but west coast and particularly APAC players are going to be negatively impacted by this.

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I know for a fact there's nobody playing on west coast servers.


And there's no patch that can be installed or configuration that can be tweaked to change the fact that the servers have moved 3,000 miles. Geographic distance is not a bug. They MIGHT be able to eliminate a hop or two, but west coast and particularly APAC players have been negatively impacted by this.


fixed just a little bit.

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Why not communicate this ahead of time?

We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience.

As mentioned by others, sounds more like you wanted people to subscribe to keep their characters names.


If not please explain to us why not moving the West Coast server would have prevented to log in immediately?


Then hopefully you had test servers up way before the merge and did test the latency. So you knew pretty well in what trouble you were throwing the players into, ahead of time.


My ping has gone up since the change and it is affecting my gameplay, what options do I have?

Please continue to report it! As Keith mentioned in his forum post this is something we are actively tracking and working with our network partners to address where possible. We will be working through this especially over the next two weeks as we ramp up to United Forces.

Interesting enough, you don't even provide specifics of how to report the issue, meaning 99% of the reports will be useless.


All in all you know you can't do zilch, nada, nothing about the latency because it just follows the laws of physics. It's just bad PR management to its best.


BTW I'd love to be proved wrong and hearing how you're going to fix the latency. Many companies I worked for would be more than eager to learn that. We would all do BIG BUCKS together, don't be shy!

Edited by Deewe
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I know for a fact there's nobody playing on west coast servers.

And there's no patch that can be installed or configuration that can be tweaked to change the fact that the servers have moved 3,000 miles. Geographic distance is not a bug. They MIGHT be able to eliminate a hop or two, but west coast and particularly APAC players are going to be negatively impacted by this.



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Sounds to me like someone in a board room did a cost analysis and decided the number of subscribers lost would be far less money lost than the expense of keeping a server on the west coast up and running. Which while I understand that this is a business, it's shady AF to say the least. By not telling anyone, you were simply just trying to sneak out one more month of subscriptions before the news went public. It's sad when a company forgets that it's customers that make it successful, and that if you provide good service, profits have never failed to follow. Your decisions are short sighted and while will boost your stock holders dividends for a short while, will eventually result in the death of the organization.


Get your resume's ready boys and girls, you're going to need them soon.

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