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10 Good


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  • Location
    San Francisco, CA
  • Interests
    Fountain Pens, MMO's, etc.
  • Occupation
    Executive Management
  1. Sounds to me like someone in a board room did a cost analysis and decided the number of subscribers lost would be far less money lost than the expense of keeping a server on the west coast up and running. Which while I understand that this is a business, it's shady AF to say the least. By not telling anyone, you were simply just trying to sneak out one more month of subscriptions before the news went public. It's sad when a company forgets that it's customers that make it successful, and that if you provide good service, profits have never failed to follow. Your decisions are short sighted and while will boost your stock holders dividends for a short while, will eventually result in the death of the organization. Get your resume's ready boys and girls, you're going to need them soon.
  2. Just for the record, we've now heard from you 8 times.
  3. Do we get a code for point out that "the next time you hear from me will be when the servers are up"? We've heard from you twice now.
  4. I know there were server lag issues reported on a few servers last night, but I think there seems to be an issue with the Prophecy of the Five as well? Many in my guild appear to be having the same issue with lag spikes into the 100k range. Any updates on this? It said that issues were fixed last night, but it seems to be a greater issue.
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