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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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Ok, good question! Let me try to break it down.


So today, you have 52/52 characters across three servers. When you are on your new server you will have 156 characters and 64 slots (since you will get 12 more from us). You will be able to access all 156, but you cannot create a new character. You can still choose to purchase up to 36 more slots to put you at the new maximum of 100. However, even at this point you cannot create a new character until your total characters is below your total character slots (so 99/100 if you purchase all the slots).


Hope that makes sense!




Good to know, but what about creating new characters on other servers? Will that still be possible even though the game is registering I have too many characters on a different one? Likewise, will the total global amount of characters you can have (which I think is current 390) be affected in any way?

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Good to know, but what about creating new characters on other servers? Will that still be possible even though the game is registering I have too many characters on a different one? Likewise, will the total global amount of characters you can have (which I think is current 390) be affected in any way?


One servers cap does not affect another, so you would be fine there. Let me look into the global cap though.



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Ok, good question! Let me try to break it down.


So today, you have 52/52 characters across three servers. When you are on your new server you will have 156 characters and 64 slots (since you will get 12 more from us). You will be able to access all 156, but you cannot create a new character. You can still choose to purchase up to 36 more slots to put you at the new maximum of 100. However, even at this point you cannot create a new character until your total characters is below your total character slots (so 99/100 if you purchase all the slots).


Hope that makes sense!




Are character server slots going to be changed at all? They are basically worth 17 slots now, one purchase gives you a slot on each server. Are new slots purchases going to be at least worth 3 characters per server? Or are prices going to significantly come down for slots, and stay that way?


Will the open slots I have on BC and Bastion be added to my total character limit after the merge?

Edited by Krazhez
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Are character server slots going to be changed at all? They are basically worth 17 slots now, one purchase gives you a slot on each server. Are new slots purchases going to be at least worth 3 characters per server? Or are prices going to significantly come down for slots, and stay that way?


Will the open slots I have on BC and Bastion be added to my total character limit after the merge?


He said in the original post that the amount you bought is added (if you bought 3 to get 15 per server, you'll end up with 27 per server); they are not multiplied by the number of servers.

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One servers cap does not affect another, so you would be fine there. Let me look into the global cap though.




After the merges I will have more characters than a number of server slots that I have unlocked, I realize I need to buy more server slots before I am able to create a fully new character, however, does this apply to Outlander Tokens as well? I have 5 already "consumed" and ready for when I feel that I need a 7th Sniper or a 5th Marauder, however, since the Outlander Tokens comes with its own new server slot I am not sure how these work with a number of server slots I have unlocked earlier.


Basically, despite having more characters than I have server slots (despite the increase), will I be able to create a new lvl 65 using a Outlander Token?

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The server slot space makes me feel considerably better about the server merge. Not entirely, given I've been enjoying getting new legacies up and the merge is going to put the kibosh on that for Ebon Hawk, given it's being merged with my home server, but at least I'll still have breathing room for new toons on the new server.
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  • F2P players will have a default of 4 characters per server (up from 2)
  • Preferred players will have a default of 12 characters per server(up from 6)
  • Subscribers will have a default of 24 characters per server (up from 12)
  • The maximum character slots per server has been increased to 100 (up from 52)



Eric can you clarify the new slots from https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/character-slots-and-active-characters-in-swtor/


Subscribers = 14 slots per server not 12

Preferred after kotfe = 8 slots

old preferred = 6 slots

F2P = 2 slots


If adding 12 slots to subscribers etc is it actually


Subscribers = 14 + 12 = 26

Preferred after kotfe = 8 slots +6 = 14

old preferred = 6 slots +6 = 12

F2P = 2 slots +2 = 4

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Hey folks,


One of the questions that has come up regarding United Forces is character slots and what will be happening for everyone. After the update, it is possible that a player could have more characters than they have slots currently. For subscribers they will still be able to play all of their characters (even if they go over their slots) but they can’t make any new characters. We wanted to do our best to alleviate some of the issues for not only subscribers, but F2P and preferred status players as well. Here is what you can expect to see changed on November 8 alongside United Forces:


  • F2P players will have a default of 4 characters per server (up from 2)
  • Preferred players will have a default of 12 characters per server(up from 6)
  • Subscribers will have a default of 24 characters per server (up from 12)
  • The maximum character slots per server has been increased to 100 (up from 52)


These new slot numbers are separate from any character slots which you have purchased. For subs, we are basically adding 12 character slots per server to your account (by making the new default 24 instead of 12). Ex:

  • Today, you are a subscriber who has never bought any character slots, you have 12 character slots per server. After the update on 11/8 you will have 24 slots per server.
  • Today, you are a subscriber who has purchased 30 additional character slots, meaning you have 42 per server (12 default + 30 purchased). After the update you will have 54 (24 new default + 30 purchased slots)


This should give a bit of breathing room for players, especially if they played on more than one server which will be brought into a new server on 11/8.


Thanks everyone.




THANK YOU SO MOUCH! i have 67 characters on EU side alone, all will be on MALGUS when it hits and it would be a pain do delete close to 2 dozen chars just to make one new. so yea i like this change. still lets me make another 33 characters on EU side... (and i still got US servers too that i play on a bit.). trust me... i WILL fill all those slots eventualy... so hopefully there is room for expansion in the future... otherwise realy nice change. saved me from a heart attack there.

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Eric can you clarify the new slots from https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/star-wars/star-wars-the-old-republic/character-slots-and-active-characters-in-swtor/


Subscribers = 14 slots per server not 12

Preferred after kotfe = 8 slots

old preferred = 6 slots

F2P = 2 slots


Technically the base is still 12 / 6 / 2.


The +2 from KOTFE are a permanent bonus that is given to players who subscribed any time after 4.0.

It makes no sense from the subscriber's point of view since you will always have 14 slots not 12, but treating those 2 slots as a bonus makes it much easier to explain the 8 slots for previous subs.


There was a similar bonus for the KOTET release but this was only given to accounts that existed back then (including F2P). So we now also have F2P with 4 slots, preferred that never subscribed with 8 slots, prefered with 10 slots, and subs with 16 slots. (None of them ever having used a character-slot unlock, of course)

Edited by Mubrak
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Have the Devs considered taking all of the character names of accounts that haven't been used in the last (3+) year and allowing them to be reused? Then the person who hasn't used their account since launch will have to rename their character. It's hard enough trying to create a new character name that isn't taken, even when it is unique, but now to do it with 4 servers being merge is going to be a real pain. The names are already getting kind of stupid, soon people will be running around with numbers after their name.
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Have the Devs considered taking all of the character names of accounts that haven't been used in the last (3+) year and allowing them to be reused? Then the person who hasn't used their account since launch will have to rename their character. It's hard enough trying to create a new character name that isn't taken, even when it is unique, but now to do it with 4 servers being merge is going to be a real pain. The names are already getting kind of stupid, soon people will be running around with numbers after their name.


Well, they are removing the APAC player base so that should free up some names.

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Well, they are removing the APAC player base so that should free up some names.


Sadly this is too late, the characters need to be deleted to free the names up not just forced to stop playing.


So best solution would be to delete their accounts and all characters, of course don't tell them this till its done. That way any responses will be based on how they are actually feeling finding having their characters deleted.


Seriously how did


We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question)


make it past review. How does telling people whats going to happen stop them from being able to login and determine the impact on their gameplay experience. Even accepting that as being rubbish, the follow up as it meant feedback could quickly be gathered appears to be in error as this quick feedback gathering appears to be have achieved no results. We quickly gathered feedback that people are having a worse experience and we went meh. Lets ignore the problem till it goes away.

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Sadly this is too late, the characters need to be deleted to free the names up not just forced to stop playing.


So best solution would be to delete their accounts and all characters, of course don't tell them this till its done. That way any responses will be based on how they are actually feeling finding having their characters deleted.


Seriously how did




make it past review. How does telling people whats going to happen stop them from being able to login and determine the impact on their gameplay experience. Even accepting that as being rubbish, the follow up as it meant feedback could quickly be gathered appears to be in error as this quick feedback gathering appears to be have achieved no results. We quickly gathered feedback that people are having a worse experience and we went meh. Lets ignore the problem till it goes away.


Because it should have read "We didn't tell you because we hoped you wouldn't notice and those who did would be quiet and think it was just them"

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Because it should have read "We didn't tell you because we hoped you wouldn't notice and those who did would be quiet and think it was just them"


So, like all of those secret patch "features" they occasionally forget to mention.


Working as intended.

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I absolutely despise having all new content gated behind Flashpoints. Where's the ability to explore the new planets, quest and gain lore? I enjoy the immersion that comes from planet exploration and quests, alongside the main story,


Having to do Flashpoints for content severely limits the content and looks like you're shorting the players out of immersive, well developed and complex content.


This honestly doesn't sound like something worth keeping a subscription for. You all don't seem to be able to balance your game anymore. It's either all solo content, or it's all group content; you swing one way, now you're swinging the other. Always extremes that leave one side of your player base disenfranchised.


Give us an Umbara we can quest on and explore, so too with the new Chiss planet. I'd love it if you revamped Manaan for more planet missions as well, given what an integral part of the lore that planet is and how much KOTOR veterans love it.


We play this game for the lore, not just group content to measure our gear against. You can do that in ANY MMO, what SWTOR has always been better at is story and lore. Please, bring back the balance of the content.


Also, when are you going to revamp the original chapters to allow for same gender romances? Or is that simply never going to happen?

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I take it we will not see messages saying that you couldn't be logged in to the server as it is overpopulated? I had plenty of times when that happened on the Red Eclipse when the server was far too populated (admittedly a few years ago now). This is the reason I go on the quiet servers, plus on the quieter servers you are actually able to complete heroics etc. without groups jumping in and taking what you are fighting for as a solo player. It does seem to me that this server merging will hurt the solo players the most. I would also like to add that as a European player my game time is going to be null and void for that day of the 12 hour patch and also on the following day when I get the chance to download, it does annoy me that you favour your US subscribers more. Perhaps in the future the European download can be done during night time hours and the US during their game time hours but the chances of that are slim to nothing.
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Also, when are you going to revamp the original chapters to allow for same gender romances? Or is that simply never going to happen?


They've said before it won't happen because they have to rerecord dialogue and may have to redo some cut scenes. Considering how there budget looks from here, they aren't going to do anything that takes more than a small amount of money. (Hence story in FPs, since they can be solo and group as well as repeatable all in one.)

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Perhaps in the future the European download can be done during night time hours and the US during their game time hours but the chances of that are slim to nothing.


I expect their patching times are based on when they have employees on hand to do it and when they'll have CS people to answer phones.


Smarter games do us servers during US night hours and Other location servers during their night time, but that requires more coordination than EA seems to be able to manage.

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Just curious on what happens once characters get migrated to United Forces. After its done I'm assuming the following will happen, but please correct me if I am wrong?


My characters are on Begeren Colony which will merge into Satele Shan? So when I login to the game for the first time after the merge, I basically select Satele Shan and all my characters should be there as they were when it was Begeren Colony?


In my case I am a subscriber and I have logged into all 6 of my characters in the last 90 days at least and all are above level 10. This means I will keep all my characters and have priority in keeping my names if they are the same as anyone else who may have had the same name(s) as me on a different server before having being merged. That's unless someone with the same named character as me meets the same criteria as me (already mentioned above) meaning the one with more game time will take precedence? Although in all honesty I doubt anyone will have used the same names as me. Lets say they are meaningless to others other than myself. However in the event I do not get priority for a name of one of my characters, the character will still be there when I log in, but marked with a temporary name in which I will then be forced to rename upon first time login. Would this be correct?

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Yes you are correct, following the merges your characters from all servers that are merging to Satele Shan will end up there, you will have priority against F2P when it comes to name collisions and when it comes to Sub vs Sub it's timed played (and "activity", a factor we know nothing about) that matters.


Yes, assuming you lose one or more names to other players, you will end up with "JABSDABDA" or something and get a free rename as you try to login to that character.

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Ole Grandma here just wanting to clarify. Something that I welcome any info on. I have my account set to go. Got to make sure my Grandson's account that has 4 toons are active and all, but nephew is preferred at this time with two toons. Should I subscribe him before the 8th and make sure his toons are active and above level 10 so he gets pet and companion??


Thanks ahead of time....

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Also, when are you going to revamp the original chapters to allow for same gender romances? Or is that simply never going to happen?


Honestly, I hope that never happens, and in lore, the class stories happened before the "same-sex relationships" bill went through in the Swtor universe.

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I absolutely despise having all new content gated behind Flashpoints. Where's the ability to explore the new planets, quest and gain lore? I enjoy the immersion that comes from planet exploration and quests, alongside the main story,


Having to do Flashpoints for content severely limits the content and looks like you're shorting the players out of immersive, well developed and complex content.


This honestly doesn't sound like something worth keeping a subscription for. You all don't seem to be able to balance your game anymore. It's either all solo content, or it's all group content; you swing one way, now you're swinging the other. Always extremes that leave one side of your player base disenfranchised.


Give us an Umbara we can quest on and explore, so too with the new Chiss planet. I'd love it if you revamped Manaan for more planet missions as well, given what an integral part of the lore that planet is and how much KOTOR veterans love it.


We play this game for the lore, not just group content to measure our gear against. You can do that in ANY MMO, what SWTOR has always been better at is story and lore. Please, bring back the balance of the content.


Great post. I had a similar suggestion. The real joy comes from the ability to 'explore' not sit at fleet waiting for a queue. Give us a Czerka bot and let us have the option to solo most FP's and Uprisings.

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Honestly, I hope that never happens, and in lore, the class stories happened before the "same-sex relationships" bill went through in the Swtor universe.


If you don’t choose the option to do a same sex relationship... how does it even affect you or your game play?... you wouldn’t even know it’s there unless someone told you... so why do you even care?

Edited by Icykill_
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