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SWTOR Autumn Roadmap 2017


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Question regarding legacy merge:


Eric said last night that, basically, if you have two legacies that are the same level (like 50), the legacy that will the final one on the new server is selected randomly.


Does this mean that, if one legacy has less achievements or unlocks than the other, we could lose these achievements and unlocks in the random coin toss, just because these two legacies are at the same level?


No sir, the one with the most achievements would be the one that would be unlocked. From my understanding, you could have 2 level 50 legacy and the one with the most unlocks is the one that you would have.

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No sir, the one with the most achievements would be the one that would be unlocked. From my understanding, you could have 2 level 50 legacy and the one with the most unlocks is the one that you would have.


Imo they should just merge, if you have manhunter on one and loremaster on the other, you'll just have both on one. I mean you still earned it yourself so does it matter?

:rak_03: obviously I'm just here in my chair talking about stuff I have no idea about.


But still! I think that would have been nice. :p

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read the faq: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20171002


Legacy Unlocks


Legacy unlocks are completely unaffected. If you have more than one Legacy, after the United Forces update, all your Legacy unlocks will be combined into one Legacy.




All completed Achievements will remain intact. If your Achievements are integrated during the United Forces update, the completed Achievements from both Legacies will be combined.


If you have an Achievement in progress, this will be unaffected by the update. If there are two Legacies which are being combined and they have the same Achievement in progress, the one with the higher progress will be retained.

Edited by nyrkverse
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Keith, will you consider expanding the KotFE Companion romances in such a way that we would have the possibility to marry them like we could with the companions in the base game? In this case, we can only be in a relationship with Lana, Koth or Theron, but having the option to marry them would add more depth to the romance arc. I think that if you'll indeed implement an Arcann romance in the future, it might be a very cool thing to add the option to marry him :)
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Tanking is the least affected by the class balance so I'm not sure why you think they are behind. Also we get more powerful augments that will already help a bit with the nerfed DPS and Heal classes.


I wouldn't say this honestly. Sure, they aren't affected by the current class balance, but this doesn't mean that Jugg and PT tank are fine. You could see this in PvP for example, where Powertech is the less resistant class for now (no defensive ability except Energy shield, no self-heal...). It's the same in PvE, Powertech is the class that will take the most damage of all three tank spec, by far (I advise you to look at the current calculation made by Bant and Vicadin regarding DtPS for tanks). They aren't affected by the current changes in terms of dps, but they indeed are behind what is needed, sin tank being actually the most appropriate choice for now, due to its high resistance (which compensate the lack of self heal).


Jugg don't need that much of a work honestly, but in terms of defensive capability they've lost one of their main tool, Enraged Defense, who doesn't scale properly regarding players health pool.

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I have a question. Some of us have duplicate names across servers. If our characters look alike, will there any way to indicate which server the character came from?

Depends. I have this situation between two servers, BUT:

* One is level 15 or so on Korriban, while the other is level 35 or so, I think on Nar Shaddaa.

* The level 35 or so one is in the guild "Galactic Black Sheep"(1), while the other is in "The Angry Sheep"(1)


So, if they look the same, wear the same gear coloured the same, have the same level of visible dark corruption, and are the same level, stick them on different planets before the merges happen, and MAKE A NOTE OF WHICH ONE IS WHICH. And of course, one of them will have to be renamed anyway.


(1) I recommend not asking. Really. But if you insist, the sheep theme comes from the Republic guild I joined ages ago on Mantle of the Force. In typically francophone style, it was called "Flying Sheeps" but they were good enough to remove the surplus "s" when I explained that the plural of "sheep" is "sheep". And they just pushed the "sheep" theme everywhere.

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I wouldn't say this honestly. Sure, they aren't affected by the current class balance, but this doesn't mean that Jugg and PT tank are fine. You could see this in PvP for example, where Powertech is the less resistant class for now (no defensive ability except Energy shield, no self-heal...). It's the same in PvE, Powertech is the class that will take the most damage of all three tank spec, by far (I advise you to look at the current calculation made by Bant and Vicadin regarding DtPS for tanks). They aren't affected by the current changes in terms of dps, but they indeed are behind what is needed, sin tank being actually the most appropriate choice for now, due to its high resistance (which compensate the lack of self heal).


Jugg don't need that much of a work honestly, but in terms of defensive capability they've lost one of their main tool, Enraged Defense, who doesn't scale properly regarding players health pool.

I always cringe when people start quoting things like Bant because usually they take these statistics out of context. People did the same with the healer nerfs as if HPS is the only thing that matters.


Let me just simply say that survivability and general effectiveness of a tank consists of more than DtPS and leave it at that.

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I'm still not loving the look of this roadmap but I've had a little time to swallow my disappointment. I'd like to offer an idea and some less emotional feedback.


I understand that you're trying to add a little something for everyone and that is absolutely as it should be. However, I don't you're doing it in a way that is particularly enjoyable for anyone, regardless of their preferred play style. Right now, we're theoretically getting little snippets of content for each group of players. We wait and wait, and then we get 20 minutes to an hour of new content. It leaves us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. This leads to people getting angry and walking away. Speaking for myself, I would much rather see a rotation of content. For example, (in random order) one update focuses on group content, the next update is story driven, then the update after that has something for the pvpers, etc etc.


I'm a story player but I'd be perfectly happy to wait for more story IF when it came it was more than a two minute cutscene. That's not fun, it's not engaging and it feels like less than nothing. From posts I've seen in the forums I'd say that the ops players feel the same way about the one boss at a time method.


The one thing that needs to happen EVERY update is that one or two vanilla companions be returned. At this point I think you should even post a schedule as to when those returns are planned. People are losing faith and they need concrete reassurances.


Also, there is one thing that would get the team almost universal praise. TOGGLE HOOD OPTION.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I always cringe when people start quoting things like Bant because usually they take these statistics out of context. People did the same with the healer nerfs as if HPS is the only thing that matters.


Let me just simply say that survivability and general effectiveness of a tank consists of more than DtPS and leave it at that.


Oh....so it was wrong for my group to "kick" me because I was taking to much damage from just being in full 242s? (sarcastic but also true)


But surviving boss fights IS more then just gear and numbers. Know the fights, know when to pop DCDs, know when to *GASP* not stand in stupid? ("But mom! That purple circle looks like a sorc heal puddle and I'm hurting!")

Plus.....have to trust your healers! :p

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I'm still not loving the look of this roadmap but I've had a little time to swallow my disappointment. I'd like to offer an idea and some less emotional feedback.


I understand that you're trying to add a little something for everyone and that is absolutely as it should be. However, I don't you're doing it in a way that is particularly enjoyable for anyone, regardless of their preferred play style. Right now, we're theoretically getting little snippets of content for each group of players. We wait and wait, and then we get 20 minutes to an hour of new content. It leaves us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. This leads to people getting angry and walking away. Speaking for myself, I would much rather see a rotation of content. For example, (in random order) one update focuses on group content, the next update is story driven, then the update after that has something for the pvpers, etc etc.


I'm a story player but I'd be perfectly happy to wait for more story IF when it came it was more than a two minute cutscene. That's not fun, it's not engaging and it feels like less than nothing. From posts I've seen in the forums I'd say that the ops players feel the same way about the one boss at a time method.


The one thing that needs to happen EVERY update is that one or two vanilla companions be returned. At this point I think you should even post a schedule as to when those returns are planned. People are losing faith and they need concrete reassurances.


Also, there is one thing that would get the team almost universal praise. TOGGLE HOOD OPTION.




And backhanded lightsaber stance, I would be willing to wait for a year with no new content (does bug fixing count as content!?!?) for them to put hood toggle and backhanded lightsaber stance in the game.:D


(And yes, I'm a idiot and want EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW, but also I'm a realist, with the shake up of leadership back in April, plus all the shake up at Bioware it self, plus EA, it takes time and some things get left behind, or not right away. So with that understanding, I get it. Just wish we COULD get everything at once. :p

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I always cringe when people start quoting things like Bant because usually they take these statistics out of context. People did the same with the healer nerfs as if HPS is the only thing that matters.


Let me just simply say that survivability and general effectiveness of a tank consists of more than DtPS and leave it at that.


I completely agree, sadly one cannot tank properly or do a guardswitch/taunt if he has to burn through his defensive ability due to the lack of resistance. Nowadays, peoples agree to say that tanks take more damage than necessary (due to the fact that tank stuff is badly made, giving way too much defense for what is truly needed). The only point that could actually be discutable is "Skank" (tank with dps gear in PvP), who are overperforming in terms of dps.


Overall, survivability does not consist solely on DtPS, but there is still work to do in order to make powertech viable for end-game content. As for jugg like I said, rescale Enraged Defense and they don't need anything more. :)

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I completely agree, sadly one cannot tank properly or do a guardswitch/taunt if he has to burn through his defensive ability due to the lack of resistance. Nowadays, peoples agree to say that tanks take more damage than necessary (due to the fact that tank stuff is badly made, giving way too much defense for what is truly needed). The only point that could actually be discutable is "Skank" (tank with dps gear in PvP), who are overperforming in terms of dps.


Overall, survivability does not consist solely on DtPS, but there is still work to do in order to make powertech viable for end-game content. As for jugg like I said, rescale Enraged Defense and they don't need anything more. :)


Well maybe if they do something about Powertechs I might finally enjoy playing one. It's the only class (PT/VG) that I do not play in this game. They always felt uninspired, boring or one-dimensional to me.

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Regarding the raised stronghold cap--does this allow people to purchase a second (or third or fourth) Yavin 4 SH if they want (or any other). Or are duplicates only allowed if you had them on separate serves that are now merged? Edited by BattleAxMaeve
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Well maybe if they do something about Powertechs I might finally enjoy playing one. It's the only class (PT/VG) that I do not play in this game. They always felt uninspired, boring or one-dimensional to me.


Whaaaaat?! Heathen!



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Keith or Eric, me, my sister and my mom would like a answer to these 2 questions.


1. In the United Forces update blog, you explained that if I have 5 basic metal chairs in Jedi Covenant, and 15 basic metal chairs on Shadowlands, then when the merge happens into The Star Forge, we will only have 15 basic metal chairs. THIS IS WRONG. (If its a typo, then please correct it :D) But people have spent ALOT of cartel coins or credits buying decos (my mom, that's mainly what she likes doing ingame) on multiple servers, and now all that time and money will be for nothing? Like what about the "Potted Plant: Violet Fern"? They cost a TON of creds for only ONE deco, and I have 10 on server and 11 on another, so after the merge I will only have 11 on those plants, and the other 10 will go "POOF"? Not cool, not cool at all.

Also, if you notice I'm talking about the total of decos you have in your deco collection, NOT placed ones. (As that question was answer with the livestream.)


2. If we have multiple level 50 legacy names and they merge, which name gets picked? I have heard its random? Really? MORE RNG?!?!?! RNG is by far on the MOST stupid things that turns me off from games, unless it can be mitigated by time investment.

So can we please pick which legacy name we want out of the combined legacies? Please? :D


Also.....side note......Keith? Any comment on changing the Alliance boxes to a currency system? The boxes that come from the heroics and bonus series on the planets, the ones you hand in to the Alliance leaders. Can we please have the RNG removed from them and add a currency based system? Then we (THE PLAYERS) can have a choice (choices matter! :p) in picking which gear shells we want, and not getting the same bracers or boots over and over again. Hopefully! :D


*Sits and meditates on the Force while awaiting in corner for answers*

Edited by Lakemine
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Regarding the raised stronghold cap--does this allow people to purchase a second (or third or fourth) Yavin 4 SH if they want (or any other). Or are duplicates only allowed if you had them on separate serves that are now merged?


From what I know, they answered this in the livestream. NOPE. The only way to get multiple of the same SH, is have them on multiple servers, BEFORE, the merge. Then you can keep them. Just can't buy more until your back under the 10 cap limit.

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Legacy Perk – For each character that reaches Command Rank 300, we will automatically add an additional 25% bonus CXP to your entire Legacy up to a maximum of 100%. You do need to purchase the initial 25% perk, but the additional 75% will be free. And, YES, this Perk is retroactive, so you will immediately benefit once we deliver United Forces Foundation.
(bolded/underlined by me)


Sounds like the bonus would also apply to characters already at Command Rank 300. But in the bullet points later on it says:


New Galactic Command Rank Legacy Perk that will give up to a 100% CXP bonus under Command Rank 300!
(bolded/underlined by me)


Which sounds like the CXP bonus is only for characters below Rank 300.


So what's the actual deal?

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Depends. I have this situation between two server.


There is a reason why I was asking and I was hoping Eric or Keith would answer it. I have gone through multiple server mergers before so I am not new to this. Last time I thought there was something on the character screen that let you know what the origin server was. I keep a spreadsheet of certain details for my character so I was hoping that before I log into each of my characters, I can update the spreadsheet if I have to rename them. There will be some characters, I will be losing the name to myself :)

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