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Thanks for Theron Shan. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Ditto. Out of all of my many, many alts, only a handful have even started KotFE. I have one knight who is caught up to LotS. One cameo appearance of Theron in the background on a character who romanced him was far from satisfactory. If they would put more and better relationships in the newer content, I'd be more interested in playing it...


I was going through Onslaught with an alt today and I forgot *that* dialogue option regarding Corellia and... le ouch ><

But I'll still take angry Theron than non-existent Theron any time.

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That was honestly pretty cheap, "here's one flirt, happy now ?"



I've seriously lost interest in most of my ccharacters at this point, as most of them don't get anything with their LI. The only ones i'm still invested in are my JK who romances Theron, my SW who is with Arcann and my BH who is with Torian, guess i should play a bit my Smuggler too as he may get some things with Akaavi, but that's pretty much it.

Waiting to see what'll happen with Arn and Rivix before deciding to continue with my JC and SI who are still single, but i honestly fear that both of them will become killable before having an actual romance and that'd make me pretty mad, as i've been waiting forever to get a nice romance for these guys.



Vette can be killed by Vaylin if you decide to save Torian instead.


Arn is more machine than Vader. He's a head on a machine body. And that head has quite a bit of machine to it. May as well have named him Bob.


Now, as someone who likes Lana, but doesn't romance her on every character, I agree tho. I like those flirt options! I want to see those LIs running missions with my character. Especially as it gives a good reason to have them at 50 Influence besides "Crafts faster"

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Will try to see the Trooper-Theron romance and see how it goes :D

This is the only romance I can't bring myself to do as I love the female trooper with Aric Jorgan romance & always end up doing that. I'll be interested to see what you think of a Trooper with Theron. Are you doing a male or female trooper? I have considered making a male trooper to romance with Theron but I just can't forsake that Aric romance, so always end up making female troopers :o

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You spoke my mind. Almost all our LIs are in the "killable" fridge.


Arcann is such a waste opportunity. I wish there are some actual catch up to his mission. Or have Arcann interact with others in the Alliance, overcoming some hardship transitioning. It's tough, but with someone who actually loves him, it's worthy of the effort. I even read a preview for fanfic about Arcann bonding with Arn because of their prosthetic limbs and it's way more interesting than waking up to Lana's face lol



Oh, I love this idea! I haven't tried romancing Arcann because I heard there isn't much content. I wish they had stuff like this. There is a lot of potential.


I came here to support more Theron romance content because I love the Theron romance arc. Just waiting, waiting, wishing for more... I really didn't want to romance him on all my characters because I wanted to keep him "special". I wish the other romances were more fleshed out.


My female toons would like some same-sex romance but they aren't really into Lana. She's just a bit too Sithy for them, I'm afraid. Even my Sith toons are lighter than she is...

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She's just a bit too Sithy for them, I'm afraid. Even my Sith toons are lighter than she is..


Thats one of the few good things about the ROTS expansion, at least on the Pub side. You get to see Tau and Lana arguing philosophy on the ship ride to the planet.


I'd like to see similar dialogue between your character and some of the others, depending on your LS/DS alignment, to actually discuss this.

And I haven't romanced Theron on a female BH because

1.the Torian romance is just that special.

2. I have gotten all the way thru the KOTFE and KOTET with just about all 8 classes, but my alts are mostly still somewhere in vanilla story. Although when I do an alt it is usually with the opposite gender and the opposite DS/LS alignment. Usually opposite class spec as well. One class I've gone thru all KOTET & working on is agent:

I.e. Imperial agent 1 : female, Chiss, ds, operative, vector in class story, Theron in SOR and beyond. (on echos of oblivion)

Imperial agent 2: male, human, ls, sniper, Temple. (on spirit of vengeance)

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  • 1 month later...
Oooh! Is there actual romance content with him? Do I need to un-mothball one of my Theron-mancers?


It's just a letter, but a very nice letter, and it's better than nothing at all. It gave me an Awwww, moment. So, I'm quite pleased.

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He also has unique dialogue if you romance him on a certain scene, it was on the livestream so not a big spoiler but just in case:



The beginning of the Malgus prison scene varies if you romance Theron or Lana.



Yes it was a very nice moment that made me go awww with a big smile on my face, my SI can totally handle himself but it's so adorable Theron looking out for him anyway. Also I can never give enough credit to Theron's VA, he absolutely kills it in those sweet/caring moments.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just finished the game with a male bounty hunter :sy_lightside::sy_blaster: that romanced Theron. For all those unsure about playing a BH romance with Theron, it is amazing! The male BH voice actor is phenomenal. He really puts just the right amount of inflection and spacing into the tone in all the scenes. I especially love the proposal scene with his voice. Just perfect! :csw_fett:


It took me a bit longer to get through Legacy of the Sith with him. He is my first and main character and the only one I have beaten the game with. I just started not too long ago and I am focusing on one character completely before starting on another. So, it took me a bit. I was going through The Mandalorian War, Spirit of Vengeance (yay, Torian is back!!), Conflicting Priorities, and the start of Legacy of the Sith, and I started noticing a big trend. While Theron is in some of the scenes, he is completely silent in all of them. Lana does ALL the talking. So by the time I got through the start of Legacy of the Sith, I was done. That was my done moment. I stopped playing my BH and I started a male Jedi Consular :csw_bluesaber: who I will also be romancing Theron with. And I am really loving the class. For one thing, I get to run around with Zenith, who has the same voice actor as Theron. And many of the things he says I can imagine Theron saying. Like, 'You're good, but I'm better,' and 'Good. I've been missing solo ops.'


Then I saw on Youtube that Digging Deeper had a bit of Theron in it. And he TALKS!!! I was so excited. I took a pause on my JC to go back to my BH just to slog through LotS. And what a slog it was! Hoards and hoards of enemies on Manaan, and I am so vastly under-geared so each fight took forever! I only play the game for Theron so I just had storyline gear and it was in the 278 range until I did several missions and got the capsules for 312 gear. Which helped.


Digging Deeper spoiler


ANYWAY, so I finally get through LotS and reach Digging Deeper and not only do I eventually get two concerned lines from Theron, but he also has two spoken lines in the following briefing (which I had to, yet again, report to Lana for). Two lines (27 words)! It is very sad to be so happy about two lines. I appreciate Theron finally getting some speaking lines but some of those lines Lana speaks could have been easily been spoken by Theron as they are about receiving intel. Still, yay!!! He is talking again! I am so excited and happy! (Though he is still not heavily animated. He mostly stood there like a cardboard cutout in the briefing.) I really hope this is a sign that things will be better going forth. :jawa_smile:


Final count in Digging Deeper for just these two scenes:


Lana: words 9 sentences 2

Theron: words 36 sentences 7 (3 of these are technically not sentences as they are one to two-words and contain no verb and subject)


Lana: words 99 sentences 7 (more if the character talks about Sith. I did not save that video)

Theron: words 27 sentences 2 (sentences are very short)


Lana: words 108 sentences 9 (more if certain dialogue choices are taken) (her sentences are long!)

Theron: words 63 sentences 9 (again, some of these are not technically sentences)


Lana still wins out on talking time but the gap is significantly less than it recently has been. YAY!!! Continue working on that, BW. This is a great start! :jawa_biggrin: Remember, the players that killed Theron (and others - Like Koth. I really miss him!) off have no say on how much content those of us that love him (and others) get and leaving him (and others) out of content hurts us significantly more than it hurts them.


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What is the scene or line that is the most memorable for you?


For me, that is one when my BH gets into the giant mech to smash things on the ground. I don't remember what mission it is, and I cannot find the video among my hundreds of videos. Theron had stated that he needed to get up high to get a signal and it is decided that I should be the one to drive the mech. As I am strapping in, my BH says to Lana and the others, "Protect Theron." It was such an 'Awwww!' moment for me and has stuck with me since. I don't know if the player says it no matter what, but for a character that is romancing Theron, it is extra sweet. ❤


What is the biggest moment that made you think you had encountered a game bug?


Mine was in Echoes of Oblivion. I had to report to Lana (of course) and when I meet up with her she starts talking about how she wishes she could go with me but that going to save Satele and her students is something I must do alone. All the dialogue is very tender and my eyes are starting to bug out of my head and they fall out when my character responds that he hates to make her worry and my mind is screaming that that is something he should be saying to Theron! :eek:


So I escaped out and I reset the mission three times as I tried different combinations of Lana and Theron as my companion. But no. Seems that that starting dialogue with Lana is really meant to be that way. So I made sure to select the second dialogue option. It was significantly less romantic. :D


By the end of that mission when I woke up to seeing Lana's face instead of Theron's, I was more prepared to not think of that wake-up scene as another bug. Still really bothered me though. :rak_02:

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Ok keeping in mind my BH is a woman, so we won't get confused as to which BH are we talking about, I'll give her name, Kali-Sati Lek-Shan... I usually don't use my character names on the Forums just in case someone hates me. :)


Kali-Sati doesn't take any flirt options before the end of Rishi because falling in love with anyone wasn't on her agenda. I gave her a family background even more messed up than our favorite secret agent man so, love was the last priority on her list. But she got a crush on Manaan and after Lana backstabbed him on Rishi she couldn't talk herself out of it anymore.


So, I'd have to say my favorite moment is the end of Rishi and the end of Yavin, because these two misfits, and outcasts, find someone who 'gets' it.


Of course, all the mushy stuff later is Awesome, but that first connection of 'wow someone gets me' is what I treasure.

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I've decided to consider Lana's presence after The Incident on Rishi a game bug. Clearly there was a "We're no longer working together" dialogue choice which somehow didn't show up for me. Oh well, I've got headcanon.


My favorite Theron scene/line so far - probably the conversation between him and my double agent/saboteur when she revealed both those secrets to him. It was satisfying on so many levels.

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Ok keeping in mind my BH is a woman, so we won't get confused as to which BH are we talking about, I'll give her name, Kali-Sati Lek-Shan... I usually don't use my character names on the Forums just in case someone hates me. :)


Kali-Sati doesn't take any flirt options before the end of Rishi because falling in love with anyone wasn't on her agenda. I gave her a family background even more messed up than our favorite secret agent man so, love was the last priority on her list. But she got a crush on Manaan and after Lana backstabbed him on Rishi she couldn't talk herself out of it anymore.


So, I'd have to say my favorite moment is the end of Rishi and the end of Yavin, because these two misfits, and outcasts, find someone who 'gets' it.


Of course, all the mushy stuff later is Awesome, but that first connection of 'wow someone gets me' is what I treasure.

Your post reminded me that I once created a new BH specifically for the romance with Theron - she's still sitting there at the end of my DM character list at level 1 :eek: Something to do that I haven't done yet! Yay!

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Your post reminded me that I once created a new BH specifically for the romance with Theron - she's still sitting there at the end of my DM character list at level 1 :eek: Something to do that I haven't done yet! Yay!


Have fun! It actually works much better than it looks on paper.

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Calling all Theronites - there's a little Theron love in 7.1 :) It's well worth doing the story for

the longer than usual letter you get afterward


I'm glad you said something! I recently downloaded Kindle Unlimited and have been binge reading to the excision of all else. A little bit of new Theron content will get me to play at least a little. ;)

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I'm glad you said something! I recently downloaded Kindle Unlimited and have been binge reading to the excision of all else. A little bit of new Theron content will get me to play at least a little. ;)

I went down the binge-read-on-Kindle road for a few months too, especially since Prime Reading started offering books as part of the sub and added loads of classics (I had no idea HG Wells "War of the Worlds" was so good; none of the screen adaptations do it justice).

It's a very small bit of Theron interaction and follow-up, however it's better than the "nothing" we've been used to and it's the carrot that's kept me subbed (I'm easily pleased, clearly).

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Ok keeping in mind my BH is a woman, so we won't get confused as to which BH are we talking about, I'll give her name, Kali-Sati Lek-Shan... I usually don't use my character names on the Forums just in case someone hates me. :)


That is a great name! I can definitely imagine a BH having such a name. I give all of my characters Old Norse names. Wtih a bit of tweaking. Skoldolfr essentially means 'mature wolf'. There, mine is shared too. If someone harasses us we can console each other ;)


Oh well, I've got headcanon.


I love headcannon! I tend to get carried away with it sometimes. :D I made an Agent. I'll be playing him after my JC. Took me a bit of work to make him look like someone that would have such a voice. He looks so shifty and slimy! HAHAHA!


Troy Baker alters his voice to play Theron. I listen to him online as himself, and I can't hear Theron.


He does have an impressive range. I love that he voices Zenith. I think Lt. Iresso, another JC companion, is voiced by Koth's VA. Which is nice. I miss Koth so travelling around with Iresso feels like having Koth back for a bit.

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So far I'm not too attached to the romance between the JC and Theron. It doesn't feel like it has the same level of chemistry as my BH had. I wonder how many of the lines are class and faction specific. If they are faction specific, then I am inclined to believe that the Imperial side has more chemistry than the Republic side. I'll have to play another Republic character to be sure. Like the smuggler. :cool:


For starters, when I got to the place Theron was being held prisoner, while I was able to say, 'I will tear this place to the ground if I have to. Where is Theron?', I'm not able to flirt with him or express concern. My BH could not threaten to tear the place down (which is too bad as I really like that line) but he could say, 'Are you okay? Thought I lost you for good, there.' Which I think is rather nice. :)


Then there is the BH flirt line on their second meeting, 'Hey, it's okay. You can admit it. You're totally into me.' (the VA here is amazing!) and Theron's, 'What, me? Into you? That's so... You know, don't be ridiculous.' Which is too amusing. Versus the JC romance which, while it has more Theron in it (YAY!), and more subtle build-up, doesn't have many memorable lines.


Maybe some of the problem is that I am playing as a miraluka so I cannot select any line that would have my character referencing Theron's looks or saying that it is good to 'see' him again. Or any line that feels out of place for the short time they have known each other because my character depends on actions and deeds to get to know someone. Thus, I could not even say, 'You turned out well,' because they barely know each other. I really wish they had kept the race descriptions in the game. Many people forget that miralukas use the Force to see because they do not have eyes. Thus, a miraluka BH would be Force-sensitive.


When it comes to finally seeing Theron again after five years, I'm going to have to be laxer about the eyes thing or I won't be able to say to him, 'It's good to see you again, Theron.' or 'You got better looking,' Otherwise that meet up again is going to feel so dry. :eek:


Still really enjoying it but those are my impressions so far.

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Personally I find it so weird to pair Theron with Jedi or indeed and Force sensitive. Dude's got issues with that. I can't pair him with a Trooper, (Jorgun/Trooper FOREVER, plus she sounds a lot like Satele LOL) and the Fem Smuggler's voice is too Phil and Lil causing severe flashbacks on the few times I was forced to watch Rugrats back in the day.


For a Consular Arcann's romance is sublime.


I named my BH Kali-Sati for a reference to Lothal where her horrible mother's from.


Any Fem Agent I make must belong to Vector.

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