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So, what is YOUR idea of FUN?


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New content. Stuff to do. PvP, PvE or solo...doesn't matter as long as I believe the game is moving forward, which this game doesn't seem to be atm.


Something you said in another thread (How did it come to this), is actually what prompted me to make this thread and have people define what 'fun' means to them.


So it strikes me that your idea of fun, is something more action oriented rather than what appeals to 'stay at home' types like me. I would surmise by what you said that OPs need to be more evolved and come at a faster rate?


I can understand, as a story person, I would love to see story come at a faster rate. This is why I preferred getting a new chapter each month rather than all at once, because it gave me something to look forward to, and felt like it was moving forward as you say. :)


Other things that I concur with (that other posters brought up), are the love of cutscenes especially with our romanced ones, and also the hunting for datacrons...I liked the hunting part, but not so much the jumping game (because I suck at it lol)


I was also happy to see some include what they find fun out of game. :)


You know, that's a good question. I played Diablo 3 (and still do now it's been mostly improved from the launch), I was frustrated at the lack of quality drops I was getting, considering it was a loot based game. Then I decided to play SWTOR around 1.2 (give or take a bit). The one thing that struck me was the loot drops, not only in Operations and Flashpoints, but also the open world or farmable places to collect rare loot.


Drops rates were better, they were more consistent than in D3, and the vanilla class stories and large open worlds hooked me in (alongside the community).


4.0 essentially destroyed that, from making drops in open world level specific so they couldn't be farmed properly to simply removing all the loot drops from flashpoints due to credit farmers (added to that the level sync ruined the fun to be had). Essentially, what's the point of even levelling with level sync? Or getting better gear when it doesn't improve a speed run through a flashpoint? So that was 4.0.


Then they added 5.0 and RNG gearing, while I'm fine with RNG gearing in D3 because it is farmable from specific places, SWTOR and BioWare went to something similar to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.


I just don't find that fun, I like loot dropping, there is a certain satisfaction to be had - a box is a poor substitute for that and has no intrinsic "i earned that" value from beating a boss on a harder level. Level sync was far too simplistic in it's inception, if they had put in scaling and adjusted rewards accordingly then I'd probably have gotten behind it like I have with Diablo 3.


Gearing is horrendous in SWTOR, loot drops are horrendous in SWTOR, the RNG is horrendous in SWTOR (as well as the way they presented it). Lots of poor game design choices that BioWare seem to think have improved the game, but instead have simply removed what attracted me to the game in the first place.


So no, it isn't fun. That's as constructive as I can be on this. I'm having fun collecting shiny pixels in other games now, where the developers "get it" for players like myself.


I appreciate your thoughts. I think you might be onto something there, about the RNG not having that feeling of accomplishment as when you get the drops from a boss or difficult quest situation. RNG is a nice bonus, in my thinking, but rewards for challenges are important. Hopefully our constructive remarks will help the devs. I hope they spend some time reading these posts. :)


New group content that is worth repeating. NOT rehashed old content.


The pace we are moving at for that new content is dangerously slow and doing more harm than good no matter how much keith wants to spout off and post on the forums.


I figured there would be some people who enjoy group stuff, so I appreciate your comments for their sakes. So, a faster rate of new things to do would help make the game more fun.


The one thing I am curious about and hope you'll find time to answer it if you can, is what in the past did you enjoy about group content that made it 'worth repeating'? If you said specifically what you liked, maybe they would include that in the new things? :)

Edited by Lunafox
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I've noticed in some threads, that there are people who claim the game isn't fun for them anymore. I think there needs to be some definition of what the word 'fun' means to people. If the game isn't fun for you, why isn't it fun? If it IS fun, why is it fun? Be specific.


I think the game is FUN. Why? Here are my reasons:


-Story. I would prefer to have class stories or a new class with a new class story. The story is the best part and I'll accept it any way I can get it, but class story is the pinnacle of greatness for me. In the future I'd like to see more Class story.


-Strongholds I find decorating strongholds to be an entertaining and fun way to spend time in the game. I only wish there were more decorations and for some decorations like 'medical stanchions' that we could buy bunches of them, cause one is chintzy. In the future, I'd like it if we could put down our own hooks...that we could choose the sizes and where to put them ourselves, because I strongly suspect the Bioware staff are under the influence of some intoxicant when they're laying out the hooks. It makes decorating more of a challenge than it needs to be.


-Companions/Romance This might qualify under story, but I'll keep them separate anyway. I love romanceable characters and would love to see more, especially a romanceable attractive male Sith Force User. I suppose a Jedi Force user would be welcome as well. :eek::pI would like to see more romanceable male force users in the future. And for returning companions, I'd like to see more epic romantic return stories, not like we got for Quinn. It wasn't enough. :(


-Dress UP I love this aspect about the game too, being able to dress up my toons, and their companions. Customizing them was great fun, I could spend hours choosing outfits. I think it's important that we get to customize at least our romanceable companions. In the future, I'd like to see outfit windows like our toons have, so our companions can change their outfits easily too.


-Player Character Customizations on Character creation

I like being able to make unique and attractive characters. In the future I'd like to see more options, in terms of new hair, new colours for hair, new eye colours include red, orange, black (like a killik joiner) and purple. New species and colours for species would be great too, like red and purple twileks. I'd also like to see makeup, and lekku stripes on separate sliders. Anything that is doubled up on a slider should be made separate for better customizing. Also five o'clock shadow for male toons that aren't married to a complexion/eyebrow set.




So as you can see, I'm a solo player and this is what floats my boat. I know many of you like group things, so what precisely about your group things (OPs and PVP) do you want to see added or changed to make it FUN for you? Be specific and make it pointform if you can for ease of reading. :)


Your list Echoes mine. The one difference is that I am into operations as well and love the raiding aspect. Operations with story such as the dread Masters Saga was excellent. Best of Both Worlds there.

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#1. First last and always Story and the RPG aspect, even if I only RP in my head.


#2. Strongholds, Love playing dollhouse without the mess.


#3. Crafting and Dress up! I love FANCY!


#4. I really like Heroics! I'll never be good enough for OPS so I do Heroics. I'm physically limited so I focus on what I can do not what I can't.


#5. Playing LS on the Imperial Side! So many LOL moments.

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My fun list:


1) Vanilla SWTOR.

2) Setting and achieving a personal goal in game. Recently was able to get one toon to 100,000,000 credits by only selling Artifice crafted items and Heroics. Next goal is to finally get a stronghold to 100%.

3) Vanilla SWTOR.

4) Everything up to 4.0 and the horrible story. Don't consider anything the last two years to be fun. Ran two toons through the story up to Iokath, and have 2 more that stopped at chapter 9. Won't run any more through this until we get a real Star Wars story line going again. Skipping Iokath as I have not heard anything good about the planet.

5) Vanilla SWTOR. At this point leveling all current toons up and finishing stories up to 4.0. Have started a few new toons just because the stories are that good. (At least on the Empire side. :D)

6) Did I mention Vanilla SWTOR?


My fun is the Star Wars Universe. After a long day at work, smacking something with a light saber, force choking that minion, or shooting someone (and my Smuggler does shoot first) is a way to relieve stress,

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Me....I'm sure anyone who's been around knows I'm here for...



  1. Story- The epic adventure of "insert character who looks like me and my friends here" that was told nearly perfectly in the vanilla game. Class stories, certain planetary storylines, companion stories, romances, you name it... I'm here for story. And while the expansions have had the good (SoR, KotFE), the bad (Oricron/Iocath), and the SHOULD HAVE BEEN EPIC but wound up being average at best (KotET). I love playing through the stories and watching the cutscenes!
  2. Customization- This would be my close second. I love finding new armor variations to wear, new mounts, new pets, new weapons, etc. I'm that guy who whispers random people Saying "nice outfit...Is that Robe on the GTN or was it a drop from something?" I do find that a LOT of the things I see are waaaaay outta my budget tho. (Pictures Lana in the sensuous dress, :) looks at price :eek: , tells her to take it off I'm not made of money! :confused:) I used to make decent credits crafting mods and armor for low/mid level players and things like dyes. Now.... not so much.


I'll PvP every blue moon, I only run the solo versions of FP's, have never done an OP, and won't touch GSF without controller support. (Yep...I had to throw that in there. :D ) SWTOR is "almost" the single player RPG with a dash of multiplayer I'd been waiting for since Kotor 2 left me with that cliffhanger ending. (And the Revan novel doesn't count.....

MY Revan wouldn't have left HK behind when he went into the unknown regions, and wouldn't have trusted scourge as far as he could spit.. ijs



RL keeps me from playing as much as I'd like to. I'm lucky now if I get to play for a few hours 2-3 days a month. But I still keep my sub because I enjoy the game when I get to play so I don't want to gimp myself with the restrictions of pref/f2p, and don't wanna miss anything content/reward wise. So I mostly level alts, and run new content on my mains when it drops.

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-Story. I would prefer to have class stories or a new class with a new class story. The story is the best part and I'll accept it any way I can get it, but class story is the pinnacle of greatness for me. In the future I'd like to see more Class story.


I'd be perfectly fine with a single unified story if they peppered it with a few class-specific sidequests like we had on Rishi. Of course the holy grail is a full eight stories again but so to I have heard things about pigs flying :p Story is awesome! I have a toon who is specifically my "story-playing" main.


I love group content, specifically ops. Most of the flashpoints are terribly balanced, generally bleeding-edge hard which makes them impossible to pug. They're also SUPER tedious. There's so much trash with too much hp and they're all very long. But operations? I love them! My guild runs 8-man Nightmare (or whatever it's called now), and many of the older fights in TOR from the ROTHC expac are great!


I also love pvp! pew pew pew! I mean I'm not great at it but it's a fun way to mess around with guildies. Or, you know, end up on opposite sides because of the "wargame" slot filling and mess up guildies :p

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There are a lot of ways to identify "fun", and you'll get a different response from almost everyone.


That said, I think MMOs and open-world type games have a unique potential for users to create their fun- being open, you're free to approach the game world as you want. I think by limiting our capability to explore and create our fun by giving us small, walled-off areas in which to experience a pre-set story sort of takes away from the player-generated fun that makes open world games so unique, and to that effect, so popular.


SWTOR, being an MMORPG, was never meant to be limited in that way, and I think giving people the freedom to go where they want and do what they want in a game world that allows it is essential to a lot of its fun potential. The company itself can give us things to do, but it's wise not to underestimate the fun and replay value of player-generated content such as player organized events, roleplay, exploration, etc.


It's generally good idea to look at an open world game or an MMORPG as a tool to facilitate fun, as much as a fun thing in and of itself. A lot of players don't really need a predetermined goal to enjoy playing, sometimes all you have to do is give them some stuff to work with and let them figure it out.

Edited by SourOrange
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Story: I like going through the stories, even though it does get boring afterwards. I'd like to make different choices that impact my companions, and just doing a new outcome to it. Halfway through, I would run the two Revan flashpoints (Taral V / Malstrom Prison - Boarding Party / The Foundry). Finish the class story off, then I go to Illum to kick Malgus's butt. As for Makeb, it gets pretty boring since it's just one story (different parts on both factions). Then doing shadow of revan, which gives me great pleasure kicking revan's rear end over and over again. And then doing Ziost for the emperor story. As for KOTFE/KOTET, like what most people say about it, does get pretty boring with quite possibly each chapter almost putting you to sleep. And then there's Iokath, which is fun to say the least. But unlike everyone else, I have a pretty causal play style. As for the Dread Masters story arc (KP, EC, TFB, S&V) which ends with Oricon, there are ultra-rare times when I would just run them based on my decision.


Dress up: Personally, I love dressing up my characters as well as my companions. Of course, I have spent all that time and effort to grind up the resources to do all that. Because it costs me to fortune to get my gear changed around, and this only applies to credits. But still, all that does pay off when I get my characters and companions looking real bad *** and awesome. Just something to add, I have like 5-6 female characters because they're better looking than the males.


Stronghold: I get so many ideas and new visions for improving my strongholds (typically, I have one at the moment), but once I think up something that a specific room should look like I just go for it. In terms of decos, I look at them first to see if that will provide a sense of style because I'm just simply all about style. So not much is said about this type of outcome.


Raids: I LOVE raiding, even when they're not story based. This comes to when I would need a specific set piece or several for my characters. But overall, going through each operation just takes the feeling of being bored out to replace it with pleasure and excitement. I'm a expert when it comes to tough boss battles for new comers that don't know the raid, but only after I've learned about them myself and how they work.


Daily Areas: Now this may not be everyone's favourite thing to do anymore, but I still like running these daily areas for extra credits and a bit decent amount of XP/CXP. Naturally, I do enjoy repeating them every once in a while. The only characters I use for the dailies most of the time is my Jedi Guardian and Sith Juggernaught, both DPS, because they've already got a mixture of high level gear on so I can just zap through each daily area cutting down enemies like butter. When going through the areas, I have a specific travel pattern which works out really well and creates that sense of fun while I'm at it.


Heroics: I enjoy running these most of the time, all though they intend to get boring afterwards. Not much is said about the heroics, other than the stuff I mentioned above about the daily areas. I just take my either my Jedi Guardian or my Sith Juggernaught and simply blast through them with reletive ease. And having a high level companion makes it even more easier.


Flashpoints: Much like the daily areas and heroics, I also have the love for running these as well. Because they've got good mini-stories, a nice feel to the experience and epic boss battles just like in a raid. I always use the GF to find a group, much like everyone else and just do it with sheer enjoyment. It's also always handy when you a healer with you sometimes, which means you don't have to constantly use the Kolto Stations in a Veteren mode flashpoint. :)

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Your list Echoes mine. The one difference is that I am into operations as well and love the raiding aspect. Operations with story such as the dread Masters Saga was excellent. Best of Both Worlds there.


I was about to make my list and realised that you summed it up already quite nicely.


I do love all the things you quoted as well as the addition of operations. The dread master story I also quite enjoyed in that respect.

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Something you said in another thread (How did it come to this), is actually what prompted me to make this thread and have people define what 'fun' means to them.


So it strikes me that your idea of fun, is something more action oriented rather than what appeals to 'stay at home' types like me. I would surmise by what you said that OPs need to be more evolved and come at a faster rate?


I can understand, as a story person, I would love to see story come at a faster rate. This is why I preferred getting a new chapter each month rather than all at once, because it gave me something to look forward to, and felt like it was moving forward as you say. :)

I'm glad I inspired you :)


You're absolutely right - I love ACTION! PvP, Ops, FPs, all of it...mostly, it's that I enjoy doing things with others, that's the #1 reason I picked an MMO to begin with. Whatever it may be and with whoever it is, I don't really care. Last night I ran a SM Op from Fleet with a random PuG group, after running 2 with my guild. I enjoy seeing how others play the game, seeing things they do differently and, when I can, helping others learn the best way to do things. I also enjoy helping other players get the gear they want...I've got full 248's on my main, so I get to pass on everything.


For me, it's not so much the "challenge" as it is the experience. I love when an Op is easy and smooth, it means everyone had a good time usually. I do enjoy more challenging aspects as well, but it has to be with players who understand that frustration is normal and they're willing to learn...not everyone is...most people just want to enjoy themselves and be "acceptable" at what they're doing. This is why I have an issue with Ops balance atm (off topic, but it applies to my comments). Ops have 3 levels - Easy, Medium and Hard...Medium is too difficult right now for most people. I think the real challenge needs to be in NiM Ops, not HM Ops. Giving people more access to the things this game has is critical, especially right now imo.

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I figured there would be some people who enjoy group stuff, so I appreciate your comments for their sakes. So, a faster rate of new things to do would help make the game more fun.


You figured right. This is an MMO so group content should be a staple part of it. While I do love the solo experience at times. The group content is MMO material that cannot be skipped. This game tried it and suffered for it.


The one thing I am curious about and hope you'll find time to answer it if you can, is what in the past did you enjoy about group content that made it 'worth repeating'? If you said specifically what you liked, maybe they would include that in the new things? :)


I enjoy the rewards for the time spent playing. The rewards have to be worth the gamers time.


Look at the Gree event. Not the most solid of events but the rewards are worth the time there solo and in a group.


Compare that to the POS that is iokath with terrible design and even if you convinced yourself to play iokath, the rewards for doing it are some of the worst any designer could come up with. It scream lazy.


Now compare that to the DVL event. Gamers doing 5+ years old content for interesting rewards. Gamers could overlook most the the lazy design of that event because the rewards were pretty cool. It was worth the time doing that old content and releveling toons.


Then BW went and destroyed any reason to play alts come 5.0 and shot themselves in the foot again.


The rewards have to be there and they have to be in game for players to, play the game and get. Anythig from gear to decos to mounts but playing for RNG isn't "fun" or exciting and somewhere along the way, bw failed to design fun gaming with rewards worth going after and in a time frame that was reasonable.

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Me? These days Fun in SWTOR is:


1. Flashpoints and Uprisings. For FP's I enjoy the classics but I de-select ones like Assault on Tython and Bloodhunt as they don't have that solid feel that the older ones do. I'm always hoping to get Kaon Under Seige or the venerable Lost Island but haven't in the last year.


2. Galactic Starfighter. Far and away the best mechanics. The 12 v 12 battles are some of the most random arcade action fun ever. And since I didn't use a joystick with X-wing/Tie fighter I'm perfectly at home with keyboard and mouse. It is my hope that one day an EA executive will play it and get so hooked he creates a breakaway game for just GSF. A mode that hasn't even reached 1/5th of it's potential.


3. GTN. Over the years I've enjoyed all the niche markets to buy/sell, craft/sell, gather/sell. I have alts that just do that on different servers but lately just Harbinger.


4. Collecting Decorations. I've obsessed over attaining rare decos and researched them on Tor Decorating. I feel lucky to have been collecting them all along because a good 30% of them don't seem to drop in Star Fortress, Ops, FP's, or planets anymore.

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Log in to find a few friends hanging out. chat with them.

Queue for WZ and GSF- get enough pops at least to get the dailies done.

Find out the members of my guild(s) are online. muck about with them, taking old or new characters through some old flashpoints, or an uprising, or a challenging bit of PvE.

Tooling around getting a few of the hard-to-get achieves.

Maybe set a solo challenge and try to beat it before boredom or giving up sets in.

Wish everyone goodnight safe flying and see you again tomorrow.

Spin around a couple for characters queuing up crafting missions and collecting the credits from successful sales.

Log off and wait to do it all ( or some) again tomorrow.


Some of the old stuff no longer holds much interest for me now- since I've done dailies and heroics and class stories many many times over- and since the story took a dive after Makeb, even that is no way near as interesting as it once was. - And since a lot of friends and my guild-mates have left the game, a lot of the time a WZ or GSF match is all I can bear, since BW killed a lot of the social interaction, and pissed the story up the wall.


/2 cents.

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I'd be perfectly fine with a single unified story if they peppered it with a few class-specific sidequests like we had on Rishi. Of course the holy grail is a full eight stories again but so to I have heard things about pigs flying :p Story is awesome! I have a toon who is specifically my "story-playing" main.


I love group content, specifically ops. Most of the flashpoints are terribly balanced, generally bleeding-edge hard which makes them impossible to pug. They're also SUPER tedious. There's so much trash with too much hp and they're all very long. But operations? I love them! My guild runs 8-man Nightmare (or whatever it's called now), and many of the older fights in TOR from the ROTHC expac are great!


I also love pvp! pew pew pew! I mean I'm not great at it but it's a fun way to mess around with guildies. Or, you know, end up on opposite sides because of the "wargame" slot filling and mess up guildies :p


I liked what they did with SoR, I think to date that was my favorite expansion. Class stories in full would be the ideal, but I haven't heard anything about the local piggies sprouting wings.

I know, like me, you're a story person. I have to say you surprised me when you said you love pvp, I didn't expect that about you for some reason...maybe because we have kindred ideas about fanfiction and writing that I figured you were like me about pvp too lol. :D


There are a lot of ways to identify "fun", and you'll get a different response from almost everyone.


That said, I think MMOs and open-world type games have a unique potential for users to create their fun- being open, you're free to approach the game world as you want. I think by limiting our capability to explore and create our fun by giving us small, walled-off areas in which to experience a pre-set story sort of takes away from the player-generated fun that makes open world games so unique, and to that effect, so popular.


SWTOR, being an MMORPG, was never meant to be limited in that way, and I think giving people the freedom to go where they want and do what they want in a game world that allows it is essential to a lot of its fun potential. The company itself can give us things to do, but it's wise not to underestimate the fun and replay value of player-generated content such as player organized events, roleplay, exploration, etc.


It's generally good idea to look at an open world game or an MMORPG as a tool to facilitate fun, as much as a fun thing in and of itself. A lot of players don't really need a predetermined goal to enjoy playing, sometimes all you have to do is give them some stuff to work with and let them figure it out.


I figured that we would get a variety of answers because it's gotten to the point where people would say 'it's not fun' so that prompted the question, well, 'what is fun?' I wanted specifically to know, and if the devs happen to read it and see what people like it would be helpful for them to get us the things we like to do in game.


When people say 'open world' I'm included to shudder as my initial reaction because I don't pvp well and really don't want to be part of a gankfest again. But the way you're describing open world, I can get behind that, because I too like exploring the environment and finding hidden surprises, like the datacrons for example. I like the idea of unlimited landscapes to explore. I remember in one game my son when he was small spent 90% of his time parkouring (before it was a thing lol) and climbing to unattainable places. In fact, the devs of that game made events based on his climbing (it was a private server game)...they'd port to a spot that was hard to get to and whoever reached them, would win. Needless to say, he'd win often. It would be nice to have that here.


Arguing on the forums. :D


Yep, I can see that. But you do have some pretty good points now and again. :D



I'm glad I inspired you :)


You're absolutely right - I love ACTION! PvP, Ops, FPs, all of it...mostly, it's that I enjoy doing things with others, that's the #1 reason I picked an MMO to begin with. Whatever it may be and with whoever it is, I don't really care. Last night I ran a SM Op from Fleet with a random PuG group, after running 2 with my guild. I enjoy seeing how others play the game, seeing things they do differently and, when I can, helping others learn the best way to do things. I also enjoy helping other players get the gear they want...I've got full 248's on my main, so I get to pass on everything.


For me, it's not so much the "challenge" as it is the experience. I love when an Op is easy and smooth, it means everyone had a good time usually. I do enjoy more challenging aspects as well, but it has to be with players who understand that frustration is normal and they're willing to learn...not everyone is...most people just want to enjoy themselves and be "acceptable" at what they're doing. This is why I have an issue with Ops balance atm (off topic, but it applies to my comments). Ops have 3 levels - Easy, Medium and Hard...Medium is too difficult right now for most people. I think the real challenge needs to be in NiM Ops, not HM Ops. Giving people more access to the things this game has is critical, especially right now imo.


You did inspire me! :) It certainly got me thinking as the majority of your posts often do, even if I might not always agree.


I can see that when things go smoothly it would be fun, it's when it goes sideways that for me, not so much. I think you're right about people getting more access to things, like when we got the godbot/battlebuddy to help us solo the flashpoints, that just took things to a whole new level for me, I was finally able to enjoy *all* of the story. I'm hoping they don't tie story to OPS in the future, because I think everyone should be able to see the story through to the end. If they do tie them to OPS, then have a solo way of seeing the end too.


It's been interesting to see everyone's definition of fun, for sure and hopefully it'll be helpful so that we can get the things we like in the future. :)


You figured right. This is an MMO so group content should be a staple part of it. While I do love the solo experience at times. The group content is MMO material that cannot be skipped. This game tried it and suffered for it.




I enjoy the rewards for the time spent playing. The rewards have to be worth the gamers time.


Look at the Gree event. Not the most solid of events but the rewards are worth the time there solo and in a group.


Compare that to the POS that is iokath with terrible design and even if you convinced yourself to play iokath, the rewards for doing it are some of the worst any designer could come up with. It scream lazy.


Now compare that to the DVL event. Gamers doing 5+ years old content for interesting rewards. Gamers could overlook most the the lazy design of that event because the rewards were pretty cool. It was worth the time doing that old content and releveling toons.


Then BW went and destroyed any reason to play alts come 5.0 and shot themselves in the foot again.


The rewards have to be there and they have to be in game for players to, play the game and get. Anythig from gear to decos to mounts but playing for RNG isn't "fun" or exciting and somewhere along the way, bw failed to design fun gaming with rewards worth going after and in a time frame that was reasonable.


You're right, the rewards have to feel adequate for the time spent doing an activity. I also agree that the Gree event was fun as was the Chevin event and the very first Rakghoul event with the scavenger hunt. And the rewards made it worth doing over. As you say, Iokath was very uninspired in terms of rewards and even though I tend to chase reputation max's, I just can't bring myself to do it with Iokath, I don't like the setting and the activities bore me...if the rewards were worth it, I'd do it for the things, but we don't even have that.


DvL was a boring slog to fight through because the content was old, but the prizes were fascinating, as was the mystery of which comp we'd end up with.


Thanks for taking the time, you've certainly brought up a lot of interesting points as to what is fun and what is replayable and meaningful. :)


Me? These days Fun in SWTOR is:



3. GTN. Over the years I've enjoyed all the niche markets to buy/sell, craft/sell, gather/sell. I have alts that just do that on different servers but lately just Harbinger.


4. Collecting Decorations. I've obsessed over attaining rare decos and researched them on Tor Decorating. I feel lucky to have been collecting them all along because a good 30% of them don't seem to drop in Star Fortress, Ops, FP's, or planets anymore.


I find these things fun too, and I forgot to mention that I love the GTN. People always say to me, 'you're a solo player' why do you need people around, go play a console game...' And I'm like, well *this* is why I need other people, so I can buy and sell :D

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I am still enjoying the game.


My list of what's not fun is a lot less then what is.


So what's not fun...

Any forced group content. By that I mean you must group to get gear, (DvL event) or must group to get companion X (insert any comp which can only be gotten if you group, be that WZ's PvP or DvL event) ) Personal Conquest total, that can not be reached if you are a solo player. As least with the personal conquests some weeks. such as this week it can be reached easily on multiple characters, though you would probably still need to be in a guild. Still there are enough casual guilds out there so not an issue at least for me.


So anything which is solo able is fun for me. Which is a lot, far to much to list. I still after all this time find the game fun to play. So much so I have more than 1 account.

Edited by SavantDreadtech
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My idea of fun are most things I can do alone without relying on others.

That still includes PvP as I can queue by myself ranked or not.

I've always been a solo player in swtor and don't do things with friends other than chatting, unless they want to PvP.:rak_03:


So story, heroics, and dressing my pixel Barbie are the things I enjoy the most.

I've never given a rat's *** for ops or any type of group play. Even though others on the forums say you should.:rak_04:

Edited by Eshvara
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You wanna know why it isn't fun anymore? Simple:


- I dont care about Strongholds and decorations at all.


- I don't care about dressing up my character.


- I don't care about getting more options to customize my character.


- I don't care about anything Cartel Market-related in general.


I care about:


- Story: has been downgraded from 8 to 2 to 1 for all. And even then it comes too slow and full of plotholes.


- Companions: haven't been any new content with them since vanilla, basically. And then they got taken away. Still waiting for my apprentice LS Jaesa to come back against all hope.


- FP. and ops. Has been the same for years. So I am bored to death of running it for 100000th time,


- quests. Aside from story and dailies they are pretty much dont exist.


There you have it. OP. The game is turning into a dress up shop, and I am not interested in that at all.


This - except for the FP and Ops statement. I actually enjoyed re-running the old flashpoints, even on overleveled characters (before 4.0). Ultimately I could enjoy and have fun in this game again if the Speedleveling gains had an opt out, and we had the choice to run old content either level synced for new rewards or without level sync for the old rewards. Some of us collector's, while not big on playing Barbie Doll or Interior Designer looked forward to collecting those Flashpoint specific armors, and running the FPs in an overlevel state made the grind a lot less tedious at times.

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Fun for me is the really large scope of swtor



Class story or Expansions both work for me. I kind of like KotFE and KotET too. Planetary Quests and dailies can be fine too.



I allready accepted in RotHC/SoR that our old comps will never come back. I prefere Lana and Theron to new ones every expansion or quest.


Group Content

FPs and Uprisings.


Hard Solo Content

EC and soloing Veteran FP or Master FP (or trying to)

Master Chapter (I had much more fun then expected, exept for hescal, that was brutal)



I was forced to play PVP for alerts in KotFE and I liked it. That was a real surprise. Do it regularely now since then.


the leftovers

A little bit of dress my main chars, but not much.

I have 3 strongholds but I find them boring. Not my kind of thing.

A little bit of crafting.

I sometimes even do one of the old railroad spacefights just for atmosphere and the **** of it.

Edited by Artowa
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Story / Quests:

Primarily I like playing through new storyline content (or older storyline content with new / different choices based on different characters).


Aesthetic Customization:

Mainly my characters and companions, but also Strongholds.


Dabbling in a Lot of Different Content Types:

Different Daily Areas (and now Heroics), GSF, WZs, FPs, Uprisings, Space-on-Rails, Ops, whatever - I don't think there's any type of content in the game that I'll actively avoid or swear off of. But it's all just stuff I dabble in, no one piece is make-or-break for my enjoyment. This is actually why I really liked the Conquest system and later the Galactic Command system (not the RNG crates / GC gearing method - just the rotating 'highlighted' content and quick access interface) - both provide a nice "hey, have you tried this stuff lately?" nudge.

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I liked what they did with SoR, I think to date that was my favorite expansion. Class stories in full would be the ideal, but I haven't heard anything about the local piggies sprouting wings.


Yeah the game developers had a huge lead time when creating the original 1-50 stories so I don't ever think we will see class specific stories and now the game is in motion it would be very difficult to implement. I agree with you in liking the minor side tracks in SOR, I would like just a little bit of who my character was before to show through now and again well beyond the 1 line specific dialogue (such as my sorc saying about previously having force ghosts in her head just where did they go again?). Maybe it's possible to do a Makeb/SOR so 1 story per faction with the little side quests that relate only to your class.

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You did inspire me! :) It certainly got me thinking as the majority of your posts often do, even if I might not always agree.


I can see that when things go smoothly it would be fun, it's when it goes sideways that for me, not so much. I think you're right about people getting more access to things, like when we got the godbot/battlebuddy to help us solo the flashpoints, that just took things to a whole new level for me, I was finally able to enjoy *all* of the story. I'm hoping they don't tie story to OPS in the future, because I think everyone should be able to see the story through to the end. If they do tie them to OPS, then have a solo way of seeing the end too.


It's been interesting to see everyone's definition of fun, for sure and hopefully it'll be helpful so that we can get the things we like in the future. :)

I want to highlight that one part...that is so critical imo and I'm glad you mentioned it. The more accessible (most) content is to the average player, the better. I'm not talking about NiM, but I absolutely believe HM needs to be toned down to today's player. The jump from default attack SM to HM is drastic. Not only do players need to learn entirely new mechanics, they also have to be perfect at their rotations...something few players are. HM needs to be a stepping stone, not a roadblock like much of it is these days.

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