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Veteran PvP Roll Call - Census


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November 2nd 2013 account creation.

Started pvp-ing from March 2014 and switched to PvP full time in game.

I can hardly call myself a veteran, but this Fall it's gonna be 4 years.

Kept rage-uninstalling and re-installing the game since 5.0.

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Been here since beta. never unsubbed. came for the PvE and fell in love with PvP just at the tail end of ranked 8v8. Never got to do it because I didn't think I had the gear to do it. The gearing system back then was bad....they fixed it...then went right back to that same crap.
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Account created 10/22/2008, continuous since beta. 8 Elite Warlords and 12 more Warlords.


Stopped caring about Ranked in Season 3...as long as reg queues are reasonably quick I'll be here. My Operative survived two years of Smashtards I'll survive the Merc-pocalypse.


Ikr lmfao everybody complaining about mercs either forgot about or simply didn't play back when smash monkeys were dominating. I'd lean towards the latter, 4.0 new rerolls are the ones that apparently know the most about this game...

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Looking at least the 1st year to early 2nd. Been playing long enough to remember we had the 3 skill trees and the influx of hybrid builds that came out of it.


More or less a perma sub. Only lagged off slightly when I couldn't afford it at the time, or that I needed a break from the game.

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Launch.....with big gaps taken off....


Since 2013, December it was i beleive. Got quickly bored with PVE, since then was only leveling until top notch pvp sets with expertise and playing PvP, doing occasional PVE content for creds and story.

Find the current gear grind pain and suffering!

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Made account the first day of the site, been in a beta squadron, sub since launch, stopped playing here and there for 2-3 months when I was bored of doing the same few PvP and GSF maps.
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I joined right around Hutt Cartel, whenever that was. Played super casual (did my whatever 5 i think it was, warzones a week for a couple years) until KotFE came out, then subbed, so i been around for a little under 2 years "hardcore"


Late to the party, what can I say

Edited by rylanadionysis
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Played since about 6 months after launch... almost exclusively PVP. Started with Merc after the NERF... mained that character through 3.0 then switched PUB side and have been running a variety of characters, mostly maining my Guardian now.


As a father of 3 I only get limited game play, and SWTOR PVP is great for being able to put in a handful of quick matches when I have time.


Having PVP'd as a healing Merc through 3.0, I understand what it's like to play an underperforming class, so when things get heated like they are now, it doesn't bother me at all.

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I started playing in February 2014. I took a break in April, came back in July, started keybinding, and played pretty much uninterrupted for a couple years. Just came back a little over a month ago after being away for more than 6 months.
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Hi Guys,


I'm interested to know how many of us are still around. Over the last 18 months the veterans have flooded out of the game faster than usual and incredibly fast since 5.x


So if you have played pvp in a "serious/semi serious" manner for years, especially since launch, can you please reply to tell us and how long you've played for and which period you started in.



1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year (newbies to the pvp part of the game)


For me it's "Launch" and an unbroken subscription


1st year, Vigilance Guardian since 1.4, though I lapsed sub but kept playing from 2.0 to dread war, unbroken sub since dread war.

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I don't post often but since I logged in for the bolster thread...


Been steady pvp since Beta, always wanted BW to invest in a huttball league for eSports, even offered to host it if they allowed the ability to select it in game. Since 5.0 I've pvped way less, about 3-4 hours every other week. I enjoy it, just want them to change the gearing system. I'm old, work a lot, and just don't devote the time it takes to max gear on all my alts I like to pvp with since 5.0 dropped.

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