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Everything posted by Nyla

  1. For republic side, you can still go to the warehouses area mentioned above, it's easy... Go to Dreviad outpost, ride south, it's the area under Jundland on the map.
  2. Even though his answers aren't super interesting, it really shows how EA, and probably other big gaming companies like Ubisoft, is doing wrong its job. Huge teams are a mistake and don't translate into better, more successfull games. It increases production cost, it wastes time and money because of all the traininng/coordinating/communicating overhead. It blurs the original focus of games, ending with a compromise that no one is really happy with. Making changes becomes very complicating and long because you have a lot of different people that must go in the same direction. It creates tension between teams/team members…. The creative guys that are put in charge end up doing administrative/management stuff instead of being the creative backbone of the project. They become unhappy and leave. All this really sounds like the movie or even the music business, when companies are desperately trying to make something that sells well instead of trying to make something good, which will sell well. I understand making games, movies, music are risky businesses and thus trying to sell to more people somewhat reduce the risks but by including new directions it dilutes the original focus and by adding new people it weakens the decision making… All this still saddens me somewhat, I'm sure EA made a lot of money with SWTOR, way more than they spent but I still see it as a failure, for all the wrong decisions, bad choices, missed opportunities and what it could have become…
  3. I agree, I meant players that quit after a few minutes when things don't go their way. I always prefer people leaving early than people staying but not really trying anymore and/or becoming toxic, finally leaving near the end which doesn't give enough time for the backfiller to do something useful.
  4. I still like the map, I just hate the players but I try to stay positive. Being negative/quitting just add another toxic layer so I try to write 2/3 messages in chat to remind people of the power-ups, to give a few directives. It doesn't work 9 times out of 10 but I still try to do my best. Still feels better to finish a wz knowing I tried than giving up early because of the not willing/not capable ones..
  5. It's a great warzone, I really like it, though I can understand why some don't. I really like the focus on objectives but it's not all about them. It brings a different flavor. The main problem is the people, between new players, noobs, sheeps, deathmatchers, ...the reason OPG is sometimes a waste of time is people not willing or not able to play correctly. But it's not new just more visible in this warzone as the objectives are somewhat more "complicated", like the rules of ancient hypergates make it more problematic if there are "bad" players
  6. I have similar problems. The thing is I also updated Windows 10 to the April 2018 update this morning so I'm not sure if it's the game or the Windows update...
  7. Making all warzones cross-faction is probably made by one code change for everyone, pre 70 and post 70 at same time. As for not changing pre 70 warzones, it's a mistake as the less people play thoses, the more clueless people there will be at 70. As for destroying the lore, game mechanics > lore, it's a game based on Star Wars IP, not a Star Wars story made into a game, that's why Jedi/Sith don't one shot people wearing clothes. You can't admit that this game doesnt support the Star Wars lore strictly, it's been 3 years people are working together, beyond their starting faction. Besides time traveling to the period when the Republic and the Sith Empire were fighting directly on Alderaan is already lore breaking.
  8. I kinda agree that the lack of incentives to do pre 70 warzones is probably the main problem but I disagree with all the rest. Cross faction warzones will help to have more pops, even in low levels. I would say that pre 70 warzones is as much important as ranked PvP (considering how ranked PvP shouldn't be taken seriously in any way in its current form) Some F2P or preferred players can't be 70, the game should offer them some decent PvP experience. Some people prefer to level up characters in warzones than playing "mains" lvl 70. I will copy here what I wrote in the other thread about the OP and how the lore angle is stupid...
  9. The current state of how warzones are implemented already killed the lore the OP seems so much fond of. When you're lvl 70 doing the warzone on Alderaan (no cross faction), you are sent back in time fighting a battle that ended before the time period you start as a lvl 1. It's the same thing doing an operation like Explosive Conflict after you have done KotET. Warzones and Operations are supposed to happen at a specific date in the Star Wars Universe, each time you do them when your character is not at the correct point of his/her story, you're breaking the lore. Doing the warzone on Alderaan as a lvl 70 who has done KotET in the current state of the game (with no cross faction in this warzone) is not supported by the lore.
  10. If you don't do PvP or operations, you'll get some tier 2 pieces of gear the same way you got tier 1 pieces, randomly when opening crates. Just wear the better ones. If you do PvP or operations, there's a process to upgrade from one tier to another. People doing PvP get unassembled components to buy unassembled gear pieces. People doing operations get unassembled gear pieces. Everyone buy real gear piece with those unassembled ones. The upgrade part is not necessary, you can just open crates to get gear but as it is random, you might be unlucky and have to wait longer to get a full set. You could be in all tier 3 except one piece still in tier 1,waiting to get the upgrade you need. As for a guide, check this http://dulfy.net/2017/01/23/swtor-patch-5-1-gearing-guide/
  11. The one who changed the launcher, he/she forgot that last patch was a thursday, with patch notes a day before, a wednesday.
  12. Lol, I just noticed your name. There's a hacker/cheater assassin with your name playing midbies on Darth Malgus.
  13. With the conquest that started today (Mechanical Warfare), there are 2 infinitely repeatable (blue icon) conquest objectives in GSF: "Starfighter: Conquer the Skies" and "Starfighter: Medal of Bravery" Both are stuck in completed state.
  14. PvP don't give social points, at least not if you queue alone. Social points are a broken thing since launch. If you are grouped with some people to do an activity, randomly or not, you should get social points. Atm, it's not the case for all activities. Balancing how much points you get for each acitivity should be done. It's easy to see social points are a failed and forgotten feature, considering how it never was updated and what is still the best way to earn them.
  15. Gold spammers aren't the only characters that can be ignored. Some people that aren't gold spammers have gibberish names. I don't play every day. I don't know when gold spammers are removed, it's not fixed. Thus when I think it should be safe to remove someone from my list, the gold spammer might still be in-game, I might remove a real player I don't want to see his messages anymore...and I would have to check that every day I log in? compared to an automatic system ? Then sure we can start to talk about the advantage of small fixed size list/arrays compared to bigger ones or compared to dynamic lists.... but that's pointless, we aren't devs, we don't have access to the code, nor it's our role. I could guess stuff too, I could suppose things to counter your argument, like saying there's a lot of garbage schematics each of my characters know and that the game keeps track of, so they could be removed to free space but yeah, pointless.... Finally, I always like theses remarks, like adding QoL stuff is not necessary because people can handle it themselves. Being lazy leads to creating and adding systems not to have to deal with repetitive, boring, uninteresting stuff. Enduring annoying things is not smart. The advice is applicable regardless of how it is delivered or received.
  16. Not sure why this thread turned into "theses people you should ignore, not thoses", it doesn't really matter why you ignore people, the ignore list is short and could have its size increased. The thing is ignore list shouldn't be filled with gold sellers, each time you log into the game it should be cleansed of banned gold sellers characters. So yes to #1 and #2.
  17. Sadly, some people don't understand you have to start somewhere, that lowbies are the right place to do it and learn. At same time, some people get annoyed because some newbies don't seem willing to learn and/or do warzones just to randomly deatchmatching others. Ex: Novare Coast, we got South and East. I'm defending east. People are calling for help at mid. A dude comes and stand next to me. I tell him to go help mid, no answer. I start going mid, he follows me. I stop and tell him to stay to defend east or go help mid, he stays with me, I go back to east not to leave it undefended, he follows me back there... I know there might a language problem but not always. Also on Darth Malgus servers, theses days, on lowbies, there's someone with multiple alts that does 0 dmg (or only 10k or less to not get kicked), threaten to report others, insult them and complain about how SWTOR is dead and how the community is toxic... End of my rant
  18. Old players should continue to do the same activities as before and there's no real reason to think new players would be different than old ones thus a given activity shouldn't see change in participation compared to the rest of population. It seems to some of us that there's a decline in low tiers of PvP, one reason could be that some changes in other parts of the game (GC) made others activities more "efficient" or "attractive" to thoses that are already willing to do low tiers PvP and thus maybe a rebalance in rewards is needed to keep people doing the different activities. I don't think anyone want to attract or force people not interested, it's never fun for anyone.
  19. Some conquest objectives can be stuck in a complete state without ever reseting. I have "Starfighter: Conquer the Skies", the conquest GSF objective you get for each completed GSF match stuck in complete state for all my characters since 5.8a. Waiting for a fix...
  20. I'm playing on Darth Malgus, even if we still have matches quite often, there's times it's hard to have 8v8 people when it wasn't a problem before. It's especially harder on republic side but even on imp side, there are more matches 7 Imps vs 5 Imps that last for a while like that without backfill. I'm an altaholic, I have 20 lvl 60 chars on a now unused account and I have 56 chars on this one with around 20 lvl 70. For me, SWTOR always was for leveling, not the endgame, my toon with the highest GC lvl is around 100. Now I'm doing starter planets till 16-18, do PvP and GSF untill 41 then some classe mission until 50-52 then back to PvP until 70. I disagree that GSF and warzones have the same problem. With GSF, playing with a low lvl still has uses as you still get requisition to get upgrades for your ships. There's no reason to wait to be lvl 70 to play GSF. Sure you don't get CXP but you get requisition. With warzones, all you get is XP like every other activity. I doubt BW would add GC stuff added to low tiers of PvP only because it would mean it's a "better" way to level up your characters. People would think they are "forced" to do PvP and complain... They would thus have to add GC rewards to all activities for characters pre 70. I'm not sure if it's the general decrease of population, the lack of incentives or that people spend more time with their max level characters than before because of GC but yes I think something should be done about this problem, it's starting to cause problems with my game style.
  21. Some separation would be good but I doubt it will happen now. Never understood why some people think class/spec balance is only done for PvP reasons; I guess that overperforming to the point it makes some content/mechanics pointless for some or that class/spec stacking that makes some other classes/specs unwanted in end-game content, thoses things are just a problem for PvP, sure, not at all in PvE...right ? If you don't see how it's a problem either for the low performer class/spec in PvE or from the PoV of the devs, try thinking again...
  22. Nyla

    Open World PvP

    I wish there was well designed owPvP in this game but between the engine and the lack of any signs that the devs understand what it means, I doubt it will ever happen here. Having only a portion of a playerbase interested in an activity is not a reason not to add something to the game. Take Operations, Uprising, Arenas, GSF, Strongholds... and all theses activities only interest a part of the playerbase, would the game be better without them ? That's one reason this game failed, BW/EA never really understood this, they never understood they had to add and improve all the different parts of the game all the time, not focus on something for a while then forget about it for months or years. This is a MMO, it's not a single player game focused on one targeted audience, it's an MMO, it attracts all kind of players that want different things. If you want to succeed you have to work on all fronts all the time delivering new contents and changes for all kinds of players all the time.
  23. Why an optional way to make them weaker is silly ? They were weaker from launch until 4.0. It was also possible during that period to choose how strong you made them without using tricks that alter their AI combat behaviour.
  24. Yes, I can also play with my eyes closed, hands tied behind my back, standing on one foot...
  25. The conquest objective "Starfighter: Conquer the Skies" is a repeatable objective. For some reasons, on all my characters, it's stuck in completed state thus I get no conquest point at all for all the GSF matches I do. I see nothing about it in chat when matches end, the conquest total stays at same value than before the match. In the conquest UI, it's marked as "complete". I noticed this since version 5.8a.
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