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Everything posted by Maegi

  1. Trixxie.... I don't know you.... I've seen about a thousand posts from you over the past couple of weeks... I think maybe you need a game break. You're taking life too seriously. All love. You just seem like you're about ready to blow a fuse. Step back. Have more fun.
  2. Grim.... I like you, man..... but does every reply REALLY have to be a 500 word essay? I don't even read them anymore tbh.
  3. I can confirm that being Diavola is not a L2P issue.
  4. You guys realize that this is a new server and not TEH server merged to and renamed right? Just because people don't have an @ in their guild doesn't mean they are from TEH. Or maybe you are all RPing that you're good and I'm just not understanding? Look, I'm by no means saying I'm good or anything like that, but you're saying that TEH had all the good PvPers from this merger. I'm saying you're wrong.
  5. You guys have got to be out of your minds or delusional. I haven't seen more than one or two people that I don't recognize from SL who were that good. Where are these good EH PvPers hiding?
  6. Maybe everyone gives it more than a week this time?
  7. your first option is worse than any premade ever thought of being. also, find*
  8. Is that when you will give me examples of why I'm wrong, or....
  9. Again; show me where I said all people from Harbinger are garbage. At most, I implied that everyone who moved there after the initial move to SL got farmed by a very good Death Smile team. So tell me why I'm wrong. That's pretty much what happened. That does not translate to "everyone on Harb is garbage". There's actually a pretty high number of SL transplants on that server, so we will see how the mega servers shake out.
  10. oh, is that what I said? Your interpretive skills are amazing!
  11. Like that everyone that came to SL got farmed by your guild and went crying off to Harb to preserve their precious rank? #shotsfired
  12. Funny how that works. Massive influx of people from every NA server, you see a bunch of bads, but it's because you only saw the people that were already there, right?
  13. I won't believe anything until the dust has settled. A couple of years ago when PoT5 took a head-shot and went into a coma, everyone voted and said they were all moving to SL for PvP. It was pretty great....for 2 weeks until everyone started moving to Harb. Why? I don't know if anyone really knows? It just happened.
  14. I haven't read any of this thread and could care less, but every time I see the thread name, gets stuck in my head.
  15. Adapt or die. it's as simple as that. figure. out. how. to. counter. stop yelling "unfair" about 1 ability that is useful in 1 war zone. it's not that bad. how about mark the snipers and focus? situational awareness does wonders.
  16. that's right.....and ONLY a sniper can entrench.... so that's fair. it's a ***** warzone and it's the only one a sniper has that kind of advantage in.... so what's the big deal here? really....what are the odds that a sniper will get every red mod that pops and shut down even half of your nodes? this is a non-issue and a perfect example of people ************* just to hear themselves.
  17. Diversion canister? It pops you out of entrench now (I don't remember it doing that pre-5.x). so....it CAN be stopped. I've done it before. Opposing sniper was so surprised that he just stood there while we murdered him.
  18. Maegi

    Wow ranked is toxic

    I've been in and out of ranked since season 2. It has ALWAYS been like this. I don't know how people can be surprised at how toxic some people are anymore. Water is wet too in case you weren't aware.
  19. Unfortunately, if you want to level through PvP, that will take you years on most servers. Low and mids aren't getting pops on very many servers these days, so it's hard to get pre-70 experience anymore.
  20. Maegi

    The hatred

    Yes very silly of me to expect people who are choosing a game-mode called "Ranked" to be somewhat prepared. "well, if they didn't WANT me to eat the urinal cake, they shouldn't have shaped it like a cookie! Nowhere on the cake does it say 'don't eat me', so how was I to know?" Common sense is dead here.
  21. Maegi

    The hatred

    This is NOT how you portrayed it. A majority of people won't flame you JUST because they've never seen you before. You portrayed yourself as just another tourist in search of goodies, but if that isn't the case, then I apologize. I'm sure you can understand our frustrations with how a lot of PvEers treat PvP in this game.
  22. Maegi

    The hatred

    I think you're all missing the point here. no one is "telling this guy what to do with his sub". No one is saying "you have to have the best gear on the planet to que ranked. THIS GUY SAID he doesn't have augments in his gear. Not because he can't afford it. Not because he doesn't HAVE them. Not because he doesn't know what augments are. BECAUSE HE JUST PLAIN REFUSES TO AUGMENT. THIS GUY SAID he doesn't wear a stim. Again because HE DOESN'T want to. THIS GUY SAID he's not queing ranked because he loves PvP. He's a tourist who wants PvP rewards without doing work. THIS GUY SAID he's going to run in and get slaughtered over and over again until he gets what he wants. I do not understand how ANYONE in this thread can defend this. He is purposefully sabotaging other peoples' experience so that HE can get what he wants. To me, this should be a bannable offense right alongside hackers and AFKers. You cannot kick him from the wz. You cannot ignore him and guarantee that he won't do this to you. Again, I don't care if he ques in 230 gear, but augment your gear. Wear a stim. If you are going to PvP, TRY! Ever since the Pierce companion, this crap has been going on with PvE whiners, and it makes me not even want to play at all some days. He deserves the flaming and toxicity, because HE IS toxic.
  23. Maegi

    The hatred

    I pay a sub too. I don't want to be gimped because this guy can't be bothered. Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.
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