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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game Update 5.2: The War for Iokath Delay


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All the people who come here talking about the player base being big whiny babies are just as bad as the big whiny babies, in my opinion. You've forgiven Bioware for consistently producing buggy content that is a day late and a dollar short. If this delay guaranteed any quality in the end result, then I'd agree with you, but there are FAR too many bugs in this game for me to think that this delay will be doing away with those. Sorry. Maybe there was something game breaking that they just couldn't get fixed in the next 12 hours... but to think that they need another week to actually fix it or that another week will produce a high quality product is giving credit where it is NOT DUE.


I've never played a buggier game in my life. Even after play testing, delays, and years of feedback. This doesn't surprise me, and it does not bode well for the big subscriber return that I think we've all been hoping will happen in order to keep this game from collapsing like Alderaan under the beams of the Death Star.


Well said. Mirrors my thoughts exactly.

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Technically they gave us a heads up Friday in the stream. Eric said he couldn't believe 5.2 was coming in 4 days and he was terrible with dates. He must have meant 11 days. He couldn't believe it was coming since it was sooooo buggy.
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I'd rather they delay release than release it broken (and some people would say the fact that they're even catching bugs before release is a step up from the norm :p)

To an extent, I agree, although this sort of illustrates why I wish the Public Test Server was more, well, Public. Letting people use it regularly, rather than just time-limited focus-testing of new patches might better allow them to catch things created by Butterfly Effects in the code.

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Nothing warms my heart like seeing the Bioware staffers on their forum aliases asking us angry, paying customers to all calm down or pump the breaks any time they break something or make a stupid decision that is poorly received :cool:


And for all of you still saying cut them some slack after literally years of these shenanigans, answer one question for me. When will the first cartel market item break or be pushed back? I'll wait :rolleyes:


Nothing makes me laugh more than people who have no damn clue what goes into programming or how a business is run acting like they do. Don't tell me you know anything about either, because you don't. If you think you do because you are a programmer or you own a business or whatever, then I feel more sorry for your customers than I do for us.


Now, let me explain why I say this.


When you go to a restaurant and the waitress brings you a Pepsi instead of a Sprite... what do you do? Do you ask the waitress to fix it (hopefully politely) or do you go storming into the kitchen and start cussing at the cook?


Of course, you probably DO cuss out the waitress when the cook screws up, don't you? Most people do. However, all it does is make you look like an ******e because the waitress didn't screw up your order, the cook did.


Now, how this applies to Bioware is that each department has their job. The developers working on Cartel Market content aren't working on the main content, and vice versa. Plus, much of the sales and such are on an automated schedule anyway. Bugs in THAT system are hilarious when they happen because once for like one hour the Harbinger server (only) got access to the Corsec Electrobaton a full six months before anyone else. It wasn't hotfixed or anything, it was just... wait what? Why did this happen?

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


We have identified a way to extend the XP/CXP event through to Tuesday, the 18th. We will be testing it into tomorrow morning and if everything goes well, we will have a brief maintenance around 8AM Central. The maintenance will last for approximately an hour. I will give you a status update tomorrow morning.


Thanks everyone.



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This is a PR disaster. .




I mean, some are acting like it, but they didn't knock us out and drag us down the isle. Now THATS a pr disaster.


This is just a software delay. Cause I can't play this week so I asked them to delay it. Sorry everyone.

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You guys really should be nicer to Eric. The poor guy is just communicating what he's been given to say. It sucks to be in that position. I'm sure he gets players aren't happy with the delay and want the xp bonus to stay. We should leave it at that and let Eric work his magic with his team to help us out.


I see this attitude when people are rude to waiters, that's when they're likely to spit in your food. You want this guy on your side, don't be rude.

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Nothing makes me laugh more than people who have no damn clue what goes into programming or how a business is run acting like they do. Don't tell me you know anything about either, because you don't. If you think you do because you are a programmer or you own a business or whatever, then I feel more sorry for your customers than I do for us.


Now, let me explain why I say this.


When you go to a restaurant and the waitress brings you a Pepsi instead of a Sprite... what do you do? Do you ask the waitress to fix it (hopefully politely) or do you go storming into the kitchen and start cussing at the cook?


Of course, you probably DO cuss out the waitress when the cook screws up, don't you? Most people do. However, all it does is make you look like an ******e because the waitress didn't screw up your order, the cook did.


Now, how this applies to Bioware is that each department has their job. The developers working on Cartel Market content aren't working on the main content, and vice versa. Plus, much of the sales and such are on an automated schedule anyway. Bugs in THAT system are hilarious when they happen because once for like one hour the Harbinger server (only) got access to the Corsec Electrobaton a full six months before anyone else. It wasn't hotfixed or anything, it was just... wait what? Why did this happen?


So you would agree, a failure of this magnitude should result in an employee review of the operation, by upper management and terminate those within the team who failed to execute their duties as expected, or who failed to identify earlier, why those duties could not be achieved in the established timeline? This is a business and you don't screw major stuff up like this. Anger has been building for two years. No new operations. Bugs everywhere. The worst gearing system I have ever seen devised in a game...and now a huge buildup for a big, new update...with a delay announced LAST second?


Damned right people are gonna be furious. I planned time off to enjoy this. Not gonna happen now!

Edited by LordDelectus
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After seeing a lot of the same kind of blatantly lazy animation that got Mass Effect Andromeda utterly panned by that community, show up in both of the most recent expansions for this game, I can't say I'm surprised ya'll are revisiting quality assurance. Edited by LegionPothIX
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Hey folks,


We have identified a way to extend the XP/CXP event through to Tuesday, the 18th. We will be testing it into tomorrow morning and if everything goes well, we will have a brief maintenance around 8AM Central. The maintenance will last for approximately an hour. I will give you a status update tomorrow morning.


Thanks everyone.



Since your doing that... I have 0 complaints if I have 1 week longer to finish some classes... BUT you should give us each 1000 CC for the very late date change..:)

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I'd rather they delay release than release it broken (and some people would say the fact that they're even catching bugs before release is a step up from the norm :p)


Stop using logic and reason. You're ruining the incessant whining for the rest of us. :p


Seriously, they delay to make sure things are the way they want it and people get up in arms. If they release and things don't work the way people want then "Bioware doesn't care!" and they get up in arms. This is the very definition of "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

"They HAD to have known!" Oh, really? Maybe they thought they could have everything done in time and didn't want to push it off unless they were absolutely sure it was necessary. What would us knowing any sooner actually have done anyway? Given you an extra week to tell the people working on the game how much lack of respect you have for them and the work they do in the most entitled, insulting way possible? You're certainly all doing a great job with last minute notice.


I don't know why I'm even bothering posting this.

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So you would agree, a failure of this magnitude should result in an employee review of the operation, by upper management and terminate those within the team who failed to execute their duties as expected, or who failed to identify earlier, why those duties could not be achieved in the established timeline? This is a business and you don't screw major stuff up like this. Anger has been building for two years. No new operations. Bugs everywhere. The worst gearing system I have ever seen devised in a game...and now a huge buildup for a big, new update...with a delay announced LAST second?


Damned right people are gonna be furious. I planned time off to enjoy this. Not gonna happen now!


I see a lot of opinions there. I'm not furious. Why? Because I know programming. I know that it's one of the most difficult jobs in the world. It's also why I don't actually do it for a living. However, knowing what I do and such makes me understand when delays happen, it's for a reason. Not just cause they want to piss you off.


I'm sorry you planned time off, that really sucks.


As for the no new operations thing: They've been concentrating on story, which the game has been lacking for almost five years since launch. You can't please everyone all the time.


As for the gearing system, I personally like it. It lets you do what you want instead of having to ONLY do operations, and now that they've added a way to use tokens to get what you are missing from your sets, it's even better. I mean, yeah I guess if you are a player that ONLY does operations and that's it, then the new system would suck?

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People really ought to stop acting like this is the end of the world.


At most, if you insist on holding your breath, pounding your fists on the floor, and refusing to play the game until the 18th, BW 'owes' you a quarter of a monthly subscription. Which is, let's round it up, four bucks. Which is 360 cartel coins.

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Hey folks,


We have identified a way to extend the XP/CXP event through to Tuesday, the 18th. We will be testing it into tomorrow morning and if everything goes well, we will have a brief maintenance around 8AM Central. The maintenance will last for approximately an hour. I will give you a status update tomorrow morning.


Thanks everyone.




Great to hear, I hope it works! I've started getting back into the game (another game has been stealing my attention lately) and came back a bit late to fully enjoy the leveing boost. I was looking forward to the update -- especially Quinn & Elara! -- but will gladly take another week of the XP event to finish up a couple of characters I've been working on. :)

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Stop using logic and reason. You're ruining the incessant whining for the rest of us. :p


Seriously, they delay to make sure things are the way they want it and people get up in arms. If they release and things don't work the way people want then "Bioware doesn't care!" and they get up in arms. This is the very definition of "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

"They HAD to have known!" Oh, really? Maybe they thought they could have everything done in time and didn't want to push it off unless they were absolutely sure it was necessary. What would us knowing any sooner actually have done anyway? Given you an extra week to tell the people working on the game how much lack of respect you have for them and the work they do in the most entitled, insulting way possible? You're certainly all doing a great job with last minute notice.


I don't know why I'm even bothering posting this.


Don't forget this patch is already a month late.


It was supposed to be out in March...according to the livestream they did in Jan

Edited by Darklighter
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