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10 Good
  1. After seeing a lot of the same kind of blatantly lazy animation that got Mass Effect Andromeda utterly panned by that community, show up in both of the most recent expansions for this game, I can't say I'm surprised ya'll are revisiting quality assurance.
  2. Follow up: all canceling a subscription does, is remove the reoccurring nature of the payments. It doesn't change the nature of the product you've already paid for. Nothing (else) about your account will change until the re-payment time lapses. That is, in 6 months when your pre-paid benefits run out, then your account switches into the unpaid state, unless you re-start your automatic payments before then. Restarting the payments before the lapsed time won't actually process a payment until it's time for it to renew normally.
  3. Photoshoped pics or it didn't happen.
  4. Wookies can't wear any gear in the original KOTOR series, and they're pretty much naked in SWTOR, so I don't see this happening. Personally my vote is for the Togruta.
  5. There's a giant emphasis on ancient technology in the KOTOR universe which indicates cyclical development of technology. Huge, galaxy spanning empires rise and fall and their tech reaches a point where it out-paces their civilization and that civilization is destroyed. Then, another civilization rises up out of the ashes. So, to answer your question: no I don't think that there will be a point where tech reaches it's "hard cap" in development because the universe keeps getting reset by civilizations getting wiped out or wiping themselves out before they reach their cap.
  6. I've recently returned to SWTOR and the last thing I remember I was doing was trying to get my character (a marauder) to look like a Tribal Fusion / Belly dancer. I have no idea where to start when it comes to what aesthetic gear to go for, so I thought I'd turn to the community for guidance. Also, if anyone knows a character outfit planner that I can play with that'd be a great help too.
  7. I'm a returning player trying to understand something I read in the 5.0 patch notes where all the chances got changed to being passive, always on, spec specific things. This seems like a nerf to me since stances couldn't be dispelled previously (even by death) and that we now can't (?) change stances to fit our play style or accommodate different circumstances. Am I wrong on this? What's the reasoning behind this? Does this affect threat generation? It reads like it does. Where does that leave me as a player who mains Kinetic Combat Shadow in DPS Gear (using the Force Stance instead of the tank stance)? It reads like my entire style of play has been totally invalidated for no reason, and I'm feeling totally alienated from a game I once put a lot of time (being a pre-launch, pre-beta fan-girl) and (some) money into over the years. All of my existing main characters (DPS geared Tank spec'd classes) have been rendered completely unplayable by virtue of not being able to manage my own threat, and that has become very needlessly problematic, and understandably upsetting.
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