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CXP = Meh


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I just can't get myself interested in doing this.


..at all.


Out of all my alts my highest CXP level is..8. I ran a few missions, opened a few crates, but never felt anything special about it. It seemed tedious to me, and not really worthwhile, so I just stopped bothering.


Grinding Artifact power in WoW at least gave a sense of progression as the artifact gained strength, but CXP...


..not so much.


Now even with this big boost for a month, I still don't think I'm going to bother with it. I don't do ops so I don't need the gear, and that seems to me to be the only reason TO do it.


..Am I just being weird or does anyone else feel this way about CXP?

Edited by Taramayne
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You are not alone. While most people seem to despise it with the fury of a thousand Christmas light bulbs, I just find it.... pointless. I log in and check the daily activity and usually log right out and onto an alt, and progress on my class stories.


At first I was just happy to get some higher level gear than I had, 230 non-SB was fine. Now I've gotten the same pieces over and over and it just seems a waste of time. I don't need it, don't really want it and it's not encouraging me into GSF and PvP like it did the first few weeks.

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It's another symptom of the loot system being exactly backwards.


5.1.1 is a placebo, nothing more. It's a "feelsgoodman" patch to make people feel like things have improved, but really it just means more frequent disintegrations. The net effect of the patch so far for me is that last night I disintegrated three crates instead of one. Exciting!


Luckily it looks like 5.1.2 will actually address the real issue, the rate of component drops.

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When they announced the increased Command Experience event I was pretty excited, I had planned to grind it out on my main character. That all changed when the event went live, I lost all interest and I have not even tried to increase my Command Rank.


Why? Because I remembered when I would open the Command Crates and get utter trash. Why would I want to work to get utter trash at 3.5x the speed? That's a complete waste of time, that's why.


The only reason I play this game now is to enjoy the class stories and manage my guild. Thank the Force that a subscription is not required to do this.

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It sounds better on paper, after a dozen or so hrs of grinding PVP and spending a few bucks on a 5 pack of boosts, Ive opened many crates and got very little that I need, very demoralizing, this whole stupid cxp system has literally ground me down, to where it feels like you are playing for nothing more than a fake increase in a number that has no real effect on your play experience, for the love of god, just scrap the whole system and go back to comms, at least for pvp. Edited by x_Boots_x
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[...]The only reason I play this game now is to enjoy the class stories and manage my guild. Thank the Force that a subscription is not required to do this.


Don't you lose the guildleader title as preffered if at least one person is a subscriber?


And for everyone else: Stop worrying about CXP or crates. Can't you just enjoy the game for the gameplay and the fun you get from it? :confused:

Edited by Methylium
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Don't you lose the guildleader title as preffered if at least one person is a subscriber?


And for everyone else: Stop worrying about CXP or crates. Can't you just enjoy the game for the gameplay and the fun you get from it? :confused:


You can't ignore CXP, its the core of gear progression in SWTOR now and gear progression is the entire engine that drives all MMOs.

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There was this amazing moment, between 5.0 and 5.1, when bolster was 250 and gear did not matter in PvP. It was awesome.


So of course they nerfed it. Now gear definitely matters in PvP, and thus the gearing system matters, and thus the megacrappy command crates matter despite the fact that it is bass-ackwards.


Luckily it looks like 5.1.2 will finally address it a bit. 5.1.1 does nothing.

Edited by stoopicus
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Don't you lose the guildleader title as preffered if at least one person is a subscriber?


And for everyone else: Stop worrying about CXP or crates. Can't you just enjoy the game for the gameplay and the fun you get from it? :confused:


The gameplay stopped being fun awhile ago, there is nothing new and the game engine sucks...


I've just tried to do it tonight and it is boring...


Did a few FP, some PvP, and frankly... there are better games... lightsabers carry you some distance, but only so far...

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You can't ignore CXP, its the core of gear progression in SWTOR now and gear progression is the entire engine that drives all MMOs.


Just watch me. I open the crates just to get them out of my inventory, but I've intentionally played my alts ump to 70 primarily to avoid dealing with Crapmand crates.

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While I appreciate them trying to make an universal system that allows every player get the best gear, I don't really care about it too.

Its just that I'm not traditional mmo player, I don't do endgame because its repetitive. While I enjoy grouping with others from time to time (well, used to enjoy) I mainly just play below max level -class stories.


I used to group up with people to do planetary heroics -back in the day H4s were available. It was fun and immersing the way it was designed -you go about your own quests but every once in a while there is a quest so hard you need someone's help. Be it either H4 or a flashpoint courier. For H4 you usually needed one more person, but if full group of 4 formed it was cool.

Now there are no H4s, and H2s are solo faceroll. Flashpoints are full of endgamers that want them done as quick as possible to get their gear progression -not fun too.


So for me CXP is also just meh

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All i want is more Light Side tokens, but it seems like every time i'm getting a crate, the Imperials are in control. So i try to match them up, which usually results in not doing anything at all and just browse the GTN for great deals.
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You could say that I'm grinding cxp but only because I'm not sure what else to do? I want to play my main or (my main 3 characters anyway) and once the stories are over all I have to do are heroics. I've leveled my favorite class three times and done every planet and expansion on them. They all end up in the same predicament.


One thing I could do, and enjoy doing in other games, is farming old content for gear and stuff but they took that away. Now what? Level a fourth, or do heroics? :confused:

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...Am I just being weird or does anyone else feel this way about CXP?


Nope. If I get CXP, it's by accident because I'm doing group content with the husb on my main for spousal co-op game time.


Higher item level gear: So what? I don't do hard more raids and I don't PvP, so I don't care about it. I would most certainly care about this if new actual content was released (a new planet, etc.) that required higher level gear, but this hasn't been a thing for quite awhile.

Rank 5 Companion Gifts: This is just a slap in the face to remind me that I used to be able to use Common Data Crystals at a reasonable rate to buy Rank 6 purple gifts... and now those are 250,000 credits. Nice Common Data Crystal to credits conversion there, by the way...


Adaptive armor shells: Get rid of them or put mods in them to make them upgraded gear. Why just a shell? There's no reason not to put mods in them. Anyone who's received a bracer shell *raises hand* knows how stupid this idea is. I love fashion in this game, but there's no armor shell I received out of a Command Crate and said, "Wow, cool graphic!" and used it in an outfit.... probably because the cool graphics are reserved for Cartel Market crates.


Crew skill schematics: Can't use them, as I don't craft; however, the husb is the one in our household who has all of the crew skills maxxed and I send all of the mats and schematics I get in game to him... except for these. They're legacy bound. Disintegrate.


Reputation tokens: Just... why? Isn't the point of getting reputation actually doing activities to help a faction? How many people have maxxed reputations years ago and would probably rather have reputation currency, instead? How are these factions just sending out rep tokens in crates, anyway? What happened to story immersion? Oh, that's right... reputation has now gone the way of the dark and light alignment bar, by detaching it from the story and turning it into more of a gimmick. I mean, you earn reputation with factions by opening a crate, which makes no logical sense to me. This is very similar to how you gain dark or light points by toggling a button in the UI and not by making choices in story and mission dialogues. BW is getting really good at ripping the Star Wars universe feeling out of this game... almost like they forgot about or don't know the reason and intent behind things like the dark and light alignment bar and reputation bars (or they just don't care.)


Scrap: Just... stop.


Seriously, what a bunch of garbage. I could care less about Command Crates and I actually don't care about the content that obtains CXP to get them. Some of those Uprisings are really painful - they remind me a lot of GW2's gimmick dungeons: they aren't challenging or fun, they're just annoying. Ironically enough, with all of BW's push to repeat KOTFE/ET chapters, do Uprisings, get Command Crates, etc., I'm happy to keep doing content in game that I find the most enjoyable and it doesn't even award CXP: Pre-KOTFE class stories and missions.

Edited by Edyn
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You can't ignore CXP, its the core of gear progression in SWTOR now and gear progression is the entire engine that drives all MMOs.


However, where SWTOR falls down in the gear progression is the reason for progression in the first place versus other MMOs.


When any other MMO introduces higher tier gear, it usually comes with new zones, dungeons, raids and CONTENT that requires the newer gear - and character level increases for that matter.


The last two expansions - 4.0 and 5.0, there has been no progression but rather REGRESSION. This is what I think has worn out most people who have been here a while. We have had two level cap increases with those and not a single reason (in new content) to require those levels caps. We have had two gear resets also that, again, did not add any PROGRESSION to the game.


If you were BiS with 212 gear in 3.0 you could do all the content in the game at that point. With 4.0 that climbed to 224 that once you got it, got you back to doing the same thing you were doing in 212 3.0 gear. With 5.0 that has climbed again to 242 that once you achieve it, gets you back once again to doing everything you did in 212 3.0 gear.


Each of the last two expansions has regressed players, not added any progression. And that is why SWTOR fails miserably versus any other MMO on the market. I can't think of a single MMO besides SWTOR, that introduces a level increase and BiS gear increase with NO CONTENT AT ALL TO WARRANT THOSE CHANGES.

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It's another symptom of the loot system being exactly backwards.


5.1.1 is a placebo, nothing more. It's a "feelsgoodman" patch to make people feel like things have improved, but really it just means more frequent disintegrations. The net effect of the patch so far for me is that last night I disintegrated three crates instead of one. Exciting!


Luckily it looks like 5.1.2 will actually address the real issue, the rate of component drops.


This is so true for the state of things right now.


Sure, I gained nearly 10 CXP levels in one sitting last night going from 167 to almost 177 but guess what I got that was useful?


Not a single thing. Even the companion gifts I don't care for anymore because I have leveled up the companions I plan to use already. Not a single useful item so all this tweaking bw has done did nothing for the betterment of the game or the rewards for playing extremely old content.


All it's done is allowed me to disintegrate twice as much, twice as fast. GC and RNG crates are sucking the life out of this game there so badly implemented.

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However, where SWTOR falls down in the gear progression is the reason for progression in the first place versus other MMOs.


When any other MMO introduces higher tier gear, it usually comes with new zones, dungeons, raids and CONTENT that requires the newer gear - and character level increases for that matter.


The last two expansions - 4.0 and 5.0, there has been no progression but rather REGRESSION. This is what I think has worn out most people who have been here a while. We have had two level cap increases with those and not a single reason (in new content) to require those levels caps. We have had two gear resets also that, again, did not add any PROGRESSION to the game.


If you were BiS with 212 gear in 3.0 you could do all the content in the game at that point. With 4.0 that climbed to 224 that once you got it, got you back to doing the same thing you were doing in 212 3.0 gear. With 5.0 that has climbed again to 242 that once you achieve it, gets you back once again to doing everything you did in 212 3.0 gear.


Each of the last two expansions has regressed players, not added any progression. And that is why SWTOR fails miserably versus any other MMO on the market. I can't think of a single MMO besides SWTOR, that introduces a level increase and BiS gear increase with NO CONTENT AT ALL TO WARRANT THOSE CHANGES.

Very well said. The lack of new content has finally caught up to them.

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You are not alone. While most people seem to despise it with the fury of a thousand Christmas light bulbs, I just find it.... pointless. I log in and check the daily activity and usually log right out and onto an alt, and progress on my class stories.


At first I was just happy to get some higher level gear than I had, 230 non-SB was fine. Now I've gotten the same pieces over and over and it just seems a waste of time. I don't need it, don't really want it and it's not encouraging me into GSF and PvP like it did the first few weeks.


I'd be interested to know what server the people are playing on because let's face it the fastest way to CXP level is by doing PVP, GSF, and Uprisings Fractured Farming. I'm finding my Harbinger toons are super leveling past my JC and Shadowlands toons now simply based on Pop frequency.

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You are not alone. While most people seem to despise it with the fury of a thousand Christmas light bulbs, I just find it.... pointless. I log in and check the daily activity and usually log right out and onto an alt, and progress on my class stories.


At first I was just happy to get some higher level gear than I had, 230 non-SB was fine. Now I've gotten the same pieces over and over and it just seems a waste of time. I don't need it, don't really want it and it's not encouraging me into GSF and PvP like it did the first few weeks.


I am with you, I don't hate it. I simply find the whole exercise utterly pointless. A lame idea to try and get people to sub in order to run tired, old content over and over again or spam pvp to make queue times look better. It is just an utter waste of time, no story advancement, nothing except crates filled with useless junk.

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