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Update to the 250% CXP Event.


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I cant believe you guys are now complaining about the rate at which you get items. First it was the rate at which you gain CXP now the rates items drop. *** you guys want to get 1 gear piece a crate?

Srsly it is no wonder why the Dev team doesnt pay attention to all the whinners all the time.

To the Dev team, you did a great job. Ty again for the CXP bonus. Keep up the good work and dont mind the whinners.


You dont understand, people complain about RNG since it was mentioned and introduced, not the CXP itself. If you get no set bonus pieces in 80 crates it is kinda stupid. Sure you get green and blue gear, but thats not the point, you should have access to set bonus gear.

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Hey Eric,


Is GSF supposed to be rewarding 350% requisition as well? It appears to have a double bonus, yet your prior statement indicated leveling XP and ship requisition would both be 250% (later 350%) alongside GCXP.



~ Eudoxia


Requiisition doesn't have the 350% increase but the 250% increase, as well as leveling XP. He stated that in an earlier post.

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I cant believe you guys are now complaining about the rate at which you get items. First it was the rate at which you gain CXP now the rates items drop. *** you guys want to get 1 gear piece a crate?

Srsly it is no wonder why the Dev team doesnt pay attention to all the whinners all the time.

To the Dev team, you did a great job. Ty again for the CXP bonus. Keep up the good work and dont mind the whinners.


You can't believe that RNG has been then problem all along????


The acquisition of a crate has NEVER been the issue. The contents of the crate have ALWAYS been the issue. Spending any amount of time to get nothing useful is bad. Since reaching teir3 I have opened 89 crates and not received any 242 gear. Weeks of play for no reward.


Based on my experience they could give is a 350000000% bonus, and I'd get an ocean freighter full of crates and still be no better off than I am today.

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I cant believe you guys are now complaining about the rate at which you get items. First it was the rate at which you gain CXP now the rates items drop. *** you guys want to get 1 gear piece a crate?

Srsly it is no wonder why the Dev team doesnt pay attention to all the whinners all the time.

To the Dev team, you did a great job. Ty again for the CXP bonus. Keep up the good work and dont mind the whinners.


I can't believe you even think people ever complained about the rate at which people got crates......because they didn't. That was not the issue people complained about so stop making stuff up and moving the goal posts. The problem now is the same as it ever was RNG makes gaining a crate a frustrating because you gain nothing of value most of the time. The devs missed that or have ignored that each time they make a change, its been said over and over there is not confusion over what was the issue so anyone like you claiming they fixed anything is simply wrong.


Dev maybe try this listening you speak of, but so far have not shown much evidence of.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not much of a fan of Musco or the rest of the Dev team, but in this case I think he made the point clear and even went back and clarified with an example.


I tend to think a lot of this is "just another thread to bash RNG." That really isn't fair.

Bashing Eric is completely unfair, I think we both agree with that...but bashing RNG is 100% fair imo. RNG and the absolute crap in the crates is still a HUGE issue, despite how fast we get crates now. The complete JUNK I got last night was abhorrent.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not much of a fan of Musco or the rest of the Dev team, but in this case I think he made the point clear and even went back and clarified with an example.


I tend to think a lot of this is "just another thread to bash RNG." That really isn't fair.


Why isn't it fair to bash RNG?


This increased cxp thing was absolutely not what was asked for what was asked for was a change in RNG. This is being done to distract but not fix the real issue. The devs know this, they know what is wanted and there are clearly purposely not giving the players what they want.

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Bashing Eric is completely unfair, I think we both agree with that...but bashing RNG is 100% fair imo. RNG and the absolute crap in the crates is still a HUGE issue, despite how fast we get crates now. The complete JUNK I got last night was abhorrent.

I had amazing luck. Three of my characters got usable set pieces including my main. Thanks to GSF I earned enough UC's to finish her 6-piece. I'm 15 ranks from Tier 2 which pretty much means everything even the set pieces in those crates will be useless.


But that's the thing. Last night broke a 60 crate dry-spell on my main. This is not rewarding or thrilling and the only excitement I get out of it is rage at how backwards this system is. It doesn't reward skill or determination.


I'm to the point where I consider Unassembled Components the primary gear path. The sooner GC drops the crate idea and directly awards UC's the better off we'll be.

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The drop rates are way way way way to low for set pieces. If u are extremely lucky u get 1 t1 piece before u get to tier 2. It it broken. You should have your whole t1 set by the time u get to tier 2. As it is now I think drop rate of THE ONLY THING that ppl want (set pieces) is 1 in 1000.


There is only 1 fix to this broken system: drop 1 set piece that u do not already have every 5 levels. Then u would have the t1 set by the end of t1 and ppl wouldn't be wasting time on this dumb system.

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Bashing Eric is completely unfair, I think we both agree with that...but bashing RNG is 100% fair imo. RNG and the absolute crap in the crates is still a HUGE issue, despite how fast we get crates now. The complete JUNK I got last night was abhorrent.


I agree that bashing Eric looks unfair, since he's just communicating stuff, but still, I have to say the level of hypocrisy you could find in his posts are really hard to ignore.


If I was a completely new player, with no knowledge of SWTOR and only had access to his posts, I would find that the game is going really well, they adjust some things, make some changes, but things are going great, there's no sign of big issues or whatever problems when you read his posts. That's hard to ignore for me.


I know he's not the one in charge and just tell people whatever they want him to tell, but he still ignore a lot of issues when he wants and only answer what he wants, making things looks WAY better than they are and he's clearly taking players for fools as much as other members of the team.


Remember the long "operation mystery" during KOTET, where he totally remain unclear for months and months about upcoming operation while players asked for a clear answer ? Sure he wasn't the one who made the call, but he clearly knew he was fooling players and he keep doing so till fall 2016.


That being said, bashing him is pointless, that's what communication is in our era, a big bag of ****, every companies communication is full of hypocrisy now. No need to turn against him at all, RNG is the real issue.

Edited by RswanBing
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If I was a completely new player, with no knowledge of SWTOR and only had access to his posts, I would find that the game is going really well, they adjust some things, make some changes, but things are going great, there's no sign of big issues or whatever problems when you read his posts. That's hard to ignore for me.

If that's the case, I would say he's doing a phenomenal job! His loyalty needs to be with Bioware...that's his employer and he needs to give the impression things are going smoothly.


I know he's not the one in charge and just tell people whatever they want him to tell, but he still ignore a lot of issues when he wants and only answer what he wants, making things looks WAY better than they are and he's clearly taking players for fools as much as other members of the team.

And THIS is why Eric gets a huge pass imo...he's NOT in charge. He's only allowed to comment on what he can...not necessarily what he wants. I don't think Eric is taking players as "fools"...he knows the issues...he knows RNG and the crap in these boxes is issue #1 for many people...but he can't comment on it for whatever reason...and I assure you, they aren't HIS reasons, they're reasons from Bioware/EA that he can't mention them.

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Why isn't it fair to bash RNG?


This increased cxp thing was absolutely not what was asked for what was asked for was a change in RNG. This is being done to distract but not fix the real issue. The devs know this, they know what is wanted and there are clearly purposely not giving the players what they want.


I believe you will find in another thread my words regarding the whole Crapmand System. And I wholeheartedly agree with comments to the effect that it doesn't matter if it's 250%, 350% or 1 million% of an increase. I believe you will find several comparisons by me to something found in an animal pasture or sewage treatment plant.


I did however say that it was unfair to overly parse Musco's comments, especially when he came back and clarified with an example. I hold to that.

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If that's the case, I would say he's doing a phenomenal job! His loyalty needs to be with Bioware...that's his employer and he needs to give the impression things are going smoothly.


I guess you're right, from Bioware perspective. :p But I still think that sometimes a little bit of honesty is better than over-controlled and over-positive communication that doesn't represent reality. I would have respected them more if the communication was different. I must value honesty too much. :D


And THIS is why Eric gets a huge pass imo...he's NOT in charge. He's only allowed to comment on what he can...not necessarily what he wants. I don't think Eric is taking players as "fools"...he knows the issues...he knows RNG and the crap in these boxes is issue #1 for many people...but he can't comment on it for whatever reason...and I assure you, they aren't HIS reasons, they're reasons from Bioware/EA that he can't mention them.


If he's really as controled as you say, well, that's a really ****** job. :D I'd like to agree with you, but I just don't buy it. He's not a slave who has no other choice but keep doing what they want. He chooses to keep doing so, and to keep working here. I don't blame him for that, but he choosed it.


I get what you were saying, his responsabilites are minimal, and you're right, but there isn't none. He's not a poor victim, he's doing his job and he's paid for it. I'm not saying we should bash him, but nothing shows me that he cares any more than others about players and nothing shows me that he isn't supporting the team decisions. Maybe he is, but we can't say.


At best he's almost "neutral" for me, but no pass for him, sorry. :)

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The drop rates are way way way way to low for set pieces. If u are extremely lucky u get 1 t1 piece before u get to tier 2. It it broken. You should have your whole t1 set by the time u get to tier 2. As it is now I think drop rate of THE ONLY THING that ppl want (set pieces) is 1 in 1000.


While I am not one of those chasing set pieces, nor are my guild mates (we see them as gravy to playing the way we choose to play) .. I do agree that they need to address drop rates on set bonus pieces.


As I have noted in other posts.... they need to richen the set piece drop rates and discard the "junk items" (scraps, empty shells, etc). They also need to discard the Green quality items as well.. as they have essentially the same stats as blue and purple (for equivalent item level) and are generally looked down upon by crate chasers.


It's a freaking loot table, not rocket science!! Change it to make it less frustrating for some players and give players a bit more feel-good boost from opening crates because everything that drops from a crate is more interesting and valuable for players ----> end game gear items that are an upgrade for most players.


There is only 1 fix to this broken system: drop 1 set piece that u do not already have every 5 levels. Then u would have the t1 set by the end of t1 and ppl wouldn't be wasting time on this dumb system.


^^ this would have some rather convoluted coding requirements to do though. And being convoluted coding.. they will make errors and mistakes.


KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) is a better approach. 1) richen the loot tables 2) put in a check routine that checks the character for duplicate drops and automatically pushes something not currently in character inventory/cargo/equipped. This will insert some delay in a crate opening though.. so be prepared (though I don't see the studio doing this, or anything similar really).

Edited by Andryah
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If he's really as controled as you say, well, that's a really ****** job. :D I'd like to agree with you, but I just don't buy it. He's not a slave who has no other choice but keep doing what they want. He chooses to keep doing so, and to keep working here. I don't blame him for that, but he choosed it.


Most people who work in customer facing roles are closely controlled by the company on disclosures or even comments to customers. Why? Because anything said, can and will be construed as a promise or a commitment on behalf of the company.


This IS the nature of customer facing roles in most companies of any size (and please don't play the small business owner card here, we are talking about large corporations). Anyone that goes into such a role knows it up front and accepts it.


Personally, my observation is that Eric's is particularly well suited for a customer facing role as he has the right temperament, and right discipline for the role. What is lacking is consistency...... but I chalk that up to Eric being just about the only customer facing staff member in Austin. He is well suited for a game company because he appears to have a gamers heart (unlike some of the earlier community managers in this game, which when you checked their linked in profiles... some of them were Human Resources professionals....which are the LAST temperament and background I would ever want in a customer facing role as they are generally legalistic company shields, as is the legal and marketing staff). In my many years of managing projects and properties that faced customers, legal, HR, and marketing were always a burden and a hurdle to free and open dialog with customers.

Edited by Andryah
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Idea of choosing from a set of pieces the player does not possess


^^ this would have some rather convoluted coding requirements to do though. And being convoluted coding.. they will make errors and mistakes.

While it's not "Baby's First Code" it's a common enough task that any properly trained engineer should be able to rip that out in a day or two.


define a blank vector called $missingItems

foreach $slotId in slots

   $itemId = GetItemForSlot($slotId, $character.class, $character.spec)

   if not IsPossessedBy($character, $itemId) 
       add element with value $itemId to $missingItems
   end if

end foreach

$num = count of elements in $missingItems

$index = PickANumberBetween 1 and $num  # RNG!

$dropItemId = get itemId from the $missingItems element at position $index


For clarity I left out the case where a character may actually have items for all slots. In that situation it would just go back to a straight random chance.

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While it's not "Baby's First Code" it's a common enough task that any properly trained engineer should be able to rip that out in a day or two.


define a blank vector called $missingItems

foreach $slotId in slots

   $itemId = GetItemForSlot($slotId, $character.class, $character.spec)

   if not IsPossessedBy($character, $itemId) 
       add element with value $itemId to $missingItems
   end if

end foreach

$num = count of elements in $missingItems

$index = PickANumberBetween 1 and $num  # RNG!

$dropItemId = get itemId from the $missingItems element at position $index


For clarity I left out the case where a character may actually have items for all slots. In that situation it would just go back to a straight random chance.



This is too complicated for Bioware and their Devs. Their solution is easier to code and maintain,doesnt matter if majority playerbase dont like it.

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Hey folks,

Get in there and enjoy your crazy CXP bonus. :rak_03:



This is only helping me get my boxes-of-suck faster. Since I am a lazy git and haven't bothered searching, is there anything coming in the near future that will help me get unassembled components quicker?

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