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Petition to nerf Merc/Commandos. please comment to support!


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I think by this point anyone who regularly plays pvp knows that this class is very unbalanced compared to every other dps class. They are the highest dmg dealers in the game, while being ranged, which makes that dmg very easy to deal, have the best armor in the game, some of the best defensive cds in the game, and can heal most of their life while in combat 3 times in under 2 mins. and on top of all that, electronets. now that many matches half of my opponents are mercs, these have become very prevalent in pvp. they shut you down like nothing else in the game, and make it so that many classes cannot use ANY good defensive skills, which as low armor chars can be their only defense. combine all this, and it's just way too good, which is why around half the people in pvp use this class now, out of 8 classes. the only 2 dps specs that are considered tier 1 right now are the 2 merc/commando dps specs.


Please, everyone who agrees that this class needs a nerf for very valid reasons, comment below to show your support and hopefully cause the makers of this game to take notice at how unhappy they're making their players with this new class imbalance that they have refused to fix.

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I have been PvPing with a Mara and Jugg after that, since 5.0, and i am not convinced that mercs are that OP.


The class is a little over the top in a way that an average player can do well and tons of people are now playing it(one of the reasons i am no longer a merc), but the nature of the class is that, if your team is competent it doesn't make warzones unfun or unplayable, the way it was with sorcs before 5.0.


Sure merc is OP on paper but most of the mercs are terrible, and by terrible i mean terrible. They are still my favorite thing to focus, beside sorcs. Just stop attacking them when they pop the shield heal reflect.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I think by this point anyone who regularly plays pvp knows that this class is very unbalanced compared to every other dps class. They are the highest dmg dealers in the game, while being ranged, which makes that dmg very easy to deal, have the best armor in the game, some of the best defensive cds in the game, and can heal most of their life while in combat 3 times in under 2 mins. and on top of all that, electronets. now that many matches half of my opponents are mercs, these have become very prevalent in pvp. they shut you down like nothing else in the game, and make it so that many classes cannot use ANY good defensive skills, which as low armor chars can be their only defense. combine all this, and it's just way too good, which is why around half the people in pvp use this class now, out of 8 classes. the only 2 dps specs that are considered tier 1 right now are the 2 merc/commando dps specs.


Please, everyone who agrees that this class needs a nerf for very valid reasons, comment below to show your support and hopefully cause the makers of this game to take notice at how unhappy they're making their players with this new class imbalance that they have refused to fix.


1: They aren't the highest dps in the game. A sniper/slinger can out burst them and an op/scoundrel actually parse higher as well.


2: Their armor is no better or worse than a juggernaut/guardian. Heavy armor is heavy armor and people that pvp a lot know that heavy armor actually counts for very little considering how many thing bypass it.


3: Your CC break removes the hindering effect of electro net, just not the dot. However, with that being said, there are also numerous skills in game that can be used while netted.


4: If you think that the only 2 tier 1 dps are the 2 merc/mando specs then you really need to pvp more.


After rereading your post, I am going to assume that you play a sorc/sage and that you are aggravated that net keeps you from bubbling. Refer to #3 to learn how to bubble with e-net on you.

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1: They aren't the highest dps in the game. A sniper/slinger can out burst them and an op/scoundrel actually parse higher as well.


2: Their armor is no better or worse than a juggernaut/guardian. Heavy armor is heavy armor and people that pvp a lot know that heavy armor actually counts for very little considering how many thing bypass it.


3: Your CC break removes the hindering effect of electro net, just not the dot. However, with that being said, there are also numerous skills in game that can be used while netted.


4: If you think that the only 2 tier 1 dps are the 2 merc/mando specs then you really need to pvp more.


After rereading your post, I am going to assume that you play a sorc/sage and that you are aggravated that net keeps you from bubbling. Refer to #3 to learn how to bubble with e-net on you.


1. while snipers can do as much dmg, i have never seen a sniper do more dmg in a wz than I've seen some mercs do, although it can be about equal. and an operative that can do that much dmg is very rare imo, although they do exist, but still, not more dmg than I've seen some mercs do.


2. yes, their armor is tied for the best. i just meant best as in heavy is the best armor, not as in better than every other heavy armor user. sry for the confusion, my bad.


3. i have one cc break every min and a half to 2 min. with all the other stuns out there, it can't always be saved just for electronets. but in these games with so many mercs, even if i use that to break one i just get another one thrown on right after if i'm being focused, or i get stunned... lots of stuns in the game, which is why i usually don't have the cc breaker up for use while i'm being electronetted. but when there are multiple ones thrown on you, and u can only break one every min and a half, and you're a low armor char that relies on mobility to stay alive, you literally have no chance, there's nothing you can do even if all your other defensive cds are up and rdy to use.


4. it's not my opinion, i got it from dulfy's site, you'll have to take it up with them :p


and yes, i have a sage, a shadow, and a sent that i'm currently using, and with my sage i can't bubble, teleport, or use force speed to try to get away, nothing works, which is prob why it's pissing off so many sages, and you well know since u guessed that i have once :p . also my shadow can't use his main defensive skill, force cloak, and my sent can't use his version of it either. electronets are a death sentence for many chars. they should not be hands down better than any other snare in the game, where only one skill with a 2 min cd can do anything against them, and most people save that for stuns. it's unbalanced.

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Yes please, nerf Mercenaries and Commandos instead of just Arsenal and Gunnery so both other specs will be even worse then they already are. Great idea.


so even though dulfy has the other dps spec as a tier 1 (the best), better than every other dps spec exept for the gunnery one, and you think it's not good enough? wow dude, wow. guess the best isn't good enough for u, hu? :p

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so even though dulfy has the other dps spec as a tier 1 (the best), better than every other dps spec exept for the gunnery one, and you think it's not good enough? wow dude, wow. guess the best isn't good enough for u, hu? :p


The damage output is irrelevant, IMO. If they had 4.0 survivability (with the reflect from 5.0 I guess), mercs would be completely fine. It's about balancing survivability and damage.


The healing energy shield and the 70% KO (this should be given to PTs) needs to go, though.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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The damage output is irrelevant, IMO. If they had 4.0 survivability (with the reflect from 5.0 I guess), mercs would be completely fine. It's about balancing survivability and damage.


The healing energy shield and the 70% KO (this should be given to PTs) needs to go, though.


totally agree :) i swear the heal should have gone to the powertechs and someone messed up the paperwork and sent it to the wrong class :p

Edited by Paratusin
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so even though dulfy has the other dps spec as a tier 1 (the best), better than every other dps spec exept for the gunnery one, and you think it's not good enough? wow dude, wow. guess the best isn't good enough for u, hu? :p


Dummy parse dps has nothing to do with viability in PvP.

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1. while snipers can do as much dmg, i have never seen a sniper do more dmg in a wz than I've seen some mercs do, although it can be about equal. and an operative that can do that much dmg is very rare imo, although they do exist, but still, not more dmg than I've seen some mercs do.


Whether or not you have seen, or not seen it is irrelevant. Snipers have better burst and not just in pure damage but actually being able to control it.


2. yes, their armor is tied for the best. i just meant best as in heavy is the best armor, not as in better than every other heavy armor user. sry for the confusion, my bad.


As I stated before though, heavy armor means next to nothing with all of the abilities that bypass it.



3. i have one cc break every min and a half to 2 min. with all the other stuns out there, it can't always be saved just for electronets. but in these games with so many mercs, even if i use that to break one i just get another one thrown on right after if i'm being focused, or i get stunned... lots of stuns in the game, which is why i usually don't have the cc breaker up for use while i'm being electronetted. but when there are multiple ones thrown on you, and u can only break one every min and a half, and you're a low armor char that relies on mobility to stay alive, you literally have no chance, there's nothing you can do even if all your other defensive cds are up and rdy to use.


That puts you in the exact same boat as everyone else, even mercs/mandos. You have to know when and where to use your CC breaker because, honestly, some people use it when they shouldn't be. They pop it too early and just get restunned and they've wasted it. You also do not have to use your CC break if netted.


4. it's not my opinion, i got it from dulfy's site, you'll have to take it up with them :p


Link the quote please because, as I've said, other classes in the game can dps higher than mercs/mandos.


and yes, i have a sage, a shadow, and a sent that i'm currently using, and with my sage i can't bubble, teleport, or use force speed to try to get away, nothing works, which is prob why it's pissing off so many sages, and you well know since u guessed that i have once :p . also my shadow can't use his main defensive skill, force cloak, and my sent can't use his version of it either. electronets are a death sentence for many chars. they should not be hands down better than any other snare in the game, where only one skill with a 2 min cd can do anything against them, and most people save that for stuns. it's unbalanced.


That's because a lot of sorc/sages do not know how to counter it. As for shadows/assasins and sents/maras, those are some of the best counters to mercs/mandos. Not only can the shadows use their CC break to get out of a net, but their Force Shroud will block it completely if it is timed right. But that comes back to knowing when to use something and when not to.


I've watched mercs/mandos use net too early while an assassin had it up and get owned. I've also seen the reverse happen with an assassin popping it right away with the merc waiting for it to wear off before netting.


Now, don't get me wrong, e-net is a powerful ability but it can be countered by players that are smart and are doing more than just mashing buttons in a dps race.

Edited by DariusCalera
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nerf arsenal spec :


- the 30% crit damage bonus


- the blazing bolt while moving or the blazing bolt snare


and reduce/fix the trauma regulator's heal.


IO is fine, proof : 1/10 play it (or less)


If you're going to fotm reroll, why the **** would you play the slightly worse dps spec?


IO defensives are just as good, damage is competitive, no particular downside besides being dotspec & the ****** heat management.


Bodyguard is still subpar compared to sorc though, which is pretty mindboggling.

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If you're going to fotm reroll, why the **** would you play the slightly worse dps spec?


IO defensives are just as good, damage is competitive, no particular downside besides being dotspec & the ****** heat management.


Bodyguard is still subpar compared to sorc though, which is pretty mindboggling.


I think bodyguard (WITH their broken utilities in 5.0. without, they need some healing output buffs) and medicine are good, but sorc heals still are just kinda OP..


IMO, TTK needs to go back down to 2.10 levels. IE, you **** up, you die in under ~6 seconds to some classes. It can take around 3+ minutes for some classes to kill each other in a 1v1, which is just ridiculous to me.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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I think bodyguard (WITH their broken utilities in 5.0. without, they need some healing output buffs) and medicine are good, but sorc heals still are just kinda OP..


Bodyguard is still subpar because their healing output is so low. (Especially noticable in rankeds.) I'd love to give up trauma regulators and the buffed kolto overload in order to have proper hps.

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If you're going to fotm reroll, why the **** would you play the slightly worse dps spec?


IO defensives are just as good, damage is competitive, no particular downside besides being dotspec & the ****** heat management.


Bodyguard is still subpar compared to sorc though, which is pretty mindboggling.


With that stack of dcds the above changes won't work.


I play IO, the few and the brave know is better.


Reduce the max shield heal stacks to KO levels e.g. 35-40%.

Reduce the reflect stacks to 3%.

Self heal to 75%, reflect, burst for 12sec is too much for rwz.

Edited by Aetideus
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I think by this point anyone who regularly plays pvp knows that this class is very unbalanced compared to every other dps class. They are the highest dmg dealers in the game, while being ranged, which makes that dmg very easy to deal, have the best armor in the game, some of the best defensive cds in the game, and can heal most of their life while in combat 3 times in under 2 mins. and on top of all that, electronets. now that many matches half of my opponents are mercs, these have become very prevalent in pvp. they shut you down like nothing else in the game, and make it so that many classes cannot use ANY good defensive skills, which as low armor chars can be their only defense. combine all this, and it's just way too good, which is why around half the people in pvp use this class now, out of 8 classes. the only 2 dps specs that are considered tier 1 right now are the 2 merc/commando dps specs.


Please, everyone who agrees that this class needs a nerf for very valid reasons, comment below to show your support and hopefully cause the makers of this game to take notice at how unhappy they're making their players with this new class imbalance that they have refused to fix.


You are correct, but I highly doubt that Bioware will nerf them any time soon. After a year of Merc Wars in PvP they might look into it! :D

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Fun of out PvP is still sucked out of it by good teams of tanks + healers, just as before 5.0.

Mercs are not OP enough to make wzs unfun. If you are having problems with mercs you are not very good, because most of them are bad. The good ones are too few to make a dent in the general picture of pvp.


I mean they are so bad that i laugh in real life every time i fight a merc in wzs, as an ex merc. The quantity of backpedlers is unbelievable.

Edited by Kaedusz
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