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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Are you serious? They are using warhammers game engine?


I would have never bought this game if i had known that. This is truly sick and i feel completely victimized if bioware just dumped warhammers game engine into swtor.


Can anyone confirm this? This may be grounds for a class action lawsuit against EA for a snatch and grab cash scam.


I can't, because I never played the game, but my friend did and he said that the second he logged onto ToR he felt Warhammer straight away. Plus some people making Warhammer were working on ToR and warhammer was never fixed... so yeah.


Don't take my word on it all, I am repeating what I heard. But I believe him.

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just noticed this today on my sith marauder, was using a casting melee ability of around 3 secs where you stand still and attack target with both sabres...i then pressed a instant cast DOT on the target but my 3+sec cast ability animation was still waving his light sabre around so i couldnt cast it..


In all was around 0.5 secs off even more i recon thinking back, really was horrible to watch as my character swings his light sabre around while doing 0 damage and im stuck there waiting for him ......:(

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Okay, allow me to ask, first and foremost, how I was implying that my computer is awesome? I know that it's a mediocre computer; I never said nor implied any different. I also fail to see how my signature implies as such, considering a large quantity of people have the same posted in their signatures, with mediocre to low-end specs. I see it all over the Internet.


Secondly, how do my posts reek of immaturity when the majority of my posts are the truth? Many, many people agree with what I have posted, regardless if you do or not. You complain on a forum that is labeled "General Discussion" when there is a forum dedicated ENTIRELY to feedback and criticism. To be quite frank, I would say that you're the "immature one" considering you're the one dragging irrelevant information to the top (ie. my computer's specs). You insulted my computer - a computer, of all things..


Customer Service


In conclusion, I still have not experienced issues that you folks are describing, to the degree at which you're inflating them. I experienced some very minor issues with the delay, but in reiteration, that was the result of raiding with three others with a ton of additional enemies coming after us, with a lot of power-casting and fighting going on; this leads me to believe that it is not BioWare's fault entirely, but rather potential issues with the servers (ie. LAG, for instance).




Ok seriously, this is an MMO , if theier servers cannot handle 4 players fighting a group of enemies, they need to invest in more power.


If the problem is truly, they are fracking cheap and have only hired 1 hamster per server to power the game.... WOW go spend some cash and make the game playable immediately

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Ok seriously, this is an MMO , if theier servers cannot handle 4 players fighting a group of enemies, they need to invest in more power.


If the problem is truly, they are fracking cheap and have only hired 1 hamster per server to power the game.... WOW go spend some cash and make the game playable immediately


If I do recall correctly, people had issues logging in to WoW for a number of weeks before the issues were resolved, and look at the amount of success it has had. This game came out like nine days ago, of course there will be bugs, errors, glitches, etc. You can't expect a PERFECT game when it was JUST released. No game has ever been perfect on launch; not one. That being said, this game is the closest to perfection I've ever seen in terms of an MMORPG launch.


You do realize that I am also paying the same monthly fees as you, correct? Do you see me fretting or complaining? No. Why do you think that is? Hrm? Oh, jeeze... I wonder why...


BECAUSE I AM UNDERSTANDING AND LOGICAL. Things WILL get fixed. If you're going to leave, then so be it... but you WILL be kicking yourself in the pants once all of the issues get corrected.

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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I agree, while I can live with it in PvE(it's still very annoying), it's game breaking in PvP.


It's also worse on some classes more than other, such as Bounty Hunter where they got long animation on alot of their instant abilities + the projectile speed, which is really slow.


I've also noticed that if you click an ability more than once the animation tends to reset or bug. My BH has ended up holding the unload animation with the timer going down several times but nothing happens, no dmg, no CD, just a GCD and a char standing there with crossed arms..


BW needs to fix this asap. I've tried countless of mmos but left them because of the unresponsive controlls. I don't want to see this game fail because of that, the game got so much potential and I love the stories.


Games like LoL and WoW is successful because of their tight and responsive controls. I doubt anyone would want to play them if they had a 0.5s long delay on every ability they got when they got 30-70ping..

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I can't, because I never played the game, but my friend did and he said that the second he logged onto ToR he felt Warhammer straight away. Plus some people making Warhammer were working on ToR and warhammer was never fixed... so yeah.


Don't take my word on it all, I am repeating what I heard. But I believe him.


I don't believe this is the case. However, you don't need the same engine to have the same issues, you just need the same people and that's what they got. I don't think the issue is severe as what WAR had but umm.. kinda similar. And I remember what happened when I played WAR. One day (during first month) I decided to log off and never logged back on, because I couldn't take clunky combat mechanics any longer.

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I can't, because I never played the game, but my friend did and he said that the second he logged onto ToR he felt Warhammer straight away. Plus some people making Warhammer were working on ToR and warhammer was never fixed... so yeah.


Don't take my word on it all, I am repeating what I heard. But I believe him.


You are wrong, please before you open your mouth to quote nonsense, verify the facts, that have been mentioned in this long post more than once with links as references instead of misleading others with "What I have heard from a friend".


This s a new game engine used for the first time for SWTOR, warhammer has NOTHING to do with it, can't you people get it in your head, Bioware did NOT create warhammer, it only passed in Bioware's hand AFTER the game had been server merged a dozen times, so it was already long dead.

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Bumping the thread since this is a game breaking issue for many, including myself. Playing sniper in pvp is unplayable at the moment due to this issue. If BW does not address this asap, this might jeopardize the continuity of subs.


This is a GREAT game, it has so much potential...

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Bumping the thread since this is a game breaking issue for many, including myself. Playing sniper in pvp is unplayable at the moment due to this issue. If BW does not address this asap, this might jeopardize the continuity of subs.


This is a GREAT game, it has so much potential...


I'm not worried; it will get fixed soon, I am sure. They've had their hands full. :p

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Then how come the only people I have ever seen complain are the ones that are on the forums? My entire guild has also reported ZERO problems in PVP. Everybody that I have talked to IN-GAME absolutely ADORES this game.


Do you honestly think that everybody is going to quit because of a bit of a delay in power-casting? Most people that play are too busy enjoying themselves.


It hasn't bothered me OR my guild. I feel the game is honestly fine just the way it is, and I am sure I can find THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS who would agree with my sentiments.


Could it be a server issue then? Even playing as operative my instant attacks are not instant. When I shiv, GCD goes off but the animation is never finished in time and I can't do a backstab or anything really for that matter for about 0.5 seconds.


This makes the game experience clunky and for a 2011 next-gen mmo with a name like Star Wars, this is disappointing.

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Then how come the only people I have ever seen complain are the ones that are on the forums? My entire guild has also reported ZERO problems in PVP. Everybody that I have talked to IN-GAME absolutely ADORES this game.


Do you honestly think that everybody is going to quit because of a bit of a delay in power-casting? Most people that play are too busy enjoying themselves.


It hasn't bothered me OR my guild. I feel the game is honestly fine just the way it is, and I am sure I can find THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS who would agree with my sentiments.


The problems with that logic:


a. Once the new game shine wears off it's going to become more and more glaring

b. Even if you can find just as many people or even more you don't want to eventually lose 20% of people because of one flaw in your game. And yes that numbers an estimate - I think my point is clear regardless.

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Could it be a server issue then? Even playing as operative my instant attacks are not instant. When I shiv, GCD goes off but the animation is never finished in time and I can't do a backstab or anything really for that matter for about 0.5 seconds.


This makes the game experience clunky and for a 2011 next-gen mmo with a name like Star Wars, this is disappointing.


It very well could be, as I previously stated. :)

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If I do recall correctly, people had issues logging in to WoW for a number of weeks before the issues were resolved. The game came out like nine days ago, of course there will be bugs, errors, glitches, etc. You can't expect a PERFECT game when it was JUST released. No game has ever been perfect on launch; not one. That being said, this game is the closest to perfection I've ever seen in terms of an MMORPG launch.


Note: WoW and EQ didn't have this issue and it was one of their reasons for a long success


Take care.

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The problems with that logic:


a. Once the new game shine wears off it's going to become more and more glaring

b. Even if you can find just as many people or even more you don't want to eventually lose 20% of people because of one flaw in your game. And yes that numbers an estimate - I think my point is clear regardless.


a. By the time that happens, the game will more-than-likely be fixed and running at near-flawless performance. I'd bet my entire life savings on that. :)


b. This issue that a lot of people are experiencing will probably be fixed within the next few weeks. Again, I'm not worried as I will continue enjoying this game regardless. I don't even really need PVP to make my MMORPG experience fun.

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I wonder if its just me but after all the mmo starts i experienced, there is nothing i did not expect to happen ^^

i knew without playing the beta, that for the first 2-3 month there will be balance issues, bugs, design flaws, everything

even when its hard to say, just don't play a mmo right from the start if you don't want to play to the problematic startingphase.

start 4 month later and you will have no problems

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a. By the time that happens, the game will more-than-likely be fixed and running at near-flawless performance. I'd bet my entire life savings on that. :)


b. This issue that a lot of people are experiencing will probably be fixed within the next few weeks. Again, I'm not worried as I will continue enjoying this game regardless. I don't even really need PVP to make my MMORPG experience fun.


you're delusional

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You are wrong, please before you open your mouth to quote nonsense, verify the facts, that have been mentioned in this long post more than once with links as references instead of misleading others with "What I have heard from a friend".


This s a new game engine used for the first time for SWTOR, warhammer has NOTHING to do with it, can't you people get it in your head, Bioware did NOT create warhammer, it only passed in Bioware's hand AFTER the game had been server merged a dozen times, so it was already long dead.




TOR has nothing to do with the Warhammer engine.


TOR uses the "Hero Engine"


While Warhammer used the something called the Gamebyro Engine (you can wikipedia that too if you like)... The only relation, if any at all, is that some people from Mythic (which were the original developers that made Warhammer and also own by EA) now work for Bioware Austin (the specific Bioware Studio that did TOR)..


And I've played Warhammer Online and this, this game has no similarities to it what so ever at least on the PvE side of things, I can't comment on the PVP side as I don't really PvP much at all and probably don't plan to for awhile.

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Read what users had to say about the WoW launch here...




Had to switch servers about a 3-4 times due to insane lag and queue times into the hours. Any patching that had to be done took hours due to their idiotic bit torrent client. Luckily fileplanet started hosting standalone patches about a month after launch. Even with wait times of 60 mins I would get the patch about 6 hours before it would come down through the WoW patch client.


My server was stable and responsive for two days after launch, then was down for a day and went through several months of instability.


Just continue reading, and you will find that WoW had a great NUMBER of issues post-launch.


Also to further reinforce my statement regarding the log in issues...




Ahh, the memories........Remember WoW when it launched....a month after launch every weekend I would log on and find myself at around #1000 in a login que. Several hours later, after 1000 people decided to give up waiting to play a game, I would be able to log in. But the que would grow to 2,000 and even higher. And now, before it even launches, Star Trek Online has got their own que because yet again, server capacity is too low. Just think of all the people that didn't pre-order and will buy the game on the 2nd or later next week.


Logging in is a pretty essential fundamental of any online game, and they had issues for a looooong time.


I am not worried, nor do I fear about TOR's fate. As you can see, the website in itself is irrelevant to both games, but the post is about WoW's launch... so, you can see that I'm not the only one who experienced that issue at launch. xD


Edited by Sinister-Sith
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Posting in support of OP. Responsiveness is key!


Playing a Guardian tank feels sluggish. When I hit a keybinding to use an ability there's like a 0.5 or 1 second delay while the character displays some fancy animation THEN the skill is performed.


Not good.


The way it should be is: hit keybinding and BAM! use the ability, THEN follow through with fancy animation. That BAM! feeling is the responsiveness players get hooked into.


(BAM! added for dramatic effect)


This is a serious issue joking aside.

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a. By the time that happens, the game will more-than-likely be fixed and running at near-flawless performance. I'd bet my entire life savings on that. :)


b. This issue that a lot of people are experiencing will probably be fixed within the next few weeks. Again, I'm not worried as I will continue enjoying this game regardless. I don't even really need PVP to make my MMORPG experience fun.


I acknowledge you are having fun witg SW:TOR, I acknowledge you believe SW:TOR is amazing and that you are part of an entire, great and friendly guild of likeminded people who love playing the game. I acknowledge that neither you nor anyone in your guild, anyone you have spoken to in game have experienced any of the appearant issues discussed in this thread.


I will grant you all of this freely and gladly if you will only grant me the wish that you stop posting in this thread. You don't have any issues discussed here, I apologize if this thread offends you, please let us continue here without you.


It is much appreciated

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I acknowledge you are having fun witg SW:TOR, I acknowledge you believe SW:TOR is amazing and that you are part of an entire, great and friendly guild of likeminded people who love playing the game. I acknowledge that neither you nor anyone in your guild, anyone you have spoken to in game have experienced any of the appearant issues discussed in this thread.


I will grant you all of this freely and gladly if you will only grant me the wish that you stop posting in this thread. You don't have any issues discussed here, I apologize if this thread offends you, please let us continue here without you.


It is much appreciated

LOL. Yes, sir, captain!

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Dude, you really need to read the original post. Nothing you posted here has any relevance to the discussion. It's clear that you didn't read it.


Oh, I read it, I'm just not impatient. And it really does hold relevance as every other successful MMORPG had mad issues at launch. You folks are going on like it's something new and horrible.

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