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Please stop Auto-Triggering Chapters and Cut Scenes


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Title pretty much says it all, but in defense, my reasoning follows:


My first couple characters, I actually enjoyed the auto-trigger cut scenes and the end of certain missions. It felt more natural that the NPC would acknowledge me as soon as I walked into the room instead of waiting for me to find them and click them. Unfortunately, when I got to the Smuggler play through, I discovered this to be a major annoyance.


Every time I go to a new planet, the cut scene with Risha auto-starts rather than waiting for me to trigger it. Sadly, when it does this, the cut scene glitches and there are now TWO Risha's - one from the cut scene and the other as background NPC working away at whatever console she uses in the Cargo area. To fix this, I have to [Esc] out of the cut scene and manually trigger it - EVERY SINGLE TIME.


When out in the world doing missions - particularly in KOTFE and KOTET missions, conversation cut scenes will often auto-trigger as soon as you are done killing the mobs that end the most recent stage of the Chapter mission. Unfortunately, when these auto-trigger, you are then unable to loot the mobs you just killed, and when the cut scene is over (or you [Esc] out) you are still unable to loot them because triggering the cut scene kills that option - I lost a purple and a couple blues that way in KOTET chapter II


The chapters auto-starting is just annoying and feels very disjointed. There are in-game mails (story mails) that are triggered after completion of certain chapters that are supposed to wrap up the story of that chapter. If you want to get those mails at the appropriate point in the story, you have to manually escape from the start of the next chapter to go and read them, else you end up doing what I did in KOTFE and reading 3-chapter old mails talking about hunting someone down after you've already killed them.


I can't find a good reason for auto-starting each Chapter as soon as the previous one has been completed, unless EA/BW is just afraid that if we stop playing for a moment without being in the middle of a mission, we might decide not to continue ...

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I agree. I mean, I don't mind too much pressing ESC to drop out, but if I log out and back in, it will autostart the chapter again. That's even more annoying. There was even one point where it went into the next chapter and kept trying to give me the "reward" for completing the previous chapter, but several waves of mobs kept attacking before I could even accept the reward. Annoying.


I get what they are trying to do, letting people binge and have a seamless story. But, as someone else mentioned, there are other things that happen and entering the story keeps us from doing them. I guess we could use the Field Mail Droid... but who ever thinks about that thing?

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Every time i've had a cutscene right after combat I could still loot the mobs afterwards, the loot lights just went away.


That's all well and good if the dead bodies stick around; in this case, there were no bodies left to loot after the cut.


I do like the idea of a toggle (in preferences like the rest) to just switch off Auto-Play. BW could have it ON as default, even, which would literally affect no one's gameplay experience unless you wanted to take the step to turn it off.

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I have two Level 65s which have not started KOTET and found I could turn in Heroics crates without triggering the KOTET expansion.


For those who are in the middle of KOTFE/ET and need into your Odessen Command area, hit the [ESC] button to exit out of autostarting chapters.

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I have two Level 65s which have not started KOTET and found I could turn in Heroics crates without triggering the KOTET expansion.


For those who are in the middle of KOTFE/ET and need into your Odessen Command area, hit the [ESC] button to exit out of autostarting chapters.


Depends on which chapters you are between. I tried doing this after Chapter 6 (escaped at start of Ch. 7 Into the Void) and tried every method I know of to get into the Odessen base - walking in, porting to one of the Alliance people, etc. EVERY option auto-triggered the start of Ch. 7


I finally sat through the opening movies for the chapter -then- was able to eventually escape out and use my base as normal.

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That's all well and good if the dead bodies stick around; in this case, there were no bodies left to loot after the cut.


I do like the idea of a toggle (in preferences like the rest) to just switch off Auto-Play. BW could have it ON as default, even, which would literally affect no one's gameplay experience unless you wanted to take the step to turn it off.

Exactly. ^^ The beauty of adding a toggle that's set to on by default is that the people who don't care about this will be completely unaffected and the people who do care will now have that option. It's win-win.

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How my character interacts with the world should be controlled by me and me alone. The quest tells me what to do and where to go. There are visible queue indicators on what I'm supposed to click, or who I'm supposed to click.


It is fundamentally wrong and against the nature of a persistent world to take these decision making abilities away from me and my character(s)

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Yes...please... It used to be, before 5.0 hit, that Chapter Ten of KOTFE wouldn't automatically start, giving you the perfect opportunity to get Alliance Alerts and Star Fortresses done, and have access to the base to turn in alliance crates... now it automatically starts. Every single chapter automatically starts. :( It'd be so nice if there was an option to manually start them - click on the situation table in the war room, check in with Lana, go to the Gravestone, etc.
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Adding my voice to this because, when certain chapters in KotFE/ET start, they automatically shut off the ability to summon companions except the preset one(s) for that chapter. This is annoying because sometimes I'd do a few chapters for CXP bonus when it's in effect, then want to switch over to doing FPs or Heroics or whatever...so I'm going to want to summon my highest-ranked companion for that. But come to find they're blanked out due to the chapter. Usually, if I reset the instance, it's fine, but there are times when it won't even let me reset.

Also, there are times when I need to hit up the allies to turn in Alliance crates, but as soon as I enter the instance, the chapter auto-starts. Hit Esc and it kicks me back out into the public Odessen area. And again, sometimes it will let me reset the instance no problem, other times it won't.

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