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10 Good
  1. Not as bad as GC though. Edit: But yes, the new morality is also killing the game for me. I had characters I tried to keep grey, I had characters I wanted to keep dark 1 etc. Now they all drift, because if I play for the dark side on my dark 1 I have to keep making them darker and darker, if I don't want to betray the dark side of the war.
  2. No, I just stand around in my 1 SH decorating it while chatting with people. I ran to around lvl 20 GC on main toon but after getting several earpieces (or was it implants?) in a row of the same variety I gave up. I don't mind grinding if I can set the goal for my grinding and know the exact end of my grind. I can't with this system, I could get it immediately or I could get it in 2 months. It is not satisfaction to finally get that piece of gear when someone else got it in first crate. The game caters to the lowest denominator now, people who can't be bothered to learn or understand their abilities. But they can get the same piece of gear by drooling over their keyboard, if only they do it long enough.
  3. Absolutely nothing. Not in the mood for RNG gearing, just hanging out chatting with the few people I know playing. Fun game BINO, fun game.
  4. Yes they have RNG of like 10 items for a raidboss loot drops, where it drops like 2 or 3 pieces. But you can be sure it is those pieces that drops, it doesn't drop jawa craps and an empty shell of an item.
  5. But enduring it for 5 years? Just wow. I mean, I've been away for 5 years, played a bit at launch, got to max level and left and just recently returned to this cluster-eff that the game is in. I wouldn't endure what you're describing for 5 years.
  6. Of course you haven't met people who have left. But I bet you have met people who have already unsubbed and just gives GC a chance while their active sub time runs out.
  7. Why are you still here if that is your impression?
  8. Yes they are and we knew they would come, they had already been mentioned before in some stream. That we, as players and consumers, are still here is the real slap in the face. I've already unsubbed, running out of sub time soon. I won't be resubbing.
  9. Great, how about you go play a singleplayer game then? I mean, I play an MMO to overcome challenges, that reward me with better gear to be able to take on even greater challenges, together with my friends and strangers. Not grinding unless it is a grind for a specific piece of gear which that is guaranteed at the end of the grind. I've grinded the Insane title in World of Warcraft, it didn't bother me at all because I knew the reward was guaranteed in the end. But this, no, this is not fun, because at the end of my 1 month long grind when I finally get that set bonus I can look at a guy who put in about 1/10 of the same effort and got his pieces already. That is not rewarding and not at all encouraging.
  10. I don't mind grinding. I mind being unable to control what I actually grind for. If it takes me a week to earn enough warzone commendations (or whatever for PvE) to be able to buy 1 certain piece it doesn't bother me. If I lose a roll on that the boss it doesn't bother me. But this is just no-aim grinding, I don't feel rewarded for a piece of gear. Especially not when I grinded for 1 month to get some set bonus pieces and the other guy got it in less than 2 days. I feel cheated, but never rewarded. If we both had to put in the same amount of effort then it would be a reward. But as it stands now, it will never be a reward, just like winning the lottery isn't a reward.
  11. Hey remember, we are not allowed to play anymore. It's press F to show you're still awake. Thanks for bringing this to the forum btw, it's been annoying the hell out of me as well but never thought up a coherrent post rant about it.
  12. Unless of course you're a newer player who never got to obtain those pieces or something like that. But good effort though.
  13. In a few weeks I will be gone, lost all interest in this game already. Dunno why I keep coming to the forums, the sad little hope for word from BW admitting their colossal effup of a gearing system, but they have to be fast, I think my sub expires in 2 days.
  14. Could they stop giving me jawa crap in all the crates then?
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