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Does anyone like this game?


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You wouldn't be able to tell by skimming through the forums. Are forums just for the people who don't like "something" about the game? I play this game because I believe that, though not perfect, it's fun. I appreciate the work that has been put into such a large project and suspect that the people who are doing the work are looking for a little bit of satisfaction in knowing that they have produced a game that provides a large portion of its customers with at least a little enjoyment. Maybe I'm crazy. What are your thought?
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No, I like this game (at least I liked it until they took my legendary DvL achievements, but whatever).

I am a solo and casual player, so probably that's why.

The problem nowadays with the internet and loud minority communities, if you like something and is a minority on a forum (where the minority of negatives is a majority), you will be portrayed as easy to please and therefore exploit (stupid, not smart enough to realize etc. add to the list as you please).

Nobody wants to be in that box.

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Game forums are full of entitled people with no social life who like to complain about everything. It happens.

Personally I love this game, that's why I'm subscribed. Clearly no one posting here HATES it because they're still paying for it.. (You have to be a sub to even use these forums unfortunately.)


I do feel bad for those who enjoy PVP or big group content, it feels like they've been left out.


However this isn't something that should have come as a surprise. This is a BIOWARE game. They've always said that while this is an MMO it's a different kind of MMO that actually focuses on story. This is an RPG first and an MMO second. Saying "But they SHOULD do this" or comparing them to other games like WoW is pointless. It's apples to oranges. Wow isn't about story, it's about grinding, raiding, and whatever else those kids do (gank new players? Make half naked characters dance? I dunno man.)


At this point anyone who isn't in the game for the story really has no reason to be here.

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Game forums are full of entitled people with no social life who like to complain about everything. It happens.

Personally I love this game, that's why I'm subscribed. Clearly no one posting here HATES it because they're still paying for it.. (You have to be a sub to even use these forums unfortunately.)


I do feel bad for those who enjoy PVP or big group content, it feels like they've been left out.


However this isn't something that should have come as a surprise. This is a BIOWARE game. They've always said that while this is an MMO it's a different kind of MMO that actually focuses on story. This is an RPG first and an MMO second. Saying "But they SHOULD do this" or comparing them to other games like WoW is pointless. It's apples to oranges. Wow isn't about story, it's about grinding, raiding, and whatever else those kids do (gank new players? Make half naked characters dance? I dunno man.)


At this point anyone who isn't in the game for the story really has no reason to be here.


Not to be too confrontational, but this has been a wow clone with voice acting from day 1. It was fully intended to be wow with lightsabers and BW stortelling, which was meant to include the endgame group content. Then they realized what it would take to keep that content coming and slowly alienated people who originally played the game in favor of a single, bad storyline. Your assessment is very accurate now, but was not the plan at all 5 years ago.

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I was a founder. I bought the collectors edition when it first came out. I did all of the classes through their introductory planet missions, the smuggler to like Taris, then I quit. I haven't played since then. Then on Facebook, the cinematic for the new expansion was shown as an ad, I viewed it and was intrigued. So I started playing again. It's been 3 weeks, but I am almost finished with the original trooper story. Then only 3 more expansions to get through until this expansion... lol


But so far, I am having a good time. I think back in 2012, the expansion for World of Warcraft came out so that pulled me in, and I just never came back to this until now. But yes, so far I am enjoying it very much.

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Game forums are full of entitled people with no social life who like to complain about everything. It happens.

Personally I love this game, that's why I'm subscribed. Clearly no one posting here HATES it because they're still paying for it.. (You have to be a sub to even use these forums unfortunately.)


I do feel bad for those who enjoy PVP or big group content, it feels like they've been left out.


However this isn't something that should have come as a surprise. This is a BIOWARE game. They've always said that while this is an MMO it's a different kind of MMO that actually focuses on story. This is an RPG first and an MMO second. Saying "But they SHOULD do this" or comparing them to other games like WoW is pointless. It's apples to oranges. Wow isn't about story, it's about grinding, raiding, and whatever else those kids do (gank new players? Make half naked characters dance? I dunno man.)


At this point anyone who isn't in the game for the story really has no reason to be here.


Great reply, I only started playing a week or so ago and I am really enjoying the game. Thought I would come to the forums to read some cool posts about this game when I am not able to play. However 99% of the posts are toxic and just people complaining about everything and anything.


If you spend a large amount of time in any game you eventually get burned out on the content. When this happens just acknowledge all the great moments you had and do something else with your time for a while. It doesn't mean the game is bad, you just had your fill.

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Not to be too confrontational, but this has been a wow clone with voice acting from day 1. It was fully intended to be wow with lightsabers and BW stortelling, which was meant to include the endgame group content. Then they realized what it would take to keep that content coming and slowly alienated people who originally played the game in favor of a single, bad storyline. Your assessment is very accurate now, but was not the plan at all 5 years ago.

You are mixing up Myzuka's and always forget the other doctor's name selling point on Bioware to be sold to EA and cashing in and the actual mission of this game (being story driven). The selling point was that SWTOR was a Wow killer, that's how they got rich (all the power to them). They forgot that if they wanted the billion dollars that Wow makes, they would have had to spend another year to put endgame content into the game, but I guess someone at EA was quarterly figures trigger happy and they released as is.

Edited by Galahard
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If they can post here, they're paying the sub because it intrigues them in some form or another. Some cantankerous old coots just like to complain for the sake of complaining. Makes them feel alive again I suppose.


How true....though their endless whining and threats are annoying...they are ultimately laughable and insignificant :).

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Not to be too confrontational, but this has been a wow clone with voice acting from day 1. It was fully intended to be wow with lightsabers and BW stortelling, which was meant to include the endgame group content. Then they realized what it would take to keep that content coming and slowly alienated people who originally played the game in favor of a single, bad storyline. Your assessment is very accurate now, but was not the plan at all 5 years ago.

Great reply Jade.


Had this game started out as simply an online story, he would have had a point...but it didn't...and KOTFE was a weak story...I expect KOTFE to be even weaker. I happen to think that anyone playing simply for story, has bad taste in stories...but I don't go around saying that because we all enjoy different things. I enjoyed the MMO aspects of the game...but they're continually being diminished to where the people that also enjoyed them have been steadily leaving.


Obviously I still enjoy parts of this game, but the direction it's headed isn't one of growth, or even one of sustaining...it's a path of destruction...and I speak up about it because I do still enjoy the game.

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Great reply Jade.


Had this game started out as simply an online story, he would have had a point...but it didn't...and KOTFE was a weak story...I expect KOTFE to be even weaker. I happen to think that anyone playing simply for story, has bad taste in stories...but I don't go around saying that because we all enjoy different things. I enjoyed the MMO aspects of the game...but they're continually being diminished to where the people that also enjoyed them have been steadily leaving.


Obviously I still enjoy parts of this game, but the direction it's headed isn't one of growth, or even one of sustaining...it's a path of destruction...and I speak up about it because I do still enjoy the game.


Bingo. ^


I enjoy SW and that brought me to SWTOR but bw seems to be doing a lot to make sure I dislike playing SWTOR. The cons are very much hurting my pros.


I like SW a lot. I'm slowly disliking SWTOR more and more as 5.0 information is release and played. bws story game isn't strong enough to warrant such a drastic change in gearing as well as trying to thrive off such little new content.

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I'm mainly a solo player, and although I would have preferred a SP- RPG THIS is what we got. I'm here because...

  1. I loved Kotor 1 & 2
  2. I wanted to know what happened to Revan after the events in the book
  3. BW has made some of my all time favorite RPGs


I played in the final beta, bought SWTOR when it came out, and have been a continuous sub for nearly 5yrs. I enjoy most of the stories so I will be here until I no longer enjoy playing. I also don't play every day. I'd say on average I play a total of 10-15hrs a week. I've gone weeks without logging in at points, and this keeps me from getting burned out.


So yes.... while I do have my complaints (:mad: missing LI & un customizable companions :mad:) overall I enjoy the game and don't see myself quitting anytime soon.

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Not to be too confrontational, but this has been a wow clone with voice acting from day 1. It was fully intended to be wow with lightsabers and BW stortelling, which was meant to include the endgame group content. Then they realized what it would take to keep that content coming and slowly alienated people who originally played the game in favor of a single, bad storyline. Your assessment is very accurate now, but was not the plan at all 5 years ago.


Perhaps in structure they emulated Wow (it's the biggest MMO in the world, they thought they could cash in on that) but this game is far superiour. You can't sit there and demand features WoW has when this game focuses on completely different things. They were never going to stick with the WoW model, that would mean switching gears from a story oriented game to something else. Yes, they copied WoW in some aspects because of course they did, you copy what's profitable. Even then however they weren't wanting to be a WoW clone with lightsabers and VO. You can tell that from the class stories, companion system, and actual story. They intended it to be a bioware RPG within the structure of a traditional MMO.

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Perhaps in structure they emulated Wow (it's the biggest MMO in the world, they thought they could cash in on that) but this game is far superiour. You can't sit there and demand features WoW has when this game focuses on completely different things. They were never going to stick with the WoW model, that would mean switching gears from a story oriented game to something else. Yes, they copied WoW in some aspects because of course they did, you copy what's profitable. Even then however they weren't wanting to be a WoW clone with lightsabers and VO. You can tell that from the class stories, companion system, and actual story. They intended it to be a bioware RPG within the structure of a traditional MMO.


They fully intended to go full WoW. They had plans for regular raid releases, cross server PvP with ranked everything (guild summit #1 information). It all fell apart when they went F2P instead. They couldn't keep up with the content they hoped to implement since so many resources were shifted to that area. They got rid of class stories immediately after launch when they realized it would be impossible to keep creating that type of content. One story for all, just like WoW ever since. And the sad thing is, even with 1 single story, they couldn't recapture the engagement of the 1-50 vanilla leveling experience.

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I have always enjoyed this game even though i take long periods off.


That being said the game has changed drastically since inception and not always for the better. My biggest complaint is how easy nearly every thing has become but I can live with that and find challenge in PvP or other avenues.


5.0 is worrying to me, and I have not yet played so maybe my fears will be for nothing. The CXP system looks completely flawed. I'm not a doom sayer typically but it could very well mean the end for certain aspects of this game which I enjoy. Among them:



Raiding (though I typically do not partake).

Alt gearing and playing. I bounce from one character to another. I don't think that will be possible any longer in any meaningful sense.

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Are you kidding? Everyone on the forums loves this game! If they didn't love the game they wouldn't spend any time on the forums complaining about it. They wouldn't waste that kind of time on that. I play the game for 16+ hours per day on average, but I'm rarely complaining about the game on the forums.... I guess my love for the game isn't as great as the people who spend hours on end on the forums complaining about it........



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