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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular Changes


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Along with the 5 new levels coming in Eternal Throne each of the Classes are receiving changes including new abilities, new utilities, and more. For this post, let’s talk about the Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular. This is just a sampling of the changes that are coming with Eternal Throne and are subject to change.


Sith Inquisitor


Coming from Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt the that the Sorcerer was in a really good place and so they aren’t receiving a whole lot of changes this Update. One big change that we made with Fallen Empire was to work on increasing the overall mobility and survivability of the Sorcerer. Additionally, we really wanted to separate the Sorcerer as a ranged class from that of the Assassin. To accomplish that goal, we are making the following changes:

  • Phase Walk: Removed from base class. Now Sorcerer exclusive.
  • Crushing Darkness: Removed from base class. Now Sorcerer exclusive.
  • Force Lightning: Removed from base class. Now Sorcerer exclusive.
  • Thrash: Removed from base class. Now Assassin exclusive.


Each Advanced Class is receiving a new suite of Legendary Utilities, here are some of the Sorcerer’s:

  • Galvanizing Cleanse: Expunge grants Galvanizing Cleanse, making your next ability with an activation time activate instantly. The effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds and lasts for up to 15 seconds.
  • Unnatural Vigor: Unnatural Preservation increases damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds. Reduces cooldown of Unnatural Preservation by 5 seconds.
  • Enfeebling Strike: Strike the target with your lightsaber, dealing weapon damage and immobilizing it for 3 seconds. When the immobilization effect ends, the target is slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. Replaces Saber Strike. 15 second cooldown.



After giving every class some additional mobility in Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt that Assassins were left a bit too mobile. So with Knights of the Eternal Throne we have reduced some of the Assassin’s mobility while simultaneously enhancing their identity as a powerful, stealthy melee class.

  • Thrash: Now granted at level 1 as an Assassin exclusive.
  • Lightning Charge: Now a passive buff.
  • Guard: Now available at level 16. No longer requires Dark Charge.
  • Dark Charge: Removed from Advanced Class. Now granted as Discipline passive in Darkness.
  • Phase Walk: Removed from base class. Now Sorcerer exclusive.
  • Reaping Strike: New ability for the Deception Discipline. High damage single-target skill on a 15s cooldown that is usable from stealth or within 15 seconds of landing a critical hit.


Each Advanced Class is receiving a new suite of Legendary Utilities, here are some of the Assassin’s:

  • Reaper’s Rush: Phantom Stride grants Reaper’s Rush, allowing your next Assassinate to be used on any target, regardless of remaining health. Reaper’s Rush lasts for 10 seconds. Additionally, if the target of your Phantom Stride is killed within 10 seconds of using Phantom Stride, the cooldown of Phantom Stride is reset.
  • Renewing Darkness: When entering stealth with Force Cloak you generate a stack of Renewing Darkness and heal 4% of your maximum health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Stacks last for 6 seconds. When stealth is broken, each stack of Renewing Darkness heals you for 4% of your health.
  • Retaliatory Grip: Deflection grants Retaliatory Grip, reflecting 50% (or 100% for the Darkness discipline) of all direct single target tech and Force damage back at the attacker for 12 seconds. Does not absorb incoming damage.


Jedi Consular


Coming from Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt the that the Sage was in a really good place and so they aren’t receiving a whole lot of changes this Update. One big change that we made with Fallen Empire was to work on increasing the overall mobility and survivability of the Sage. Additionally, we really wanted to separate the Sage as a ranged class from that of the Shadow. To accomplish that goal, we are making the following changes:

  • Phase Walk: Removed from base class. Now Sage exclusive.
  • Mind Crush: Removed from base class. Now Sage exclusive.
  • Telekinetic Throw: Removed from base class. Now Sage exclusive.
  • Double Strike: Removed from base class. Now Shadow exclusive.


Each Advanced Class is receiving a new suite of Legendary Utilities, here are some of the Sage’s:

  • Swift Rejuvenation: Restoration grants Swift Rejuvenation, making your next ability with an activation time activate instantly. The effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds and lasts for up to 15 seconds.
  • Valorous Spirit: Force Mend increases damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds. Reduces cooldown of Force Mend by 5 seconds.
  • Impeding Slash: Lash the target with your lightsaber, dealing weapon damage and immobilizing it for 3 seconds. When the immobilization effect ends, the target is slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. Replaces Saber Strike. 15 second cooldown.



After giving every class some additional mobility in Knights of the Fallen Empire, we felt that Shadows were left a bit too mobile. So with Knights of the Eternal Throne we have reduced some of the Shadow’s mobility while simultaneously enhancing their identity as a powerful, stealthy melee class.

  • Double Strike: Now granted at level 1 as a Shadow exclusive.
  • Force Technique: Now a passive buff.
  • Guard: Now available at level 16. No longer requires Combat Technique.
  • Combat Technique: Removed from Advanced Class. Now granted as Discipline passive in Kinetic Combat.
  • Phase Walk: Removed from base class. Now Sage exclusive.
  • Vaulting Slash: New ability for the Infiltration Discipline. High damage single-target skill on a 15s cooldown that is usable from stealth or within 15 seconds of landing a critical hit.


Each Advanced Class is receiving a new suite of Legendary Utilities, here are some of the Shadow’s:

  • Stalker’s Swiftness: Shadow Stride grants Stalker’s Swiftness, allowing your next Spinning Strike to be used on any target, regardless of remaining health. Stalker’s Swiftness lasts for 10 seconds. Additionally, if the target of your Shadow Stride is defeated within 10 seconds of using Shadow Stride, the cooldown of Shadow Stride is reset.
  • Restorative Shade: When entering stealth with Force Cloak you generate a stack of Restorative Shade and heal 4% of your maximum health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Stacks last for 6 seconds. When stealth is broken, each stack of Restorative Shade heals you for 4% of your health.
  • Avenging Grip: Deflection grants Avenging Grip, reflecting 50% (or 100% for the Kinetic Combat discipline) of all direct single target tech and Force damage back at the attacker for 12 seconds. Does not absorb incoming damage.

Edited by EricMusco
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No more Pwalk for shadows/sins, even though they had it before sages/sorcs?

Not gonna lie, pretty pissed off about that.

Oh, and about "shadows/sins = most mobile" m8 have you even seen scoundrels/operatives?


EDIT: Also, no TK Throw/FLightning? How are the Balance/Madness and KCombat/Darkness specs gonna work?

And no Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness? How are the Serenity/Hatred specs gonna work?

Edited by XhrisShan
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No more Pwalk for shadows/sins, even though they had it before sages/sorcs?

Not gonna lie, pretty pissed off about that.

Oh, and about "shadows/sins = most mobile" m8 have you even seen scoundrels/operatives?


EDIT: Also, no TK Throw/FLightning? How are the Balance/Madness and KCombat/Darkness specs gonna work?

And no Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness? How are the Serenity/Hatred specs gonna work?


Just think we lost our guard the node status in hypergate we can now tell sorc you have so many cc breaks and phase walk you guard lol a match made in bioware...

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Huh, talk about a crazy history. Back in... 2.0 (I think?) Shadows got Phase Walk while Sages got Force Barrier. Then 4.0 Sages got Phase Walk too, now Shadows lose that instead. Oh well, after they nerfed the heal boost in 4.0 it was clear what direction they were going in.


And how is tanking supposed to work without Telekinetic throw when that's a vitally important part of the rotation? Unless they make cascading debris the base ability? Would have been nice if they had explained in more detail rather than just talking about how they're ruining the shadow class.


Not sure how I feel about Restorative Shade. In raid, it might be useful when the off-tank taunts the boss, but staying stealth around aoes isn't easy (and doubt they'll improve stealth that much). Maybe useful in PVP, though sure would have been if shadows could have teleported away from attackers... ugh, just hope they don't nerf Force speed again. Not like the 4.0 patch notes ever mentioned that.

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Do not take phase walk away. Please leave it the way it is. That skill is incredibly useful to shadow tanks. There is literally no reason to remove that skill. I would recommend a thorough reconsideration on removing the skill. I vote leave the skill as is. Edited by LordAposno
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EDIT: Also, no TK Throw/FLightning? How are the Balance/Madness and KCombat/Darkness specs gonna work?

And no Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness? How are the Serenity/Hatred specs gonna work?


Maybe I misread, but i still saw force lightning for sorcs, For tanks I didn't see them say they were taking away depradating volts, And for hatred, demolish is their crushing darkness isn't it? I didnt see demolish removed.

Edited by Krazhez
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yea taking away PW from the class that originally got it... doesnt make any sense

that reflect is nice so is the heal on force cloak.


yes FL will get taken away, but depredating volts is staying, and i guess it will be granted earlier then it is now-thats the only thing that would make sense.


same with crushing darkness, demolish is staying in game, so probably going to be granted earlier

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Would it be possible to let Tank discipline shadow/sins keep phase walk, but take it away from the damage disciplines? I'm just floating the idea out there, thinking of tanks and mobility in PvE, esp. with regards to aggro and positioning.


The problem with that is Infiltration needs it too, since we didn't get an actual gap closer. Shadow stride is tied into the rotation so it gives us virtually no increase to mobility. It's the least desired class in the game already, and despite the massive increase to Shadow DPS, this will only make it worse.


If we don't get phase walk back, we should at least get a reduced cooldown on force speed.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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The problem with that is Infiltration needs it too, since we didn't get an actual gap closer. Shadow stride is tied into the rotation so it gives us virtually no increase to mobility. It's the least desired class in the game already, and despite the massive increase to Shadow DPS, this will only make it worse.


If we don't get phase walk back, we should at least get a reduced cooldown on force speed.


~ Eudoxia

Hmm. What if they were to rework Shadow Stride so that it's free from the rotation and could be used exclusively as a gap closer? Would that fix the issue?

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No more phase walk? Sadness. And I just started leveling a new Shadow tank, too!


Speaking of Shadow tanks, are they keeping cascading debris? Maybe getting it at a lower level? 'Cause from what I've learned so far, Shadow tanks love throwing rocks at enemies, and removing the ability to do so would be a bad idea. And also anti-fun! I love how the TK throw/cascading debris animation goes along with the floaty rock shield, and gives a powerful and "grounded" feel to the animations, in contrast with all the glowy air abilities Consulars get.

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you idiots really are take phasewalk away from sin and giving ito sorc exclusive?? are you really that stupid they dont need it they can heal them selves sin cant, it should sin exclusive not sorc


Then again since when do you's listen to what your told,

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Yes it would, and it's exactly what Infil Shadows have been asking for...


~ Eudoxia

Good to know.


So Eric, some suggestions you could take back to the team:


- Let tanks keep phase walk

- Free Shadow Stride from the DPS rotation, so the loss of phase walk isn't felt so hard

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5 seconds off the cooldown on force speed would go a long way for shadows too. This was one of the biggest complaints going from 3.X to 4.0. It wasn't a big deal initially but once the DPS nerfs hit, and trust me they will hit like a freight train in 5.X, it was a significant issue.


~ Eudoxia

Edited by FlavivsAetivs
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Your team, no matter how much they develop this game - have absolutely no clue what you do to the community when you bend their character so far over the rail.


It just astounds me how much you have, and continue, to just completely shaft Assassin/Shadow tanks.

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Sith Inquisitor


Additionally, we really wanted to separate the Sorcerer as a ranged class from that of the Assassin.


Each Advanced Class is receiving a new suite of Legendary Utilities, here are some of the Sorcerer’s:

  • Enfeebling Strike: Strike the target with your lightsaber, dealing weapon damage and immobilizing it for 3 seconds. When the immobilization effect ends, the target is slowed by 50% for 6 seconds. Replaces Saber Strike. 15 second cooldown.


Does this make sense to anyone else? I know it's replacing a skill but why even bother? After level 10, Sorcs don't even use melee skills.

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