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Things that annoy you (and why)


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Apart from the aforementioned CC (yes, a mechanic that needs to die outside of group content):


1. Spaceports with "no quick travel allowed"

2. Spaceports/Orbital stations in general - it's a nice immersive feature when you encounter a planet for the first time, but after that it's just plain annoying.

3. Elevators - I'll take a loading screen every time instead of waiting a minute for the elevator to arrive. And where a loading screen isn't feasible (Balmorra lifts f.e.): don't put 4 lifts there from which two are oh so cleverly out of commission....

4. "Travel to x in your ship" (no Stronghold or Priority travel allowed!) because General/Darth/Master Y would like to have a conversation with you that totally cannot be had via holoterminal.

5. Reusing planets you already visited (Hoth...) for a pointless mission later on that involves a lot of time getting there for some entirely forgettable encounter.

6. Inventory management - oh wait, there is no meaningful inventory management in this game. "Sort by quality, quantity, value, compact" - really, Bioware, never imagined that one would like to sort by, well, "type" (armor, companion gifts, crafting materials)? Better still: that one would like to filter the inventory/storage to only view certain items?

7. Something I hate in all MMOs: QoL improvements you have to spend credits on/that require a certain legacy level to unlock: if there is a way you can improve the playing experience, it should be implemented automatically. Unlocks should provide additional fun, not remove something that kills the fun.

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1) No LFG wholeserver channel provided by BW. Sure, there are some channels on servers SOME people may know, but many don't(new players don't know for sure!) thus people are forced to stand on the fleet and PUG OPS from the fleet. Which is annoying as you are not able to do anything interesting in the time when you are getting the group together.


We could have had /4 as LFG for the whole Rep/Imp side and we could be doing some quests, dailies(damn reputations) or helping friends. No, we have to sit on the fleet and spam LFM ><


Also you cannot enter instances in the ops group meaning even if you manage to find a group you usually cannot do something interesting. Uaaaa!!!! ><


This. Annoys. Me. Very. Much.


2) Switching professions doesn't switch layouts. If I heal on my commando I have the healing shot(the green line) on 2. If I am in gunnery spec I have it on alt+3. I have to move it ALL THE TIME. WHY?!!?!?!?!?!? (AFAIK there's no workaround) That's why I have a character for every spec... I HATE THIS! Almost as much as 1).


3) Missing spells after respec. If you have both basic bars full the "new" abilities won't appear but the old disappear. E.g. I have fullauto on the side bar which disappears but boltstorm doesn't appear. If I have fullauot on the main bar boltstorm appears. WHY?!


4) Cannot switch gear easily. DPS vs. Healer set, PvP vs. PvE set etc. Which is most annoying with relics and implants. If we only had a way to save our gear.... hmm.... ><

(sure, they are removing PvP set so technically 5.0 makes this easier)


5) No tanking dummy. Tanking is about topping the threat while taking the damage. If tank doesn't receive the damage the force management is bad(or heat etc.). Thus we need a dummy that's tickling us(so we don't die) but activating our abilities. Healing dummy is not necessary per se as this is mostly situational.


6) Companion management. Add search. PLEASE. Or a favorite "folder" where we can move our most beloved companions.


7) Let me save by rating sorting option in the crafting window so my 220 relics appear on top and not in the middle... and add search for us who have more than many schematics :D


8) Show me how many reputation points I need towards the WHOLE thing. Not just the current level. So I know how long it will takes. This should be shown by game, not by fan web page.


9) Fix the preview window


10) Let my sage preview blasters as the sage has the money for it (not sure why I can't now, it used to work, probably some change I missed)


11) I would love to have muted classes if possible. Meaning under hide headslot add mute checkbox. Hint - compare tanking with a juggernaut and guardian. One is silent and the other is ... vocal. That's why I am not watching some tennis players... ehm, if you catch my drift :D


12) No fast points to ALL SM operations. If I want to do DF SM and in group finder is ToS SM I cannot use GF for travelling. It's annoying compared to HM FP... Add all operations just like all FP are there, just add bonus text to one of them and let the group leader decide what is on the list.


13) Add search to lock outs, or sort it better. It's annoying to search whether I was in the ops on this character or not when I have to search through it. It could be sorted better with more layers(instead of Dread Palace SM, Dread Palace HM and Dread Palace Nim use Dread Palace -> SM/HM/Nim -> boss listing).


And many of what was already mentioned.

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I like this thread. :)


Not all mobs that use CC annoy me, but the ones that do are invariably the ones drop a long duration AE mez on me just as they're about to die. It's so annoying--you kill them, and as they die, they hit you with a ten second mez effect, leaving you standing there grabbing your head in pain or confusion. Very annoying.


I agree with a lot of the points mentioned on this thread, but I'll throw in a couple of pet peeves that no one has mentioned.


1) Character height on Character Selection Screen bug -- this bug irks the hell out of me. The characters in the character selection screen are supposed to be standing at a particular height, but they don't always do that if you a) load into the game, or b) log off the game and return to character selection screen. What's more? Different base classes stand at different heights. The smuggler and imperial agent suffer the most from this--they're always the lowest position when the bug occurs, while the other classes aren't so bad.


This bug has been with the game since release, I believe. Nobody knows how to fix it. In going from v3.0 to v4.0, they mitigated the bug by zooming out the characters on character selection screen. Previously, the smuggler and imperial agent would drop to half the screen in height.


Why does it annoy me? Because every time I log into the game, I am greeted with that annoying bug. Every time I log out from the game, I see that bug. Sure, it goes away if I switch views to a different character, but it says to me that the game is inherently unpolished. It tells every new player that the game lacks polish.


2) My scoundrel loads into the game in his blaster-out combat idle, but he's not holding his blaster. To fix it, I have to double-tap weapon draw. One tap isn't enough -- the game thinks you've just drawn your weapon; the second tap is needed to put away the invisible blaster that isn't in your hand.


This bug came into play in v3.0 and still hasn't been addressed.


Why does it annoy me? Who likes to see their character stuck in a bad pose whenever they log in. Not me.


3) Heroic 2+ missions changed to solo-able without thinking through the consequences. Does anyone test this stuff? Want some examples?


Face Merchants on Coruscant -- yeah, good luck getting that key-card off a mob on a busy server.

Irradiated Rakghouls on Taris -- not enough spawns. You need to kill five, but there's only six in the entire area on a long respawn timer.

Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas -- one lousy target on a long respawn timer. Pure frustration.

Not Scared Enough on Voss -- too long, too many annoying mob groups, and worst part is that the champions/groups of elites that spawn in when you activate the consoles don't drop anything. There is no point to fighting them. They're just busy work on top of everything else.

Cyber Mercenaries on Voss -- very long, painful mission. Yes, they truncated the number of kolto tanks you have to break, but in turn broke the bonus mission -- you can only get to 28/30 of the mercenaries to kill because you're missing five or six mercenaries from the tanks, so yeah, you can NEVER complete the bonus mission.

Jawa Trade on Tatooine -- you can't complete the bonus mission unless you don't loot. Why? Because you'll collect what you need to complete the mission long before you kill enough targets to complete the bonus mission.


*takes a deep breath* There is no emotion. There is only peace.


I should stop here, otherwise I'll end up thinking Bioware don't know how to design MMOs again.


4) Courting Gifts bug not fixed. Oh God, where to begin? Look, I know it's a hard bug to deal with, but so long as that bug is out there, nobody has much of a use for courting gifts. How about we hit a compromise? Leave the bug, but treat courting gifts as ordinary gifts. Assign companions to really like them just like other gifts. Right now, the only companion that likes courting gifts is Doc. Maybe let Lana Beniko like them for their cultural value; or Senya Tirall because they're a form of luxury object.


Alright. Stopping now. I'm not even getting warmed up, but I'll stop now. :)

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4- Peoples who invite you to a group while you are grinding heroic , without ASKING or uttering a word . Just invite..cose I'm a Psychic ! I can read your mind ! How about No ?


But also - people in Heroics who decline an invite when waiting for a boss on a respawn timer....


Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas -- one lousy target on a long respawn timer. Pure frustration.


Recently being grouped with another player waiting for the respawn. Just as the boss respawns we see another player arrive. The player gets a quick invite, declines and quickly jumps to the boss and tags him. Some people who play this game...

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Recently being grouped with another player waiting for the respawn. Just as the boss respawns we see another player arrive. The player gets a quick invite, declines and quickly jumps to the boss and tags him. Some people who play this game...


That's hard to fix though -- you'll always get jerks online.


What gets me is the lack of care or thought put into the heroic mission changes. When SWTOR was first released, Possessed Hunter would have been acceptable. Heroics were harder then; not everyone could just waltz in and solo the boss, so it was okay to have the boss in an open area on a five-minute respawn timer.


I'm pretty sure Bioware's designers would tell you that putting an easily solo-able boss on a long respawn timer in a shared area is asking for trouble. They're not stupid; they're just not following-through enough on all the changes that you need to do when you tweak content.


Take the Jawa Trade mission. Back in the day, you would also complete the mission objectives long before finishing the bonus mission, but back then, you'd still have to turn in the mission by talking to the mission giver. When they changed the heroic missions to auto-turn-in upon completion, suddenly the bonus mission becomes frustration itself. They could have changed the bonus mission objectives to match that of the main mission, but no, they didn't.


And bugs like the Cyber Mercenaries bonus mission not actually being doable or Thana Vesh's bet no longer being winnable tell me that someone tweaked something here and there, but didn't actually follow-through on the testing of their changes.


This needs to improve.

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And bugs like ... Thana Vesh's bet no longer being winnable tell me that someone tweaked something here and there, but didn't actually follow-through on the testing of their changes.


I completed it a few weeks ago, so unless this is *very* recent, it's not a thing. IIRC, I did have to look hard to find enough mobs (again, IIRC, I had to kill a few outside the instance, but they counted).

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I completed it a few weeks ago, so unless this is *very* recent, it's not a thing. IIRC, I did have to look hard to find enough mobs (again, IIRC, I had to kill a few outside the instance, but they counted).

For many people the bonus mission doesn't start. Like ever. I killed almost every mob around the entrance and on the way and nope, nothing. Multiple resets and stuff. Not working, getting me angry, getting her killed.

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The exploding escape pods on spaceships...


Edit: ok, two more


1) The fact that you automatically activate the first-slotted ability when right-clicking on an enemy. I had somehow acquired that habit (of selecting an enemy for the tank companion to attack with a right-click) and was wondering why my Saber Ward was constantly popping by itself and it took some google searching before figuring out that that was the culprit (with other characters I would only get "you cannot use that ability right now" pop-ups without really bothering.


2) Not being able to decide by myself which buffs to display in my buff bar and where exactly to display them. Tracking when a certain buff procs (and when it runs down) is a pain when there are constantly more than 10 squares in your buff bar most of the time.

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Essentially non-functional GF for Ops. Forget an LFG channel, GF now "works" for every (entry-level, I havent' recently tried HM FP GF) group activity in the game but Ops. "Works" as in you can "set and forget" and go out and adventure instead of sitting on Fleet to watch the Jawa Jokes go by. An LFG channel won't help this a whole lot, because you still have to pay attention to the chat.


(Also, put the event Ops bosses in a GF)

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The ones in the tunnels for the events are horrible. They absorb the first shot and if there's a strong one in the group it jumps on you, then CCs you while your companion mops up all the rest.


every time the QT from Nar Shadaa stronghold to Nar Shadaa puts you in the spaceport, where you can't QT out. - So you gotta speeder through to the taxi area, or re-board your ship and try again.


Too much CC in PvP. - even a 1s blanket reduction would be a start.


People telling you to £$%£$^% off and kill yourself ( noob) for only scoring 2 medals in PvP - even if you joined in the last 20 seconds.


Character mute in cutscenes in KoTFE


Non-customizable companions.


No new events.


Nothing new for GSF since Denon Ex.


People RP-ing and ignoring you. - Even if you are polite and say hello IC and try to start a conversation and don't do anything non-RP.


Actually RP chat in general chat. Get your own £%"$W%^ channel! I'm sick of people moping into their synthi ale and drinking it slowly with a wishful look on their face.


But the biggest thing that grits my S*** is the wondering what the hell to do between PVP and GSF pops. I hate to think what it's like to be on a 'dead' server.

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When you try to run away from some mobs, get out of combat and want to mount up, but then for whatever reason go into combat again because of the same mobs, miles away.




When I attack a mob and my companion just stands there, doing nothing for a good amount of time until it finally does.

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When you try to run away from some mobs, get out of combat and want to mount up, but then for whatever reason go into combat again because of the same mobs, miles away.




When I attack a mob and my companion just stands there, doing nothing for a good amount of time until it finally does.


When I attack a mob and my companion just stands there, doing nothing for a good amount of time until I finally die.


I have a little bit different experience :D Otherwise good choices.

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The ones in the tunnels for the events are horrible. They absorb the first shot and if there's a strong one in the group it jumps on you, then CCs you while your companion mops up all the rest.

This isnt a problem if you send your companion in first.


every time the QT from Nar Shadaa stronghold to Nar Shadaa puts you in the spaceport, where you can't QT out. - So you gotta speeder through to the taxi area, or re-board your ship and try again.

Dont log out in your stronghold when you know you will return to the location you ported to the stronghold in the first place.


Non-customizable companions.

Dont you mean "Non-customizable companions with customization slots" ?

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Classic and Classic Lightweight Vibrosword:


I wrote this in the bug report.


When equipping the Classic Vibrosword and Classic Lightweight Vibrosword on a Marauder or a Sentinel the main hand sits correctly on the characters back diagonally but the off hand sits horizontal on the back crossing the other sword and looking like a cross and the horizontal sword sticks so far outside your characters body it looks stupid. I feel I am cutting the door jamb and peoples throats when I run by them. Please fix this.

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Peev #1: All of the blather from EA about how our 'choices matter', when they're reducing our gearing choices to what shall I grind today for my gambling cube of maybe rewards.


Peev #2: From the way most of our story choices are setup, Kotfe and it's younger sibling Kotet, are or will be great examples of a continuation of the Jedi Knight's story.


I'm still waiting for the version for every other class.

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I have a severe hatred for clipping. I find it unsightly and irritating. There is no excuse for it except lazy design.


Weapons clipping through mounts, items of clothing clipping through mounts, weapons clipping through clothing and clothing clipping through other clothing.


I have mounts I love but can't use on various characters because of hideous clipping issues. I have weapons and clothing I can't use because certain combinations clip through and it looks awful.


Certain hairstyles don't mesh on certain heads right and look awful.

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No, clipping isn't my only issue.


Damn slow respawns and a lack of mobs for some missions.


It's something i've personally complained about since beta .... let that sink in a minute.


Before the game launched some of us complained about the ****** slow respawns on some mobs and the lack of mobs for some missions when more than one person is in the area.


Clinic pass key for instance, one of coruscants weekly missions. Kill 15 mobs for the bonus but they are so slow to respawn and only 5 groups. A handful of people in the area and that becomes a nightmare.


One on Taris to kill 5 irrdiated rhakghouls. So slow to respawn and only 7 in the area.


I have to skip a lot of weekly missions because I don't have time to stand around waiting for respawns yet Bioware won't pull their collective heads out of their lazy arses and sort this mess out.


Or any mess for that matter.

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- Knockback.

- Slows.

- Knockbacks that slow you.

- The immobilize when enemies jump at you.

- PvE stun/status proliferation in general.


- Areas where you can't quicktravel for no reason.


- Justicars. The word is justiciar, and the bolded I isn't silent.


- Not being able to swap out gear for KotFE companions.

- KotFE story companions not having defeat 100/1000 achievements.


- Taking away classic companions without a clear plan in place to bring them back in a reasonable timeframe. The terminal is a poor compromise.


- Any conversation with Valkorion without a "Go away, I'm not listening to you [end conversation]" option.

- The lack of ability to bring any of Valky's Loony Fan Club to Ziost and say, "Look. He did this."


If Nathema is in KotET and serves this purpose, I'll partially withdraw this objection.



- Key conversations for the Karagga's Palace story mission that are actually in the ops instance. And that group finder skips you right by it.


- Mechanics that adjust event enemies to player character level that didn't get reworked now that level sync can adjust player character level to the event.

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RNG in any shape and form, because I'm known for my bad luck. :D


As a result, I need 3+ times than normal to gain something through RNG. If I even manage to get it somehow, that is. :rolleyes:


Legacy Remnant sets are a clear example of this. I have literally no idea how many bracers I had already got before that simply keep reappearing, crate after crate after crate, while I only completed 1/4 sets tops and I have a fair number of them that is only missing 1 piece. :o

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