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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Commendation Conversions in Eternal Throne


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If you have any questions about this conversion, let us know.


Thanks everyone.




What I got from this:

"If you have any questions, bend over and stay subbed"


Sorry, not sorry. You guys are killing this game faster than the JTL update in Galaxies. Gg

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No, they won't do that. They obviously want to reduce the number of credits going into the economy. If they wanted to ensure that comms don't go to waste, they could just as easily not have put in the 2 million credit cap.

What I suggested would reduce the number of credits going into the economy, potentially. Buying some legacy bound stuff certainly isn't going to add credits to the game.

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Thanks for that!


  • It's better to trade purple crystals for DMCs and sell them on the GTN as long as you get 450k+ credits for them.
  • Blue crystals should be traded in for Exotic Isotope Stabilizers; you'll get more money from the GTN as long as prices stay above 25k.
  • Green crystals should be traded in for legendary companion gifts because you'll get way more than 12.5k credits on the GTN.


I'll probably be buying companion gifts for greens, as they are far more valuable to me as gifts than credits. I use them all, never sell 'em, and certainly would never spend that much on gifts anyways :)


But as for Exotic Isotope Stabilizers and Dark Matter Catalysts... well, that depends on whether these materials will be used for the next tiers of crafted gear. If not, and I seem to recall some information that new materials are in schematics, then they will be practically worthless. Even now, I wouldn't bother spending lots of time and money to craft end-game gear that will obsolete in a month, so not sure if the price will remain high, particularly if people cash in for lots of them and try to sell. Plus, personally, I have 200 exotic isotopes, so not really needing lots more, unless I find that they won't be useful in the future, in which case I'll be crafting some Dark Projects for my guild. Hmm, Dark Projects may be the one reason that at least the isotopes stay relevant, unless that recipe will change...

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Eric -

You guys DO realize that the only people that will be happy with this are the credit spammers, right? You just made their business far more profitable and far more people tempted to use them. You're literally costing yourself money.


4.0 -

"I need WZ gear for an alt - better grind some WZ's"

"I need PvE gear for an alt - better do some Ops on my main and get a legacy set (or WZ's and use a PvP set while I grind out a PvE set)... or grind out some heroics and buy crappy crystal gear"

"I need companion gifts - better do some heroics"



"I need -"

"/1 Get credits at whatsinaname.com! Millions for cheap! Fast delivery!"

Wrong. By encouraging players to sell their comms via GTN instead of getting free credits once 5.0 hits, they actually ensure that inflation is reduced and prices go down. This will harm credit sellers, though not nearly enough for them to go out of business.

Edited by Jerba
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Hey folks,


As we have discussed previously, Warzone Commendations and Commendation Crystals are being removed from the game with Knights of the Eternal Throne. Our intention is that all of these currencies will be converted into credits on 11/29 when early access starts. Here are the conversion rates for each currency:


1 Warzone Commendation = 50 Credits

1 Common Crystal = 500 credits

1 Glowing Crystal = 1,000 credits

1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits


Upon logging in on 11/29 each of these currencies will be completely removed from the game and the appropriate credits will have been granted to each character on your account. Note that there is a 2 million credit per character limit on this conversion. Please check the conversion table above, if you would earn more than 2 million credits on a character, we recommend that you spend the appropriate currency before that time so that it is not lost. If you have any questions about this conversion, let us know.


Thanks everyone.




@EricMusco This is only half of info. We need to know if items that are currently sold for comms will have prices in credits based on this conversion rate. For example, we need to know if wz medpacks/adrenals will cost 500 credits each. Can you give us this info please?

Edited by frennky
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@EricMusco This is only half of info. We need to know if items that are currently sold for comms will have prices in credits based on this conversion rate. For example, we need to know if wz medpacks/adrenals will cost 500 credits each. Can you give us this info please?


Agreed, Please comment on this. What are intentions for WZ medpacks/adrenals?

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Any changes coming down the pipe for Eternal Championship comms or Ziost comms, for example? If not, then can we expect the Eternal Championship vendors to be updated with level 70 gear when the expansion drops? As someone with an excess of those (lots of alts) I'm curious if those comms will remain semi-relevant or become obsolete.
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Hey folks,


As we have discussed previously, Warzone Commendations and Commendation Crystals are being removed from the game with Knights of the Eternal Throne. Our intention is that all of these currencies will be converted into credits on 11/29 when early access starts. Here are the conversion rates for each currency:


1 Warzone Commendation = 50 Credits

1 Common Crystal = 500 credits

1 Glowing Crystal = 1,000 credits

1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits


Upon logging in on 11/29 each of these currencies will be completely removed from the game and the appropriate credits will have been granted to each character on your account. Note that there is a 2 million credit per character limit on this conversion. Please check the conversion table above, if you would earn more than 2 million credits on a character, we recommend that you spend the appropriate currency before that time so that it is not lost. If you have any questions about this conversion, let us know.


Thanks everyone.




Come on guys, did you expect to become billionaires with this????? You should have know that they would cap it....you think they did not take into consideration that they CANNOT just allow massive influx of credits to the server (controlled infusion). (dont mention gold farmers cause that is a non controlled method and that is not what we are talking about here). i have 35 toons that will net me 2 mill per = 70 million credits now multiplied by how many people on the server?. some have more toons. Im already a billionaire in game so no matter to me, but the fact is if you didnt expect a cap then you have not played this game in years and are just not thinking at all.


i agree - i think we should be given compensation for all earned comms (i have thousands of WZ coms - PERIOD but i also understand and expected a CAP> . but compensation for coms is also the vendor items. if you can sell certain items on the GTN do it, if you can vendor to NPC do it, .


Its done now we have to adjust to the injustice that is being done.


NOTE: I get it ....... you thought you were going to be able to afford senyas lightsaber with the conversion money. My fault.

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Hey folks,


As we have discussed previously, Warzone Commendations and Commendation Crystals are being removed from the game with Knights of the Eternal Throne. Our intention is that all of these currencies will be converted into credits on 11/29 when early access starts. Here are the conversion rates for each currency:


1 Warzone Commendation = 50 Credits

1 Common Crystal = 500 credits

1 Glowing Crystal = 1,000 credits

1 Radiant Crystal = 1,500 credits


Upon logging in on 11/29 each of these currencies will be completely removed from the game and the appropriate credits will have been granted to each character on your account. Note that there is a 2 million credit per character limit on this conversion. Please check the conversion table above, if you would earn more than 2 million credits on a character, we recommend that you spend the appropriate currency before that time so that it is not lost. If you have any questions about this conversion, let us know.


Thanks everyone.




I still have a number of "Locked Medium Glowing Crystal Containers" from the KOTFE launch, will these be converted as well? Haven't 'cashed' them as there's not much to spend glowing crystals on...

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Ok eric we now know the conversion rate on our comms, can you now confirm if the same rate will be used on items sold for comms on vendors so that at least players know if they will be better off with credits or using comms now.


Its only fair that players can make informed decisions on what's best for them.

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Let me get this straight.


You guys give us a day of warning about WZ comms binding and zero indication that there would be a limit on the number that can be converted per character. How in the world was anyone supposed to know how many to move around in order to avoid getting hosed? It's literally like you were trying to waste our comms.


It's ludicrous enough as it is that I am getting worthless credits for my WZ comms but borderline unbelievable that I will have something like 150K WZ comms on my main character simply disappearing.


This is a Halloween prank, right? You guys can't be for real.


P.S. There is a simple fix for this. Unbind the comms for whatever period of time you want so we can spread them around now that we have this VITAL INFORMATION about how the conversion is going to work. Not BEFORE you tell us this.

Edited by yellow_
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I get the feeling this was posted as the development team were heading out the door. Most Friday posts are ignored very quickly, though this would suggest no work is done after about 9am on a Friday, some might argue the state of the game no work is done after 9am most days (assuming of course the dev team starts at 9am).


However on the off chance this isn't the case, as others have mentioned:


  • What is the conversion rate on purchase gear that is currently purchased with crystals i.e. legendary companion gifts at 30 x 500 = 15,000 credits.
  • Linked to this are you aware that currently legendary companion gifts are selling on the GTN for 4 times this at the best possible price and some people have them listed at 300,000 credits.
  • So further to this Eric, you recently posted congratulations on someone getting all of his companions to 50 influence, the proposed changes will make such a feat far easier. Should you not therefore post on the thread how his wasted his life and credits and coms as if he had waited a few months he could have done it much quicker and cheaper.
  • You have said that crystals and coms were too confusing for players (as players are clearly stupid) to understand. What will you be doing with other types of commendation and token reward which must be considered even more difficult to understand such as Eternal Championship coms and Ziost coms which were to aid end game gearing but very restrictive and harder to understand than the crystal system and will lose relevance in 5.0. What are your plans with reputation and event currency which once again must be considered more complicated than warzone coms, what about fleet coms and gsf which are outside the scope of the normal game and therefore even further outside the scope of the normal game and must be like a foreign language for your idiotic player base.


Would you honestly say the work involved in getting 500 radiant crystals is comparable to 750,000 credits? It seems to me that getting 500 radiant crystals is far harder than purchasing a couple of CM box and sticking them on the GTN.


Preferred Players and Freemiums are feeling screwed by the changes now being excluded form end game gear.

This conversion rate and treatment of vets seems some what insulting and no way rewarding the effort to get this stuff.

For some the lack of announcing any new ops and or new group content is a major blow to their continued desire to play the game (myself I suspect most hardcore raiders have already left, who sits around for 3 years hoping but this may drive those that are left away).

While the conclusion to this story arc is to be told in 9 chapters with no indication original companions are to make a return (maybe in alerts? As throw away encounters never to be seen again) you may not be as popular with the story crowd as you hope.


Are you annoyed that occasionally some servers move out of light population and into Standard and looking to remedy this with 5.0. Is it that you hate the players/customers, is it that you hate SWTOR, is it a direction to get ToR shut down to make space for a new EA MMO or is it simply the people making the decisions don't know what they are doing? it seems hard to see how you can work on a game and make the choices that are being made if you wanted to make players enjoy their experience in game.

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Come on guys, did you expect to become billionaires with this????? You should have know that they would cap it....you think they did not take into consideration that they CANNOT just allow massive influx of credits to the server (controlled infusion). (dont mention gold farmers cause that is a non controlled method and that is not what we are talking about here). i have 35 toons that will net me 2 mill per = 70 million credits now multiplied by how many people on the server?. some have more toons. Im already a billionaire in game so no matter to me, but the fact is if you didnt expect a cap then you have not played this game in years and are just not thinking at all.


i agree - i think we should be given compensation for all earned comms (i have thousands of WZ coms - PERIOD but i also understand and expected a CAP> . but compensation for coms is also the vendor items. if you can sell certain items on the GTN do it, if you can vendor to NPC do it, .


Its done now we have to adjust to the injustice that is being done.


NOTE: I get it ....... you thought you were going to be able to afford senyas lightsaber with the conversion money. My fault.


The point (at least from my point of view) isn't that there is a cap. There as ALWAYS been a cap. The point/problem is they removed our option to manage our coms b4 they told how they were converting them. AND it was done with almost NO warning (please don't give me there was 24 hours notice b/c i don't live on the forums to have known B4 it happened). Now the simple fix is return the ability for us to transfer our WZ coms to alts & make them go away @ 5.0 or add something new to buy w/ wz coms (which I know isn't happening this late in the game) so we don't feel like we got ROYALLY cheated.

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Any changes coming down the pipe for Eternal Championship comms or Ziost comms, for example? If not, then can we expect the Eternal Championship vendors to be updated with level 70 gear when the expansion drops? As someone with an excess of those (lots of alts) I'm curious if those comms will remain semi-relevant or become obsolete.


I sure hope we can still get upscaled 70 gear from EC vendors. It would be good gear to use while waiting for good gear pieces to drop from the chance command crates.


But, if they still have the tokens, I am betting we will only be able to buy the decos. The gear will be gone gone.

Edited by yeldarbnotned
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I sure hope we can still get upscaled 70 gear from EC vendors. It would be good gear to use while waiting for good gear pieces to drop from the chance command crates.


But, if they still have the tokens, I am betting we will only be able to buy the decos. The gear will be gone gone.


they could also just keep the gear along with the decor, it will no longer be end game gear anyway.

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The point (at least from my point of view) isn't that there is a cap. There as ALWAYS been a cap. The point/problem is they removed our option to manage our coms b4 they told how they were converting them. AND it was done with almost NO warning (please don't give me there was 24 hours notice b/c i don't live on the forums to have known B4 it happened). Now the simple fix is return the ability for us to transfer our WZ coms to alts & make them go away @ 5.0 or add something new to buy w/ wz coms (which I know isn't happening this late in the game) so we don't feel like we got ROYALLY cheated.


Totally Agreed. Point taken. i have a great majority of WZ pass cons in my legacy vault in case this happens. - not everyone has that kind of space tabs - but a great deal of them are still on several toons. i would also like a small opportunity to balance that a bit more.



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How many credits will for example Alliance Crates cost? Rank 6 Companion gifts? Green quality hilts/enhancements and such?


Without knowing what the things previously bought with commendations will costs in credits, we can't make an informed choice (well, unless we'd be over the 2mill mark.)


This. You need to give us cost of items in 5.0 such as listed above.

I see fleet comms not listed. Why? Also you need to list items soild by those venders that use fleet comms as well.


Also I would also remind F2P players of there credit cap or is this cap going to be removed temporally at the start of 5.0 to accommodate this conversation? Probably not but you need to state this clearly in post 1.

Edited by cloneofdax
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At this point I think eric is deliberatly screwing with people, testing how far he can go before people explode because of this ridiculous treatment.


He's just the messenger. The people you can't contact are the ones screwing with people.

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