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  1. Unfortunately there is a lot to test. and right now the set bonuses are not very good at all and the tactical s are not great at all. . They are no where near ready to release on the intended date. we dont know how the amplifiers are going to play into anything and that needs a lot of testing that i can speculate as well. also the few classes they have up on the test server , whether mains of those classes want to admit it or not, have such a damage power gap that it is worse than it is now, (sorc cough weak cough), . there was a lot that was not thought out when it comes to expanding play styles at all. lots of feed back on the forums but i DOUBT the devs take much into consideration, unless of course your a "influence". (laugh). most influencers have no clue what there talking about.
  2. Could not agree more my fellow sage/sorcerer. i prefer the class. i have made my disgust know to the devs via private message and open post. I could name everything wrong with the post about class balance that was sent from the combat team and the post about the healing changes . i have found that it does not matter. There are a lot of clueless (insert insult here) individuals that work on thsi game. i have stuck it out way to long. already canceled sub. been going to starter planets and giving away money to random players. That way the new player have can buy something nice on their way to the same realization i have about this game - well maybe (i have seen the "new" level of quality in the new players lately and WOW. This game may be for them. PS Will still come to the forums from time to time to get a good laugh at the changes that they keep instituting until i get tired of laughing. Take care fellow Sagers/Sorcerers
  3. HAHA so true...... They pretend no not see most thread requests over the last several years.
  4. WOW .... i already canceled my subscription and have had around 7 also do the same. im working on getting more to leave as well. I know they dont give a **** cause there happy with the ****** causal cartel blind morons who make up the majority of this game now - as they have worked towards/intended. Great job on loosing several more players who have stuck it out since day 1. im consolidating the money from the players who are canceling there subs and will be trading randomly to players on fleet tonight (still about 3 days left on my sub) roughly 930 million . congrats to the lucky individuals who are the recipients. I hope those of you veterans who choose to stay any longer find joy in the game still somehow.
  5. They dont. its clear that they are not smart enough to consider more than one line of thought when it comes to anything at a time, thing and they have proven that sooo many times. Without the ability to limit "tank" gear and "dps" gear to the appropriate spec and restricted only to its appropriate spec (ie tank/tank gear) this will never be resolved. Also without a valid reason or necessity for at "tank" in the majority of war-zones (outside of ranked 4/4 if chosen) , same, not be resolved. another reason why PVP must be different from PVE.
  6. Im sorry but Lightning should be prioritized over several of those listed. absolutely disappointed. i wish you the best Keith at fixing so many bad decisions in the game and welcome aboard. BUT i have subbed. Done with this game.
  7. Totally Agreed. Point taken. i have a great majority of WZ pass cons in my legacy vault in case this happens. - not everyone has that kind of space tabs - but a great deal of them are still on several toons. i would also like a small opportunity to balance that a bit more. Thanks
  8. Come on guys, did you expect to become billionaires with this????? You should have know that they would cap it....you think they did not take into consideration that they CANNOT just allow massive influx of credits to the server (controlled infusion). (dont mention gold farmers cause that is a non controlled method and that is not what we are talking about here). i have 35 toons that will net me 2 mill per = 70 million credits now multiplied by how many people on the server?. some have more toons. Im already a billionaire in game so no matter to me, but the fact is if you didnt expect a cap then you have not played this game in years and are just not thinking at all. i agree - i think we should be given compensation for all earned comms (i have thousands of WZ coms - PERIOD but i also understand and expected a CAP> . but compensation for coms is also the vendor items. if you can sell certain items on the GTN do it, if you can vendor to NPC do it, . Its done now we have to adjust to the injustice that is being done. NOTE: I get it ....... you thought you were going to be able to afford senyas lightsaber with the conversion money. My fault.
  9. AAAAAAHHHHH your cute. Not helpful or constructive at all, but cute. Its obvious by your reply's to other peoples post's that your just here to cause issues and can offer nothing meaningful to the conversation other than your wrong replies. Yes the mirror does show me who i am. i can admit it and work toward change because i have the capability to help change me and things. You do not however, which makes your way worse than me. But to quote a age old saying: ill still whoop your asss. lol Back on topic. Then
  10. Since your reply was not constructive or on point, ill just say your a moron. look for me on the battlefield kid..... Ill be the one whooping your ***. Expletive used X$%#. My post was on point and factual and was open minded on both sides. I am the change and ill be dropping it on you all day long boy!
  11. Ok here it is in a nutshell, note: I'm not a elitist but I'm good. i play good, i run with good players and solo. The bottom line after reading what has been said it there is a lot of stupid (expletive) being said. It goes both ways and EVERY one is to blame period. 1. If you don't listen to instructions (announcers, team mates, do your research like google and dulfy and all that, than you either don't care or expect everyone to help and guide you or even worse "carry you" or are arrogant and will figure it out as you go (how many of you still dont know the point of ODESSON PROVING GROUNDS????) . Dont expect anything from anyone. The guy who said he tends to skip these things ( we all do) but if you dont know what the goal is then dont skip stuff. YOUR fault. 2. Those more experienced players need to be more patient and teach more instead of ************. This is hard because teaching on the fly while playing is a pain in the azz. Teaching in the WZ should be done but still limited. This is what guilds and friends are really for. But to many dont want to be in guilds and they are not as helpful as they should be - CONQUEST headhunter morons. i have seen it shouted in guild chat at one time: "it does NOT matter if you know what your doing. Even if you loose you get conquest points." Good jobs guilds . 3. STOP waiting until 65 to do warzones. Start learning EARLIER>. 65 PVP is endgame pvp not really learning pvp. Some would argue Ranked is, and they would be right but so is 65 Regs. As already stated much more forgiving at lower tiers, even though the bracket gap still has some power gap issues. 4. If you going to que and do it, then try. i have heard as well from one guy that just stood there the hole match (lowbies) "i just got a full level for 6 mins of doing nothing" F-ing Moron plain and simple. Then theirs the issue of NOT knowing your toon. if you cant handle PVE cause you dont know your toon, then you certainly will not know your toon in PVP. (you may argue but that is why your dead all the time and only put out 100k damage in a long warzone.) There comes that time when you need to understand if you CAN do something or you CANT do something. Show respect - if you just cant do it, DONT do it. I get it - you pay your money so you can do what you want - ok, noted, my sentence still proves true. There is issues on both sides and the devs dont and cant balance the PVP so we all have to figure out how to put up with each other/
  12. POSSIBLE SOLUTION: So i ran into the same issue however i did get it to work. after i completed blood hunt and Rishi it updated and said i had master. But as you experienced it didn't update the eternal list. BUT i knew i had one more to complete. My friend who is doing it with me had the exact same issue. So we decided to finish the one we needed. We knew which one we needed cause we tracked it. Once we finished the one we needed it updated and completed again, properly. Im guessing that it is the Mannann 2/2 bug. Problem is not many people track which ones they have not completed. So im guessing you needed to complete one still. Just got to remember which one you didnt run. Including both imp and pub. PS> this is what fixed it for me and several other i know - confirmed. If it does not work for you does not mean my solution is still not valid. So if it dont keep you negative comments to yourself.
  13. +1 and +2 and+ many more to this. Thanks BIOWARE
  14. oh yea, there would have to be credit wagers, rewards and such. it would be a good distraction. Although they would probably ruin i with a CC market card that auto wins every 10 minutes or so . that be so BIOWARE.
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