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Everything posted by mefager

  1. thanks for the answer. another question if i may, will we be able to convert mk-9 kits and augs to mk-10 (at least at the start) or should i sell my spare mk-9 crap now?
  2. what about augmentations? will there be mk-10 or it will stay at mk-9?
  3. not necessarily, it is very possible the only way to get those things will be the command crates, it's not unllikely that stuff like the rank 6 companion gifts that used to cost crystals will now (instead of costing credits) will have their vendor removed and the only way to get them will be from command crates.
  4. well the only way for non subs to get end game gear, or even subs who want to have gear before starting to do end game content, would be crafted gear. so i'm guessing that was his point *shrugs*
  5. they could also just keep the gear along with the decor, it will no longer be end game gear anyway.
  6. well whatever the price is, it's better than stacking 500K credits, so i'm gonna spend my green crystals on rank 6 gifts, which i kinda did anyway, never saw any reason to spend common crystals on anything else
  7. oh it will happen for sure, that why i need to be fast as it stands, make sure you don't have over 40k PVP comms on a char, though if that char have PVE comms then even less than that.
  8. well look at it this way: 25 glowing crystals give you 25k creds, while you can spend 25 glowing crystals to buy the blue crafting material and sell it on the GTN for more (on my server it's about 50k per piece at the moment). another example, 10 PVP commendation buys you a warzone adrenal, chances are you can sell those for over 500 a piece (which is what the conversation will net you per 10 PVP comms). so my point being: it's in your best interest to spend your comms before 5.0 even if there was no 2mil cap, as you will make more money that way anyway.
  9. i'v seen it's been asked several times (and for good reason ) but due to it's importance i'll add to the pile of question on the subject: what about vendors who sell stuff for green data crystals? will the item be sold for credits with the same rate, different rate or not at all? for example, rank 6 gifts are sold for 30 crystals, will they now be 15,000 a piece (30x500=15,000), will green mods be 1,000 per piece (2x500=1,000)? thanks in advance for the answer.
  10. it the latest livestream ocured at the 30th of september, it has been shown the next cartel market packs will have combat only companions (no story) added to the game (as of the akk dog being shown). so i thought it would be nice to have a place to put our suggesting for what we want as combat companions. personally what i am hoping for ever since i saw that akk dog companion, is a gizka companion, because why the hell not?
  11. I think what it means is that while inside an instance related to KOTFE story they will be unlocked and cannot be used until we get them story wise, but we can summon them when outside of those instances doing whatever.
  12. so companions states scales now. good thing for people like me who don't want to bother gearing their companions or put the yavin gear and would prefer their companion's gear to look the way they want. however, as many have stated, there are those who would prefer to control their comp's gear. either because they don't like the states or because they want to put high rating gear on their companion after finishing gearing their own character. I would suggest adding a toggle button on companion sheet that allow to choose between gear stat or auto stat. at any rate to my question(s): now that all companions can be tank/DPS/heal will stats change based on the role you choose for them (as in, tank will defensive stats, DPS will have accuracy (100% hopefully) and heal alacrity along with power and surge for DPS and heal of course) or will there be the same stats for all 3 roles? while we on the subject of gearing, how will augmentation work in 4.0? will it be the same as it is now? and if so, will there be new rate of augs, MK-11 and such, or can we finally have the augs remaining the same for all lvls after reaching elder game, like the crystals? because (for me at least) putting augs to a char, is the most annoying process of elder game gearing and each new expension we have to do that al over again. and final question, if we are getting mk-11 for augs and such, can we at least not pay to implement the kits? as it is now mk-10 kit is 42k to put on armor multiply that by 14 it's 588k and that not inclouding acquiring the augs and kits. so yeah that be all. thanks in advance
  13. oooooooh! and a sedan chair carried by slaves! http://www.scientology-cult.com/images/stories/md/sedan-chair.jpg
  14. well personally I want a kybuck mount. the horse like creatures from kashyyyk http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Kybuck.
  15. you know for sure it is a 1:1 scale? I am hoping it will be 3:1 scale (since the cost of each ranked is 3 regulars), I have checked the forums and dev tracker, there is no mention of what ill happen to the ranked comm which is why I am asking here
  16. as you probably know, in 3.3 patch coming in the 21st of july, the ranked comms will be no more and we will only have regular warzone comms. thing is, and I haven't found any mention of it, what will happen to the ranked comms we had before 3.3? will they disappear? will they become regular comms? and if so by what scale? (as in how many regular comms you get per each ranked you had perior to 3.3). if anyone know the answer or can lead me to a source with the answer I wil apriciate it
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