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Commendation Conversions in Eternal Throne


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PVPers get comms just for participation they could afk every match and get rewarded if they wanted. Work harder PvEs actualy have to beat the instances and they can not stock pile coms because if they could there would be PvEers out there with 200k Crystals as well. Thanks for making my day had a good laugh. Pvpers work harder lol :D


No offense dude, but you seem to know nothing about PVP. Now as a guy who does both PVE and PVP, I can tell you that in PVP you can't afk without eventually getting kicked. So indeed you can suck, or even be annoying enough to afk and engage once per min (danger of getting reported there), but you will need to monitor the whole much anyway, so that you dont get kicked. As a result, when comparing the time a PVPer needs to cap comms to the time the PVEer needs, you see the PVPer spent much more time.


And when you said "they can not stock pile coms because if they could there would be PvEers out there with 200k Crystals as well" you just shot yourself in the leg. You said getting PVE comms is as fast as getting PVP comms and the only reason to the difference in number is the cap, on the difficulty o the work. So I indeed agree with this unintended statement of yours, and I also agree that the cap isn't fair for PVEers here. This is why conversion rate is in the PVE favor, though...

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Anything else see what developers just did? They intentionally withheld information about how the conversion of coms would work in 5.0 TILL AFTER they bound everything on our accounts. I am really, really, really trying to stay positive about this new expansion but every time you guys type up a golden post it makes me want to gag. It's hard as a player not to be extremely disappointed and depressed at this changes that are specifically targeted to **** me over just because I play a lot.


Are you guys trying to force out all the PvErs an PvPers out of your game? If that is your intent you are succeeding. I hope you all notice extremely disrespectful you are being to your community that pays for your game.


Look at it from our perspective:


We played your game and we got rewards for playing your game. Now you tell us with the new expansion our PvP currency (that we intentionally saved up) , instead of being converted to the new currency (command points) they will instead be converted to credits. Ok, I was pissed, I will admit it but I worked through my anger and told myself at least Ill get something out of the deal. Now you have locked our coms and then tell us that 90% of them will be worthless and will not be converted to anything. I am without words. This literally makes me sick that I spend money on this game and stream this to the public, where the developers intentionally *********** over their community time after time. You can imagine that it's hard not to be angry about this.


I'm asking you this in the nicest voice I am muster, please reconsider this.

Edited by kissingaiur
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PVPers get comms just for participation they could afk every match and get rewarded if they wanted. Work harder PvEs actualy have to beat the instances and they can not stock pile coms because if they could there would be PvEers out there with 200k Crystals as well. Thanks for making my day had a good laugh. Pvpers work harder lol :D


Oh yea, heroics are so hard- sometimes I even have to use something other than hail of bolts to kill mobs.

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regardless of the conversion you get credits. What is disgusting is the cap of 2 million credits. This after they increased the level cap on warzone commendations before this. Bioware you set this situation up and then further upset the player base. *** are you trying to do? Fine convert but I see no point in the credit cap..I really don't. And if you are hell bent on the credit cap why did you remove the legacy transfers, at least then players could have a easier time spreading their credits. It serves no real purpose..and just so the incoming trolls understand I am no were near a commendation level that I cant deal with this but I'm fairly certain there are other players in a bad place over this.


Simple solution BIOWARE, remove the cap limits!!!!!!!!!!!

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No offense dude, but you seem to know nothing about PVP. Now as a guy who does both PVE and PVP, I can tell you that in PVP you can't afk without eventually getting kicked. So indeed you can suck, or even be annoying enough to afk and engage once per min (danger of getting reported there), but you will need to monitor the whole much anyway, so that you dont get kicked. As a result, when comparing the time a PVPer needs to cap comms to the time the PVEer needs, you see the PVPer spent much more time.

And when you said "they can not stock pile coms because if they could there would be PvEers out there with 200k Crystals as well" you just shot yourself in the leg. You said getting PVE comms is as fast as getting PVP comms and the only reason to the difference in number is the cap, on the difficulty o the work. So I indeed agree with this unintended statement of yours, and I also agree that the cap isn't fair for PVEers here. This is why conversion rate is in the PVE favor, though...


The only reason a PvP'er would spend more time reaching com cap is because the cap is that much higher. In 2 hours you can do both the daily and the weekly in PvP and get 1200 coms from those two quests alone not to mention the individual wz grants. The max cap for Green crystals would be 1k and the others are 500. The PvPer may take longer to reach cap but only because that cap is 200 times higher. (Even then I'm not so sure given the meager awards for the PvE quests) The problem that seems to be everyone's main contention here is that the Dev's made a mistake and valued WZ coms at 50cr/com instead of the 8.75 cr/com that would make it equal footing between the two play styles. Leaving people feeling they have wasted effort. Personally I knew the moment they announced a 24hr window to transfer wz's, that there wouldn't be a com/crystal to command point exchange. Why announce a window like that if it would give some an advantage over others in the new system by stockpiling resources on main toons?

Edited by Sareeph
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Anything else see what developers just did? They intentionally withheld information about how the conversion of coms would work in 5.0 TILL AFTER they bound everything on our accounts. I am really, really, really trying to stay positive about this new expansion but every time you guys type up a golden post it makes me want to gag. It's hard as a player not to be extremely disappointed and depressed at this changes that are specifically targeted to **** me over just because I play a lot.


Are you guys trying to force out all the PvErs an PvPers out of your game? If that is your intent you are succeeding. I hope you all notice extremely disrespectful you are being to your community that pays for your game.


Look at it from our perspective:


We played your game and we got rewards for playing your game. Now you tell us with the new expansion our PvP currency (that we intentionally saved up) , instead of being converted to the new currency (command points) they will instead be converted to credits. Ok, I was pissed, I will admit it but I worked through my anger and told myself at least Ill get something out of the deal. Now you have locked our coms and then tell us that 90% of them will be worthless and will not be converted to anything. I am without words. This literally makes me sick that I spend money on this game and stream this to the public, where the developers intentionally *********** over their community time after time. You can imagine that it's hard not to be angry about this.


I'm asking you this in the nicest voice I am muster, please reconsider this.


^^ /5char

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Oh yea, heroics are so hard- sometimes I even have to use something other than hail of bolts to kill mobs.


Yes, and you would need to do 60 Heroics to get the same number of green crystals as you would the one PvP daily. Hardly equitable time here.

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Guys. Let's keep this thread on topic. The topic being that we're all getting hosed.


This really isn't the time to be arguing about who is getting the shortest short stick.


That's just it. Not everyone feels that coms/crystals to credits is being hosed. Now if this thread were about rng I would agree with you.

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That's just it. Not everyone feels that coms/crystals to credits is being hosed. Now if this thread were about rng I would agree with you.


We already knew they were going to credits. We just didn't know how disappointing the conversion rates would be and, much more importantly, that there would be a cap after we'd just been given about 20 hours of notice that our comms were going to bind to their respective characters.

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We already knew they were going to credits. We just didn't know how disappointing the conversion rates would be and, much more importantly, that there would be a cap after we'd just been given about 20 hours of notice that our comms were going to bind to their respective characters.


Yes, and everyone jumped at a perceived advantage on an assumption. Like I stated above, a few minutes reasoning vs. a hurried attempt at maximizing would possibly have given pause.

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Yes, and everyone jumped at a perceived advantage on an assumption. Like I stated above, a few minutes reasoning vs. a hurried attempt at maximizing would possibly have given pause.


You're correct, it was an assumption. It's b/c BW told us we had 24 hours before comms were permanently bound on a character. The correct "assumption" (prior to the announcement of the conversion, mind you - conversion rates they ALREADY knew but didn't tell us) was that it would be an "advantage" to transfer comms to your "main(s)" - we weren't given time to ponder myriad permutations of ways we could be screwed - we had to act right away. Had they said nothing, which they could have, no one would have done anything different. But it was obviously a ploy to wipe out value of comms for the most loyal and "grindy" players. A pointless pile-on to the already bs comm conversion.


Tl;dr - They're taking away our comms so of course we're going to do what's best to get max value. And they tricked us into wiping away a majority of the already minor value we would have gotten.


How can you even defend this?

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You're correct, it was an assumption. It's b/c BW told us we had 24 hours before comms were permanently bound on a character. The correct "assumption" (prior to the announcement of the conversion, mind you - conversion rates they ALREADY knew but didn't tell us) was that it would be an "advantage" to transfer comms to your "main(s)" - we weren't given time to ponder myriad permutations of ways we could be screwed - we had to act right away. Had they said nothing, which they could have, no one would have done anything different. But it was obviously a ploy to wipe out value of comms for the most loyal and "grindy" players. A pointless pile-on to the already bs comm conversion.


Tl;dr - They're taking away our comms so of course we're going to do what's best to get max value. And they tricked us into wiping away a majority of the already minor value we would have gotten.


How can you even defend this?


Because there are no correct assumptions. By definition an assumption is something accepted as true without proof. I don't believe that this was an attempt to screw anyone. As I posted earlier, the cap in my belief, was put in place to make it comparable for the differing play styles. Why should someone who plays one way have access to 10mil credits because of a 200k com cap, while the other has access to 1.75mil because of a 2k crystal cap?

Edited by Sareeph
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BS!!!! I have 150,000 WZ commendations and now you set the cap at 2,000,000 ... what a load of crap!!!


Then I find out you gave a 1 day notice!!!!


Correction: You didn't even get a 1 day notice about the incoming loss, since the cap was introduced only AFTER the comms became bound. 2 separate things happened here

1. We got a really short notice about comms getting bound without any idea what implications will this have as all we knew at the point was, that they were converted to credits (No info about the cap meant no info about pros or cons of moving the comms anywhere).

2. After comms got bound and we couldn't do anything about their location, they told us for the 1st time about the cap. Meaning, that even a player who sat near his pc (logged into the game and active) since we got the 1st warning about the incoming binding and until the 4.7.3 who made the binding, would get biowared and lose credits due to the cap, because he didn't find any reason to split the comms around. Not to mention the lot of players who couldn't, for any possible reason, log into the game in the 24h period before the binding, even if they could somehow foresee the need to split.


To make things even worse, here is a quote of myself in one of our site's forum (written before the cap came public):


It i really odd that they made a frequency bound just before they convert it to credits (which aren't bound, not even to legacy).


Don't forget that things are subjects for quick changes (gear granted for disp rather than advanced class, for example), so they might eventually decide wz comms become something else, or at least a little more (wz comms = valor + creds, maybe?). If they make such a change which will make their location matter, it will be after we can't move them and too late to make them movable before 5.0, so I would take precaution regardless.


Don't get biowared! 😉



As you can see I (and I can't be the only one), didn't lack imagination when thinking about odd changes bioware might suddenly and unpredictably make in the plans. But coincidentally I took it complete 180 degrees away from the REAL sudden, unpredictable change. And as a guy who followed my own advice (and whoever else that listened to me, unsuspecting, just as I was) I am going to suffer even more due to bioware giving warning and making changes in the wrong order... :w_evil:

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Because there are no correct assumptions. By definition an assumption is something accepted as true without proof. I don't believe that this was an attempt to screw anyone. As I posted earlier, the cap in my belief, was put in place to make it comparable for the differing play styles. Why should someone who plays one way have access to 10mil credits because of a 200k com cap, while the other has access to 1.75mil because of a 2k crystal cap?


Simple, because EVERY average PVE player has capped his comms and average PVP players don't have these kind of numbers of wz comms. In fact, I don't know if th average PVP player even has 35k comms, required to reach up to the PVE comm gain.


And if someone, and I don't care how many like him exist, did gain 200k wz comms, and tell you what, he also got capped on all PVE comms, because many players are people who ALSO do PVP, but do more things as well (yes, many good PVP players are hardcore raiders, I know more than 30 people like that myself), such a guy surely deserves the mere, not so high ammount of 11.75m creds.


In your comments so far you seem to compare PVP players to PVE player as if they were playing different games, connected by the gtn and currency only. While some people might have a problem with PVP, the majority of casual players can play PVP if they wont, and many "PVP player" can play PVE content. Therefore, it is not entirely unfair to give rewards to someone who played a content, and not give them to someone who didn't, and not all content should reward equally, since they are all open to all players who simply wanna play them.


(And if you disagree here, what would you say to a solo player who complains about not getting comms nearly as fast as PVE group players? He would nearly quote you: Why should someone who plays one way have access to <I am too tired to calc the right numbers here, lets make it X> credits because of a 2k com cap, while the other has access to <I am too tired to calc the right numbers here, much lower than X> because of a <around 1000 common crystals, and maybe few 10s on the rest of the crystals> crystal cap?")

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Because there are no correct assumptions. By definition an assumption is something accepted as true without proof. I don't believe that this was an attempt to screw anyone. As I posted earlier, the cap in my belief, was put in place to make it comparable for the differing play styles. Why should someone who plays one way have access to 10mil credits because of a 200k com cap, while the other has access to 1.75mil because of a 2k crystal cap?


No one is denying there was an assumption. You're just shadow boxing with that continued argument. In any event, you keep missing the point. One argument is about the cap generally. For the moment that's not the issue. You keep arguing about the validity of the cap generally but the point argued now is something else.


The other argument is about the 24 hour notice given to transfer comms. That was CLEARLY done for the sole purpose of limiting those who would otherwise get several million comms to just 2M so that the rest of their comms would be renderded useless. There is literally no defense for this. And it seems you agree that this was why it was done and so you agree it was done to "screw" those with lots of comms. They could have done something else (eg exchange vendor) for those who grinded hundreds of thousands of comms or NOT EVEN ANNOUNCED A 24 HOUR window.


Why do you keep defending this indefensible point?

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Simple, because EVERY average PVE player has capped his comms and average PVP players don't have these kind of numbers of wz comms.1 In fact, I don't know if th average PVP player even has 35k comms, required to reach up to the PVE comm gain.

2And if someone, and I don't care how many like him exist, did gain 200k wz comms, and tell you what, he also got capped on all PVE comms, because many players are people who ALSO do PVP, but do more things as well (yes, many good PVP players are hardcore raiders, I know more than 30 people like that myself),3 such a guy surely deserves the mere, not so high ammount of 11.75m creds.

In your comments so far you seem to compare PVP players to PVE player as if they were playing different games, connected by the gtn and currency only. While some people might have a problem with PVP, the majority of casual players can play PVP if they wont, and many "PVP player" can play PVE content. Therefore, it is not entirely unfair to give rewards to someone who played a content, and not give them to someone who didn't, and not all content should reward equally, since they are all open to all players who simply wanna play them.


(And if you disagree here, what would you say to a solo player who complains about not getting comms nearly as fast as PVE group players? He would nearly quote you: Why should someone who plays one way have access to <I am too tired to calc the right numbers here, lets make it X> credits because of a 2k com cap, while the other has access to <I am too tired to calc the right numbers here, much lower than X> because of a <around 1000 common crystals, and maybe few 10s on the rest of the crystals> crystal cap?")


1 You don't know. Fine


2 Whether someone was good at one thing or another or even both was never in contention. I merely stated that my belief was the cap was put in place to even the fields between playing styles.


3 The devs put the amount of the cap in place, not I. It's possible they see something wrong with having 11.75 mil credits possible on many toons. I certainly can.

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No one is denying there was an assumption. You're just shadow boxing with that continued argument. In any event, you keep missing the point. One argument is about the cap generally. For the moment that's not the issue. You keep arguing about the validity of the cap generally but the point argued now is something else.


The other argument is about the 24 hour notice given to transfer comms. That was CLEARLY done for the sole purpose of limiting those who would otherwise get several million comms to just 2M so that the rest of their comms would be renderded useless. There is literally no defense for this. And it seems you agree that this was why it was done and so you agree it was done to "screw" those with lots of comms. They could have done something else (eg exchange vendor) for those who grinded hundreds of thousands of comms or NOT EVEN ANNOUNCED A 24 HOUR window.


Why do you keep defending this indefensible point?


I don't agree. I don't see the Dev's purposely trying to screw one group over. You are trying to misquote me in support of your belief that you were purposely misled. I will tell you that if someone said I had 24 hours to move my stock around, I certainly wouldn't put all my money in one stock. I would diversify to safeguard against a loss.

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I don't agree. I don't see the Dev's purposely trying to screw one group over. You are trying to misquote me in support of your belief that you were purposely misled. I will tell you that if someone said I had 24 hours to move my stock around, I certainly wouldn't put all my money in one stock. I would diversify to safeguard against a loss.


I'll try once more, then I give up. Why make ANY announcement about 24 hours at all? Why, if not to intentionally disrupt the status quo (which is leaving comms where they are)?

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I'll try once more, then I give up. Why make ANY announcement about 24 hours at all? Why, if not to intentionally disrupt the status quo (which is leaving comms where they are)?


And I will try it once more. If someone gave me 24 hours to move assets, I see this as a warning to NOT put all my eggs in one basket. To safeguard against loss. So would most investors in the world. You however saw a chance at greater gain which goes against conventional wisdom. People who take chances without knowing the facts can win big or lose big. Sorry for your loss.

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Correction: You didn't even get a 1 day notice about the incoming loss, since the cap was introduced only AFTER the comms became bound. 2 separate things happened here

1. We got a really short notice about comms getting bound without any idea what implications will this have as all we knew at the point was, that they were converted to credits (No info about the cap meant no info about pros or cons of moving the comms anywhere).

2. After comms got bound and we couldn't do anything about their location, they told us for the 1st time about the cap. Meaning, that even a player who sat near his pc (logged into the game and active) since we got the 1st warning about the incoming binding and until the 4.7.3 who made the binding, would get biowared and lose credits due to the cap, because he didn't find any reason to split the comms around. Not to mention the lot of players who couldn't, for any possible reason, log into the game in the 24h period before the binding, even if they could somehow foresee the need to split.


To make things even worse, here is a quote of myself in one of our site's forum (written before the cap came public):


It i really odd that they made a frequency bound just before they convert it to credits (which aren't bound, not even to legacy).


Don't forget that things are subjects for quick changes (gear granted for disp rather than advanced class, for example), so they might eventually decide wz comms become something else, or at least a little more (wz comms = valor + creds, maybe?). If they make such a change which will make their location matter, it will be after we can't move them and too late to make them movable before 5.0, so I would take precaution regardless.


Don't get biowared! 😉



As you can see I (and I can't be the only one), didn't lack imagination when thinking about odd changes bioware might suddenly and unpredictably make in the plans. But coincidentally I took it complete 180 degrees away from the REAL sudden, unpredictable change. And as a guy who followed my own advice (and whoever else that listened to me, unsuspecting, just as I was) I am going to suffer even more due to bioware giving warning and making changes in the wrong order... :w_evil:


Couldn't agree more.... Like Roman Moroni said: “I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of Bioware: You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching game was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic gamers like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes... like yourselves.”

Edited by TekSevein
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