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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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Problem solved. But then you run into issues where que times may be MUCH MUCH longer. And the fact that everyone is bolistered up to a higher level stats and HP means a level 12 can kill a level 50. But not well in 1v1 for sure, the 50 will have better gear and better stats all around but still gives a "chance". I've seen level 12's top DPS and get 10+ death blows. Pretty damn good with level 50s in there with them..


Or even have an option to que in a higher level que if you WANT to or lower level ones only for you QQers. :)

Edited by ShaggNasty
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pvp warzones really sucks, they say it's balanced.


I hope to god BW doesn't balance this game based on WZs. WZs are ad hoc instances with artificial buffs, problematic game mechanics and garbage group makeups. They are also an area where Carebears mainly PvP for PvE purposes. Props to the level 50s for trolling the WZs and weeding out the weak that think they are actually PvPing.


even Aions pvp is better.


You are comparing Aion's open world PvP to WZs? lawl


Get a clue. Open World PvP in SWTOR is actually very different from WZs and a total blast. The fights I find Open World are much better, more competitive, more fun, and usually are with on-level opponents.


Thing is, most peeps don't know how to really PvP and thus don't know how to find open world fights. They are so lazy and PvP challenged that they resort to clicking a queue button for their ad hoc PvP and then QQ endlessly about the results when they get wtfpwn'd.

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Levels 10 - 20



Levels 21-30



Levels 31 - 40



Levels 41-50


Problem solved. But then you run into issues where que times may be MUCH MUCH longer. And the fact that everyone is bolistered up to a higher level stats and HP means a level 12 can kill a level 50. But not well in 1v1 for sure, the 50 will have better gear and better stats all around but still gives a "chance". I've seen level 12's top DPS and get 10+ death blows. Pretty damn good with level 50s in there with them..


Or even have an option to que in a higher level que if you WANT to or lower level ones only for you QQers. :)


This may work

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honestly i feel that its harder to get kills as lvl 50 then it was when i was a lowbie


lowbies are carried by the bolster so i dont understand this whinefest


maybe you are just bad ?


Carried by bolster?



Bolstered doesn't effect gear and ranks of abilities. If you're not getting kills as a 50 against some random lowbies-if you can't manage to do 12k damage at 50-then you're just crap at playing.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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50s need their own bracket. Everyone else is fine. Yes there are going to be times when you get a bunch of 3x and 4x against a bunch of 1x and 2x but it happens so rarely that I wouldn't worry too much about it and it is still possible to overcome with good teamwork. Bolster system is an amazing idea and allows me to play with friends that haven't leveled as fast or join the game late.
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barely comprehensible long-winded whine


the problem isn't with the level 50's. if you can't kill something you need to grind, level up, get better gear and get back on the horse man. they shouldn't change the whole game to suit your frustration.

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No, life and actual work is quite a bit different than RNG. In life, you can work towards a goal, minimize risk and have a reasonable certainty that with time and effort, you can achieve that goal. Work isn’t just about investing time and hoping for luck, it’s about working intelligently towards a goal. For example, you could spend 18-25 going to Med School, or 18-25 working retail 60 hours a week, the former being a more intelligent way to spend that time that will eventually yield better results. This is why working 10 hours as a Heart Surgeon nets you more money than working 80 hours as a grocery store clerk.


The PvP champion gear system rewards luck and working unintelligently towards a goal. The thing is you could reward players who invest epic amounts of time into PvP, while eliminating the frustration of RNG by creating a certain high token turn in for PvP armor. For example, I'd personally rather pay 600 Mercenary commendations for a Certain piece of level PvP gear then 200 Mercenary commendations for a chance at the same. Both require alot of work and time, but the later more intelligently works towards the eventual goal.


lol if u invest large amounts of time towards champion gear, you negate rng. what u prefer is not what is in place. dump loads of time and effort into it and you'll get what u want out of. The couple of 50s in my guild that have been farming warzones for cahmpion gear are roughly 8 of 12 pieces and its taken about 3 days. doesnt seem like much time to me. and with 3 of them doing it across 24 pieces of gear, id say its not really luck either.


Everyone and there sense of immediate entitlement. no one wants to put in the effort to be better....i guess its more "fun" to QQ on the forums about it than play a warzone to get comms for your gear.

Edited by heinywb
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I may be late to the party, but I kind of want some form of balancing across teams.


I may not be the best at PvP, but I put up decent numbers. But that generally means jack all, when my team. Two level 10's, me at 19, and the rest in the 20's, with highest being a 29 healer... go up against a team whose only lowest is 17; while everyone else is 40 and up...


That's where my problem is.


I can rush in, and start swinging; full party traipsing in behind me; but that means jack all when every single person has at least 3 more stuns than me.

Edited by BourbonDingo
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Bioware has said multiple times that we 50s will get our own bracket. They said they are just waiting until there are enough of us. The last I saw them state this was during the Best Buy Dev chat during Early Access.


Yes, as things stand, it's incredibly unfair. The gear difference is enormous. The only time my stats were remotely close to that of bolstered players was when I just turned 50. At this point, my weapon damage is almost twice theirs and if you combine the damage increase and decrease due to Expertise, in any 1 v 1 situation against a non-50, there's going to be an almost 20% base damage differential before even taking into account my having twice their weapon damage.


I'm thinking we'll see them soon. Every day, more and more people are hitting 50, and I think a large chunk of the playerbase is hitting 50 between this and next week.


Worst case scenario, they wait the full month before introducing them. That's my guess. On my server, they could probably introduce them now. We'd end up fighting many of the same people over and over again, but at this point I already recognize most of the people I see in a Warzone anyways (thank goodness for no cross-server queues; love being able to actually know my enemies/allies).

Edited by revial
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I know some people will constantly try to live in that state of denial believing bolster helps, but gear helps tremendously. A non 50 trying to wail against a 50 with expertise gear on (and yes, you can get blue expertise gear at 50 on your capitol world) is a brick wall that just refuses to get chipped.


As a self geared level 36 balance shadow with cybertech and a full set of orange, I have no trouble killing 50's in warzones.




This game doesn't have near the stupid imbalances that Rift had in pvp. If you put any effort at all into gearing your character as you level, you'll still be very competitive with bolster.

Edited by Vember
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Another post. Level 50 beat me so it must be because they are a level 50.


Please lrn2play or stop crying.


there is nothing wrong.


I do agree a bracket for level 50s to play without bolster would be nice.


But the system is fine. just be better.

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the problem isn't with the level 50's. if you can't kill something you need to grind, level up, get better gear and get back on the horse man. they shouldn't change the whole game to suit your frustration.




If your having trouble killing 50's, play better. I have little problems killing a 50 as a 41 IA.

I get tired of people saying the game is too hard, or this needs to be nerfed.. its just that most players are not as good as they think they are and are missing a very easy solution to the fight. Maybe use more CC, interupt the heal they are trying to get off, stun them ect.


Every class has an arsenal of tools to use against other players.


Once more people are capped then yes add a 50 only bracket. If you do it now, 50's will be in 20 min queues for a WZ.

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PvP feels pretty even to me, I'm only level 21 and I've had quite a bit of success, usually top 3 for damage output. Level 50's aren't unkillable and if you know how to play you class, regardless of level, its not all that difficult. Add's to the challenge and I don't want any game I play to be easy.
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If your having trouble killing 50's, play better. I have little problems killing a 50 as a 41 IA.

I get tired of people saying the game is too hard, or this needs to be nerfed.. its just that most players are not as good as they think they are and are missing a very easy solution to the fight. Maybe use more CC, interupt the heal they are trying to get off, stun them ect.


Every class has an arsenal of tools to use against other players.


Once more people are capped then yes add a 50 only bracket. If you do it now, 50's will be in 20 min queues for a WZ.


So basically you don't want an even bracket because it's faster to get in by killing noobs.


Maybe 15's don't want to get ***** by 40's. Yes yes, at 50 blah blah blah... but there is still 49 levels of content they included for a reason, dismissing it is a disservice to anyone not in your range.


Why don't they just eliminate all levels then since the game only matters at 50?

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Topped many leaderboards below 50, it's not hard, it requires skill and a positive mindset.


It's a rarity it seems.




Really now? So if we put you against a level 50 powertech who has pvp gear and give you a level 11 toon, you're saying that you could beat him?


He would bend you over and make you cry.

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Really now? So if we put you against a level 50 powertech who has pvp gear and give you a level 11 toon, you're saying that you could beat him?


He would bend you over and make you cry.


hahaha +1, shake your ***** this pissing contest is over. 50's need there own bracket, saying that you dont proves how much you suck at pvp to have to face palm a bunch of players 20 and 30 levels lower then you.

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Agreed, the only ones that can basicly kill a 50, is another 50


as a level 32 vanguard i really dont understand this...i killed level 50's in BG's several times tbh and no not trolling just the truth. Have to admitit took a while since my dmg isn't great as a tank.


but yes i agree on the fact 50's need their own bracket. Just to be sure everyone is in fair play. I hear more ppl about the mixed brackets and not being able to kill a 50. As a tank offcourse i get dmg reducting skills so that might work in my benefit aswell.


As it stands , i am neutral on this point but i feel 50's should have their own brackets , since we have enough 50's to get a pop pretty fast.

Edited by DarthQube
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hahaha +1, shake your ***** this pissing contest is over. 50's need there own bracket, saying that you dont proves how much you suck at pvp to have to face palm a bunch of players 20 and 30 levels lower then you.


literacy is so underrated. its been stated already but im sure u wont read this and just post ur nonsense....50 only brackets are coming. just need more 50s first.

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Normally I don't post and ***** around on MMO-Boards: But yeah .... **** this PVP, after getting facerolled by lvl50 groups for hours now I cannot contain myself anylonger. It's a *********** joke.


As it is right now people are being punished for having a life besides gaming.

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literacy is so underrated. its been stated already but im sure u wont read this and just post ur nonsense....50 only brackets are coming. just need more 50s first.


Even if 50 brackets weren't coming, eventually the gaming population will lean toward that level in warzones. I'm 50 and have been seeing more and more people mid 30s or higher. I have a life. I took a single week off work to get to 50. I did all world arcs (except some bonus missions). I've pvp'd to only valor rank 23. I actually listened to almost all the dialog, too. My guild has cleared Kragga's palace and cleared 4/5 EV. We just started raiding last night.


Those of you that queue for pvp below level 25 are bolstered to competitive health and damage. What you lack are talents and skills against the level 50. They're still killable. You'll fare even better as you continue to improve your own character's level, talents, and gear. Level 30 something concealment operatives routinely can kill my level 50 sniper if they sneak up on me and proceed to stunlock me (which is only one or two moves for them).


Enjoy your pvp experience. You're going to see more and more 50s on your team in the next few days. You're going to get better, too. Eventually you won't see the 50s and then will complain about the 40s...then the 30s...then the 20s... Games little over a week old. Give it a little time to "normalize" the pvp population.

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I have a life. I took a single week off work to get to 50. I did all world arcs (except some bonus missions). I've pvp'd to only valor rank 23. I actually listened to almost all the dialog, too. My guild has cleared Kragga's palace and cleared 4/5 EV. We just started raiding last night.


Don't take it personal, but taking off a week to get to lvl 50 in an online game ... well, I'd use my holidays differently. Also, no one cares why you guys are at lvl 50, that's your thing, we only complain about the fact that we have to fight against you. So we're being punished because we either don't have or we don't take the time to play so much.


And no, you cannot competete with lvl 50s, especially if there are 3 or 4 of them on the opposing team and the average level of your team is aroung 20-25. I can't take people serious who are actually believing the current bolstering system works, it's just Biowares try to cover up the huge flaws in the system. Just because you can kill one lvl 50, maybe even with the help of someone else, doesn't mean they're no friggn machines on the battlefield, especially if the person playing the char knows what he's doing.


I'm lvl 32 right now and I can also easily roll over lvl 1x, they're absolutely no competition in a 1on1. Of course there are ALWAYS exceptions, as we all know not everyone has the same standard and skill, so a few exceptions against weak players don't change the overall experience.


PVP is absolutely no fun right now because it is hugely influenced by the average team lvl.


I have no idea who came up with the idea of putting everyone in the same bracket. So if people think they have to reach lvl 50 in a week or something, that's not the problem of 9x% of the population, just leave them waiting in the queue till us people reach lvl 50 as well.


As I mentioned, right now in EVERY match there are 2-4 lvl 50 on the opposing teams, while we don't even have people around lvl 40, most of them are in the 20ies. It's unplayable that way.



I also hate it when people take the stats page to determinate the eveness of the bolstering. Sorry, but these stats have absolutely NOTHING to say. I'm also always on top of the stats, in amost every section, but I'm very aware of the fact that other people have a larger influence on the outcome of the battle than me. I'm basically just sniping and running, so lots of kills, damage, heals and almost zero deaths and quite a load of objective points (though I don't know where they're coming from). But that doesn't mean im superior to the other players, I'm just playing more for the show effect. (Also i HATE dying)

Edited by Schreckofant
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