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Warzone Commendation Grants in 4.7.3


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This is the plan currently... All of the purely cosmetic items you can buy for PvP Commendations will still be in the game but purchasable for the prior Ranked Season tokens. We chose to do this over credits so that these cosmetic items would remain for PvPers. The Warzone consumables will now be purchasable for credits. The PvP tier gear and their vendors will be removed from the game with 5.0.


Hope that answers your question!




There is next to no ranked PvP on my server, there are simply not enough people queuing for it. So that basically means it would be very time consuming to obtain them in the future, whereas now you only need about 2 matches for one item, which can be done on one evening (and without annoying "serious PvPers").


Doesn't sound like a reasonable change to me... why not granting tokens for the PvP daily or weekly, similar to the Eternal Championship, which can be exchanged for the items? Or are the daily and weekly quests also removed?


And what about the color crystals (red-black etc.)? Are they "cosmetic items" or "weapon modifications" and therefore still purchasable for credits? The former, I assume?

Edited by Cruxa
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This is the plan currently... All of the purely cosmetic items you can buy for PvP Commendations will still be in the game but purchasable for the prior Ranked Season tokens. We chose to do this over credits so that these cosmetic items would remain for PvPers. The Warzone consumables will now be purchasable for credits. The PvP tier gear and their vendors will be removed from the game with 5.0.


Hope that answers your question!




Let me get this strait. All pvp rewards that everyone who pvps can buy with their coms will be converted to ranked only? So the only reward regular pvpers will have left after 5.0 will be points towards Command ranks? Guess I'd better spend my coms now while I can still get decorations. Since you are royally screwing regs, could you at least put 8v8 into ranked since ranked is getting everything?

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Waitaminit, let me get this straight: The current PvP cosmetic items (low level weapons in particular) that are sold for WZ coms will be sold instead for RANKED TOKENS? In effect, becoming rewards for ranked PvP instead of regular PvP? :mad:


I am very unhappy about this, as I am not into PvP, and would certainly never do ranked, but there are some weapons on the PvP vendor that are really nice.


Also, I am very disappointed that WZ coms will be converted to credits. I have plenty of credits, and I can get them doing things other than PvP. As someone that is quite bad at PvP and does it rarely, I valued WZ coms for the unique rewards they could get me. Credits, while nice, are nothing special. Not to mention concerns about inflation, and non-subs being easily pushed over the (too low IMHO) credit cap.


I sincerely hope that Bioware will reconsider this; as it is, I can't help but feel these changes, combined with the lack of notice, are being done with ill intent and utter disregard for the wishes of the players.

Edited by Gwena
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This is the plan currently... All of the purely cosmetic items you can buy for PvP Commendations will still be in the game but purchasable for the prior Ranked Season tokens. We chose to do this over credits so that these cosmetic items would remain for PvPers. The Warzone consumables will now be purchasable for credits. The PvP tier gear and their vendors will be removed from the game with 5.0.


Hope that answers your question!



Wouldn't just putting a reasonable Valor level requirement on the items do the trick of keeping them PVP exclusive, instead of suddenly making participation in Ranked PVP the requirement?

Edited by DarthDymond
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Wouldn't just putting a reasonable Valor level requirement on the items do the trick of keeping them PVP exclusive, instead of suddenly making participation in Ranked[/] PVP the requirement?


I agree with this.


Please don't lock rewards that are currently available for regular PvP locked behind ranked PvP. This is such a frustrating change.

Edited by Solbeck
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Or making valor requirement on those weapons themselves. And decorations.


Sure, but I imagine that might be more difficult since it'd require them to edit every single weapon and decoration sold by those vendors. If they can lock vendors out via valor, like they can for other methods, it'd accomplish the same goal (more or less) while only requiring them to edit a few vendors as opposed to every item sold by those vendors.


Requiring Valor 50, though, is ridiculous and would be nearly just as bad as the ranked tokens. That's not at all proportional to the time investment required currently (900 comms takes a couple Warzones and the daily). I'd put it at around 5. That's enough to get somebody to try a Warzone, would certainly have gotten them the comms to get whatever they were wanting from those vendors pre-5.0, but it's not so much that it'd be absurd for somebody who doesn't regularly PVP.


You also have to consider that this is per character since, apart from the decorations, those items are BoP. You can't transfer these items between your legacy so making the gate that high is unreasonable, especially when you consider the previous time investment required to get those items and the unavailability of a lot of the models in moddable form now that a lot of the old one time rewards have been completely removed.

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Yeah, these guys sell some pretty nice weapon shells.


Any word what's going to happen to them Eric, or should I rush them for the unique cosmetic weapons they sell tonight?


~ Eudoxia


I am looking at them right now and deciding. Also looking at the fleet and pvp decorations vendors. Will probably hit up the crystal deco vendor as well just to be safe.

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I hope my mercenary commendations have been forgotten and cause a "does not compute" error that takes the server offline. That would be more of a reward than credits in a hyperinflated game economy. Convert the comms to command points would've been better, as well as pve crystals. A salute to your veterans of both game types and a meaningful reward for our patronage.


I guess the days of gearing our Alts in pvp are over- and I know I certainly won't be playing more than a character or two this expansion because of it.


Agree and disagree. You can basically just buy a full set of non-set piece gear (or craft it yourself) for any extra toons and if you find you're using them frequently, grind out the set bonuses. In fact, you can probably just pull mods out of the duplicate gear you get on your main to make a set for alts that is just missing set bonus. Which I realize is not ideal, but more than sufficient if you just want to play regs on a different class without having a huge gear gap.

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Agree and disagree. You can basically just buy a full set of non-set piece gear (or craft it yourself) for any extra toons and if you find you're using them frequently, grind out the set bonuses. In fact, you can probably just pull mods out of the duplicate gear you get on your main to make a set for alts that is just missing set bonus. Which I realize is not ideal, but more than sufficient if you just want to play regs on a different class without having a huge gear gap.


Depends on the availability of the crafting mats, but, yeah, worst-case scenario is you only have to buy armor plates and can move enhancements and mods from the duplicate item drops. Unless you have to have a GC level to use the mods, not just get the mods. Then you have to grind per-alt. I'm OK with that, but I can see why others wouldn't be.

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This is the plan currently... All of the purely cosmetic items you can buy for PvP Commendations will still be in the game but purchasable for the prior Ranked Season tokens. We chose to do this over credits so that these cosmetic items would remain for PvPers. The Warzone consumables will now be purchasable for credits. The PvP tier gear and their vendors will be removed from the game with 5.0.


Hope that answers your question!




I'm guessing we are talking about two different things (ranked vs regular rewards), but just to clarify


Currently there is a vendor who sells decorations for regular (not ranked) pvp commendations. Come 5.0 will that vendor sell those items for credits or now be raised to require ranked pvp commendations?

Edited by Jamtas
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If they can lock vendors out via valor, like they can for other methods,


They can? I dont know of any vendor that is locked by character progression. There are only 4 vendors in game that are locked. But they access account info, not char progress. Pre-order crystal vendor, Security Key vendor, VIP vendor and Collector's edition one.


Requiring Valor 50, though, is ridiculous and would be nearly just as bad as the ranked tokens. That's not at all proportional to the time investment required currently (900 comms takes a couple Warzones and the daily). I'd put it at around 5. That's enough to get somebody to try a Warzone, would certainly have gotten them the comms to get whatever they were wanting from those vendors pre-5.0, but it's not so much that it'd be absurd for somebody who doesn't regularly PVP.


But 5 is way too low. They said that they want them available for pvpers. Fine. But level 5 valor? Its 3 warzones.

While i agree, that 50 is indeed way too high, there should be some effort at least. 15 for weapons and 10 for decos for example is enough effort, and not that hard.

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  • Dev Post
...are you for real? You want to remove the vendors that sell moddable sabers and blasters instead of converting them to be purchasable by credits? I am not about the regular PVP vendors that sell PVP gear. I am not talking about the ranked season vendors. I am talking about the weapons vendors standing next to the PVP terminals that sell moddable weapons without stats for 900 WZ commendations. Some of these weapon models are no longer available as moddable in this game, besides these vendors.


Sorry, my post may have been unclear. The items you are describing, the moddable sabers and blasters, are cosmetic items. Therefore they are remaining in the game and can be purchased still after 5.0 for prior Season Ranked Tokens (S7 in this case).



Edited by EricMusco
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They can? I dont know of any vendor that is locked by character progression. There are only 4 vendors in game that are locked. But they access account info, not char progress. Pre-order crystal vendor, Security Key vendor, VIP vendor and Collector's edition one.




But 5 is way too low. They said that they want them available for pvpers. Fine. But level 5 valor? Its 3 warzones.

While i agree, that 50 is indeed way too high, there should be some effort at least. 15 for weapons and 10 for decos for example is enough effort, and not that hard.


The vendor itself might be accessible, but the items she sells can be gated behind Valor the same way Reputation, Light / Dark rating, Social Level, or Character Levels do .


Deciding whether the Valor requirement should be 5, 50, or somewhere in between is fine-tuning issue, it'd just be nice to get BW on that track, because whatever Valor level they pick would be better than suddenly gating it behind Ranked Season Tokens.

Edited by DarthDymond
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  • Dev Post
Please let us know what happens to those grants that are currently in Legacy Banks.


After tomorrow, they will bind to the character that removes them. I am not sure at this moment what will happen to them with 5.0, but I will get you that answer.



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Please reconsider this. There are some weapon models at the moment that are only available in moddable form via the PVP vendors. Currently, having them tied to WZ comms gives a reasonable path to get those items for players that aren't "serious PVPers" via playing regular WZs, which also gives players exposure to the game's PVP and could get some players hooked on it. Locking them behind ranked tokens will gate them behind ranked PVP which will discourage most non "serious PVPers" from even trying for them since that would require qualifying for and getting involved with ranked PVP which isn't fair to the actual players that take ranked PVP seriously.


I don't know if there's necessarily a better solution for this if WZ commendations are 100% going away but this solution is a big step backwards in my opinion made even worse by the lack of outfit designer functionality with weapons. Please find a better way to do this. Whether it be making the vendors require a small valor ranking or something, making all of these items gated behind ranked PVP is a bad move.


I agree. If these weapons are sold for ranked tokens, I don't know what will be left to draw people into PvP who aren't inclined to it otherwise.


For example, I'm a single-player RPG player who's here for the story and hardly did any PvP until recently. I guess those orange weapons have been around for a long time, but I just noticed them within the last month or so. (That shows you how much of a non-PvPer I am - I never really even looked at the vendors.)


Anyway, that was my motivation to start doing PvP consistently, after playing the game since launch. And I've been doing it on a lot of different characters, because all the different weapon types are there. And, I like the old-school visual designs of them.


So, yeah, if not for those weapons being accessible to PvP beginners, I would have had no motivation to try it.

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Sorry, my post may have been unclear. The items you are describing, the moddable sabers and blasters, are cosmetic items. Therefore they are remaining in the game and can be purchased still after 5.0 for prior Season Ranked Tokens (S7 in this case).




Sorry Eric, but this is not only unreasonable, this is unacceptable.

Add a low valor requirement to those items, but don't make them rewards for ranked. Those were nice modable weapons you could use early on on a pvp toon, If you make them exclusive for chars that do ranked, you can just as well remove them from game.


What about the decorations (WZ comms only) and the pets (valor 70 requirement)?

If I start today I might get my valor 58 pet collector to valor 70 just in time...

Edited by Mubrak
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Sorry, my post may have been unclear. The items you are describing, the moddable sabers and blasters, are cosmetic items. Therefore they are remaining in the game and can be purchased still after 5.0 for prior Season Ranked Tokens (S7 in this case).




This is still terrible, Eric. These weapons have been available for purchase since 1.0, for the same amount of commendations. Why would you put them behind a ranked wall now? Leave them be!

Edited by BenKatarn
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Sorry, my post may have been unclear. The items you are describing, the moddable sabers and blasters, are cosmetic items. Therefore they are remaining in the game and can be purchased still after 5.0 for prior Season Ranked Tokens (S7 in this case).




So now instead of just converting the cost of them from Warzone Commendations to credits, players will have to participate in Ranked PvP? That makes no sense.

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Here come a different kind of beast when 5.0 hits..since everything is going to credits..the gold farmers gonna spam the living hell out of general chat..Eric i hope you have some plan in place to deal with this fiasco..cause i don't want my mailbox filled up with 100's of spam from gold farmers..


we all in the gaming community can agree that it will come to this after 5.0 hits..actually give us a good pay out on wz comms conversion..to stop people from buying credits via the gold farmers..

Edited by Xertasian
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They can? I dont know of any vendor that is locked by character progression. There are only 4 vendors in game that are locked. But they access account info, not char progress. Pre-order crystal vendor, Security Key vendor, VIP vendor and Collector's edition one.


I don't know if they can, thus the if. I don't know how much of a difference it'd be from the other vendors you mentioned there (which were the ones I was thinking of) but if it's something they can do I imagine it'd be easier than editing every item on the vendors to add a valor requirement. Not to mention the possibility of that requirement being retroactive if it's on the items themselves which could potentially cause even more problems. If they can't do that, then adding it to the items themselves would also do the job albeit with other potential issues added on.


But 5 is way too low. They said that they want them available for pvpers. Fine. But level 5 valor? Its 3 warzones.

While i agree, that 50 is indeed way too high, there should be some effort at least. 15 for weapons and 10 for decos for example is enough effort, and not that hard.


Why is 5 too low? Again, look at how much time is needed now to get these items. 5 Warzones will get you 900 Warzone comms just off the weekly, which is enough to buy one of the weapons. So 3 Warzones is about right. They're all mainhand bound so there's no buying a mainhand and offhand for the same character and they're all BoP so there's no buying one on X character to send to Y character. So why make it more than three times as time consuming to get these items? Who does that benefit? Valor 5 matches up almost exactly with what's needed to get the comms to buy these items and there's no real reason to go any higher than that.


Exclusivity to PVP is the only one I could think of and that's a bit misleading considering most of these items are only unavailable in moddable form outside of PVP because the moddable versions from other sources were removed. Take, for example, the Shrouded Knight's Blade, which used to be obtainable via the Revan FP arc as the Lifesaver's Lightblade but was removed when 4.0 dropped making the Shrouded Knight's Blade the only moddable version of that lightsaber in the game. There's no reason to continue making these weapons harder to obtain. The PVP requirement is fine, but make it proportional to the current cost/time investment required for the items.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Here come a different kind of beast when 5.0 hits..since everything is going to credits..the gold farmers gonna spam the living hell out of general chat..Eric i hope you have some plan in place to deal with this fiasco..cause i don't want my mailbox filled up with 100's of spam from gold farmers..


we all in the gaming community can agree that it will come to this after 5.0 hits..actually give us a good pay out on wz comms conversion..to stop people from buying credits via the gold farmers..


Oh god, ya, this will be horrible. Also, what are we going to do with credits? Buy cosmetic items, gifts and green consumables? Yay? I guess I will just go on a shopping spree, log in all my characters tonight to transfer my wz comms.

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