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Are we ever go back to empire vs republic story?


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Because I loved agent storyline, I loved the characters in it, but now its all about Ethernet Empire and its son/daughter arcann / vaylin. Don't get me wrong, I also like KOTFE story, honestly I think its the best expansion BW ever

developed, but part of me still go back to base game where empire and republic at war against each other,

I loved the watcher two and my keeper and the ending, I also think its now impossible to return to base game

story because KOTFE changed so many things :(

Edited by ShieldProtection
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Maybe after the Eternal Empire's been deal with, the Republic and Empire will go back to their Eternal Conflict. Because the Lore the game is based on would follow so.


As for the game? Maybe, maybe not. *shakes Magic Eight Ball*


"My sources say no." Wait! Still spinning! "Cannot predict now." Blast.

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Because I loved agent storyline, I loved the characters in it, but now its all about Ethernet Empire and its son/daughter arcann / vaylin. Don't get me wrong, I also like KOTFE story, honestly I think its the best expansion BW ever

developed, but part of me still go back to base game where empire and republic at war against each other,

I loved the watcher two and my keeper and the ending, I also think its now impossible to return to base game

story because KOTFE changed so many things :(


Maybe next time the story will be about the 9600 Modem Empire :)

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Because I loved agent storyline, I loved the characters in it, but now its all about Ethernet Empire and its son/daughter arcann / vaylin. Don't get me wrong, I also like KOTFE story, honestly I think its the best expansion BW ever

developed, but part of me still go back to base game where empire and republic at war against each other,

I loved the watcher two and my keeper and the ending, I also think its now impossible to return to base game

story because KOTFE changed so many things :(


Hard to say. In my opinion, we could be headed towards three factions. Though it's entirely possible we could go factionless in 5.0. In my wet dreams, BW would go three factions with new classes and specs for this new Eternal Empire faction. (oh yeah and new operations related to Eternal Empire)

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After FE, how could they?


Three choices- Rule the Eternal Empire (but don't because someone Pub/Imp will steal it. Maybe Saresh/Acina) -Make Zakuul and Eternal Empire join Republic/Empire thus making your throne useless - destroy the Eternal Throne. And then go back fighting Imp/Republic as the Could-HAve-Been Emperor/Emperess?

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I figure KoTFE is part of a trilogy; and a middle trilogy at that.


The original prologue and first three chapters were the first trilogy; Makeb was sorta like Rogue One... it is a filler movie that doesn't belong to a trilogy itself.


Forged Alliances was a step into figuring out a solo movie could become a trilogy, and that is what SoR/Ziost mutated into... an intro arc.


KoTFE is the first of the next trilogy of stories: wherein the new Alliance is formed.

---Which means we still have "wherein the Alliance barely survives"


---"Wherein the Alliance Triumps!!!!" ahead

For this trilogy arc.


Here's the thing about trilogies: the first one establishes were you are, the second one messes with the status quo, and the third one returns for the brutal shakedown. Trilogies of trilogies also do the same; so, KotFE/KoTET/KoKSM (Knights of Killing the Smoke Monster) are that exact middle episode bit wherein the rules get a twist, and you get a throw back, but you still carry through.


That last trilogy, though, will probably see the Pubs and Imps go at it. It is fairly inevitable, after all... neither of those groups like the other one, and will inevitably betray each other when they think that the Eternal Folks are no longer a challenge/are already handled.

You saw that at Ziost.

Those players are still in power, if fewer, on the Pub side. The Imps are down to one Empress... but their entire culture is set to betray (so, yes, even if Acina 100% loves you and dusts around your ship, her followers will stick dynamite in your exhaust ports... and I don't see an Empress dusting the Gravestone/your factional ship).


TL;DR version: I figure we will, but not until KoTET and the follow-up series finishes the trilogy of story-arcs for the Eternal Empire.

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I figure KoTFE is part of a trilogy; and a middle trilogy at that.


The original prologue and first three chapters were the first trilogy; Makeb was sorta like Rogue One... it is a filler movie that doesn't belong to a trilogy itself.


Forged Alliances was a step into figuring out a solo movie could become a trilogy, and that is what SoR/Ziost mutated into... an intro arc.


KoTFE is the first of the next trilogy of stories: wherein the new Alliance is formed.

---Which means we still have "wherein the Alliance barely survives"


---"Wherein the Alliance Triumps!!!!" ahead

For this trilogy arc.


Here's the thing about trilogies: the first one establishes were you are, the second one messes with the status quo, and the third one returns for the brutal shakedown.......


I think you are on to something here. :)

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Thanks for all replies


Only thing I hope whatever happens, is we able to skip entire Ethernel empire (and Ethernel throne) story if devs decide to continue to empire vs republic story, because I certainly do not want to complete full chapters to reach free-roam state. That takes time and there's skytroopers in every corner

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Three choices- Rule the Eternal Empire (but don't because someone Pub/Imp will steal it. Maybe Saresh/Acina) -Make Zakuul and Eternal Empire join Republic/Empire thus making your throne useless - destroy the Eternal Throne. And then go back fighting Imp/Republic as the Could-HAve-Been Emperor/Emperess?

With the companions we now have and the whole Odessan base, there's zero chance we'll ever see a return to what we began as.

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With the companions we now have and the whole Odessan base, there's zero chance we'll ever see a return to what we began as.


I can see us getting back to imperial vs republic, but the 8 stories won't happen again like 1-50. Much smaller team (info on that available through various press releases over the years) and budget now (speculation, but hard to believe that initial budget to develop game vs current budget could be debated - but this is the internet so...) to make that possible.


Removal of more expensive voice actors and costs for having all the original companions come back and voice things also a guess. We could see some of the comps we are waiting on die in the story (not optional) next go around to remove them from future costs. Now that all companions can be whatever role, this is an easier thing to deal with if killing mako doesn't mean that the BH no longer has a healer. And with the additional companions we won't have a shortage to run missions.



Marr did mention so many have to die. Wonder if that will be removal of many KOTFE recruited companions and original companions. So far, I'd say Vik, Skadge, Xalek, Kaliyo, Jorgan, Rusk, Broommark could be out of future development plans since they all have options to be killed therefore no longer being available to 100% of playerbase. (denied companions still exist so no certainty there) Any companion that can be killed moving forward probably doesn't have a place in the game's story anymore. The one size fits all development is what I'd base that theory on. Too much branching required.


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I can see us getting back to imperial vs republic, but the 8 stories won't happen again like 1-50. Much smaller team (info on that available through various press releases over the years) and budget now (speculation, but hard to believe that initial budget to develop game vs current budget could be debated - but this is the internet so...) to make that possible.


Removal of more expensive voice actors and costs for having all the original companions come back and voice things also a guess. We could see some of the comps we are waiting on die in the story (not optional) next go around to remove them from future costs. Now that all companions can be whatever role, this is an easier thing to deal with if killing mako doesn't mean that the BH no longer has a healer. And with the additional companions we won't have a shortage to run missions.



Marr did mention so many have to die. Wonder if that will be removal of many KOTFE recruited companions and original companions. So far, I'd say Vik, Skadge, Xalek, Kaliyo, Jorgan, Rusk, Broommark could be out of future development plans since they all have options to be killed therefore no longer being available to 100% of playerbase. (denied companions still exist so no certainty there) Any companion that can be killed moving forward probably doesn't have a place in the game's story anymore. The one size fits all development is what I'd base that theory on. Too much branching required.

I admire your optimism...I just don't think there's any way to bring it back now that we have locations like Yavin and Odessan. It simply wouldn't make sense for Imps/Pubs to be working together in those locations while still being at war.

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I'm rather intrigued by the LucasArts consultation mention that was in the KotFE credits. I wonder if KotFE/KotET/KotFC (final chapter) is a realignment with the new Disney canon.


The "problem" with Empire vs. Republic is that hard factioning doesn't work very well in MMO's. If there's a population issue that screws up the queues for one or both factions. If there's a population imbalance that messes up PvP. While this might be a way for Austin to make the game more faction agnostic I'd be shocked if they have the resources available to refactor the engine to support it.

Edited by PlasmaJohn
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I'd imagine after the Zakuul madness ends it'll go back to what Rep v Emp. They are technically still fighting, the Alliance isn't a part of either of them. There is a line in there where it says Arcann doesn't care if they still fight, as long as he gets his tribute.


I think once the Eternal Empire thing ends, regardless of how, you'll just go back to being for whatever side you were and go back to fighting the other guys.

Edited by GelstonJ
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I'm rather intrigued by the LucasArts consultation mention that was in the KotFE credits. I wonder if KotFE/KotET/KotFC (final chapter) is a realignment with the new Disney canon.


And after the Final Chapter would that be lights out on this MMO?

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"Consequences schmonsequences as long as I'm rich"


Holy cow... Arcann is Daffy Duck :eek:


His lisp didn't give that away already? It was quite clever, he almost hid his true identity. But was there for all to see. He would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for us meddling kids. I just realized, the gravestone is the mystery machine.

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The cooperation of both factions is a succeed and everyone's celebrating.

"Good job, guys. Now that our common enemy is dead, what now?"

"Uhm... we have been able to get along without too much complications. How about we try to solve our former issues in a normal way, this time. You know like in a 'lesson learnt" retrospective view"

"Or, how about we just continue our war like nothing happened before. This way, nobody will be surprised if our current or future leaders decide to turn insane all of sudden."



"Okay, deal."


But to be honest, it wouln't be too surreal if the alliance gets dissolved at some point. Either faction just need to launch a surprise attack or some plot-of-the-day and the clash's there again. Even in WoW a common enemy hasn't stopped Alliance and Horde to suddenly turn happy-go-lucky. IIRC there were only a few key figures who chose to cooperate.

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There's two reasons why not:


1: Bioware would rather create one long story than two stories half as long. Sure, it's an oversimplification, but creating one story just lets them make the story longer and more intricate, allowing for more impactful player decisions.


Stop laughing. It's still true.


2: They have eyes. WoW has never been a paragon of good storytelling, but the Faction War story is just, just awful for an MMORPG... because either it's a perpetual stalemate (which is dull for everyone) or half the players get pissed because THEIR preferred faction is losing the war.


Tension between the factions is one thing. It works great if there's a cold war type situation going on: Both sides not willing to start open warfare, because neither can afford or risk it, but engage in proxy wars and the like, squabbling over areas on the fringe while occasionally dealing with a BIG threat that threatens both sides, and that every player is okay with seeing lose.


That's why the KOTFE time jump was, honestly, a good idea. It allowed Bioware to reset the board to the Cold War state, with a big bad that everyone wants to get rid of...


...even if there's still some squabbling on the sidelines going on.


Now they just need to create a better story than KOTFE had >_>.

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Not sure. Short term probably not. Long term maybe. Alliances formed during war time often brake down when there's no longer a common enemy. So yes Republic vs Empire can easily be done once the present storyline finishes if BW chose to do that. I think the issue would be what to do with the companions, not the conflict between Republic & Empire if that was to return. I do agree with some others that even if Republic vs Empire was to return, it would still be a single story continuing the outlanders story/adventure which ever class that is. Edited by DreadtechSavant
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I sure Hope so. the Knights story is a ..nice diversion however; This is a Star Wars game, That's why most, most of these people came here. Republic/Empire/Civilians and all that. BW has left so many unfinished stories, not complete sets in the market and story lines that just Stop in the middle of ongoing issues. More Planets, Bases, moons and other that live in lore, FP's or one time only instead of "Finishing The story, Game as what was intended to begin with and we're all left in the middle wondering when the rest is coming. They couldn't add to what the people like/want (Those are clearly defined in the Forums BTW). or finish the loose ends in what was already here. or extend/enlarge the game in its supposed direction (Star Wars, remember). What they did was drop the ball on everything in the game already and start a story nobody wanted or asked for that isn't even in the Star Wars Lore. I have no idea at all where this left field idea came from although I am sure I was looking for Star Wars when I found this site.
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