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Well, Now I've Seen It First Hand - Guardians Are Severely Messed Up


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"For the record" I tanked Taral V at level 34 as a Vigilence Specced DPS class in DPS gear changing only to have a shield generator in the off hand (which I actually normally run with due to PvP)


No you didn't... Vigilance spec is a DPS tree on a tanking AC, so you still have all the tanking tools. Don't kid yourself... when you put on a shield generator and switched to Soresu form, you swapped to tank, spec or not.


Besides, that's not really my point. There are (apparently) two major complaints about Guardian tanking... one, that they take too much damage, and two, that they can't hold threat. The first is clearly ridiculous... Guardian is a dodge/parry tank, you just need to get levels and gear. I was explaining that the second is just as ridiculous. If I can hold threat against fairly good dps 6 and 8 levels higher than me in an instance that I slightly underlevel, there is no excuse for the myriad of complaints showing up here about a leveling Guardian's threat.

Edited by Iridor
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My guardian is a flat out beast in PvP. If I can get a healer with me, I can keep an entire 8 man team from clicking an objective long enough for help to arrive.


This. Have done and continue to do so every night.


No you didn't... Vigilance spec is a DPS tree on a tanking AC, so you still have all the tanking tools. Don't kid yourself... when you put on a shield generator and switched to Soresu form, you swapped to tank, spec or not.


I also currently tank in a Vigilance spec using a shield generator and Soresu and have zero problems, in fact I think it's pretty fair to say I take more damage mitigation from Vigilance than I do full Defence when spec'd properly anyway.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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And I don't want to be insulting to the poster that is taking too much damage but you are either not upgrading armor or not in Soresu form. Have had zero problems with too much damage.


Not true.


When I get in game later, I'll post my stats just for giggles, and maybe we can compare. Maybe I'm missing something somewhere fro the mitigation.


This post is really baffling in some ways because literally, half are saying that I suck and am doing something wrong, and the other half agrees with what I posted.


I'll be damned if we're not going to get to the bottom of this!

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Sounds like some on the complainers on here are mo used to "easy-mode" tanking as seen in WoW. I've played a tank in WoW and it's so pathetically easy to tank in that game that i grew bored and started hating the game. SWTOR on the other hand Makes you work for it and earn the threat. Its definitely a challenge and i enjoy it. I don;t always succeed nor do I always fail at it. All it is is a learning process you just have to find the right rotations that suit you, communicate with your group, use the proper CC and most importantly utilize your interupts. So if you are getting shown up by another class of a lower level, well suck it up put on your big boy pants and learn how to better yourself so you don't get shown up again, simple solution.


What is it with you people and talking about "putting on big boy pants"?


I've tanked in EQ and WoW. I fully understand building and maintaining threat, setting attack priorities, using abilities to maximize the ability for you to fulfill your role as a tank.


My issue is MITIGATION. *taps the microphone


Is this thing on?


Instead of coming here with "put on your big boy shoes", try coming in with some valid input. I never really had any issues until I hit 39, so if you've never played a JG up to that point, you're talking out of your *****.

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Ok here's what I have currently, I switched around some absorb, stuff for more def + shield to test it out, but this is what I am rolling with right now in Soresu form with self buff:


Level 39


HP's - 10300

Armor Rating - 4845

Damage Reduction - 42.04%

Defense Chance - 17.70%

Shield Chance - 30.07

Shield Absorb - 21.97


I've been enquiring about Defense Chance and it seems most at or few above my level are within 1-2% of where I am. I feel like this should be higher for JG's, but apparently, it is what it is.

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I have no idea why people are whinging that Guardians are broken. If you play the class to the skills they have, you can tank, hold aggro and reduce damage taken.




Dude, other classes can do better with less effort. Ever seen a commando tank? AE right in the mob group and GG for him. He wont lose aggro anymore.

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I'm lvl 37 guardian. I really haven't seen issues. If you think you can jump mobs like your a pally in ICC...then yeah your gonna feel gimped.


With CC and group coordination I have no issues. I have 9500hp right now and it goes down pretty slow and that's with no CDs present.


Make sure you are sundering and using riptose whenever its off cd. Those should be spammed. The target I'm on, my dps can not pull from me. If you lose a add, save your taunt for that, don't use it to pick up the mob at start or your doing it wrong. But in all actuality those that wanna play like a WOW paladin and the people that think the tank is a WOW paladin, well those groups seem to have the most problems. I know...I used to play one lol. And people expect me to be like one in this game. The biggest issue I see is dps being completely void and clueless of the aspects and mechanics of the game.


The trees are not set directions or they would be pointless. Even Bioware has stated this. Full defense tree and hybrid def/vig have been the most successful. If threat is your main issue time to take a peak at the wonderful Vig tree....hell, in vig tree you can get a focus free sweep!


And don't forget your stims and the bonus from trinkets (artifacts i think <_<)

Edited by WarheartZero
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I am going to call you a liar.


Guys, i'm not sure what your problems are. There are Guardians out there laying WASTE to the competition, or at the very least being competitive.


I've posted this elsewhere, and found it extremely useful myself, check out Nyan:






End Game Guardian - wrecking face.

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And its also a well known Fact that Guardians arnt real good AoE tanks. It's like Warriors in WoW in Vanilla and TBC. They just couldnt AoE tank, but if you let your group wait till you get a Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash in, You should be fine. That's all there is to it
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Ever consider the fact that Gaurdians may rely on gear moreso than Shadows and than after they gear up they become superior tanks (especially for bosses)?


I can't argue this. Any MMO I ever played, the tanks are heavily dependent on gear, which is why MT's in raids usually get first dibs on tank gear.


A better geared tank makes the entire raid go smoother. (Assuming he knows how to tank)

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I am going to call you a liar.


Why, because he's capable of doing what you can't?

I have no problems with Guardian, frankly a buff we take right now will just make me even meaner in PVP and if people just grasped that holding aggro with a Guardian isn't about AOE spam to make up for the failings of the DPS in groups then they'd be much better off for it.


As for mitigation, that's a gear issue and just learning to use your cool downs.


I'm sorry, but if some of us can make it work and others can't then I'm having trouble seeing how that's the failing of the class or those of us that make it work.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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Why the constant comparison between PVE builds and PVP builds, PVE survivability and PVP survivability? They are completely different scenario's.


I don't pvp, I don't care about pvp, so stop bringing it into this equation. That's not what my original post was for.

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...but if you let your group wait till you get a Force Sweep and Cyclone Slash in, You should be fine. That's all there is to it


GASP!!! :eek:


You mean dps and heals should wait till you grab agro and get situated before unloading their CDs and going active during the fight?????????


How dare you suggest people break from the zerg fest (ICC anyone) that people were trained to do for the last few years. How dare you even suggest that this game requires people to work as a team and do their roles??


How dare you, good sir.

Edited by skinthinner
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You would think, in a game with no DPS meters, that the DPSers would just go in easy and turn it up as the fight goes on, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.


It's no secret that the dps make it even harder then it needs to be to hold threat. It's been like that in almost every MMO. Apparently you can't teach an old dog, new tricks.

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Both my central lower bars are hotkeyed, as well ast 5 more buttons on one of the side bars, that's 25 total hotkeyes that I can reach. I actually enjoy having this many options though compared to other specs/classes it seems a bit much.


For refference I use the following scheme:


1,2,3,4,5,6, S+1, S+2, S+3, S+4, S+5, ` (Main Bar)

R, T, F, G, X, C, V, s+V, s+A, A, D, s+ D (Lower Bar)

s+R, s+T, s+F, s+G, s+B (Left Bar)


That, is quite confuzzling. Top bar for me is the F keys, lower bar is 1 through =. Left bar is Shift+1 through =. Right bar is num 1 through 0 and alt+- and = to call my speeder and quicktravel

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